Leonardo AI - Create Consistent Characters

Prompt Engineering
2 Apr 202308:41

TLDRThe video introduces a simple hack for creating consistent-looking human characters in Stable Diffusion models without the need for extensive training or specific software. By using unique names as anchors in the latent space, the technique ensures character consistency across different images. The video demonstrates this by generating images with various models on platforms like Leonardo.ai, highlighting the ease of use for beginners and the ability to customize and refine prompts for better results.


  • 🎨 The video introduces a simple hack for creating consistent-looking human characters in Stable Diffusion without the need for training your own model or using a specific platform.
  • πŸ–ŒοΈ The technique can be applied to any Stable Diffusion model and is demonstrated using platforms like Automatic 11, 11 Novo AI, playground AI, and in this case, Leonardo.ai.
  • 🌐 Leonardo.ai is preferred for its ease of use, as it doesn't require local installation and has a user-friendly web interface.
  • πŸ’‘ The key to creating consistent characters is using a unique name as an anchor in the latent space, which helps maintain similarity across different generations.
  • πŸ“Έ The video demonstrates how to use a photo of a known person like Emma Watson to explain the concept of using unique names for generating images.
  • 🎭 To generate unique character names, the video suggests using a random name generator that allows selection based on different countries and ethnicities.
  • πŸ”„ The process involves replacing the name in the prompt with the generated unique name and making minor adjustments to the prompt for different images.
  • 🌟 The video emphasizes the importance of selecting very unique names to ensure the consistency of the generated characters.
  • πŸ› οΈ The video also shows how to modify other parameters such as image size, aspect ratio, guidance, and seed for more control over the image generation.
  • πŸ”„ The technique is tested with different models, showing that consistent characters can be generated across various Stable Diffusion models when using the same unique name.
  • πŸ“ˆ The video provides a quick overview of Leonardo AI's features, including 150 last generations per day, the ability to upload training data, and the availability of community models.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a simple hack to create consistent looking human characters in Stable Diffusion without the need for training your own model or using a specific platform.

  • Which platforms are mentioned for using Stable Diffusion models?

    -The platforms mentioned are Automatic 11, 11 Novo AI Playground, and Leonardo.ai.

  • Why does the speaker prefer Leonardo.ai and Automatic 11 11?

    -The speaker prefers Leonardo.ai and Automatic 11 11 because they offer the same models without the need for local installation and are easier to use due to their web UI, especially for those new to these platforms.

  • What features does Leonardo AI offer its users?

    -Leonardo AI offers features such as 150 last generations per day, the ability to upload your own training data to train your models, and access to community models that have been fine-tuned by others.

  • How can one ensure consistency in the generated human characters?

    -To ensure consistency, one can use a unique name for the character as an anchor in the latent space, which helps in generating images with similar facial structures.

  • How does the video demonstrate the concept of using a unique name for character consistency?

    -The video demonstrates this by showing the process of generating images with the name 'Emma Watson' and then using a random name generator to create unique character names, resulting in consistent facial structures across different images.

  • What is the role of the random name generator in this process?

    -The random name generator is used to create unique character names by selecting different countries and ethnicities, which helps in achieving consistency in the generated images.

  • Can this technique be applied to different models?

    -Yes, the technique can be applied to different models as well, although the overall image may look different due to the unique characteristics of each model, the facial structure of the same character name should remain consistent.

  • What are some parameters that can be adjusted in the image generation process?

    -Parameters that can be adjusted include the size of the image, aspect ratio, guidance, and defining a specific seed for the generation process.

  • How can one improve the quality of the generated images?

    -One can improve the quality by fine-tuning the prompts, adding more details, and experimenting with different parameters and models to achieve the desired look.

  • What is the key takeaway from the video?

    -The key takeaway is using very unique names for characters in Stable Diffusion to achieve consistent character images across different generations.



🎨 Creating Consistent Human Characters in Stable Diffusion

This paragraph introduces a simple hack for generating consistent-looking human characters using the Stable Diffusion model without the need for a custom-trained model or specific software. The speaker explains that any Stable Diffusion model can be used across various platforms, highlighting the ease of use of web-based interfaces like Leonardo.ai and Automatic 11.11. The speaker also provides an overview of Leonardo AI's features, such as daily generation limits, the ability to upload custom training data, and the availability of community models. The main technique discussed involves using a unique character name as an anchor in the latent space to produce images with similar facial structures.


🌍 Experimenting with Character Names and Models

In this paragraph, the speaker delves into the specifics of using unique character names to maintain consistency across different images. They demonstrate this by first selecting a model and then generating images based on a simple prompt. The speaker shows how tweaking the prompt and using unique names from a random name generator can yield images with similar facial features. The paragraph also explores the flexibility of this technique by applying it to different models and showing that it can produce consistent results even when the underlying model changes. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using truly unique names to achieve the best results and shares their success with different character variations.



πŸ’‘Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a type of AI model used for generating images from text prompts. In the context of the video, it is the primary tool for creating human characters, and the video presents a 'hack' to achieve consistent character appearances using this model.

πŸ’‘Dream Booth

Dream Booth is a concept related to training AI models with specific data sets to generate images according to user preferences. In the video, the author suggests a method to create consistent human characters without the need to train a Dream Booth model.

πŸ’‘Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is a platform that allows users to create images using text prompts, similar to other AI image generation tools. It is one of the options mentioned in the video for implementing the hack to create consistent human characters.

πŸ’‘Latent Space

Latent space is a term used in the context of AI and machine learning to describe an abstract space where the underlying dimensions of a set of data can be visualized. In the video, the unique name of a character is used as an 'anchor' in the latent space to generate consistent images.

πŸ’‘Random Name Generator

A random name generator is a tool that creates unique names based on certain parameters selected by the user, such as country or ethnicity. In the video, it is used to generate distinctive names for characters, which are then used to produce consistent images of those characters.


Text-to-Image is a technology that converts textual descriptions into visual images. In the video, this technology is central to the process of generating images of human characters based on the unique names and text prompts provided by the user.

πŸ’‘Community Feed

Community Feed refers to a shared space or platform where users can post and view their creations, often within a specific online community or platform. In the context of the video, it is a feature of platforms like Leonardo AI where users share the images they have generated.

πŸ’‘Model Selection

Model Selection refers to the process of choosing an appropriate AI model for a specific task. In the video, the author discusses selecting different stable diffusion models to create images and the impact of model choice on the consistency and appearance of the generated characters.


In the context of AI image generation, a seed is a value that initializes the random number generator used to create an image. Changing the seed results in different images, even with the same prompt. The video discusses using a unique character name as a way to achieve consistency, rather than fixing a specific seed.

πŸ’‘Character Consistency

Character Consistency refers to the ability to generate images of a character that look similar across different instances. The video presents a technique to achieve this by using unique character names as anchors in the AI's latent space, ensuring that the facial structure and other features remain recognizable and similar in each image.

πŸ’‘Image Parameters

Image Parameters refer to the various settings and options that can be adjusted when generating images with AI, such as image size, aspect ratio, guidance, and seed value. In the video, these parameters are mentioned as factors that can be tweaked to refine the image generation process.


A simple hack for creating consistent looking human characters in stable diffusion models.

No need to train your own dream booth model or use Laura for this method.

The method is compatible with any stable diffusion model and platforms like Automatic 11, 11 novoc AI playground, and Leonardo.ai.

Leonardo.ai is preferred for its ease of use and no need for local installation.

Leonardo AI offers 150 last generations per day, better than some other platforms' free tiers.

Users can upload their own training data and train their own models on Leonardo AI.

Community models are available for use, which have been fine-tuned by others.

The technique uses the unique name of a character as an anchor in the latent space.

Random name generator can be used to create very unique character names.

The facial structure of generated images looks similar when using unique character names.

Parameters like image size, aspect ratio, guidance, and seed can be adjusted for better results.

The method can produce different variations of the same face, looking very similar.

Selecting unique names is crucial for maintaining a unique look in generated images.

Adding more details in the prompt can enhance control over the generated images.

The technique works with different models, providing consistent characters across models when using the same character name.

Examples of male characters generated using Danish and German names also show consistency.

The method can be used to create characters in various roles, such as a superhero.

The video provides a link to a post with more information on the technique.

The summary emphasizes the use of unique names for characters to achieve consistency in generated images.