AI Startup Hugging Face Valued at $4.5B

Bloomberg Technology
24 Aug 202306:02

TLDRThe video script discusses the transformative impact of AI on businesses, emphasizing the importance of high-quality customer data. The CEO highlights their company's leading real-time CDP and partnerships with tech giants like Google and OpenAI to provide tailored AI solutions. The conversation underscores the economic incentives for companies to invest in AI technology, predicting a radical industry transformation in the next 5-10 years. The CEO also addresses investor relations, strategic cost management, and the potential of AI to drive profitable growth.


  • 🚀 AI has significantly transformed various aspects of business, with the quality of data being crucial for achieving proprietary outcomes.
  • 💡 Companies can greatly benefit from leveraging AI to serve their customers better and at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.
  • 🎯 The effectiveness of marketing campaigns can be increased tenfold by utilizing AI to design targeted strategies.
  • 📈 AI can enhance sales teams' performance by automating early conversations and lead generation.
  • 🌟 The combination of customer data with advanced AI is expected to yield significant improvements in business operations.
  • 🛠️ The company's leading real-time Customer Data Platform (CDP) allows for comprehensive customer profiling from various data signals.
  • 🤖 AI platforms like ChatGPT demonstrate the capability of computers to reason and solve complex problems similar to human cognition.
  • 🌐 Partnerships with major tech companies like Google and OpenAI ensure the right AI models are used for the appropriate business cases.
  • 💼 The economic incentives for companies to invest in AI technology are strong, as it can provide a 100-fold return on investment.
  • 📊 Companies are reassessing their software investments to ensure alignment with their growth and AI-readiness strategies.
  • 🏙️ San Francisco has emerged as a hub for AI innovation, with the potential impact of AI being compared to the advent of the internet.

Q & A

  • How has AI transformed various aspects of business?

    -AI has revolutionized many parts of business by enhancing the quality of data used to drive proprietary outcomes for companies. It enables companies to utilize their customer data more effectively, leading to better customer service and reduced costs through automation.

  • What is the significance of high-quality data for AI systems?

    -High-quality data is crucial for AI systems as it directly impacts the effectiveness and accuracy of the outcomes provided by the AI. The better the data fed into the AI, the more valuable and reliable the results will be for the company.

  • How can companies benefit from combining their customer data with advanced AI?

    -By combining customer data with advanced AI, companies can achieve a 10-fold improvement in their operations at a fraction of the cost. This synergy allows for automated marketing campaigns and sales processes, leading to significant efficiency gains.

  • What differentiates this company's AI offering from others in the market?

    -This company's AI offering is distinguished by its integration with a leading real-time Customer Data Platform (CDP), which allows for the ingestion of all customer signals into comprehensive profiles. This detailed understanding of customers enables more targeted and effective AI applications.

  • How does the company's AI technology work with large language models like ChatGPT?

    -The company's AI technology leverages large language models like ChatGPT to reason through complex problems in a manner similar to human thinking. This capability allows the AI to devise more effective strategies for targeting customers and designing marketing campaigns.

  • What is the company's stance on technology partnerships?

    -The company adopts an agnostic approach to technology partnerships, focusing on selecting the right model for the right use case. They have partnered with entities like Google and OpenAI to ensure the best technology is used to tackle specific problems.

  • How is the company preparing for the AI-driven future?

    -The company is at the infrastructure stage of preparing for the AI-driven future, helping other companies get their data AI-ready by structuring it in a way that allows for the integration with large language models.

  • What economic incentives drive companies to invest in AI technology?

    -The economic incentives for companies to invest in AI technology include the potential for a 100-fold improvement in outcomes at a tenth of the cost of previous solutions, making it essential for survival and growth in the modern business landscape.

  • How does the company balance investor demands with its growth strategy?

    -The company balances investor demands by transitioning from a growth-at-all-costs model to one that generates more than 10% operating margins, demonstrating a commitment to profitable growth while responding to shareholder needs.

  • What challenges are companies facing in terms of investment in AI?

    -Companies are carefully evaluating their investments in AI, questioning whether they have chosen the right software and made the appropriate investments. Some may be pulling back or reducing spending in certain areas, while also looking to ensure they have the right investments to fuel future growth.

  • How is the AI industry in San Francisco evolving?

    -San Francisco has become a central hub for the AI universe, with companies like OpenAI leading the charge in this revolution. The advent of large language models and reasoning computers is expected to have a transformative impact on business and society, potentially bigger than the mobile or internet revolutions.



🤖 Transforming Business with AI and Customer Data

This paragraph discusses the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business, emphasizing the importance of high-quality data. The CEO explains that companies can significantly improve their operations and customer service by feeding AI systems comprehensive customer data, leading to better marketing campaigns and sales team efficiency. The conversation highlights the potential of AI to deliver 10 times better results at 1/10th the cost. The CEO also underscores the uniqueness of their offering, which is a leading real-time Customer Data Platform (CDP) that ingests all customer signals to create detailed profiles, enhancing the effectiveness of AI applications.


💡 Navigating the AI Revolution and Investor Relations

The second paragraph focuses on the company's shift in strategy from growth at all costs to a profitable growth model, with an emphasis on investor relations and the company's response to their demands. The CEO shares the company's remarkable progress, moving from not making a profit to achieving over 10% operating margins in just six months. The discussion also touches on the broader tech community in San Francisco, positioning it as the center of the AI universe, with the advent of large language models and reasoning computers being compared to the mobile and internet revolutions. This implies a significant impact on business and society.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, problem-solving, and perception. In the context of the video, AI is transforming various aspects of business by providing proprietary outcomes and enabling companies to serve their customers better at a fraction of the cost. The conversation emphasizes the potential of AI to revolutionize industries and its significant role in the future of technology and business.

💡Customer Data

Customer data refers to the information that businesses collect about their customers, which can include demographics, buying habits, preferences, and online behavior. In the video, the importance of high-quality customer data is emphasized as it feeds AI systems to produce better outcomes for companies. The discussion highlights the need for companies to combine their customer data with advanced AI to achieve significant improvements in their operations and customer targeting.

💡Real-time CDP

A Real-time Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a technology that unifies customer data from various sources and makes it available for immediate analysis and action. In the video, the company's leading real-time CDP is highlighted as a key differentiator, allowing them to ingest and process customer signals from every website visit, click, and purchase to create detailed customer profiles.

💡Large Language Models

Large Language Models (LLMs) are a class of AI models that process and generate human-like text based on the input they receive. These models are trained on vast datasets and can perform a variety of language tasks, such as translation, summarization, and question-answering. In the context of the video, LLMs like ChatGPT are noted for their ability to reason and solve complex problems, similar to a human, which is crucial for understanding and utilizing customer data to design effective marketing strategies.

💡Technology Agnostic

Being technology agnostic means that a company or solution is not tied to a specific technology or vendor and can work with multiple technologies to achieve the best outcomes. In the video, the company's technology agnostic approach is emphasized, as they partner with different providers like Google and OpenAI to tackle the right problems with the most suitable technology.

💡AI Readiness

AI readiness refers to a company's preparedness to adopt and integrate AI technologies into their operations. This involves having the right infrastructure, data, and skills in place to effectively use AI. In the video, the focus is on companies getting their data AI-ready, meaning they need to format their customer data in a way that it can be combined with the power of large language models to achieve transformative results.

💡Economic Incentives

Economic incentives are the financial motivations that encourage or discourage certain behaviors or decisions. In the context of the video, the CEO believes that if AI can deliver 10 times better results at 1/10 of the cost, the economic incentives for companies to invest in this technology will be undeniable, as it would significantly improve their competitive position and survival in the market.


A usage-based model is a pricing structure where customers pay for a product or service based on their consumption or usage. This is in contrast to traditional models where payment is based on the number of seats or licenses purchased. In the video, the company's usage-based approach is highlighted as a way to provide value to customers without the constraints of seat-based licensing, aligning the cost with the actual value derived from the service.

💡Investor Relations

Investor relations refer to the relationship between a company and its investors, including how the company communicates its financial performance, strategy, and management actions to its shareholders. In the video, the company's management is actively engaging with investors to understand their expectations and is taking substantive actions to address their needs while also focusing on AI to drive the company's growth and profitability.

💡San Francisco

San Francisco is a major city in California known for its role as a hub of technological innovation. In the context of the video, San Francisco is described as the center of the AI universe, with companies like OpenAI headquartered there and contributing to the AI revolution. The city's significance in the tech industry is underscored by the impact of AI advancements on businesses and society.

💡Tech Industry

The tech industry encompasses the sector of the economy that deals with the development, production, and use of electronic and digital technologies. In the video, the CEO discusses the impact of AI on the tech industry, suggesting that the advent of AI and large language models could be as transformative as the advent of the internet and mobile technology, reshaping businesses and society at large.


AI has transformed various parts of business, with the quality of data being crucial for proprietary outcomes.

Companies can significantly improve by using AI to analyze customer data, potentially reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

The ability to use AI for marketing campaigns and sales can lead to a 10x increase in effectiveness at a fraction of the cost.

The CEO emphasizes the importance of data, highlighting their leading real-time Customer Data Platform (CDP).

ChatGPT is mentioned as an example of AI that can reason through complex problems like a human.

The company's approach is to combine customer data with advanced AI for better targeting and campaign design.

NVIDIA is likened to providing the infrastructure for the AI revolution, like picks and shovels for miners.

The company is technology agnostic, partnering with Google and OpenAI to apply the right model for each use case.

Companies are preparing their data for AI readiness, understanding the inevitability of AI's impact.

AI is expected to radically transform businesses and industries within the next 5-10 years, prompting early investments.

The company has shifted from a growth-at-all-costs to a profitable growth model, increasing operating margins to over 10%.

Investors are actively engaged with the company, seeking to understand and capitalize on the AI opportunity.

San Francisco has become the center of the AI universe, with significant tech companies and innovations converging in the area.

The impact of AI is compared to the mobile and internet revolutions, indicating a profound change for business and society.

Companies are reassessing their investments, focusing on the right software to fuel growth effectively.

The company's usage-based model aligns with the need for flexible solutions in a time of economic uncertainty and shifting workforce needs.