Suno AI V3 Will Blow Your Mind! This Is How-To Publish AI Music On Spotify

AI Controversy
26 Feb 202413:21

TLDRThe video script discusses the ease of using AI-generated music with the latest V3 tool from sunno AI, highlighting its features such as extended clip length, faster song generation, and dedicated instrumental support. The creator shares their experience with the tool, demonstrates its capabilities across various genres, and explains the process of publishing these tracks on Spotify. They emphasize the importance of using a pro version for ownership and the potential for monetization on platforms like Spotify.


  • 🎡 The process of getting AI-generated music tracks on Spotify is straightforward with the help of AI tools like Sunni V3.
  • πŸš€ Sunni V3 is a helpful AI music tool that offers new features such as extended max clip length, faster song generation, and dedicated instrumental support.
  • πŸ’‘ Sunni V3 Alpha is still under development and may have weaknesses, such as struggling with key signatures, BPM, and imperfect mixing and mastering.
  • 🎢 The tool can generate longer songs but may be prone to 'hallucinations' when given short prompts, requiring different prompting techniques for optimal results.
  • πŸ“… The video creator was notified about Sunni V3 Alpha's release on February 23rd and proceeded to test the tool by generating tracks across various genres.
  • 🎹 The video demonstrates the instrumental feature of Sunni V3, showcasing its ability to create music in different genres like Funky Rock, Trap, and Death Metal.
  • πŸ† The creator emphasizes that Sunni is the best music AI generator available, based on their personal experience.
  • πŸ“ˆ The creator uses Sunni AI to generate instrumentals for their YouTube content, highlighting the importance of owning the pro version for track ownership.
  • πŸ’° By uploading AI-generated tracks to Spotify, creators can potentially earn money from streams and protect their work as background music for videos.
  • πŸ“‹ The tutorial on publishing AI-generated music on Spotify involves using a distributor like DistroKid, preparing an album cover, and filling out the required metadata.
  • πŸŽ₯ The video also mentions the possibility of creating music videos for AI-generated tracks, offering a complete package for music creation and distribution.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about using the AI music tool, sunno AI V3, to generate music tracks and publishing them on Spotify.

  • What are some of the new features introduced in sunno AI V3 Alpha?

    -Some of the new features in sunno AI V3 Alpha include an extended max clip length of 2 minutes, faster song generation, dedicated instrumental support, expanded language support, and backward compatibility with songs made with V2.

  • What are the limitations of sunno AI V3 Alpha as mentioned in the video?

    -sunno AI V3 Alpha struggles to follow certain prompts like key signatures and BPM beats per minute, and its songs don't always sound perfectly mixed and mastered. It can also be prone to 'hallucinations' especially when fed short prompts.

  • How does the video creator use sunno AI for their content creation?

    -The video creator uses sunno AI to generate instrumentals for their content, specifically for background music in their YouTube videos. They also use the pro version which gives them ownership of the tracks.

  • What is the purpose of uploading AI-generated tracks to Spotify according to the video creator?

    -The purpose of uploading AI-generated tracks to Spotify is not to create hit tracks but to protect the creator's music when used as background music in YouTube videos.

  • How long does it typically take for a track to go live on Spotify after submission?

    -It typically takes around 2 to 3 days for a track to go live on Spotify after submission.

  • What is the name of the song that the video creator has published on Spotify?

    -The name of the song that the video creator has published on Spotify is 'Leading the Way into the Unknown'.

  • What is the recommended pixel size for an album cover on Spotify?

    -The recommended pixel size for an album cover on Spotify is 3000 by 3000 pixels.

  • How does the video creator generate the album cover art?

    -The video creator uses stable diffusion in a Hugging Face space to generate the image quickly. They then import the image into Photoshop at the recommended size and customize it further.

  • What is the process for uploading a track to Spotify through DistroKid?

    -The process involves logging into the DistroKid dashboard, clicking on 'upload music', providing details such as the artist name, release date, record label, language, primary and secondary genre, and uploading the album cover. The creator then names the track, sets the release date, and completes the required fields before verifying and submitting the track.

  • What additional advice does the video creator give to viewers?

    -The video creator advises viewers to express themselves, protect their work, and potentially create something that resonates with others. They also suggest watching their previous video on sunno AI for tips on creating a music video for the AI-generated tracks.



🎡 Introducing AI Music with Sunno AI V3

The video begins with an introduction to AI-generated music using Sunno AI V3, emphasizing its ease of use and the new features it offers. The creator shares their experience with various AI music tools and highlights Sunno AI V3 as particularly helpful. They discuss the V3 Alpha's capabilities, such as extended track length, faster song generation, dedicated instrumental support, and expanded language support. The video also mentions the current limitations of V3 Alpha, including difficulties with following certain prompts and potential for 'hallucinations' with short prompts. The creator shares their excitement about the potential of V3 Alpha to redefine generative music.


🎢 Testing Sunno AI V3's Genre Creation

The creator proceeds to test Sunno AI V3's ability to generate music across different genres, showcasing its versatility. They demonstrate the new instrumental feature and create tracks in Funk Rock, Trap, and Reggae genres, noting the speed and quality of the generated music. The creator emphasizes that while the AI's output is impressive, it may require different prompting techniques compared to V2 for optimal results. They also mention the importance of using the pro version for ownership and the ability to upload tracks to Spotify for content protection in YouTube videos.


πŸš€ Publishing AI Music on Spotify

The video concludes with a tutorial on how to publish AI-generated music tracks on Spotify using the pro version of Sunno AI. The creator explains the process of signing up for a DistroKid account, uploading music, and customizing album art. They detail the steps involved in filling out the track information, selecting genres, and setting release dates. The creator also discusses the potential for monetization on Spotify and emphasizes the importance of expressing creativity and protecting one's work. They share their experience with previous uploads and encourage viewers to explore the full potential of Sunno AI for music creation and distribution.



πŸ’‘AI-generated music

AI-generated music refers to the creation of musical compositions using artificial intelligence algorithms. In the context of the video, it describes the process of using AI tools like sunno AI V3 to produce tracks that can be published on platforms like Spotify. The video emphasizes the ease of generating music with AI and the potential for these tracks to be used for various purposes, including background music for YouTube videos.


Spotify is a digital music service that gives access to millions of songs and podcasts. In the video, the creator discusses the process of uploading AI-generated music tracks to Spotify, not for commercial success, but to protect the rights to use these tracks as background music in their YouTube content. The video also mentions the potential for monetization if the tracks become popular on the platform.

πŸ’‘sunno AI V3

sunno AI V3 is an AI music tool that the video creator uses to generate music tracks. It is described as a helpful tool with new features such as extended clip length, faster song generation, dedicated instrumental support, and expanded language support. However, it is also noted that V3 is still under development and may have weaknesses, such as struggling with certain musical elements like key signatures and BPM.

πŸ’‘Pro members

In the context of the video, Pro members refer to users who have a premium subscription to the sunno AI service. These members have access to advanced features and the latest versions of the AI tool, such as the V3 Alpha version, before it is released to the general public.

πŸ’‘V3 Alpha

V3 Alpha is an early version of the sunno AI V3 tool that is made available to Pro and Premier members for testing purposes. It is not a final product and may undergo changes as development continues. The video creator highlights that while V3 Alpha offers improved features, it may also have issues, such as difficulty following certain prompts and a tendency to 'hallucinate' when given short prompts.


DistroKid is a music distribution service that allows artists to upload and distribute their music to various platforms, including Spotify. In the video, the creator uses DistroKid to publish their AI-generated music tracks on Spotify, emphasizing the importance of owning the rights to the tracks for this process.

πŸ’‘Music genres

Music genres refer to specific categories or styles of music that share common characteristics. The video creator experiments with different music genres to test the capabilities of sunno AI V3 in generating tracks across a variety of styles, including funky rock, trap, death metal, and reggae.

πŸ’‘Album cover

An album cover is the artwork that represents a music album or single. In the video, the creator discusses the importance of having an album cover for the tracks they upload to Spotify and demonstrates how they use AI and Photoshop to create a custom cover.

πŸ’‘Streaming services

Streaming services are platforms that allow users to listen to music or watch videos on demand over the internet. The video mentions Spotify as an example of a streaming service where the creator can upload and distribute their AI-generated music tracks.

πŸ’‘Music video

A music video is a short film or video that is produced for a song, typically incorporating a mix of music, visual effects, and storytelling. In the video, the creator mentions a previous tutorial on how to create a music video for their AI-generated tracks, suggesting that they offer a comprehensive guide on publishing music, including both audio and visual components.


AI-generated music tracks can be easily published on Spotify using sunno AI V3.

Sunno AI V3 is a helpful AI music tool that improves the generative music experience.

V3 Alpha offers extended max clip length of 2 minutes and faster song generation.

The new version introduces dedicated instrumental support, eliminating the need to prompt for instrumentals.

V3 Alpha has expanded language support and is backward compatible with V2 songs.

V3 Alpha can create longer songs but may be prone to 'hallucinations' with short prompts.

The user shares their experience with generating tracks in various genres like Funky Rock, Trap, and Death Metal.

Sunno AI is considered the best music AI generator available.

The user typically uses sunno AI to generate instrumentals for their YouTube videos.

Uploading AI-generated music to Spotify helps protect the user's rights when using the music as background in videos.

The user demonstrates how to get AI-generated music tracks listed on Spotify using a DistroKid account.

DistroKid allows users to earn money from their songs if they become popular.

The user provides a step-by-step guide on uploading music to Spotify, including creating an album cover with stable diffusion.

AI-generated music can be a form of self-expression and potentially resonate with others.

The user encourages viewers to explore AI music generation and shares a previous video for further guidance.

The video aims to provide a comprehensive guide from AI music creation to publishing on Spotify.