Photo Editing SO EASY it makes me MAD!!!

Peter McKinnon
29 Jun 202209:00

TLDRIn this video, Peter McKinnon introduces viewers to Luminar Neo, a photo editing software designed for hobbyists and beginners. He demonstrates how easy it is to achieve professional-looking results with minimal effort. Starting with a simple photo, Peter shows how to crop, remove unwanted elements like power lines using AI, and add depth of field to mimic a different lens. He also highlights the software's portrait bokeh tool, relight feature for adjusting brightness, and the impressive Mask AI for selective editing. The video concludes with a before-and-after comparison, showcasing the software's ability to enhance photos quickly and effectively.


  • ЁЯОи **Photo Editing Made Easy**: The video focuses on using Luminar Neo to edit photos with minimal effort for hobbyists.
  • ЁЯЪА **AI-Powered Software**: Luminar Neo utilizes artificial intelligence to simplify photo editing processes.
  • тЬВя╕П **One-Slider Solutions**: The software offers quick editing options with just a single slider for various effects.
  • ЁЯУИ **Instant Results**: Users can achieve impressive results without in-depth knowledge of photo editing techniques.
  • ЁЯЦМя╕П **Creative Tools**: Features like the Portrait Bokeh tool and relight feature allow for depth of field and lighting adjustments.
  • ЁЯУР **Crop and Align**: The software automatically aligns the horizon and allows for easy cropping to use negative space effectively.
  • ЁЯФН **Power Line Removal**: AI technology can detect and remove unwanted elements like power lines with a single click.
  • ЁЯОн **Masking Made Simple**: The software automatically creates masks for subjects, allowing for selective editing without complex selection processes.
  • ЁЯЦ╝я╕П **Selective Adjustments**: Users can adjust specific parts of the image, such as the sky or foreground, without affecting the rest of the photo.
  • ЁЯУЪ **Editable Edit History**: The edits tab allows users to review and adjust the stages of editing that have been applied to the photo.
  • ЁЯФз **Refinable Tools**: While fast and efficient, the AI tools can be further refined by the user for more precise control.

Q & A

  • Who is the presenter of the video?

    -The presenter of the video is Peter McKinnon.

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to demonstrate how to edit photos with minimal effort using the software Luminar Neo.

  • Who is the target audience for the video?

    -The target audience for the video is hobbyists who are looking to enhance their photos without investing a lot of time in post-production editing.

  • What is unique about Luminar Neo software?

    -Luminar Neo is unique because it simplifies photo editing with one-slider solutions and relies on AI for many of its editing procedures, making it easy to achieve professional-looking results without extensive knowledge of photo editing techniques.

  • How does Luminar Neo help in removing unwanted elements from a photo?

    -Luminar Neo uses AI to analyze the photo and can automatically remove unwanted elements like power lines with a single click after analyzing the entire photo.

  • What is the purpose of using negative space in photography?

    -Negative space is used in photography to create a visual contrast by having more space in the photo than the subject itself, which can draw attention to the subject and is a popular theme in social media.

  • How does the portrait bokeh tool in Luminar Neo work?

    -The portrait bokeh tool in Luminar Neo allows users to add a depth of field effect to their photos by blurring the background while keeping the foreground subject in focus. It uses a slider to adjust the intensity of the blur and automatically masks the subject.

  • What is a mask in photo editing?

    -A mask in photo editing is a selection of an object, person, or thing in the photo. Once selected, users can manipulate either just that selected area or everything around it based on their preferences.

  • How does Luminar Neo's relight feature work?

    -Luminar Neo's relight feature allows users to adjust the lighting of the background or foreground with just three sliders, providing control over the brightness near and far.

  • What does the edits tab in Luminar Neo show?

    -The edits tab in Luminar Neo shows all the changes made to the photo during the editing process, allowing users to review and make adjustments to each stage of editing.

  • How does Luminar Neo's Mask AI feature help in editing?

    -Mask AI in Luminar Neo automatically detects and masks various elements in the scene, such as humans, sky, flora, and architecture. This allows users to apply specific edits to individual sections of the photo without affecting the rest of the image.

  • Why is Luminar Neo particularly suitable for beginners and hobbyists?

    -Luminar Neo is suitable for beginners and hobbyists because it offers a fast and easy way to achieve quality photo edits with minimal technical knowledge, making it ideal for those who want to make an impact and learn quickly.



ЁЯУ╖ Photo Editing for Hobbyists with Luminar Neo

Peter McKinnon introduces the video's focus on photo editing for hobbyists, emphasizing quick and easy results without extensive post-production. He highlights Luminar Neo, sponsored software that simplifies editing with one-click adjustments. The video demonstrates how to enhance a photo with minimal skill requirements, starting with cropping for negative space and removing unwanted elements like power lines using AI. It then shows how to add depth of field and bokeh effects, and refine the mask for precision. The ease of use and AI-driven features of Luminar Neo are praised for their ability to significantly speed up the editing process, making it accessible for beginners and those new to photography.


ЁЯМЯ Advanced Features of Luminar Neo for Enhanced Editing

The video continues with advanced editing techniques using Luminar Neo. It covers the relight feature to adjust brightness in the foreground and background, emphasizing the ease of making these adjustments with just a few slider movements. The ability to review and edit the different stages of photo manipulation is also discussed. A key highlight is the Mask AI feature, which uses artificial intelligence to automatically detect and mask various elements in a scene, such as humans, sky, flora, and architecture. This allows for targeted adjustments to specific parts of the image without affecting the rest. The video concludes by showcasing the before and after results of the editing process, demonstrating the software's effectiveness for hobbyists and beginners looking to enhance their photos quickly. Peter encourages viewers to try Luminar Neo and subscribe for more content.



ЁЯТбPhoto Editing

Photo editing refers to the process of altering a photo to enhance its visual appeal or to correct imperfections. In the video, the host discusses how Luminar Neo software simplifies this process, allowing users to achieve professional-looking results with minimal effort.


Hobbyists are individuals who engage in a particular activity, such as photography, for pleasure rather than as a profession. The video is targeted at hobbyists who want to improve their photos without investing a lot of time in learning complex editing techniques.

ЁЯТбLuminar Neo

Luminar Neo is a photo editing software that is highlighted as a sponsor of the video. It is praised for its user-friendly interface and AI-powered features that make photo editing accessible to beginners and hobbyists.

ЁЯТбAI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI in the context of the video refers to the use of artificial intelligence to automate and simplify photo editing tasks. Luminar Neo utilizes AI to perform tasks such as removing power lines, applying depth of field, and creating masks, which are traditionally more complex and time-consuming.

ЁЯТбNegative Space

Negative space is a composition technique where the area around the subject is emphasized, often to create a visual contrast that draws attention to the subject. In the video, the host uses negative space by cropping the photo to focus on the subject without the distracting background elements.

ЁЯТбDepth of Field

Depth of field is a term used in photography to describe the area of a photo that is in focus. The host demonstrates how to use the portrait bokeh tool in Luminar Neo to create a shallow depth of field effect, making the background blurred and the subject in focus.


Masking in photo editing is the process of selecting specific parts of an image to apply effects to, while leaving other parts unaffected. The video showcases how Luminar Neo's AI technology can automatically create masks, allowing users to easily edit specific areas of their photos.

ЁЯТбPortrait Bokeh

Portrait bokeh refers to the aesthetic quality of the out-of-focus areas in a photo, often used in portrait photography to isolate the subject from the background. The video demonstrates how to use this tool in Luminar Neo to add a blur effect to the background, enhancing the subject's prominence.

ЁЯТбRelight Feature

The relight feature in Luminar Neo is a tool that allows users to adjust the lighting of specific parts of a photo, either brightening or darkening areas to improve the overall mood or focus. The host uses this feature to add more light to the subject and background.


Mask AI is a feature in Luminar Neo that uses artificial intelligence to automatically detect and mask different elements within a photo, such as humans, sky, flora, and architecture. This allows for targeted editing of specific parts of the image without manually creating complex selections.

ЁЯТбCreative Adjustments

Creative adjustments are modifications made to a photo to enhance its artistic appeal, such as changing colors, contrast, or applying filters. The video script mentions the toolbar with creative adjustments that users can access in Luminar Neo to stylize their photos.


Peter McKinnon introduces a video on photo editing with minimal effort using Luminar Neo.

The video targets hobbyists rather than professional photographers.

Luminar Neo is praised for its user-friendly interface and AI-powered editing tools.

The software allows for quick editing with just a few slider adjustments.

AI technology in Luminar Neo automatically removes unwanted elements like power lines.

The portrait bokeh tool can add depth of field to images with a simple slider.

Masks in Luminar Neo are created effortlessly, allowing for selective editing.

The relight feature can adjust the lighting of the foreground or background with ease.

The edits tab shows all the changes made to the photo for review and adjustment.

Mask AI in the develop tab automatically detects and masks various elements in a scene.

Individual masks can be selected and edited without affecting the rest of the image.

Luminar Neo is ideal for beginners and hobbyists looking for quick and impactful photo editing.

The video demonstrates the before and after effects of using Luminar Neo.

A free trial of Luminar Neo is available for viewers to test the software.

Peter McKinnon offers additional resources for new photographers on his channel.

The video concludes with an invitation to subscribe for more content and upcoming announcements.