Step by Step Guide: How to Swap Multiple Faces on the Same Image!

24 May 202308:36

TLDRThis tutorial video demonstrates how to swap multiple faces in a single image using AI technology. The process is divided into two parts: the first part involves generating necessary image copies through the Face Swap Bot on Discord, while the second part utilizes to selectively swap faces. The video provides step-by-step instructions on registering face IDs, creating versions of the images with swapped faces, and using masks and brushes to finalize the face swap. The result is a single image with three different faces, showcasing the potential of AI in photo editing.


  • 📌 The video is a tutorial on using AI to swap multiple faces in a single image.
  • 🔍 The process is divided into two parts: generating necessary image copies and selectively swapping faces.
  • 🤖 The tutorial is presented by the AI My Lifestyle Channel, focusing on AI tutorials and news.
  • 💡 The first step requires the Inside Face Swap Bot installed in Discord for managing image IDs.
  • 🗑 A maximum of 10 IDs can be registered, and they can be deleted using specific commands.
  • 🖼️ Images are registered by using the 'save ID' command in Discord, corresponding to different faces.
  • 🔄 The 'swap ID' command is used to create a version of the image with the desired face swapped in.
  • 🖼️ Part two of the process involves using an online app called to load and manipulate the images.
  • 🎨 The images are rasterized and masks are added to each face layer for selective editing.
  • 🖌️ The brush tool is used to 'unmask' or reveal the desired face by painting on the mask layers.
  • 📸 The final result is an image with three different faces, using three separate photos, blended together seamlessly.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to swap multiple faces on the same image using AI technology.

  • What is the name of the channel that the video is associated with?

    -The video is associated with AI My Lifestyle Channel.

  • Which platform is used to register and manage face IDs for the face swapping process?

    -Discord is used to register and manage face IDs for the face swapping process.

  • What is the maximum number of face IDs that can be registered at once?

    -The maximum number of face IDs that can be registered at once is 10.

  • How can you delete a registered face ID on Discord?

    -You can delete a registered face ID on Discord by typing '/delete ID followed by the ID name'.

  • What is the purpose of the 'swap ID' command?

    -The purpose of the 'swap ID' command is to create a version of the image with the specified face ID swapped onto it.

  • Which online application is used for the second part of the face swapping process? is used for the second part of the face swapping process.

  • What is the first step when using to swap faces?

    -The first step when using is to open the original image from the computer.

  • How do you ensure that none of the face pictures shows through before using the brush tool?

    -To ensure that none of the face pictures shows through, you need to turn the mask to black for all three face pictures.

  • What does inverting the mask do in

    -Inverting the mask ensures that the face picture is hidden and only shows through where it is painted white on the mask.

  • How can you change the size of the brush in

    -You can change the size of the brush in by using the square brackets keys to increase or decrease the size.

  • What is the final result of the process described in the video?

    -The final result of the process is having three different faces from separate photos combined into one image.



🎥 Introduction to Face Swapping Tutorial

The video begins with the host introducing the topic of face swapping on images using AI technology. The host explains that the tutorial will be divided into two parts: the first part will cover generating necessary copies of the images, and the second part will demonstrate how to selectively swap one or more faces. The host encourages viewers to like and subscribe to stay updated with the latest tools and provides a link in the comments for the inside face swap board installed in Discord. The process is illustrated with an example of swapping three different faces in an image.


🖼️ Preparing Images for Face Swapping

In this section, the host guides the viewers through the process of preparing the images for face swapping. The host explains how to use the Discord bot to register and manage face IDs, including how to list, delete, and clear registered IDs. The host then demonstrates how to register three face IDs and use the swap ID command to create versions of the images with each of the registered faces. The goal is to generate the necessary images for the face swapping process, which includes the original image and the versions with the swapped faces.

🎨 Swapping Faces Using

The host moves on to the second part of the tutorial, which involves using an online app called to swap faces. The host instructs viewers to load the original image and the face-swapped images onto the platform. The process involves rasterizing the images, adding masks to the face-swapped layers, and inverting the masks to hide the faces. The host then demonstrates how to use the brush tool to selectively reveal the desired face by painting on the mask, effectively swapping the face in the image. The host emphasizes the ease of the process and the ability to blend the faces together with the original background.



💡Face Swap

Face Swap refers to the process of replacing one person's face with another's in a digital image or video. In the context of the video, it is the main technique being taught, where the user learns how to swap multiple faces in a single image using AI tools and the Discord platform's Face Swap Bot.

💡AI My Lifestyle Channel

AI My Lifestyle Channel appears to be the name of the YouTube channel or platform where the tutorial is hosted. It is dedicated to tutorials and news about artificial intelligence, suggesting a focus on technology and its applications in everyday life.


Discord is a communication platform used for creating communities. In the video, it is utilized to host the Face Swap Bot, which is an AI tool that facilitates the face-swapping process by allowing users to register and swap face IDs within the platform.

💡Face IDs

Face IDs are unique identifiers assigned to individual faces in the face-swapping process. They are used to reference and manipulate the faces within the AI tool, allowing users to select which face to swap or replace in the image.

💡Phase IDs

Phase IDs are specific identifiers used to label different versions of the images with swapped faces. They help in organizing and selecting the desired face swap outcomes during the editing process.

💡 is an online application mentioned in the video for editing and finalizing the face-swapped images. It provides tools for tasks such as layering images, adding masks, and adjusting透明度 to seamlessly integrate the swapped faces into the original image.


In the context of image editing, masks are tools used to hide or reveal parts of a layer in a composition. They function by selecting areas to be visible or transparent, allowing for precise control over which elements of an image are displayed.


Rasterize is the process of converting vector-based images or layers into pixel-based images (rasters). This is necessary when working with certain types of images or editing tools that require a pixel-based format for further manipulation.

💡Brush Tool

The Brush Tool is a feature in image editing software that allows users to paint on the canvas with various colors, sizes, and opacities. It is used for precise editing and adjustments, such as revealing the swapped face in the final image.

💡Invert Mask

Inverting a mask is the action of reversing the colors or transparency of the mask, typically to select and manipulate the opposite parts of an image. In the video, inverting the mask from white to black hides the face images and allows the original image to show through.


Unmasking is the process of revealing a previously hidden or masked layer in an image. It is done by adjusting the mask settings to allow the content of a particular layer to become visible.


The video tutorial demonstrates how to swap multiple faces on a single image using AI technology.

The process is divided into two parts: generating necessary image copies and selectively swapping the faces.

The use of the inside face swap board on Discord is mentioned as a prerequisite for the tutorial.

A maximum of 10 IDs can be registered for face swapping.

The deletion of registered IDs is possible through a specific command in Discord.

The registration of three phase IDs (Donald Trump, Jenna Marbles, and Taylor Swift) is demonstrated.

The use of the 'swap ID' command to create image versions for each face is explained.

The original image and the three phase images are saved with specific naming conventions.

The second part of the tutorial involves using, an online application.

The images are loaded and arranged in a specific order on the online platform.

Rasterizing the images is an essential step before proceeding with face swapping.

Masks are added to each face image to control visibility and swapping.

The mask inverting process ensures that only the desired face shows through.

The brush tool is used to select and unmask specific faces for swapping.

The final result showcases the original image with three different faces swapped in.

The video creator asks viewers to support the content by liking and subscribing.