Stop STRUGGLING with AI Art Prompts | Basics to Advanced masterclass

1 May 202312:13

TLDRThe video script offers a comprehensive guide on enhancing image generation using advanced techniques with AI. It begins with the idea generation phase, emphasizing the use of Civit AI for inspiration and understanding model comprehension through batch size and count. The script delves into prompt structuring, highlighting the significance of the order of words and the utilization of enhancers. It introduces the concept of image ID for consistent image generation and variations, and discusses the impact of aspect ratio on the final image. The video also explores the intricacies of the CFG scale and sampling methods, providing tips on achieving desired results through iteration. Furthermore, it unveils prompt blending techniques, which allow for dynamic adjustments during image generation, and emphasizes the importance of understanding concept bleeding for better control over AI-generated images. The video concludes with a teaser for the next episode, promising deeper insights into models and additional techniques.


  • 🎨 Start by finding inspiration for your image from sources like Civit AI, which offers not only beautiful images but also insights into their creation process.
  • πŸ” Understand the importance of the prompt structure, starting with the type of image desired, followed by the main subject, action, environment, and style, as these elements hold different weights in the AI's interpretation.
  • πŸ“ˆ Experiment with different variations of the prompt to see how the AI model understands and generates images, using a systematic approach to refine the desired outcome.
  • πŸ› οΈ Utilize enhancers in the prompt to improve image quality, but be aware that some may work better than others and should be used judiciously.
  • πŸ—‚οΈ Save and categorize your prompts using templates and shortcuts to streamline the process of creating similar images or variations in the future.
  • πŸ”§ Employ control apps to emphasize specific aspects of the image, such as the main subject, to ensure they retain their importance in the final output.
  • 🚫 Be cautious with the negative prompt, using it to avoid specific undesired elements but understanding its limitations in controlling specific results.
  • πŸ”’ Recognize that certain words may not be recognized by the AI if they haven't been used enough during its training, which could limit the style options available.
  • πŸ”„ Use image IDs to understand how the AI interprets each word in the prompt, allowing for precise adjustments and the ability to recreate images consistently.
  • 🎚️ Experiment with different aspect ratios and sampling methods to achieve the desired image quality and style, understanding that these parameters significantly affect the final result.
  • 🧠 Apply advanced techniques like prompt blending to introduce more control over the image generation process, allowing for dynamic and nuanced blending of concepts.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to share advanced techniques and secrets to improve image generation using AI, specifically focusing on the process from idea to final image.

  • What is the first step in creating a cut-inspired image?

    -The first step is to find an idea, which can be done by exploring a platform like Civit AI for inspiration and understanding how images are created there.

  • What do battery size and batch count refer to in the context of image generation?

    -Battery size refers to how many images will be generated for a batch, and batch count refers to how many patches there will be every time the generate button is clicked.

  • How does the video creator approach the formatting of the prompt?

    -The video creator formats the prompt by starting with the type of image desired, followed by the main subject, action, place or environment, and finally the style, while also considering the importance of words at the beginning of the prompt.

  • What are enhancers in the context of the video?

    -Enhancers are words that do not necessarily describe what's going on in the image, but rather its overall quality, and they are used to improve the image generation process.

  • What is the significance of the image ID in the video?

    -The image ID is significant because it allows users to see what every single word on the prompt does, and it enables the generation of the same image every time, as well as creating slide variations of it.

  • How does the aspect ratio affect the image generation?

    -The aspect ratio has a massive effect on the image, as it can completely change the image even with the same seed, and it's important to use aspect ratios that match the sizes the model was trained on.

  • What is the purpose of iterating in the image generation process?

    -Iterating involves clicking generate and changing small words on the prompt until an image that fits the desired criteria is found, which helps in refining the image generation process.

  • What is the CFG scale and how does it affect image generation?

    -The CFG scale, also referred to as the creativity scale, determines how literally the AI will follow the prompt, with higher numbers making the AI follow the prompt more closely and lower numbers allowing more freedom in generation.

  • How can prompt blending be used effectively in image generation?

    -Prompt blending can be used effectively by changing the prompt while the image is still generating, allowing for the addition of new concepts or the switching of concepts at specified sampling steps, which gives high control over the final image.

  • What is concept bleeding and how can it be used to one's advantage?

    -Concept bleeding occurs when a concept or word has implied or unexpected effects on the image. It can be used to one's advantage by understanding how certain words impact the AI's interpretation and using them strategically to achieve desired results.



🎨 Image Creation Techniques with AI

This paragraph introduces the video's focus on advanced image creation techniques using AI. It explains the process of going from an idea to a final, beautiful image and emphasizes the importance of starting with a good idea, which can be inspired by platforms like Civit AI. The paragraph discusses the technical aspects of generating images, such as battery size and batch count, and provides tips on how to refine the AI's output by understanding and manipulating the prompt. It also touches on the concept of enhancers and their role in improving image quality.


πŸ› οΈ Refining the AI Image Generation Process

The second paragraph delves deeper into the mechanics of AI image generation, discussing the significance of aspect ratios and how they can drastically alter the final image. It suggests considering the typical format of the content being created and provides recommendations based on the model's training data. The paragraph also introduces the concept of iteration, which involves making incremental changes to the prompt to achieve the desired outcome. Additionally, it explores the use of the CFG scale, which affects the AI's creativity, and the importance of sampling methods and steps in the image generation process.


🌟 Advanced Prompting Techniques and Their Applications

The final paragraph discusses advanced prompting techniques, such as prompt blending and concept bleeding, which can significantly enhance the control over the AI-generated images. It explains how to use these techniques to create seamless blends between different concepts and to add or remove elements at specific stages of the image generation process. The paragraph also highlights the importance of consistency in image generation and shares tips on how to achieve it by leveraging the AI's understanding of certain prompts. It concludes with a teaser for the next video, promising to explore more advanced techniques and encourage viewers to share their own prompting tips.



πŸ’‘Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an AI model used for generating images from textual descriptions. It is the core technology discussed in the video, where the creator uses it to produce various images based on prompts. The term is used to describe the process of creating images, such as a cat driving a supercar in a cyberpunk city, and the challenges of natural language understanding that the model faces.


A prompt in this context is a textual description or a set of keywords that guide the AI in generating a specific image. It is crucial for communicating the desired output to the Stable Diffusion model and forms the basis for the image creation process. The video emphasizes the importance of crafting effective prompts to achieve the desired results.

πŸ’‘Batch Size and Batch Count

Batch size and batch count are parameters used in the image generation process to determine how many images are produced in a single operation. Batch size refers to the number of images generated for each prompt variation, while batch count refers to the number of prompt variations created. These settings help manage computational resources and control the output variety.


Enhancers are additional words or phrases that are used to modify the quality or style of the generated image, beyond the main subject and action described in the prompt. They are used to fine-tune the output and can have varying degrees of impact on the final image, depending on their relevance and the model's training.

πŸ’‘Image ID

The Image ID is a unique identifier for a specific output generated by the AI model. It is a powerful tool that allows users to recreate the same image or make slight variations of it by referencing this ID. This feature provides control over the image generation process and enables the user to maintain consistency in their creations.

πŸ’‘CFG Scale

CFG Scale, or Control Flow Graph Scale, is a parameter thatθ°ƒθŠ‚s the level of creativity applied by the AI model when generating images. A higher CFG scale means the model will adhere more closely to the prompt, while a lower scale allows for more creative freedom. It is a crucial tool for balancing between following the prompt strictly and allowing the AI to introduce its own interpretations.

πŸ’‘Sampling Method and Steps

Sampling method and steps are technical parameters that determine how the AI processes the image during generation. Different sampling methods can significantly alter the final output, even with the same prompt and settings. The number of sampling steps indicates how many times the image is processed, which can lead to variations in the quality and appearance of the generated image.

πŸ’‘Prompt Blending

Prompt blending is an advanced technique that allows users to change the prompt during the image generation process. It involves adding new concepts to the prompt at specified sampling steps, which can create a blend of concepts in the final image. This technique offers a high level of control over the image's development and can be used to refine and adjust the output according to the creator's vision.

πŸ’‘Aspect Ratio

Aspect ratio refers to the proportional relationship between the width and height of an image. It significantly affects the composition and appearance of the generated image. Different aspect ratios can convey different visual experiences and are important considerations when creating images for specific formats or contexts.

πŸ’‘Concept Bleeding

Concept bleeding occurs when a word or concept in the prompt has unintended or implied effects on the generated image, even if the word itself does not directly relate to the desired output. This phenomenon can be both a challenge and an opportunity, as it reflects the AI's training data and the associations it has learned between concepts.


The video introduces advanced techniques for enhancing images using AI.

The process starts with finding inspiration, such as from Civit AI's gallery of images.

Creating four variations at a time can help understand the model's interpretation.

Batch size and batch count determine the number of images generated.

The importance of prompt formatting for better results with Stable Diffusion.

Enhancers can improve image quality but should be used judiciously.

The method for reusing and organizing prompts with templates.

Controlling the importance of words in a prompt using the control app.

The significance of image ID for consistent image generation.

Adjusting the aspect ratio can dramatically change the image outcome.

Iterating the prompt by changing words to refine the image.

The use of scripts for testing various parameter combinations.

Prompt blending technique to create seamless transitions between concepts.

Switching steps and concepts during image generation for control.

Removing or adding words to the prompt at specific sampling steps.

Concept bleeding and its impact on image generation.

Improving image consistency through strategic prompt adjustments.

The next video will cover models, lora, and other advanced topics.