Paddington Gets His Money's Worth/Drive Bear Drive/Paddington Delivers the Goods
TLDRهذا النص يحكي قصة مثيرة حول بيرينغتون، الدب الوديع، وكيف يحاول يساعد الناس ويحل المشاكل. يصف النص أيضًا مغامراته مع جوناثان وكيف يجدوا كوميك قديمًا قد يستحق البيع في معرض الكوميكس. كما يشجع النص على الاهتمام بالأحداث الثقافية والاجتماعية، مثل الاحتفاء بالمناسبات الشخصية وأهمية الاحتفاء بالتقاليد والتقاليد. يتضمن النص أيضًا قصة مغامرة لشخصين آخرين يحاولان التوجه إلى مكان مثير للاهتمام ولكنهم يواجهون العديد من العقبات. يحتوي النص على عناصر من الضحك والإيجابية والإيجابية، مما يجعله مثيرًا للاهتمام.
- 🤔 **التفكير الجاد**: يظهر النص أن الشخصية الرئيسية لديه نقوش فريدة تجاه الأمور، ينظر إلى كل شيء كأنها جديدة.
- 👍 **السلوك الحسن**: يُعد الشخصية الأساسية لطيفًا ومودحاً ويحاول أن يفعل الأمور بشكل صحيح، بالرغم من أنه يقع في مشاكل عادة.
- 🕵️♂️ **الفضول**: يُظهر الشخصية الأساسية شغفًا بالفضول ويتحدث بحرية رأيه، مما يتسبب أحيانًا في مشاكل.
- 📚 **الاهتمام بالمواضيع الثقافية**: يُشير إلى وجود اجتماع للكتب الرسومية، مما يُشير إلى الاهتمام بالمواضيع الثقافية والثقافية.
- 💰 **القيمة المالية**: يُشير إلى قيمة بعض الكتب الرسومية القديمة، مثل أول نسخة من بوستر بوب، التي يُقال أنها تباع بقيمة ألف جنيه.
- 🎨 **الثراء الثقافي**: يُشير إلى وجود معارضين يرتدون ملابس خاصة لجذب الجمهور، مما يُظهر ثراء الثقافة والأزياء.
- 🤝 **التعاون**: يُشير إلى الشخصية الأساسية الرغبة في التعاون مع الآخرين، مثل الاقتراح لـ مستر كوري لأداء بعض المهام البسيطة مقابل الكتب الرسومية.
- 🌍 **السفر والاستكشاف**: يُشير إلى رحلة مثيرة للشخصية الأساسية مع布朗، حيث يبحثون عن مكان مثير للاهتمام لكتابهم حولonders في العالم.
- 👓 **المشاكل الشخصية**: يُظهر مستر غروبر مشاكله الشخصية، مثل فقدان نظاراته، والتي تؤثر على رحلته وقدرة على قيادة المركبة.
- 🎉 **الاحتفالات الشخصية**: يُشير إلى أهمية الاحتفالات الشخصية مثل عيد الزواج، وكيف يُحاول الشخصية الأساسية تزويديها بالذكر والاحتفاء.
- 🎼 **الموسيقى**: يُشير إلى أهمية الموسيقى في النص، سواء كجزء من الأحداث الشخصية مثل عيد الزواج، أو كجزء من الأحداث الثقافية مثل حفل ريكاردو مونتي بروم.
Q & A
(paddington) ما هي الأغنية التي تعزفها الموسيقى في بداية النص؟
-النص لم يشير بدقة إلى اسم الأغنية أو الأغنية التي تعزفها، بل استخدم فقط [Music] لوصف وجود الموسيقى.
(paddington) من يحاول السيطرة على العالم في قصة الكرتون؟
-الدكتور فيبر يحاول السيطرة على العالم في قصة الكرتون.
(paddington) ما هي الوسيلة التي يستخدمها الدكتور فيبر لتدمير المدن؟
-الدكتور فيبر يستخدم آلة طيران ضخمة تحمل مصباح موت يمكن أن يدمر مدن بأكملها.
(paddington) ماذا يحاول جوناثان أن يظهر لجوناثان؟
-النص لا يذكر ماذا يحاول بينغتون أن يظهر لجوناثان، بل يشير إلى أن جوناثان يسأل بينغتون "shh, what did you want to show me?".
(paddington) ما هي القيمة المقدرة لأول عدد من "بووستر بوب"؟
-القيمة المقدرة لأول عدد من "بووستر بوب" تقدر بأكثر من ألف جنيه، وفقًا للنص.
(paddington) ماذا يحدث مع مريم براون؟
-ماريم براون تفقد نظاراتها وتحتاج إلى العثور على طبيب العيون.
(paddington) ماذا يحاول مستر براون القيام به لاحتفاء عيد زواجي؟
-يحاول مستر براون تزويدي مريم ب一架钢琴 (一架钢琴) ك هدية عيد زواجي.
(paddington) ماذا يحدث مع البيانو في الأحداث التالية؟
-البيانو يحصل على الخطأ ويصبح يقود الشاحنة التي تحمل البيانو الذي يحتاجه مستر براون.
(paddington) ماذا يحدث في النهاية مع البيانو الذي يحتاجه مستر براون؟
-البيانو الصحيح يوصل إلى مستر براون في النهاية، ومع ذلك، يحصل ريكاردو مونتي برون على البيانو الخطأ.
(paddington) كيف تعامل مريم براون مع الخطأ في البيانو؟
-ماريم براون تتقبل البيانو الخطأ وتكون راضية به، وتشير إلى أنها تحب مستر براون أكثر من البيانو.
(paddington) ما هي الرسالة النهائية التي يرسلها بينغتون لأمه الكبرى لوسي؟
-يصف بينغتون لوسي الأحداث المدهشة التي حدثت مع مستر ومس太太 براون، ويقول أنه كان لديه مغامرة مثيرة.
😀 Paddington's Character and Comic Book Adventure
This paragraph introduces the character of Paddington, a friendly and polite bear who gets into trouble but always manages to land on his feet. It also describes an adventure involving a comic book featuring Booster Bob and the evil Doctor Viper. Paddington and Jonathan discuss the value of old comics, leading to an idea of attending a comic book convention to possibly sell a valuable comic.
🎭 Comic Book Convention and Mr. Curry's Offer
The second paragraph details the comic book convention experience where attendees dress up and dealers try to sell their wares. Paddington, mistaken for a connoisseur, is offered a 'Rabid Weasel' comic for an exorbitant price. He also encounters an Angie Bicycle comic, which he recalls fondly. Mr. Curry offers Paddington a chance to do odd jobs for him in exchange for the comics, but Paddington decides to keep them for personal enjoyment rather than selling.
🚗 Mr. Gruber's Misadventures and the Road to the Giant's Causeway
In this paragraph, Mr. Gruber and Mr. Brown are on a journey to the Giant's Causeway. Mr. Gruber has lost his glasses, leading to a series of mishaps including a flat tire and a wrong turn. Despite the challenges, they manage to reach their destination, with Mr. Brown's driving skills and the help of locals. The paragraph ends with a humorous note on Mr. Gruber's relief at finding his glasses and the beauty of the Giant's Causeway.
🎉 Mr. Brown's Wedding Anniversary Surprise
This paragraph revolves around Mr. Brown's attempt to surprise his wife, Mary, with a new piano for their wedding anniversary. However, due to a mix-up, the famous pianist Ricardo Monty Brown's piano is delivered to the Browns instead of the one Mr. Brown ordered. The situation is resolved with humor, and Mr. Brown's plan to surprise his wife with a piano is successful, albeit with an unexpected twist.
🎼 Ricardo Monty Brown and the Piano Mix-Up
The final paragraph describes a humorous situation where Ricardo Monty Brown, a renowned pianist, is mistaken for Mr. Brown and ends up playing the piano delivered to the Browns by mistake. The mix-up leads to a delightful performance and a happy ending for the Browns, with Mrs. Brown appreciating both the piano and her husband's efforts.
💡(sky commandos)
💡(dr viper)
💡(mr curry)
💡(wedding anniversary)
The character Paddington is described as always doing his best to help everyone, never missing a beat when a problem appears, and always finding a way to land on his feet.
Paddington has a unique point of view, looking at everything as if it's brand new.
Despite being friendly, polite, and trying to do things right, Paddington often finds himself in sticky messes.
The story mentions Booster Bob, a superhero who is the leader of the Sky Commandos, and his adversary, the evil Doctor Viper who wants to rule the world.
Paddington is curious, speaks his mind, and trouble is never far behind him.
Mr. Curry gives Paddington some old comic books that are over 60 years old.
The first issue of Booster Bob is said to sell for over a thousand pounds, suggesting the comic books Mr. Curry gave Paddington could be valuable.
A comic book convention is being held, and Paddington considers attending to see if he can sell the comics.
Dr. Viper disguises himself and tries to steal the comic books from Paddington and Jonathan.
At the comic book convention, Paddington encounters various dealers dressed in costumes to drum up business.
Paddington is offered £50 for a mint condition issue of The Rabid Weasel, but he declines.
Paddington successfully sells his comic books for £100, but then finds out they were worth much more.
Mr. Curry offers to do odd jobs for Paddington in exchange for being allowed to keep reading the comics.
The Brown family goes on a road trip to see the Giant's Causeway in Ireland.
Mr. Gruber loses his glasses, leading to a series of mishaps and comedic moments on their journey.
They get caught up in a road rally and have to navigate their way to the optician and then to the Giant's Causeway.
Despite the challenges, they eventually reach their destination and enjoy the beauty of the Giant's Causeway.
Mr. Brown realizes he forgot about his wedding anniversary, but has a surprise piano gift planned for Mrs. Brown.
Paddington helps ensure the piano is delivered in time for the anniversary, but a mix-up occurs and the wrong piano is almost delivered.
The situation is resolved, and the Browns have a happy anniversary celebration with the help of Paddington and a famous pianist.
cause he always does his best to help
when a problem appears he never
misses a beat
and always finds a way to land on his
has his very own unique point of view
looks at everything as if it's brand new
he is friendly and polite and he tries
to do things right
but he gets in sticky messes just the
he's curious and speaks his mind but
trouble's never far behind it's
what did you want to show me jonathan
we don't want mrs bird to hear us
booster bob and the sky commandos which
one is booster bob he's the leader the
evil doctor viper wants to rule the
world he has this huge flying machine
with a death ray that can blow up whole
oh mrs bird i thought you were dr viper
dr viper indeed come along you two it's
time you were in bed
hey he's getting away
stop you now do well orders booster bob
yeah what have you got there oh hello mr
curry i was just reading this comic
jonathan gave me
i haven't read a good comic since i was
a boy i didn't know they had them that
long ago mr curry of course they did i
still have a stack of old ones in my
cellar really can i read them
read them you can have them
for a prize
i put these stones out of your garden mr
curry yes well i suppose you've done a
possible job here you are there
thank you mr carrie i'm a martyr to my
own generosity
paddington these comics must be over 60
years old that's even older than mrs yes
nothing mrs bird um would you like to
see one i remember this andy rycicle and
his magic tricycle i used to love that i
bet it's worth a lot of money now i
heard the first issue of booster bob
sells for over a thousand pounds
according to the paper there's a comic
book convention being held this weekend
perhaps you should go paddington you
never know your lark a thousand pounds
a superhero he's the
destruction everywhere even in the world
without a career
what wake up sleepyhead we don't want to
miss the comic book convention
do you think paddington will be able to
sell the comics mr curry gave him at
that comic book convention i don't know
but i can't believe one could be worth a
thousand pounds like jonathan said
a thousand pounds
you never know
i'm sure lots of collectors saw the
advertisement in the newspaper
selling my comics indeed we'll see about
not if i get them back but how
that bears crafty
he'll know something's up if i offer to
buy them back but if he doesn't
recognize me
gracious me i didn't know you had to
dress up it's like a fancy dress ball
the dealers do that to drum up business
there you are
ah i see we have a connoisseur here can
i interest you in issue number one of
the rabid weasel i'm not a connoisseur
i'm a bear from darkest peru
darkest peru i expect you have some very
good weasels there very rabid i
shouldn't wonder
tell you what it's yours for 50 pounds
50 pounds it's in mint condition still
got its original staples
unread i would say
a bargain if nobody reads it it can't be
very good
well well what have we here
these are all right i suppose i'll give
you a ten pence
ten pence they must be worth more than
that man looks awfully familiar hmm
i've seen those boney legs before that's
an angie bicycle and his magic tricycle
and this is a ricochet racer special
edition are these yours yes no
i mean i'll give you 50 pounds for
everything i'll give you 80. 90. 100.
he's getting
away when you need him
my comics
what are you up to bear oh hello mr
curry i'm just reading my comics i
thought you were going to sell them
i mean
i had heard that you were going to sell
them oh no i decided i could never part
with them i want to read them over and
over and that's worth much more than the
5 000 pounds i was offered
you know bear i've just had an idea
how would it be if i did some odd jobs
for you for a change we might come to an
arrangement perhaps mr curry after i
finished reading them and i'm afraid
that might take years it isn't easy with
in the meantime
a glass of lemonade would be nice
isn't ireland beautiful mr brown oh yes
mr gruber i'm looking forward to seeing
the giant's causeway i hope he's not a
fierce giant
there is no giant and even if there were
i'm sure he would be like all irish folk
warm and friendly and always ready to
now our destination is a fascinating
place full of gigantic columns of snow
it will be a perfect subject for my book
the world and its wonders do you think
we should take the top down mr brown
what a good idea mr gruber
are you all right mr gruber yes but i
fear i have lost my glasses i can't see
a thing without them i need to find an
optician i don't think you'll find many
around here mr gruber in that case
there's only one thing for it
you must take the wheel mr blonde
i have the wheel mr gruber it's the
pedals that are the problem i've got it
i'm ready when you are mr brown i hope
this works i've only driven once before
you're going the wrong way
now how would she know where we're going
hey would you mind where you're going
there hey watch what you're doing where
do you think you're going man you were
right mr gruber these irish are a
friendly lot when in rome do as the
romans do
perhaps it would be better if we get off
the main road
the road rally has several checkpoints
be sure to stop at each one good luck
everyone ready
mr gruber i see someone we can ask for
directions to the nearest optician
what's that noise
the irish certainly are welcoming
that doesn't look like any way to drive
well you see i've lost my glasses and
you'd better get to an optician right
away there's one in the next town here's
a map in directions i'm afraid i can't
read without my glasses
you'll have to follow them mr brown are
you sure you can read and drive at the
same time young
oh yes bears are good at map reading
thank you for your help
good luck
you're gonna need it
you having trouble seeing the map mr
not anymore mr gruber
i do hope we can find a smoother road
ah that's better well done mr brown um
thank you mr gruber and to think i had
doubts about letting you drive
i fear that sounded like a flat mr
bronze it's even flatter than one of mrs
bird's pancakes
i've had this sort of trouble many times
before i could change a tire blindfold
there you are a job well done if i say
so myself it looks very good to me
you didn't see that you changed the
wrong tyre
i'll help this time
now we can find that optician and then
go to the giant's causeway i think i
could do with a bit of a cleanup first
if i remember rightly there was a cloth
on the back seat
what's happening mr brown
hang on mr boober
where are we a barn and it's a good
thing we had something soft to bump into
perhaps it would be a good idea if we go
the rest of the way on foot
i have no idea where this is but it's
certainly very peaceful
mr gruber are you catching the cold that
wasn't me
but it's a bull run mr groomer run
i do believe we are so far off the
beaten track we'll never find our way
there's a man over there we can ask
hello right on course boys here's the
next other directions and
i assume that since you've come this far
the other officials have turned a blind
eye to your friends here there should be
only two per car no passengers oh we
seem to have some guests mr gruber
here's a couple of packed lunches to
keep you going thank you thank you bye i
guess you'll have to share
good gracious
i'm beginning to think we'll never reach
our destination
mr gruber
the giants causeway just like in the
it must have been a huge giant to need
this kind of a causeway to walk upon
there is no giant it's just a natural
phenomenon well it certainly is a
popular tourist attraction there are so
many people here i wish you could see it
too mr gruber
oh dear we're not having any luck today
are we mr brown we'd better put the top
excuse me
oh no glasses
that's better but that's all
there seems to have been some kind of
car rally going on
i'm glad we didn't run into troubles
because of it
i must say mr brown
everything seems to have worked out
rather well thanks to your driving i
can't wait to tell aunt lucy although
how i'm going to get it all onto one
postcard i don't know
dear aunt lucy i've had the most
exciting adventure with mr and mrs brown
it all started a few days ago
oh henry this is such a beautiful
wedding ring what wouldn't i give to
live it all again um did you say the
phone's ringing mary no
should i keep my wedding dress or sell
mr brown i'm pretty certain that mrs
brown has been trying to remind you of
something shh yes i know it's our
wedding anniversary your what mr brown
our wedding anniversary the day mary and
i got married it's customary for
husbands and wives to celebrate it every
year but mrs brown thinks you've
forgotten i know isn't it wonderful
i'm pretending not to remember and my
plan is going so well but she seems
quite upset ah yes but when she sees the
present i'm picking up tomorrow morning
a brand new piano shall be all the more
what is the weekend
yes i'll be right down
there's an emergency at the office i
have to go there right away so i need
you to arrange for the piano's delivery
before mary comes home from the earth
take this check
the address is on the back the delivery
men must have it here before mary gets
home or it really will look like i've
forgotten don't worry mr brown you're in
good hands
ah fix this music here we are
my name is paddington brown and i'm here
to make sure mr brown's piano gets
ricardo monty broom welcome
i am here for my piano of course it is
ready but before we go could i travel
you for just a couple of autographs
please mr bexley
i'm in a bit of a hurry don't you know
who that is it's ricardo monty brun the
world famous pianist and he's come to me
me to prepare his piano for tonight's
performance but mrs brown has to get her
piano on time otherwise poor mr brown
you'll find two delivery men waiting
outside in dispatch show them which
piano is yours and they'll take care of
it now go
excuse me i'm here to make sure mr
brown's piano gets delivered ah let's
see then uh brown brown what size was it
oh it's for a very important occasion so
i'm sure it's very
here we go
you're right it's the biggest one we've
i'm such a fan of yours and my daughters
they know all your songs enough please a
master heaver my piano of course follow
my piano can't be too hard to find
that's strange this is mr brown's
and why does this say mr broon those
idiots they took the wrong piano
oh dear i think something must be wrong
maybe the trailer's loose i'll have a
ricardo please sit down the salieri ate
a lunch on it i am a ruined without it
check the coupling on the
trailer you need this
which way boss
follow that piano
come on just a little more
hey larry it went uphill watch out sid
it's rolling back
come on
don't worry i know where they live
safe and sound mr brown excellent bring
it in bring it in
oh no
someone has made a terrible mistake
henry you won't believe what i just saw
at the hairdressers
oh henry
it's gorgeous
i love it
a happy anniversary dear
madam that the piano is a mine
ricardo monte brown
is it really you hey
mary there's been a mistake i bought you
a piano but it's an upright about half
this size hey mr blue it is their
anniversary and i make up my living from
that piano
ah this is sneezing is a me crazy i
think i know why you're sneezing you do
but tell me i'll do anything but to stop
i have fur and lots of people are
allergic to me especially when i haven't
had a bath
you're right i should have known it was
those affairs and to show my
appreciation i shall apply an original
ricardo love song
mrs brown loves her new piano but i
think she loves mr brown even more
p.s i'm sure you've never heard of
ricardo you should give him a try
curious and speaks his mind
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The Adventures of Paddington Bear (1999 UK VHS)

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