Rendernet Ai | Make Consistent Characters Every Time | Ai Influencer Made Easy

Planet Ai
26 Feb 202406:10

TLDRThe video introduces a tool called 'ret' that simplifies the creation of consistent characters in images using advanced technologies like face lock and control net. It offers multimodel generation and allows users to create AI influencers, manipulate poses, and generate high-quality, photo-realistic images. The tool is accessible by signing up with a Google account, and its user-friendly interface makes it easy to generate images with various models and settings, offering a cost-effective solution for a range of creative needs.


  • πŸ› οΈ The script introduces a new tool called 'ret' that simplifies the creation of consistent characters in images.
  • πŸ”— The website for the 'ret' tool is provided in the video description for easy access.
  • 🎯 Key features of the 'ret' tool include face lock technology, control net for pose transformation, and multimodel generation.
  • 🌟 The face lock technology allows users to maintain character consistency across various images.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Control net enables the user to transform the pose of any image, aligning it with a reference image.
  • πŸ“Έ The tool offers a wide range of models to choose from, categorized by style and quality, such as anime, art, photo, and realistic models.
  • πŸ’‘ Users can generate images with different settings like seed numbers, image samplers, guidance scale, and aspect ratios.
  • 🎨 The 'ret' tool can be used to create AI influencers, change poses in images, and generate high-quality, photo-realistic outputs.
  • πŸ“ˆ The tool operates on a credit system, with 1,000 credits available for a low cost of $9.
  • πŸ“Œ The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the 'ret' tool, including uploading source images, entering prompts, selecting models, and adjusting settings.
  • πŸ‘ The video encourages viewers to try the tool and learn from its demonstration, offering a positive experience and potential for creative applications.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge discussed in the video script?

    -The main challenge discussed in the video script is creating consistent characters across different images or platforms, regardless of the AI model being used.

  • What tool is introduced in the video to address the challenge of consistent character creation?

    -The tool introduced in the video is called 'the ret', which is designed to make creating consistent characters easier with just a few clicks.

  • What are some key features of the 'the ret' tool?

    -Some key features of 'the ret' tool include face lock technology for consistent character faces, control net for transforming poses, and multimodel generation for endless possibilities.

  • How can users access and use the 'the ret' tool?

    -Users can access the 'the ret' tool by clicking on the 'create for free' button on the website and signing up with their Google account.

  • What are the requirements for uploading a source image in the 'A influencer' feature?

    -The source image should be a closeup of a person's face without sunglasses or shades, and it should follow the instructions provided in the interface.

  • How does the 'A influencer' feature work in the 'the ret' tool?

    -The 'A influencer' feature allows users to upload a source image and enter a prompt to generate images of an AI model that matches the description, with options to adjust settings, models, and other parameters.

  • What is the purpose of the 'control net' feature in the tool?

    -The 'control net' feature enables users to transform the pose of any image by uploading a reference image and adjusting settings to match the desired pose while maintaining character consistency.

  • What are some of the models available for selection in the 'the ret' tool?

    -The tool offers a variety of models for selection, including popular stable diffusion models categorized by filters like anime, art, photo, and real Excel models.

  • How does the 'the ret' tool handle the generation of images with the 'Lowa' models?

    -The 'Lowa' models in the tool are designed to enhance details in the generated images, such as adding more details and improving the quality of hands, which is often a challenging aspect for AI.

  • What is the pricing structure for using the 'the ret' tool?

    -The 'the ret' tool operates on a credit-based system, where users can purchase credits to generate images. For example, 1,000 credits can be obtained for $9.

  • What are the potential applications of the 'the ret' tool as mentioned in the video script?

    -The 'the ret' tool can be used to create consistent characters for virtual influencers, change poses of characters in images, and serve as an AI image generation tool with various possibilities.



🎨 Introducing a New Tool for Consistent Character Creation

The paragraph introduces a new tool called 'the ret' that simplifies the process of creating consistent characters, a common challenge in various platforms. It highlights the tool's key features such as face lock technology for maintaining character consistency across images, control net for pose transformation, and multimodel generation. The speaker also explains how to access the tool by signing up with a Google account and provides an overview of the interface and additional features like creating an AI influencer, book effect for images, iPhone photography enhancements, and the importance of the control net feature.


πŸ–ΌοΈ Demonstrating the AI Influencer and Pose Transformation Features

This paragraph demonstrates the process of using the AI influencer feature of the tool. The speaker guides through uploading a source image, entering a prompt, selecting models, and adjusting settings for image generation. It also discusses the importance of following certain instructions when uploading images, such as avoiding sunglasses and ensuring it's a closeup of a face. The results showcase the effectiveness of the tool in creating realistic and consistent AI-generated images, with a minor issue noted about hand details. The paragraph then transitions to changing the pose of an AI influencer using a reference image and the control net feature, emphasizing the tool's capability in maintaining character consistency and pose accuracy.



πŸ’‘consistent characters

Consistent characters refer to the creation of characters that maintain a uniform appearance and personality across different media or contexts. In the video, this concept is crucial for achieving a cohesive and recognizable character identity, which is often a challenge in digital content creation. The tool introduced in the video aims to simplify this process, allowing users to create and maintain consistent characters with ease.

πŸ’‘face lock technology

Face lock technology is a feature that allows users to maintain a consistent facial appearance for characters across different images. It works by recognizing and preserving the unique facial features of a character, ensuring that these features remain unchanged even when the character is placed in various contexts or poses. This technology is particularly useful in creating virtual influencers or enhancing character consistency in digital art and design.

πŸ’‘control net

Control net is a feature that enables users to manipulate and transform the pose of an image while maintaining the character's identity and consistency. This tool is beneficial for creating dynamic and varied content where the character's pose is changed but their appearance remains consistent. It provides a level of control over the generation process, allowing for precise adjustments to the character's posture and actions.

πŸ’‘multimodel generation

Multimodel generation refers to the process of creating content using various models or algorithms simultaneously. This approach allows for a broader range of outputs and styles, catering to different preferences and requirements. In the context of the video, multimodel generation is used to generate images with diverse visual styles, from realistic to artistic, by leveraging different stable diffusion models.

πŸ’‘AI image generation

AI image generation is the process of creating visual content using artificial intelligence algorithms. These algorithms can generate new images based on input prompts, reference images, or other data. AI image generation is a key focus of the video, as it introduces a tool that simplifies the creation of consistent characters and various visual outputs, making it accessible for users without extensive technical skills.

πŸ’‘stable diffusion models

Stable diffusion models are a class of AI algorithms used for generating images or other types of media. These models are designed to produce stable and high-quality outputs, making them suitable for a range of applications, from artistic creation to character design. In the video, stable diffusion models are used to generate photo-realistic images and to maintain the consistency of characters across different poses and styles.

πŸ’‘virtual influencers

Virtual influencers are digital characters created using AI and other technologies, designed to have a presence similar to real-life influencers on social media platforms. They can be used for marketing, entertainment, or other purposes where a recognizable and engaging online persona is required. The video highlights the use of the tool to create and customize virtual influencers with consistent appearances and poses, expanding the possibilities for digital content creation.


A prompt is a set of instructions or a description provided to an AI system to guide the generation of specific content. In the context of AI image generation, prompts help shape the output by defining the desired characteristics, style, or theme of the generated images. Prompts are essential for achieving desired results and for maintaining consistency in the creation process.

πŸ’‘character design

Character design is the process of creating and defining the appearance, personality, and other attributes of a character for use in various forms of media, such as films, video games, or digital art. It involves careful consideration of visual elements, poses, and other characteristics to ensure that the character is engaging and consistent across different contexts. The video introduces a tool that simplifies character design by offering features like face lock and control net, which help maintain consistency in the character's appearance and pose.

πŸ’‘image samplers

Image samplers are algorithms or techniques used in AI image generation to select or combine different visual elements to create a new image. They play a crucial role in determining the quality and diversity of the output images. In the video, image samplers are mentioned as part of the settings that users can choose from to influence the style and appearance of the generated images.

πŸ’‘credits and pricing

Credits and pricing refer to the system used by the AI tool to manage access to its features and services. Users typically purchase credits, which they can then use to generate images or access other services offered by the tool. This model allows users to pay for what they need without committing to a fixed subscription, providing flexibility and cost-effectiveness.


A new tool for creating consistent characters has been introduced, which simplifies the process with just a few clicks.

The tool, referred to as 'ret', offers seamless character consistency regardless of the AI model used, be it mid, journey, or St diffusion.

Key features of the tool include face lock technology, allowing users to apply any face onto any image.

Control net is another feature that enables the transformation of any image's pose.

The tool also offers multimodel generation, opening up endless possibilities with render net.

Accessing the tool is straightforward, requiring users to sign up with a Google account after clicking on 'create for free'.

The interface offers additional features like creating an AI influencer and book effect in images.

The tool significantly eases the creation of consistent characters, a task that was previously challenging.

Uploading a source image is the first step, with guidelines to avoid sunglasses or shades and to use a closeup of a person's face.

Users can enter a prompt and keywords to guide the AI in generating the desired image.

Negative prompts can be utilized to refine the output further.

A variety of models can be selected, categorized by filters like anime, art, photo, and real Excel models.

Settings allow users to adjust parameters like seed numbers, image sample, steps, guidance scale, and aspect ratio.

The tool also includes options for selecting different models like Lura and adjusting details like hand improvements.

Quality settings range from plus to ultra, with the latter incurring more credits.

Changing the pose of an AI influencer is possible by using the control net and uploading a reference image.

The tool maintains character consistency even when changing poses, as demonstrated with an Instagram model and Lionel Messi.

The tool operates on a credit system, with 1,000 credits available for $9, making it an affordable option for users.