Peter Grandich: Building Your Ark with Gold and Junior Gold Stocks as a Great Speculation

Natural Resource Stocks
20 Apr 202430:57

TLDRPeter Grandich discusses the importance of investing in gold and junior gold stocks as a hedge against economic uncertainties. He highlights the strength of metals like gold, silver, and copper, emphasizing the increasing global demand for these resources. Grandich addresses concerns such as the national debt, the retirement crisis, and the impact of the BRICS nations on the US economy. He also shares his views on the potential for inflation, the unsustainable cost of living, and the political paralysis that could exacerbate these issues. Grandich stresses the significance of capital preservation over appreciation in the current climate and advocates for a diversified investment strategy that includes gold as a tier one investment.


  • 📈 The strength of metals like gold, silver, and copper is significant as the world's demand for these metals is higher than ever, making them a great speculation opportunity.
  • 💰 The U.S. national debt is a pressing issue, with concerns over the ability to service interest payments in the future, leading to potential economic challenges.
  • 👴 An aging population and retirement crisis are looming, with many Americans living paycheck to paycheck and facing the reality of working longer due to insufficient retirement savings.
  • 🌐 The rise of the BRICS nations poses a significant challenge to the United States' global economic dominance and the primacy of the U.S. dollar in international trade.
  • 🏦 There is a growing need for physical gold as a store of value and as a potential future medium of exchange, especially as countries like China accumulate gold reserves.
  • 📉 The bear market for gold stocks, particularly junior gold stocks, may be over, with signs of market recovery and increased investor interest.
  • 💔 The sentiment around gold stocks has been negative, but this could be a bullish indicator, as experienced investors are showing discouragement, often a sign of a market bottom.
  • 🌱 The shift in physical gold trading from traditional centers like London to Asia signifies a change in the market dynamics, potentially leading to a more accurate valuation of gold.
  • 🚗 The demand for metals will continue to grow due to the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and the increased need for electricity and infrastructure to support technologies like AI.
  • 🌿 The immigration crisis and potential civil unrest, fueled by economic pressures and the strain on social services, add to the list of challenges that could affect economic stability.
  • 🏛 Political paralysis and the inability of major parties to work together effectively to address pressing issues is a concern for the future of the U.S. economy.

Q & A

  • What are the signs of strength in the metals market as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The transcript mentions that metals, including gold, silver, and copper, are showing strength, which is significant because it counters the notion that these commodities may have become obsolete. The demand for metals is higher than ever, and finding new reserves has become more challenging.

  • What is the current situation with the national debt in the United States according to the speaker?

    -The speaker expresses concern over the U.S. national debt, stating that it has grown to a point where servicing the interest payments is in question. The government is spending twice the amount it takes in each month, and there is a lack of political will to address the issue. The Congressional Budget Office has projected a debt of 54 trillion in less than 10 years.

  • How does the speaker perceive the current state of inflation?

    -The speaker believes that inflation is a significant issue and is likely to continue. He criticizes the Federal Reserve's target of 2% inflation and suggests that the true rate of inflation is much higher, possibly triple the reported amount. He anticipates that governments will try to inflate their way out of deflation or depression.

  • What is the aging retirement crisis and how does it impact the economy?

    -The aging retirement crisis refers to the growing number of retirees and the insufficient workforce to support them financially through social security and other benefits. The speaker highlights that many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck with no significant wage increases to allow for sufficient retirement savings. This will likely result in people having to work longer and a strain on social systems.

  • What is the significance of the BRICS countries in the global economy and how do they relate to gold?

    -The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are seen as a formidable economic bloc that is reshaping world trade. The speaker notes that China, in particular, has been a significant buyer of gold, anticipating a future where the U.S. dollar may face competition or may no longer be the sole reserve currency. The BRICS' growing influence is expected to impact the value and trading of gold.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the future of gold stocks, especially junior gold stocks?

    -The speaker suggests that the bear market for gold stocks, particularly junior gold stocks, may be over. He cites signs of strength in the metals market, increased interest in private placements for junior mining companies, and a general washout of shares which could indicate a potential for growth in the sector.

  • What are the five key issues the speaker believes will necessitate building a 'financial ark'?

    -The five key issues are: 1) The national debt crisis in America, 2) The aging retirement crisis, 3) The immigration crisis, 4) The rise and influence of the BRICS countries, and 5) Political paralysis and the inability of the two major U.S. political parties to work together to address these issues.

  • Why does the speaker believe that the physical trading of gold moving away from London and the U.S. has been beneficial for gold's valuation?

    -The speaker believes that the shift in physical gold trading to Asia has allowed gold to be more representatively priced, as it moves away from the paper market in London and the U.S., which he suggests had artificially suppressed gold's value.

  • What is the speaker's view on the role of metals in the future, especially considering the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and artificial intelligence (AI)?

    -The speaker asserts that despite some predictions to the contrary, the demand for metals will continue to be significant, especially with the rise of electric vehicles and the increased need for electricity and infrastructure to support AI technologies.

  • How does the speaker recommend individuals start building their 'financial ark'?

    -The speaker recommends a conservative approach focusing on capital preservation over capital appreciation. He advises living within one's means, avoiding excessive borrowing, and considering gold as a tier one investment to diversify portfolios.

  • What is the speaker's perspective on the current state of civil unrest and political polarization in the United States?

    -The speaker is concerned about the potential for civil unrest due to tensions between migrants and the local population, as well as the growing political polarization. He fears that the current political climate may not be able to address crises effectively due to the lack of bipartisan cooperation.



📈 Strength in Metals and Growing Debt Concerns

The speaker discusses the strong performance of metals like gold, silver, and copper, which are needed more than ever. He contrasts this with the growing concern over national debt, which is becoming unsustainable. The U.S. government is spending twice as much as it takes in each month, leading to multi-trillion dollar yearly deficits. The Congressional Budget Office has projected a 54 trillion debt in less than a decade, which could make servicing the interest on the debt problematic. The speaker also touches on the lack of political will to address these issues and the potential for increased concern among the public as the situation becomes more widely recognized.


👴 Aging Population and Inflationary Pressures

The paragraph focuses on the aging population and its impact on the economy. The speaker highlights that 65% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, with little ability to save for retirement. He predicts that people will have to work longer due to insufficient savings. The discussion also covers the retirement crisis, where there aren't enough new entrants to the workforce to support the aging population. The speaker also mentions the situation in Canada, where the government has passed laws to allow financially struggling elderly to end their lives, which he finds deeply disturbing. He concludes by emphasizing the pervasive nature of inflation, affecting all areas of life, and the potential for governments to inflate their way out of deflation or depression.


💰 Wealth Transfer and the Rise of BRICS

The speaker addresses the upcoming wealth transfer from the baby boomer generation to younger individuals and the political implications of this shift. He discusses the power dynamics influenced by wealth and anticipates a crisis as the aging population requires more medical spending. The paragraph also delves into the rise of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and their potential to disrupt global trade and the dominance of the U.S. dollar. The speaker expresses concern over the U.S.'s waning influence as BRICS nations, particularly China, increase their economic power and amass gold to solidify their financial strength.


🌐 Shift in Gold Trading and the Undervalued Gold Market

The speaker talks about the shift of physical gold trading from London and the U.S. to Asia and how this has affected the valuation of gold. He believes that the BRICS nations, particularly China, have played a significant role in the recent performance of gold. The speaker also discusses the undervaluation of gold stocks, especially junior gold stocks, and provides his insights on why he thinks the bear market for these stocks is over. He mentions positive signs such as increased interest in private placements for junior mining companies and a technical rebound in the market.


🚗 The Impact of EVs, AI, and the Need for Metals

The speaker discusses the ongoing impact of electric vehicles (EVs) and artificial intelligence (AI) on the demand for metals. He suggests that although the EV story may not meet the initial hype, it will still be significant and contribute to the need for more electricity and metals. The speaker also highlights the lack of infrastructure to support the increased demand for power and the importance of metals in this context. He concludes by expressing optimism for the metals market and mining shares, suggesting that they are poised for growth.


🌉 Political Paralysis and the Economic Ramifications

The speaker outlines additional concerns including immigration and the potential for civil unrest due to perceived unfair distribution of resources. He also discusses the lack of political cooperation between parties in the U.S. and the growing divide within each party. The speaker suggests that this political paralysis will hinder the government's ability to address the various crises, such as the aging population and immigration. He emphasizes the importance of financial preparedness, advocating for a conservative approach to preserve capital and suggesting that individuals should live within their means and prepare for potential economic downturns.


📢 Utilizing Modern Communication Platforms

The speaker reflects on the changes in communication methods over the past 30 years, highlighting the shift from traditional newsletters to instant updates through social media platforms like Twitter. He mentions his active presence on Twitter and having a YouTube channel for interviews and sharing his views. The speaker appreciates the immediacy of these platforms, allowing for rapid dissemination of information to clients and the public.




Gold is a precious metal that is often viewed as a safe investment or a hedge against inflation. In the video, gold is discussed as a critical component of building a financial 'ark' due to its strength as an investment and its historical role as a store of value. The speaker mentions gold's performance and its importance in the face of economic uncertainties.

💡Junior Gold Stocks

Junior gold stocks refer to shares in smaller, often newer mining companies that are involved in the exploration and development of gold deposits. The script discusses these stocks as a great speculation and part of the strategy for building a financial 'ark,' suggesting that despite past challenges, there are positive signs for their future.


Debt, particularly national debt, is a significant theme in the video. The speaker expresses concern over the growing debt in America, which he sees as a major economic challenge. The discussion highlights the government's spending habits and the potential inability to service interest payments in the future.


Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and subsequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling. The video suggests that inflation is a significant issue, with the speaker arguing that the reported inflation rates may not reflect the true cost of living increases that people are experiencing.

💡Retirement Crisis

The retirement crisis refers to the potential inability of a society to support its aging population due to factors such as insufficient savings, inadequate pension systems, and a lack of younger workers to support social security systems. The video discusses this as a looming problem that could exacerbate economic and social challenges.

💡Aging Society

An aging society is one with an increasing proportion of older individuals relative to younger ones. The video touches on the implications of this demographic shift, including the strain on healthcare systems and the potential for reduced economic growth and productivity.


BRICS is an acronym for five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. In the video, the speaker discusses the growing influence of BRICS countries on the global stage and their potential impact on the United States' economic dominance, particularly in terms of trade and the use of the US dollar.


Metals, including gold, silver, and copper, are commodities that are vital to the world's economy, particularly for industrial and technological applications. The script emphasizes the increasing demand for metals and the challenges of finding new deposits, positioning them as a key investment area.

💡Interest Rates

Interest rates are the cost of borrowing money and are a significant factor in economic policy. The video discusses the potential for interest rates to remain high or increase, which could impact debt servicing and the overall economy, including the performance of gold and other investments.

💡EV (Electric Vehicles)

Electric vehicles (EVs) are automobiles that run on electric power rather than fossil fuels. The script mentions the EV market as an area that, despite some predictions of a slowdown, continues to grow and will require significant amounts of metals for batteries and infrastructure, thus impacting the demand for these resources.

💡AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The video script briefly mentions AI and its growing demand for electricity, which in turn requires metals for infrastructure and grid expansion.


Metals, including gold, silver, and copper, are showing strength, indicating their continued importance and demand despite some skepticism.

The difficulty in finding new metal deposits and the shrinking of safe areas for mining is emphasized, highlighting the preciousness of existing resources.

Peter Grandich discusses the challenges of building a financial 'ark' in response to national debt and the retirement crisis.

The U.S. government's spending habits are a cause for concern, with expenditures outpacing income and contributing to a growing debt problem.

Grandich warns that the current debt situation may lead to an inability to service interest payments in the near future.

The Congressional Budget Office's recent increase in debt projections to 54 trillion underscores the severity of the financial situation.

Inflation is seen as a likely outcome due to the 'inflation genie' being out, with the potential for a worldwide depression to reverse the trend.

The discussion touches on the aging population and retirement crisis, with many Americans living paycheck to paycheck and facing an uncertain financial future.

The impact of the BRICS nations on the global economy and trade is highlighted, with a potential shift away from the U.S. dollar in international transactions.

China's significant gold purchases are seen as a strategic move to solidify its position as a global economic leader.

The rise in gold prices is partially attributed to the BRICS nations' influence and the shift of physical gold trading to Asia.

Grandich expresses optimism for the future of gold stocks, particularly junior gold stocks, despite past challenges in the sector.

The need for metals in the expansion of AI and EV technologies is emphasized, suggesting a continued demand for these resources.

Private placements for junior mining companies are showing signs of increased investment, indicating a potential upswing in the sector.

The importance of diversifying investments with gold as a tier one investment is stressed, alongside stocks and bonds.

Grandich shares his strategy for building a financial 'ark', emphasizing capital preservation and a more conservative approach to investments.

The potential for civil unrest related to immigration and economic disparities is discussed as a concern for the future.

The current political paralysis and inability of major parties to work together is highlighted as a significant risk for the U.S.

Grandich's contact information and social media presence are shared for those interested in following his insights and investment strategies.