Stable Diffusion 2.1 Black Image Error Solved | Embedding Explained | Stable Diffusion 2.1 Embedding

5 Jan 202307:17

TLDRIn this video, the creator addresses two main topics related to Stable Diffusion 2.1. First, they share a solution to the black image error encountered when generating images using the 768 model. The fix involves editing the user.bat file with specific lines to enhance precision. After implementing the solution, the video demonstrates successful image generation without black images. Second, the video introduces the concept of embeddings, which are small files that can significantly improve image quality. The creator explains how to download and install embeddings from the Civit AI website and how to use them effectively in Stable Diffusion to generate high-quality images with various styles, such as Viking and Mid-Journey. The video concludes with a demonstration of the improved image results and an encouragement to explore the fun and creative possibilities of Stable Diffusion 2.1.


  • 🖌️ The video discusses a solution to the black image error encountered when using Stable Diffusion 2.1 with the 768 model.
  • 🔍 The solution involves editing the user.bat file and setting specific lines to address the issue.
  • 📝 The user.bat file can be edited using a text editor like Notepad++, and the lines to set are `--no-half` and `--full`.
  • 🔄 After making changes to the user.bat file, save and close it, then reopen the application to see if the issue is resolved.
  • 🌐 The video demonstrates that the black image error is solved by using the local URL and selecting the 768 non-ema prone ckp.
  • 📈 The video also covers the use of embeddings in Stable Diffusion 2.1 to enhance image quality.
  • 📚 Embeddings are small files that can be downloaded and installed to improve the results of image generation.
  • 🌐 The source for obtaining embeddings is mentioned as the Civit AI website, where users can download various embeddings.
  • 🎨 Two favorite embeddings used by the presenter are the Mid Journey embedding and the Viking Punk embedding.
  • ✍️ To use an embedding, specific keywords associated with the embedding must be included in the prompt when generating an image.
  • 🤖 The video shows examples of images generated using the Mid Journey and Viking Punk embeddings, highlighting their effectiveness.
  • 📈 The presenter also demonstrates the use of embeddings in image-to-image upscaling, achieving impressive results.

Q & A

  • What was the issue faced by the user with the Stable Diffusion 2.1 version?

    -The user was encountering a black image error while generating images using the Stable Diffusion 2.1 version with the 768 model.

  • How did the user resolve the black image error?

    -The user resolved the black image error by following advice from a Reddit post, which involved setting specific lines in the user.bat file to 'Precision full'.

  • What is the process of setting the lines in the user.bat file?

    -To set the lines in the user.bat file, the user should open the file with a text editor like Notepad++, find the specified lines, set them to 'Precision full', save the changes, and then close and reopen the application.

  • What is the significance of embeddings in Stable Diffusion 2.1?

    -Embeddings in Stable Diffusion 2.1 are used to enhance image quality. They are small files that can be installed to improve the results of image generation.

  • Where can embeddings be obtained from?

    -Embeddings can be obtained from the Civit AI website by clicking on 'textual conversion'.

  • How are embeddings installed in Stable Diffusion?

    -To install embeddings, download the PT and PNG files, then go to the embeddings section in Stable Diffusion and paste the downloaded files there.

  • How are embeddings used in image generation with Stable Diffusion?

    -Embeddings are used by typing specific keywords related to the chosen embedding into the prompt when generating an image. For example, 'art by mid-journey' or 'Viking punk'.

  • What are some of the benefits of using embeddings?

    -Using embeddings can significantly improve the quality and style of generated images, allowing for more creative and diverse outputs.

  • What are the file sizes of the embeddings?

    -Embeddings are very small files, often only a few kilobytes in size.

  • How did the user demonstrate the effectiveness of embeddings?

    -The user demonstrated the effectiveness of embeddings by generating images with different styles, such as Batman images with mid-journey and Viking punk embeddings, and showing the improved results.

  • What was the user's overall impression of using embeddings in Stable Diffusion 2.1?

    -The user found using embeddings in Stable Diffusion 2.1 to be a lot of fun and was amazed by the quality of the generated images.

  • What did the user suggest for anyone facing issues with Stable Diffusion?

    -The user suggested going through the guide provided in the Reddit post, which includes installations, Linux installation, and troubleshooting.



😀 Solving the Black Image Error in Stable Diffusion 2.1

The speaker discusses a common issue encountered when generating images using Stable Diffusion 2.1, specifically the black image error. To resolve this, they reference a Reddit post suggesting a fix involving editing the user.bat file to include specific lines related to precision settings. The process involves opening the file, making the suggested edits, saving, and then testing to see if the issue is resolved. The video demonstrates that the problem is fixed by showing an example image generation without the black image error. The speaker also provides a link for further guidance on installations and troubleshooting for Stable Diffusion.


🎨 Enhancing Image Quality with Embeddings in Stable Diffusion 2.1

The second part of the video focuses on the use of embeddings to improve image quality in Stable Diffusion 2.1. Embeddings are small files that can be installed to enhance the output of the image generation process. The speaker explains how to obtain and install embeddings from the Civit AI website and mentions two favorite embeddings: Mid Journey and Viking Punk. They demonstrate how to apply these embeddings by including specific keywords in the image generation prompt. The video shows the impressive results of using these embeddings on Batman images, highlighting the fun and creative possibilities that embeddings offer for users of Stable Diffusion 2.1. The speaker also shares an example of image upscaling with a cybernetic style prompt, further illustrating the power of embeddings in achieving high-quality and stylized results.



💡Stable Diffusion 2.1

Stable Diffusion 2.1 is a version of an AI image generation model that is used to create images from textual descriptions. It is a significant topic in the video as the host discusses a solution to a common issue (black image error) encountered while using this version and also explains how to enhance image quality using embeddings with this software.

💡Black Image Error

The Black Image Error refers to a problem where the AI-generated images appear completely black. This issue is central to the video as the host shares a solution found on Reddit, which involves editing the user.bat file to resolve the error and successfully generate non-black images.

💡user.bat file

The user.bat file is a batch file that the host mentions needs to be edited to fix the black image error in Stable Diffusion 2.1. The specific lines to be set in the file are discussed in the video, indicating the importance of this file in troubleshooting the AI image generation process.


Embeddings are small files that can be used with AI image generation models like Stable Diffusion to enhance the quality and style of generated images. In the video, the host explains how embeddings work and how they can be installed and used to improve the output of the AI model.

💡Civit AI website

The Civit AI website is mentioned as a source for obtaining embeddings. It is a key resource in the video as it provides the necessary files (PT and PNG) for users to download and use in their image generation process to achieve better results.

💡Mid Journey embedding

The Mid Journey embedding is one of the specific embeddings highlighted in the video. It is used as an example of how a particular style can be applied to the generated images by using a specific keyword in the prompt, demonstrating the customization possible with embeddings.

💡Viking Punk

Viking Punk is another example of an embedding used in the video. It is mentioned as a keyword that, when added to the prompt, directs the AI to generate images in the Viking Punk style, showcasing the versatility of embeddings in influencing the artistic output.

💡Image Quality

Image quality is a primary concern in the video, as the host discusses methods to enhance it through the use of Stable Diffusion 2.1 and embeddings. The improved image quality is demonstrated through the generation of detailed and styled images, which is a significant part of the video's narrative.

💡AI Trip Printer

AI Trip Printer is credited in the video for their contribution to the understanding of embeddings. While not directly explained, it implies that this entity or individual has played a role in the development or popularization of embedding technology within the context of AI image generation.

💡Olivia Sarikas

Olivia Sarikas is mentioned as someone from whom the host learned about embeddings. This suggests that she may be an influencer, expert, or contributor in the field of AI image generation, and her insights have helped the host to understand and utilize embeddings effectively.

💡Textual Conversion

Textual conversion is a process mentioned in the context of obtaining embeddings from the Civit AI website. It refers to the transformation of text descriptions into corresponding visual styles or features that can be embedded into the AI's image generation process to guide the output.


The video discusses a solution to the black image error encountered when using Stable Diffusion 2.1 with the 768 model.

A Reddit user suggested setting specific lines in the user.bat file to resolve the issue.

The lines to set are '--Precision full --no-half' in the user.bat file.

After setting the lines, save and close the file to apply the changes.

The video demonstrates that the black image error is resolved after applying the suggested fix.

The use of embeddings in Stable Diffusion 2.1 is introduced to enhance image quality.

Embeddings are small files that can be installed to improve the output of AI-generated images.

The Civit AI website is mentioned as a source for obtaining embeddings.

Two favorite embeddings used by the presenter are the Mid Journey embedding and the Viking Pump.

To use an embedding, specific keywords corresponding to the embedding must be included in the prompt.

The presenter demonstrates generating an image of Batman using the Mid Journey and Viking Punk embeddings.

The results of using embeddings are shown to be significantly enhanced compared to standard outputs.

Embeddings can be downloaded for free from the Civit AI website and are very small in size.

The presenter shares a link in the description for further guides, installations, and troubleshooting.

The video concludes by emphasizing the fun and creativity that can be achieved with Stable Diffusion 2.1 and embeddings.

The presenter generated impressive Batman images using the Mid Journey and Viking Punk embeddings.

An example of upscaling an image with a cybernetic style using embeddings is shown.

The presenter encourages viewers to explore and have fun with the capabilities of Stable Diffusion 2.1.