Start your podcast in 5 steps | ULTIMATE guide to podcasting | How to start a podcast for beginners

Jade Beason
30 Apr 202320:44

TLDRThe video script provides a comprehensive guide for beginners looking to start their own podcast. It emphasizes the importance of defining the podcast's value and objectives, creating an engaging title and branding, and selecting the right equipment for quality audio. The script also covers episode planning, editing, publishing, and promotion, highlighting the necessity of cross-promotion on social media and other platforms to build an audience. The use of Elgato equipment, including The Wave DX microphone and the key Light mini, is recommended for enhancing the podcasting experience.


  • πŸŽ™οΈ Start a podcast with a clear objective and value proposition to your audience.
  • πŸ’‘ Define the purpose of your podcast, whether it's for sales, community building, or connecting with like-minded individuals.
  • 🎨 Create a title and branding that resonate with the value you provide and appeal to your target audience.
  • 🎧 Consider if your podcast will be audio-only or include visual elements like video.
  • πŸ‘₯ Plan your episode formats, including interview preparation, episode length, and whether you'll script or use prompts.
  • πŸŽ™οΈ Invest in quality equipment like a good microphone and mixer to enhance your podcast's audio quality.
  • πŸ’‘ Edit and publish your episodes using appropriate software, and consider outsourcing editing if necessary.
  • πŸ“… Schedule your podcast episodes in advance to maintain consistency and allow for feedback adjustment.
  • πŸ“ˆ Use engaging titles and descriptions to attract listeners and encourage them to tune in.
  • πŸ”„ Promote your podcast across social media and other platforms to grow your audience.
  • πŸ“’ Encourage listeners to share your podcast and use calls to action to increase reach and engagement.

Q & A

  • What is the main reason for the growing popularity of podcasts?

    -Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular due to their relatively low effort in production and the significant rewards they can offer in terms of audience engagement and content reach.

  • What is the first step in starting a podcast?

    -The first step in starting a podcast is to define the podcast's value and objective, ensuring a clear understanding of the outcomes desired from the podcasting endeavor.

  • What are some common objectives for starting a podcast?

    -Common objectives for starting a podcast include generating sales for a business, building a community, or connecting with like-minded people through interviews.

  • Why is providing value important in podcasting?

    -Providing value is crucial in podcasting as it ensures that the content resonates with the audience and offers them something of worth, which can be educational, entertaining, or inspirational.

  • What are some elements to consider when creating a podcast title and branding?

    -When creating a podcast title and branding, it's important to ensure the title is related to the value provided, the branding reflects the podcast's vibe or aesthetic, and that the podcast cover is visually appealing and clearly displays the title.

  • How can one promote their podcast effectively?

    -Effective podcast promotion can be achieved through cross-platform promotion, using social media to drive traffic, encouraging listeners to share the podcast, and consistently mentioning the podcast across all communication channels.

  • What are some equipment recommendations for starting a podcast?

    -Recommended equipment for starting a podcast includes a high-quality microphone, such as the Elgato Wave DX, an XLR mixer for audio control, and a portable light source like the Key Light Mini for visual content creation.

  • What is the role of a podcast cover in the overall branding?

    -A podcast cover plays a significant role in branding as it serves as the first visual representation of the podcast. It should be eye-catching, clearly display the podcast title, and ideally include a recognizable image, such as the creator's face, to establish a personal connection with potential listeners.

  • What are some content formatting considerations for podcast episodes?

    -Content formatting considerations for podcast episodes include deciding on the episode format (interviews, solo, etc.), the length of episodes, whether the podcast will be audio-only or include visual elements, and whether the content will be scripted or based on prompts.

  • How can one prepare for podcast interviews?

    -Preparation for podcast interviews can vary from conducting extensive research and planning every question to keeping it organic with minimal preparation and focusing on key topics. The level of preparation depends on the creator's style and the desired dynamic of the conversation.

  • What are the steps involved in editing and publishing a podcast episode?

    -The steps involved in editing and publishing a podcast episode include recording the audio using a platform like QuickTime, editing the content using software such as Audacity or Adobe Audition, and publishing the episode on platforms like Spotify for Podcasters, complete with titles, descriptions, and branding.



πŸš€ Starting a Podcast in 2023: An Overview

The paragraph introduces the concept of starting a podcast, highlighting its growing popularity and low effort requirement. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the purpose and value of the podcast, such as generating sales, building a community, or connecting with like-minded individuals. The speaker shares their own experience of launching a podcast in 2022 and its steady growth. The need to define clear objectives and the value provided to the audience is stressed, whether it be educational, entertaining, or inspirational.


🎨 Crafting Your Podcast's Title and Branding

This section delves into the process of titling and branding a podcast. It suggests that the title should relate to the value provided, making it easy for potential listeners to understand the podcast's content. The speaker discusses the importance of the podcast cover, which should be a one-by-one square, and the option of including a personal image to connect with the audience. Tools like Canva are recommended for creating podcast covers, and the importance of maintaining a consistent vibe or aesthetic for the podcast's branding is highlighted.


🎀 Podcast Equipment and Editing

The paragraph discusses the essential equipment for podcasting, focusing on the Elgato Wave DX microphone and its features, such as an inbuilt pop shield and optimized proximity effect. The speaker also mentions the use of an XLR mixer to enhance audio control and the Key Light mini for effective lighting. The section then transitions into the editing and publishing process, with recommendations on recording and editing software like QuickTime and Audacity. The speaker admits to outsourcing the editing task and emphasizes the importance of platforms like Spotify for Podcasters for publishing and scheduling episodes.


πŸ“… Outlining and Publishing Podcast Episodes

This part of the script covers the steps involved in mapping out podcast episodes, including deciding on the format, length, and whether the podcast will be audio-only or include visual elements. The speaker shares personal preferences for scripting versus using prompts and the importance of recording platforms. The editing process is briefly touched upon, with the speaker recommending Audacity and Adobe Audition. The publishing aspect focuses on the use of Spotify for Podcasters for uploading and scheduling episodes, with an emphasis on the significance of titles and descriptions in attracting listeners.


πŸ“’ Promoting Your Podcast: Strategies and Tips

The final paragraph emphasizes the importance of promoting a podcast to build an organic audience. It suggests leveraging social media platforms and creating engaging content to drive traffic to the podcast. The speaker advises on repurposing podcast content for different platforms like YouTube and TikTok and encourages including calls to action within podcast episodes to boost sharing. The paragraph concludes with a reminder to mention the podcast in various channels, such as email signatures and social media bios, to maximize visibility and listener engagement.

πŸŽ‰ Wrapping Up and Encouraging Engagement

In the concluding part, the speaker expresses gratitude for the audience's attention and encourages them to check out Elgato's accessories for content creators. The speaker also recommends another video on becoming a successful content creator and looks forward to the audience's engagement with future content. The emphasis is on the continuous promotion of one's podcast and the importance of sharing and engaging with the audience across different platforms.




A podcast is a digital audio or video series that a user can download or stream. In the context of the video, it is the primary medium through which the content creator shares information and engages with their audience. The speaker discusses the process of starting a podcast, emphasizing the importance of defining its value and objectives, as well as the various elements involved in its creation and promotion.

πŸ’‘Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing and sharing various forms of content, such as articles, videos, or podcasts, to engage and inform an audience. In the video, the speaker focuses on podcasting as a form of content creation and provides tips on how to create valuable and engaging content for listeners.


Branding involves creating a unique name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates a product or service. In the context of the video, podcast branding includes choosing a relevant title and designing a cover that reflects the podcast's value and vibe. Effective branding helps listeners quickly understand what the podcast is about and increases recognition and memorability.


Equipment refers to the tools and devices necessary for a specific task or activity. In podcasting, this includes microphones, mixers, and lighting. The speaker recommends specific equipment from Elgato, such as the Wave DX microphone and the Key Light Mini, to ensure high-quality audio and video production.


Editing is the process of modifying and refining content to improve its quality and coherence. In podcasting, this involves cutting, adjusting audio levels, and adding effects or music. The speaker mentions using QuickTime for recording and platforms like Audacity and Adobe Audition for editing, but also suggests that podcasters can outsource this task if they are not proficient in editing.


Publishing refers to the act of making content available to the public. For podcasts, this involves uploading episodes to platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcast directories. The speaker recommends using Spotify for Podcasters for its ease of use and scheduling capabilities, allowing for content to be released automatically over time.


Promotion is the act of supporting or publicizing a product, service, or event to increase awareness and interest. In the context of podcasts, this includes using social media, email, and other channels to drive listenership. The speaker emphasizes the importance of cross-promotion and suggests various tactics, such as sharing engaging content on social platforms and encouraging listeners to share the podcast.


Value, in the context of content creation, refers to the benefits or satisfaction that the audience gains from the content. It can be informational, educational, entertaining, or inspirational. The speaker stresses the importance of defining the value that the podcast will provide to its audience and aligning the content to meet this objective.


An objective is a goal or target that one aims to achieve. In the context of starting a podcast, defining the objective involves understanding the desired outcome, such as generating sales, building a community, or connecting with like-minded individuals. The speaker encourages podcasters to have a clear purpose for their podcast to guide its development and content.


Engagement refers to the interaction and involvement of an audience with content. In podcasting, this can be measured by listener participation, feedback, and sharing of episodes. The speaker highlights the importance of creating content that encourages engagement, such as by prompting listeners to share their thoughts or experiences related to the podcast topics.


Podcasts are a low-effort, high-reward form of content that is rapidly growing in popularity.

Define the value and objective of your podcast to understand why you are starting it and what you hope to achieve.

Determine the type of value your podcast will provide, such as educational, entertainment, or inspirational.

The title and branding of your podcast should relate to the value you are providing to ensure immediate recognition of its purpose.

Consider using your face on the podcast cover to create a deeper connection with your audience.

Bumpers are audio snippets used throughout your podcast episodes to create a memorable experience for listeners.

Elgato provides high-quality audio and visual technologies for content creators and professionals working from home.

The Wave DX microphone by Elgato offers excellent audio quality and features like an inbuilt pop shield and optimized proximity effect.

The Wave XLR mixer enhances your podcast by allowing control over audio aspects and minimizing the need for post-production edits.

The Key Light mini is a powerful portable light source that can be used for video recording or improving lighting for online calls.

Outline your podcast episodes by deciding on the format, length, and whether the podcast will be audio-only or include visual elements.

Consider whether you will script your podcast or use prompts to guide the conversation.

Use platforms like QuickTime for audio recording and Audacity or Adobe Audition for editing your podcast episodes.

Publish your podcast on platforms like Spotify for Podcasters, which allows for easy uploading and scheduling of episodes.

Pay attention to the titles and descriptions of your podcast episodes to attract listeners and encourage them to engage with your content.

Promote your podcast using social media, calls to action, and mentions in various platforms to increase listenership.

Creating engaging social media content that provides value in its own right is crucial for promoting your podcast and attracting listeners.

Do not underestimate the power of talking about your podcast repeatedly across different platforms to build awareness and grow your audience.