Skellig CEO Chats - Boundaries of Competence (AI in the Life Sciences)

Skellig Automation
4 Apr 202427:21

TLDRIn this engaging discussion, Bonnie Gos and the CEO of Scale Automation, Paul, delve into the complexities and potential of AI in various industries, with a focus on life sciences and manufacturing. They explore the current limitations of AI, particularly large language models, and the importance of validation and trust in AI applications. The conversation highlights the need for caution, the potential of AI to revolutionize processes, and the critical balance between innovation and safety in the pharmaceutical industry.


  • 🤖 AI as a buzzword in various industries, with many discussing its potential without providing concrete solutions or use cases.
  • 🧬 In the pharmaceutical industry, AI could be used for data analysis and decision support rather than direct product development.
  • 🚫 Concerns about the validity and trustworthiness of AI outputs, especially in critical areas like drug manufacturing.
  • 📊 AI's potential to revolutionize industries is weighed against the need for caution and validation of its processes.
  • 🔍 The importance of not over-relying on AI and maintaining human oversight and decision-making in critical applications.
  • 💡 AI's role in standardizing processes and aiding in predictive analytics, with the potential for early alert systems in manufacturing.
  • 📚 Disappointment with certain AI tools, such as Microsoft's Co-pilot, due to their unreliability in providing accurate outputs.
  • 🔧 The need for AI to be used in conjunction with machine learning and human expertise to ensure safety and efficacy.
  • 🧠 The possibility of AI in personalizing medicine based on individual genomes, offering tailored treatments for rare diseases.
  • 🏥 Trust in AI is linked to transparency in its decision-making process and the ability to validate its outputs.
  • 🌐 The potential cultural and societal impacts of AI, including the need for building public trust and addressing ethical considerations.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion between Bonnie and Paul?

    -The main topic of discussion is the role and impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various industries, with a particular focus on its application in the life sciences and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

  • What are Bonnie's concerns about the use of AI in critical decision-making processes?

    -Bonnie is concerned about the validity and trustworthiness of AI, especially large language models, in making critical decisions such as those involved in pharmaceutical manufacturing. She emphasizes the need for validation and the potential risks of relying on AI without proper safeguards.

  • How does Paul view the current state of AI in the industry?

    -Paul believes that while AI has the potential to revolutionize the industry, it is still in its early stages and requires careful consideration and validation. He suggests that the industry should focus on structuring data and improving machine learning algorithms that can be programmed with defined boundaries.

  • What are some specific use cases of AI discussed in the conversation?

    -The conversation mentions several potential use cases for AI, including optimizing manufacturing processes, analyzing data to identify trends, and serving as an early alert system for potential issues in production processes.

  • What is Bonnie's opinion on the use of AI in the development of orphan drugs?

    -Bonnie sees potential in AI being used to develop orphan drugs tailored to individual patients, leveraging personal genomic data to create personalized medicines for rare diseases.

  • How does Paul approach the idea of AI in the context of his company's vision?

    -Paul's company aims to make medicine more accessible and affordable by reducing manufacturing costs. He acknowledges the potential of AI to contribute to this goal but cautions against over-reliance on AI without ensuring its validation and safety.

  • What are the concerns regarding the trustworthiness of AI in the pharmaceutical industry?

    -The concerns include the lack of transparency in how AI reaches its conclusions, the potential for AI to prioritize cost-saving over safety and efficacy, and the need for a cultural shift towards valuing validation and quality assurance in AI applications.

  • How does the conversation touch on the importance of human oversight in AI applications?

    -Both Bonnie and Paul emphasize the importance of human oversight, validation, and a cautious approach to integrating AI into critical processes, especially in the life sciences where the stakes are high and the consequences of errors can be severe.

  • What is the significance of the Boeing example in the discussion?

    -The Boeing example is used to illustrate the potential dangers of prioritizing financial considerations over safety and quality assurance when adopting new technologies, serving as a cautionary tale for the potential misuse of AI in the pharmaceutical industry.

  • What is the general sentiment towards AI in the conversation?

    -The general sentiment is one of cautious optimism. While recognizing the transformative potential of AI, both Bonnie and Paul advocate for a measured approach, emphasizing the need for validation, safety, and a strong human element in decision-making processes.



🤖 Exploring AI's Role and Validation in Industries

The paragraph discusses the role of AI in various industries, with a focus on its application in manufacturing and everyday work. The speaker expresses skepticism about the readiness of AI for validation and its ability to make critical decisions, especially in sensitive areas like pharmaceuticals. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding AI's limitations and the need for caution in applying it to mission-critical tasks. The speaker also shares personal experiences with different AI models, noting a preference for chat GPT over other models due to its reliability.


🧠 AI's Potential and Ethical Considerations

This section delves into the potential of AI to revolutionize work processes and the ethical considerations that come with it. The speaker acknowledges the transformative power of AI but also voices concerns about the potential for AI to be misused or to operate without proper oversight. The discussion touches on the importance of maintaining human control in drug manufacturing and the need for AI to be used as a辅助 tool rather than a decision-maker. The speaker also emphasizes the need for a cautious approach to AI, advocating for parallel development and validation of AI technologies.


🔧 Practical Applications and Limitations of AI in Life Sciences

The speaker explores the practical applications of AI in the life sciences industry, focusing on its use in predictive analytics and early alert systems. While recognizing the value of AI in identifying trends and potential issues, the speaker also highlights the limitations of current AI technology, particularly in terms of validation and trustworthiness. The conversation also touches on the potential for AI to aid in the development of orphan drugs, personalized medicine, and the challenges of regulatory approval and public trust in AI-driven medical solutions.


🏭 Balancing Efficiency and Caution in Manufacturing

The paragraph discusses the balance between striving for efficiency in manufacturing and maintaining a high level of caution to ensure safety and quality. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not missing critical steps in the pursuit of efficiency and the role of validation in the adoption of AI technologies. The conversation also addresses the perception of the pharmaceutical industry as profit-driven and the need for transparency and trust-building in the development and application of AI.


🤔 Reflecting on AI's Impact and the Human Element

In this section, the speaker reflects on the impact of AI on the workforce, the potential for cultural issues within tech communities, and the importance of having a moral code when working in fields where human lives are at stake. The discussion highlights the need for AI to be developed with a focus on safety, quality, and ethical considerations. The speaker also stresses the value of the human element in decision-making, particularly in highly regulated industries such as pharmaceuticals and aviation.


🌐 Final Thoughts on AI Adoption and the Future

The speaker concludes the conversation with thoughts on the future of AI adoption, emphasizing the need for cautious optimism and a balanced approach to integrating AI into various industries. The importance of maintaining a human touch in processes, ensuring validation, and building trust in AI technologies is reiterated. The speaker also invites further discussion and questions from the audience, highlighting the ongoing nature of the conversation around AI's role in society and industry.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is discussed as a transformative technology with potential applications in various industries, including life sciences and manufacturing. The conversation revolves around the capabilities, limitations, and ethical considerations of integrating AI into these fields.


Validation in this context refers to the process of confirming that a system, such as AI, meets the specified requirements and is fit for its intended purpose. It is crucial in industries like life sciences and manufacturing to ensure safety, efficacy, and compliance with regulations. The video emphasizes the importance of validation in the application of AI, as it is currently challenging to validate large language models and ensure their decisions are reliable and consistent.

💡Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subset of AI that involves the use of algorithms and statistical models to enable a system to learn from and make decisions based on data. It is particularly relevant in the video as the speaker discusses the potential of machine learning to improve efficiency and predict outcomes in manufacturing and life sciences, while also highlighting the need for careful implementation and validation.

💡Large Language Models

Large language models are AI systems designed to process and generate human-like text based on the data they have been trained on. These models, such as chat GPT, are capable of understanding and producing complex language patterns. In the video, the speaker discusses their experience with large language models, noting both their potential and the challenges in validating and trusting their outputs.

💡Life Sciences

Life sciences encompass the study of living organisms and their processes, including fields like biology, biochemistry, and pharmacology. In the video, the application of AI in life sciences is discussed, particularly in the context of drug development and manufacturing. The speaker raises concerns about the validation of AI in this critical field, where the stakes are high and the consequences of errors can be severe.


Manufacturing refers to the process of transforming raw materials into finished goods through manual or mechanical labor. In the context of the video, manufacturing is discussed as a potential area for AI application, with the aim of improving efficiency and revolutionizing the industry. However, the speaker also cautions about the need for a balanced approach to avoid over-automation and maintain safety and quality standards.


Trust in the context of the video refers to the confidence in the reliability, safety, and correctness of AI systems. It is a critical factor when considering the adoption of AI in sensitive areas like life sciences and manufacturing, where the consequences of errors can be significant. The speakers discuss their personal levels of trust in different AI models and the factors that influence this trust.


Regulatory refers to the rules and policies set by governing bodies to ensure safety, efficacy, and ethical standards, especially in industries like life sciences. In the video, the speakers discuss the potential regulatory challenges that may arise with the integration of AI into these industries, emphasizing the need for careful consideration and responsible application of AI technologies.


Safety in the context of the video pertains to the protection of people from harm, especially in industries like life sciences and manufacturing where the stakes are high. It is a paramount concern when discussing the implementation of AI, as any failure or mistake could have serious consequences. The speakers stress the importance of maintaining safety standards and not sacrificing them for the sake of efficiency or innovation.

💡Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations involve moral principles and values that guide decision-making, especially when it comes to the impact on humans and society. In the video, the speakers touch on the ethical implications of AI, such as the potential for AI to be used in ways that may not align with human values or may lead to unintended consequences. They discuss the importance of applying AI responsibly and with an awareness of these ethical dimensions.

💡Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is a systematic process that ensures products or services meet certain standards of quality and performance. In the video, quality assurance is discussed as a critical component in the adoption of AI, particularly in life sciences where the integrity of the final product is vital. The speakers emphasize the need for human oversight and validation in quality assurance processes, even as AI technologies are integrated into these systems.


Discussion on the current state and potential of AI in various industries, particularly life sciences and manufacturing.

AI as an industry buzzword and the lack of concrete solutions or use cases provided by many companies.

The role of AI in a pharmaceutical facility for data analysis and decision support rather than direct control over drug production.

Concerns about the validity and trustworthiness of large language models in critical applications.

The importance of structuring data and machine learning within programmable boundaries.

Personal experiences and preferences with different AI platforms such as chat GPT, Bing co-pilot, and Microsoft's co-pilot.

The transition from AI enthusiasts to a more cautious and critical approach to AI applications.

The potential of AI in life sciences, including predictive analytics and early alert systems for processes.

Challenges in validating and trusting AI outputs, especially in regulated industries like pharmaceuticals.

The need for a balance between AI innovation and maintaining safety, quality, and ethical standards.

AI's capability in standardizing code and its potential in the development of orphan drugs for rare diseases.

The concept of AI in personalized medicine based on an individual's genome.

The critical role of human oversight, care, and moral judgment in life sciences, as opposed to the irrationality of AI.

The potential cultural challenges and trust issues in adopting AI, especially in communities with skepticism towards medicine.

The importance of transparent and open communication about AI development and its decision-making processes.

Cautious optimism as an appropriate mindset for integrating AI into various sectors responsibly.

The impact of AI on the cost of medicine and the potential for making healthcare more accessible and affordable.

The potential risks of over-reliance on AI leading to a loss of human checks and balances in critical industries.