Photo Editing & Manipulation made EASY! - Luminar AI

Peter McKinnon
22 Dec 202014:22

TLDRPeter McKinnon introduces viewers to Luminar AI, a photo editing software that simplifies the editing process with AI-driven features. In the video, he explores various tools such as sky replacement, composition adjustments, and the removal of unwanted elements from photos. McKinnon also delves into portrait editing, highlighting features like face slimming, eye color change, and skin retouching. He appreciates the software's ease of use for beginners and its time-saving benefits for professionals. While noting the potential risks of over-editing, he concludes that Luminar AI is a valuable addition to any photographer's toolkit, offering quick and efficient editing options.


  • ЁЯОе Peter McKinnon introduces Luminar AI as a photo editing software that he has never used before, making the video an experiment for both him and the audience.
  • ЁЯФН The software utilizes AI to suggest editing options for a photo, such as 'Blockbuster' and 'Big Screen', making the editing process more intuitive.
  • ЁЯМД Luminar AI features a 'Sky Replacement' tool that has garnered much attention, allowing users to easily change the sky in their photos.
  • ЁЯЦМ The 'Erase' tool is straightforward, enabling users to paint over unwanted elements in a photo for quick removal.
  • ЁЯУИ 'Smart Contrast' and 'Enhance Sky' are among the many sliders that go beyond basic adjustments, providing more nuanced control over photo editing.
  • ЁЯСБя╕П The 'Portrait' section offers AI-driven tools for detailed facial editing, including eye color change and skin retouching, without the need for manual masking.
  • ЁЯМИ The software provides a variety of presets for quick stylization, catering to users who want a fast and easy way to enhance their photos.
  • ЁЯЫая╕П For professionals, Luminar AI can be used as a plugin for Photoshop and Lightroom, integrating its features into existing workflows.
  • тП▒я╕П The software is praised for its time-saving capabilities, especially for those who are not deeply familiar with photo editing but want to achieve good results quickly.
  • ЁЯЪА Peter expresses both admiration and a hint of apprehension about the advanced features and ease of use, suggesting it could be a game-changer for photo editing.
  • ЁЯТ░ A discount code 'mckinnon15' is provided for those interested in purchasing Luminar AI, indicating a sponsorship by the software company.

Q & A

  • Who is the presenter in the video discussing Luminar AI?

    -The presenter in the video discussing Luminar AI is Peter McKinnon.

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is photo editing and manipulation using Luminar AI software, with a focus on its ease of use and AI-powered features.

  • What feature of Luminar AI is Peter McKinnon particularly interested in testing?

    -Peter McKinnon is particularly interested in testing the sky replacement feature of Luminar AI.

  • How does Luminar AI assist users in editing their photos?

    -Luminar AI assists users by providing AI-powered editing suggestions, templates, and quick options that require no prior knowledge of photo editing, making the editing process straightforward and accessible to beginners.

  • What is the 'Sky Enhancer' feature in Luminar AI?

    -The 'Sky Enhancer' feature in Luminar AI is used to make the sky in a photo more saturated, colorful, and to adjust its overall appearance, potentially adding clarity and changing curves without the need for manual masking.

  • How does Peter McKinnon describe the experience of using Luminar AI for someone new to photo editing?

    -Peter McKinnon describes the experience as very easy and straightforward, noting that it requires no previous knowledge and allows users to make significant changes to their photos with simple, intuitive actions.

  • What is the 'Portrait' section in Luminar AI used for?

    -The 'Portrait' section in Luminar AI is used for enhancing and adjusting facial features in photos, such as changing eye color, removing dark circles, improving eyebrows, and slimming the face.

  • What is Peter McKinnon's opinion on the use of Luminar AI for professional photographers?

    -Peter McKinnon believes that while Luminar AI is a massive time-saver and can be a good addition to a professional's toolbox, professionals who are well-versed in photo editing might find it too primitive and may prefer more advanced software.

  • How does Luminar AI facilitate the process of adding a sky to a photo?

    -Luminar AI facilitates the process by providing pre-keyed, pre-masked assets that can be easily dropped into a photo, with options to adjust the sky to match the scene, including the ability to relight the scene.

  • What is the code viewers can use to get a discount on Luminar AI?

    -Viewers can use the code 'mckinnon15' at checkout to get a discount on Luminar AI.

  • What does Peter McKinnon suggest for those who want to enhance their photos quickly without in-depth editing knowledge?

    -Peter McKinnon suggests Luminar AI for those who want to enhance their photos quickly without the need for in-depth editing knowledge, as it offers quick stylization and easy adjustments.



ЁЯОе Introduction to Skylum Luminar AI Software

Peter McKinnon introduces the video, revealing that it is sponsored by Skylum Luminar, a software he has never used before. He explains his intention to explore the AI-powered editing features of Luminar with his audience, treating it as an experiment. The video showcases the software's user-friendly interface, starting with the sky replacement feature and moving on to various editing options such as templates, composition adjustments, and the erase tool. McKinnon emphasizes the software's accessibility for beginners and its straightforward approach to photo editing.


ЁЯМД Exploring Advanced Features and Effects

The video delves into more advanced features of Skylum Luminar, including the ability to manipulate the sky, add fog, and adjust sun rays in a photo. McKinnon demonstrates how easy it is to add or modify elements in a scene, such as resizing an eagle or placing objects behind others. He also touches on the portrait editing capabilities, highlighting tools for enhancing facial features, changing eye color, and removing imperfections. The segment concludes with a discussion on the ethical considerations of using such powerful editing tools.


ЁЯЫая╕П Luminar's Impact on Photo Editing and Creative Workflow

McKinnon reflects on the implications of using Luminar for photo editing. He discusses the software's appeal to those who want quick and easy editing without extensive knowledge of photo editing techniques. He also acknowledges that while Luminar may be too basic for professional editors like himself, it can be a significant time-saver for certain tasks. The video mentions that Luminar is available as a plugin for Photoshop and Lightroom, which could integrate its features into existing workflows. McKinnon concludes by sharing his appreciation for the software's capabilities and the potential it has to enhance his creative process.



ЁЯТбLuminar AI

Luminar AI is a photo editing software that utilizes artificial intelligence to simplify and enhance the process of photo manipulation. In the video, Peter McKinnon explores its features, noting that it is particularly useful for those who are new to photo editing, as it automates many complex tasks and provides quick editing options.

ЁЯТбSky Replacement

Sky replacement is a feature within Luminar AI that allows users to change the sky in a photo with ease. This is significant as it is often a challenging task in traditional photo editing software, requiring skill and time. Peter demonstrates this feature, showing how it can transform a photo with a simple click.

ЁЯТбArtificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that aims to create systems capable of performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence. In the context of the video, AI is used to suggest editing styles and automate editing processes within Luminar AI, making it more accessible to users regardless of their editing experience.


Templates in Luminar AI are pre-designed editing styles that users can apply to their photos for a quick and consistent look. Peter uses the 'Blockbuster' template as an example, which changes the color grading and mood of the photo to resemble a cinematic scene.


The 'Erase' feature in Luminar AI allows users to remove unwanted elements from a photo with a simple brush tool. Peter demonstrates this by erasing a character's head from a photo, highlighting the ease with which even complex editing tasks can be accomplished.

ЁЯТбSmart Contrast

Smart Contrast is a feature that adjusts the contrast of a photo while also affecting other aspects like the sky and tree details. It's an example of how Luminar AI uses AI to provide more nuanced adjustments than a simple contrast slider, aiming to improve the overall depth and visual appeal of the image.

ЁЯТбPortrait Editing

Portrait editing refers to the process of enhancing or modifying a photo that features a person. In the video, Peter uses Luminar AI's portrait editing tools to adjust facial features, eye color, and remove blemishes, showcasing the software's ability to quickly transform a portrait with minimal effort.

ЁЯТбAI Presets

AI Presets are automated editing styles generated by AI within Luminar AI that apply a specific look to a photo with a single click. These presets range from 'Influencer' to 'Film Frames', offering users a variety of quick styling options that can drastically change the mood and appearance of an image.


Face AI is a feature in Luminar AI that automatically detects faces in a photo and provides a suite of editing tools to enhance facial features. Peter uses this feature to adjust the facial structure, eye color, and remove dark circles, demonstrating the software's advanced capabilities in portrait retouching.

ЁЯТбSky Enhancer

Sky Enhancer is a tool within Luminar AI that allows users to modify the appearance of the sky in a photo. It can increase saturation, add clarity, and adjust curves to make the sky more visually appealing. Peter uses this tool to create a more vibrant and dramatic sky in one of the photos.


A plug-in is a software component that adds specific functionality to a larger software application. Peter mentions that Luminar AI is also available as a plug-in for Photoshop and Lightroom, which means that professional photographers can integrate its AI-powered editing features into their existing workflow.


Peter McKinnon has never used Luminar AI software before and is trying it out for the first time in this video.

Luminar AI offers a sky replacement feature that has been a hot topic among users.

The software provides AI-generated suggestions for photo editing based on the selected photo.

Templates like 'Blockbuster Big Screen' and 'Urban Style' are available for quick editing styles.

The 'Edit' tab contains various options like Composition, Erase Light, Enhanced Structure, and Color.

Erasing elements from a photo is made simple with a straightforward painting-over feature.

Smart Contrast adjusts not just the contrast but also the details in the sky and trees.

Sky Enhancer can alter the saturation and color of the sky, adding clarity and curve adjustments.

The Accent feature acts like a clarity slider, affecting the overall structure of the photo.

Remove Color Cast feature can eliminate unwanted color tints from the road or other elements.

Details feature allows users to sharpen small, medium, or large details in a photo without needing to create masks.

Luminar AI makes it easy to add elements like mountains or an eagle into a photo with pre-masked assets.

The software includes a 'Dramatic Sky' option that can handle complex backgrounds like fog over mountains.

Sun Rays feature can add a realistic touch of sunlight to a photo, with options to customize the number and appearance of rays.

Portrait mode in Luminar AI provides AI-driven adjustments for faces, including face lighting and eye enhancements.

The software offers quick stylization presets for those who want a fast editing solution without deep knowledge of photo editing.

Luminar AI can be a massive time-saver for professionals who need to make quick adjustments or additions like changing the sky.

The software is also available as a plug-in for Photoshop and Lightroom, integrating with existing workflows.

Peter McKinnon is impressed with Luminar AI's ease of use and the time-saving potential it offers for photographers.

A special discount code 'mckinnon15' is provided for viewers interested in purchasing Luminar AI.