Choose Your Pokemon Fusion By ONLY Knowing Their Weakness!
TLDRThe video script details an engaging and strategic Pokemon fusion battle between two players, Pat and the host. They create powerful and unique Pokemon by fusing different types, aiming to exploit typing combinations and minimize weaknesses. Throughout six rounds, they build their teams based on the weaknesses revealed by their opponent without looking up any information. The game involves penalties for incorrect guesses, such as limiting moves or items. The players' commentary adds humor and excitement, discussing their strategies and reactions to each fusion's potential. The match concludes with a dramatic battle, showcasing the players' skills in reading the opponent and making the most of their Pokemon fusions' strengths and weaknesses.
- 🧞 The game involves creating powerful and unique Pokémon fusions, which can have new typing combinations.
- 🎭 Players are given random starters and must guess their fusions' weaknesses without looking them up.
- 📋 If a player guesses a weakness incorrectly, the opponent can impose a penalty on one of their Pokémon fusions.
- 💥 The penalties can include limiting moves, no held items, or other hindrances to the Pokémon's effectiveness.
- 🤝 Two players, Pat and the speaker, are participating in the game, building their teams through six rounds.
- 🔥 The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a diverse team with Pokémon that have different typing advantages.
- 🌟 Special moves and abilities, such as Illusion, Nasty Plot, and Shell Smash, are highlighted for their potential to dominate battles.
- 🛡️ The strategy includes setting up protective measures like Light Screen and Reflect to enhance defensive capabilities.
- 🎯 Accurate prediction of the opponent's moves and the typing of their Pokémon fusions is crucial for winning.
- 🤔 The speaker expresses uncertainty and second-guessing throughout the game, indicating the complexity and challenge involved.
- 🏆 The game concludes with a close and intense battle, with the outcome hinging on the players' strategic decisions and the penalties imposed.
Q & A
What is the concept of Pokemon fusions in the context of the video?
-Pokemon fusions in the video refers to a hypothetical scenario where two or more Pokemon are merged to create a new, more powerful Pokemon with unique typing combinations and abilities.
What are the consequences of getting a weakness wrong in the game described in the transcript?
-If a player gets a weakness wrong, the other player has the opportunity to hinder one of the wrong guesser's Pokemon fusions on their team, possibly by limiting its moves or removing held items.
What is the significance of the 'illusion' ability in the context of the game?
-The 'illusion' ability allows a Pokemon to appear as if it is a different Pokemon in the player's party, which can be used strategically to deceive the opponent.
What is the role of 'nasty plot' in the game strategy?
-Nasty plot is a move that boosts the Pokemon's special attack stat by two stages, making it a valuable tool for setting up powerful special attacks.
Why is 'Shell Smash' considered a potentially broken move in the game?
-Shell Smash is a move that raises a Pokemon's Speed, Special Attack, and Critical Hit Ratio by one stage each, but lowers its Defense and Special Defense. It can be seen as broken because when combined with the 'illusion' ability, it allows a Pokemon to get a free setup turn, potentially sweeping through the opponent's team.
What is the strategy behind picking a Pokemon with only two weaknesses?
-Choosing a Pokemon with only two weaknesses can be advantageous because it is less susceptible to being taken out by a wide range of attacks, allowing it to stay in battle longer and deal more damage.
What is the appeal of having a diverse typing on a Pokemon team?
-A diverse typing on a team ensures that the team can handle a variety of opponents. It provides coverage against different types of Pokemon and prevents the team from being overwhelmed by a single type of attack.
What is the importance of the 'technician' ability in the game?
-The 'technician' ability powers up the user's moves that have less than 60 base power to 1.5 times their original power, which can significantly increase the damage output of certain moves.
Why is 'Mega Horn' a significant move in the game?
-Mega Horn is a powerful Bug-type move with high base power, and when used by a Pokemon with high Attack stats, it can deal massive damage to opponents.
What is the advantage of having a Pokemon with the 'Beast Boost' ability?
-The 'Beast Boost' ability increases the user's Attack or Special Attack stat by one stage when the Pokemon enters a battle with a status condition, making it a valuable asset for trading damage and powering up.
How does the 'Drought' ability affect the battle field?
-The 'Drought' ability creates harsh sunlight that lasts indefinitely, which can power up Fire-type moves and cause damage to Pokemon that are weakened by sunlight, such as Water-type Pokemon.
😀 Pokemon Fusions Challenge Introduction
The video script begins with an introduction to a fun challenge involving Pokemon fusions. The challenge allows participants to create powerful and unique Pokemon by fusing them together, resulting in new typing combinations. The game involves six rounds of guessing the fused Pokemon based on their weaknesses, without looking up any information. Mistakes can lead to penalties such as limited moves or no held items for the Pokemon fusions. The host is joined by a friend named Pat, and they take turns guessing the weaknesses of the starters turned into Pokemon fusions.
😉 Analyzing Weaknesses for Pokemon Fusions
The participants, including the host and Pat, start analyzing the weaknesses of their respective Pokemon fusions. They discuss various types and their associated weaknesses, such as fairy, ghost, dark, fire, rock, and others. The host confidently chooses a fusion with ghost and dark types, while Pat ends up with a fusion that has only one weakness. They also discuss strategies like setting up with illusion and using nasty plot, shell smash, and flamethrower as moves for their Pokemon.
😍 Excitement Over Unique Pokemon Fusions
The host expresses excitement over the unique and powerful Pokemon fusions they are creating. They discuss the potential of their fusions, such as a fusion between Kabutops and Scyther with a bug/rock typing and technician ability. The host also mentions a promotional event for Summoners War, a turn-based RPG, celebrating its 10-year anniversary with various bonuses for players.
🤔 Strategic Guessing of Pokemon Types
The script continues with more strategic discussions about the types of Pokemon fusions. The host and Pat try to deduce the types based on their weaknesses, such as fighting, fairy, and flying types. They make their picks for the fusions they believe will be most effective, considering factors like resistances, offensive capabilities, and potential coverage against other types.
😎 Finalizing the Pokemon Fusion Teams
As the game progresses, the participants finalize their Pokemon fusion teams. They discuss the strategies behind their choices, such as setting up with light screen and reflect, using moves like earth power and dual wing beat, and considering the potential for setting up sun with drought. The host expresses confidence in their team's offensive capabilities and the diversity of their types.
😓 Intense Battle and Decision Making
The script concludes with an intense battle between the host's and Pat's Pokemon fusion teams. They discuss their in-game decisions, such as predicting moves, setting up light screens and reflects, and considering the potential for knockouts. The host uses a variety of strategies, including leveraging the sun's effect, using heat crash, and trying to outspeed opponents. The battle is closely contested, with both players making critical decisions that could determine the outcome.
😤 Close Battle and Reflection on Strategy
The final paragraph details a close and intense Pokemon battle, where the host narrowly wins. They reflect on their strategy, mentioning a missed opportunity to use a dark pulse move earlier in the game. Despite the close call, the host acknowledges the good game and the effective use of illusion by their opponent. The battle ends with a sense of excitement and satisfaction from both players.
💡Pokemon fusions
💡Typing combinations
💡Held items
💡Strategic gameplay
💡Turn-based RPG
💡Dual typing
💡Special attacks
💡Status effects
The concept of creating powerful and unique Pokémon through fusions is introduced.
A competitive game is set up where players build a team of six Pokémon fusions based on their weaknesses.
The opponent reveals starters by describing their weaknesses, adding a layer of strategy and guesswork.
Mistakes in identifying weaknesses can lead to penalties such as limited moves or no held items for a Pokémon.
The importance of typing combinations and their strategic use in battles is discussed.
The use of abilities like Illusion and Shell Smash to give Pokémon an advantage in battle is highlighted.
The potential of a Ghost/Dark type Pokémon with only one weakness is explored.
A Heracross and Tyranitar fusion is chosen for its strong moves and Moxy ability.
The introduction of a promotional segment for Summoners War, a turn-based RPG, during the Pokémon fusion discussion.
The discovery of a Kabutops and Scyther fusion with a unique appearance and Technician ability.
The strategic decision-making process when facing a Pokémon with multiple weaknesses is examined.
The excitement of obtaining a Groudon and Togekiss fusion, despite its many weaknesses.
The use of status moves like Will-O-Wisp and the setup of Light Screen and Reflect for defensive play.
The climactic battle between two well-rounded teams, showcasing the culmination of strategic Pokémon fusion choices.
The dramatic moment when a player misses an attack, shifting the tide of the battle.
The final showdown between two Pokémon, highlighting the close and intense nature of the game.
A player's admission of a critical error made during the battle and the impact it had on the game's outcome.
Pokemon fusions are fun because not only
can you make insanely powerful Pokemon
by fusing them together but you can also
create unique and sometimes brand new
typing combinations today my friend Pat
and I have six rounds of random starters
that have been turned into Pokemon
fusions but we can't see them our
opponent will reveal our starters To Us
by only telling us what they are weak to
but we can't look anything up and if we
ever mess up and forget a weakness or
give a wrong one the other players
allowed to hinder one of our Pokémon
fusions on our team like giving only
three moves no held items Etc and after
six rounds of building our best Pokemon
Fusion team that we can we battle each
other Pat welcome back to fusions baby
what what were you doing there you
getting a little dance I was idling I
was idling since you're idling you can
go first Pat okay let's go this is a
walking in PC dude oh what the hell I
haven't seen some of these actually okay
this are pretty sick I don't even know
what this is I'm trying to like take a
closer look at it I have to say all the
weaknesses all the weaknesses for all
three Pokémon and if the one that I'm p
is wrong I can hinder one of your
Pokémon in the future oh but only if the
one you pick is wrong that makes things
a little easier for me this is perfect
cuz it has one weakness and I know it
does fairy okay well then that's ghost
dark you don't know the one typing that
had no weaknesses that was granted a
weakness in gen six with fairy types you
don't know I didn't say that so your
second one ghost fire rock dark he's
going to have a stroke flying are you
paying attention yeah I think that's it
even if it's not that sounds way too
meaning weaknesses for me ghost dark is
already looking really good I'm pretty
sure I'm going with ghost dark so your
last one fing it's it's weak to Ice come
on this thing is not good well I mean
it's really good actually DL you should
definitely pick it my man says it's not
good but it only has two weaknesses in
it's fighting and Ice a bug I think it
has three I'm going to go ahead and just
lock in ghost dark I'm pretty sure
that's what that's got to be so I'm glad
you picked that one cuz I probably got
one of them wrong so yeah so you got
yourself a PTY Guist and Zoro walk off
the Jump can't go wrong with a Pokemon
with only one weakness and having
illusion to hopefully set up we got
nasty plot willo dark PTZ and
flamethrower we have officially ban
shell smash because it's a little too
broken in these because with illusion
you get one free shell smash off you
just kind of sweep but uh still nasty
plot on an illusion thinking that some
other Pokemon is out on the field York
sh T is a great first pick for us okay
that's what I thought it was baby I
think there's only two in the whole
Fusion pack that is Ghost AR that's a
great start what were the other two so
I'm just curious if you were wrong we
had Beedrill and Gengar and then we had
reck and reab boom Oh
I what the hell's wrong with me I think
it is only those three I'm pretty sure
okay okay good cuz I I was really
rocking my brain with that one let's go
look at yours
oo okay oh my God this guy's jaw is
broken go see a doctor brother oh he's
so happy though he's on painkillers he
doesn't feel it right now but it's
really going to hurt later oh I hope you
choose this one right here it's so
freaking cool oh I really don't want you
to have this one no don't you even look
at me you stay away your first Pokémon
is weak to water steel and rock probably
maybe like o rock flying maybe your next
Pokemon is weak to ground bug fighting
and fairy I don't know if that's too bad
like there's full weaknesses but there's
a huge amount of moves for all of those
different types it's always interesting
to do a video where it's also
challenging for the YouTuber but your
last one this week to water ground Rock
dark ghost there's a lot going on there
dark and ghost so that could be a ghost
type in said water and ground so I'm
thinking mightbe maybe fire we got lots
of places to go so I'll take the one on
the left cuz I believe that had three
okay you have um a Heracross and a
Tyranitar pretty good first round it's a
choice scarf because it's a Moxy user
pretty strong pretty fantastic it has
insane coverage this thing is just going
to come in hit really hard and it can
also kind of save me if I need to in
certain situations cuz it's going to
outspeed most stuff I would imagine and
I could start sweeping with Mony which
just be amazing pretty dang good uh the
last one was actually Blazin and
necrozma really happy you didn't get
that and your middle one was a uh a
beautiful Raichu and Absol so electric
and dark he's pretty but you know not
not as good how dare you he's adorable
I'm sorry buddy maybe next time before
our next fusion this video has brought
to you by Summoner war and their
celebration of their 10year anniversary
a turn-based RPG where you collect
monsters ERS and your teams with over
1,600 monsters and nearly infinite
customization is available and for
everyone watching this video I mean it
is obvious you love collecting monsters
whether you've never played the game or
you play this game every day already
there's no better time to try out
Summoners War than during their 10year
anniversary players can expect 10 types
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description or the pin comment to get
all those awesome bonuses for the 10e
anniversary and try it out free today so
next selection is oh my God this middle
thing is insane and it also makes so
sense too is dy on the screen no Dy is
not allowed anymore dy's been put in
jail he didn't deserve it he didn't ask
to be
created yep your first Pokemon on the
left here Dylan ground dragon and rock
ground dragon and Rock So Fire Dragon
whenever dragon has a weakness or it's
weak to Dragon you know it's Dragon so
that's a clear giveaway but then Rock
and ground has to be fire because water
would be neutral because of the Dragon
so okay fire dragon okay and in the
middle this guy is very very cool the
middle one is weak to rock steel water
so it's just another bug rock type I
mean it might be might might be
something else though I don't know could
be anything really uh the last one is
not on the dock so I'm imagining what
this type is oh oh okay it does have one
weakness and it is dark okay so that has
to be ghost normal but you said dust is
not on the screen so it's not Dusty so I
don't really want it give me the um the
bug rock type because it's only three
weaknesses I can try to see who's got
the better bug rock type and you said it
was really cool so I want it it's this
Fusion between Kabutops and scy and it's
just like blades everywhere it's crazy
oh I I haven't even seen that one yet oh
he looks sick this is my first time ever
seeing this Pokemon so I named him new
student Kabutops and a Scyther bug and
rock is a very very good typing very few
weaknesses also gets technician which is
cool but we have knockoff Stone Edge
dual Wing be and bug bite dual Wing be
and bug bite both get the technician
boost this Pokemon has great speed great
attack and a great
typing okay ooh this one's going to be
tough I don't know if I'm going to get
all these right all right your first
Pokemon is weak to fire rock Flying
Fairy and Bug solid five that's a weird
collection there I know it's a really
weird typing too grass bug
yeah good luck that's not it but okay
this next one I think I'm right on this
it is uh only leaked to ground and water
maybe fire Ste o that sounds good and
your last Pokemon is week two flying
psychic fairy and ghost flying psychic
fairy and ghosts they're all very good
offensive typings like you can get hit
with those pretty super effectively
pretty easy pretty common typings yep I
don't like the sound the first say five
I'll go with the middle you're going to
go with the middle this is a Arcanine
and Mammoth swine it is is fire and
type my boy my sweet sweet boy again
another fantastic round we have my boy
of course I love Arcanine it's wonderful
it is hobs it is a Mamoswine Arcanine
fusion with Choice band so it hits so
hard it has intimidate which is one of
the best abilities in the game and we
have extreme speed earthquake icicle
crash and flare Blitz which I think is
coverage for literally every single
human being on the planet this has
coverage for 7 billion different people
this actually looks like a paradox like
past form of canine no one has ever
chosen it in any of these videos that
I've been in before so I'm I'm happy I
bet this video gets 20,000 likes right
now because he finally got picked I
think there's a pretty good chance that
we'll get 20,000 likes right now well
let's have a look and see what you got
here you got oh my goodness great damn
the the quality it's it's like all over
the place oh it's good and bad and ugly
so we have flying poison fire steel and
rock for the left Pokémon here it's a
grass type no grass in what no your
second Pokémon fire fighting and ground
I mean the only thing I can think of is
steel that's literally all of Steel
weaknesses right maybe I mean it's it's
pretty cool I could gave you that one
for free it's pretty sick why did you
sell it hey Peter hey Peter this
Pokemon's pretty cool Dy dragon and
fairy is this last Pokemon to only
weaknesses uh dragon dark maybe no cuz
then you're weak to fighting um give me
the dragon fairy weakness one okay sure
it's a it's kind of goofy looking it's
Volcan and quaza which is Amazing by the
way as goofy as this guy may be Dragon
water very few weaknesses Volcanion or
quaza an excellent pick for us now I
build him especially when I typically
build physically just to add a little
bit more diversity to the team plus I
mean steam eruption Draco meteor
flamethrower are all excellent moves
covers a lot of damage and then I gave
him Eed just in case I need to yeah I
think you're right yeah dude okay I'll
take him all of water type weaknesses is
like nullified by Dragon technically
patch freeze dry ice type I don't care
next round for patters oh I hope you
pick this so bad oh I'm going to get the
typing wrong it's brand new and I've
never seen it before it looks so cool
all right your first Pokémon is week two
fighting fairy and flying ooh the three
FS you cannot forget about the three FS
man did you get Fs in school we don't
have letter grades well that's just
weird says who
Dyan the American I'm sorry the British
school isn't American enough for you no
honestly I wish we had your schools I
love that we have to go to college to
relearn what we just learned for 2 years
and pay $220,000 for it sick Brooks is
editing this holding his degree like yep
it was awesome your next Pokémon Dark
ghost water grass ice and Bug Jesus
that's all over the place and your last
Pokemon is weat to Flying and rock oh
that's it yeah I I expected it to have a
lot more flying in rock aren't super
common offensively so yeah let's go with
those I'll go with the last one you got
a Venus
and Ninetails it is grass fire it might
not be the strongest Pokémon in the
world but it's got life orb it's got
itself a solar beam fire blast
willowwisp and sludge bomb the life W so
we can change up the moves that we're
using oh and grass fire pretty good
typing pretty solid covers a ton of
stuff I remember that I was in the video
where that was made I was there when it
was born great Pokémon you didn't get
the new lad which was over here which
was a Verizion and Houndoom we had slow
King and Flygon in the middle does
ground resist bug no okay then I was
right now let's have a look and see what
you got oh my good W there's a lot
there's a lot to take in here that's
what my wife says never said that before
in her life your first uh Pokemon is
week two groud on ground I
mean first we're going to speak to
ground and rock and electric and Groudon
and Groudon can't forget about Groudon
is Groudon on your screen nope just on
the mind I just think about Groudon
regularly their second one I believe is
is weak to water Rock and ground and
fighting and then I have never seen this
little guy before in my life but he is
very very sweet he's very cool he's very
cute I love your little innu window I
was like okay okay maybe I pick that one
may or maybe little hints like oh this
one's so cool you should totally pick
this electric ground psychic o so it's a
cool little lad and he doesn't have a
lot of weaknesses yeah give me that one
go ahead I would love a water type if it
is a water type it's a cool little guy
you have yourself need King poly toad a
it's a new one I'm cool with that I'm
not going to lie this is just me when I
wake up on a Monday morning ready to
record we have the poly Toad and the nid
King fusion with sheer force giving us a
30% boost to all of our damage which is
amazing we named him 20K Subs cuz we're
going to gain 20K subs from this video
thank you guys so much for supporting we
got scal ice beam earth power and sludge
bomb and we just have him as a choice
scarf for to you know outspeed
everything and deal a lot of damage
let's see your fourth round Pat there is
no way sounds like it's a good day to be
to be a pet fan there's no freaking way
dude okay your first Pokémon left or
right I just realized it's raising the
bar welcome to the new singular we're
raising the bar Dark Water Rock ghost
and ground Jesus that's so many but it
could be so good though so I I shant I
shance judge your next Pokemon is we to
fire ghost Dock and ground maybe a
little psychic going on here and your
last Pokémon is weak to ice dragon and
fairy all right well that's a dragon no
yeah you said it was big okay it's a big
dragon it is a big Dragon Fusion I'm mad
game right now I'm taking that one this
is so funny that this happened you got
Groudon and tegger that is so you
literally go this thing is weak to
Groudon and then he's on the screen and
now we get the big boy the biggest man
and oh yeah the sun is here and it's
shining so bright I have drought I have
heat rock it's going to be a bright
sunshiny day Heat Crash wiow stealth
rocks precipice blades I mean what do
you do what do you do big man what do
you do big man groud on okay all right
let's see so your round five picks are
looking ooh oh oh oh oh it's a lot of uh
emotions in one little reaction there's
a lot going on here a lot going on good
things good things oh yeah yeah yeah
yeah only good things thank you're first
Pokemon is only weak to fairy and Bug
some kind of dark type I'd assume like
dark fire maybe every time I right
ground I put groud on instead now what's
wrong with you dude the second Pokemon
is weak to groud on fighting an electric
groud on what is weak to ground an
electric yeah yeah like the water poison
again no cuz fighting water steel I I
I'm not going to tell you I think it's
water steel I'm pretty sure that's water
steel your last Pokemon is weak to firef
Flying and rock that one's hard cuz it's
like it could be a grass type could be
bug again this the it's the leg game I
got to make sure my team is well diverse
give me water steel man I I I'm going to
have a stroke it is water a steal you
had a rined Metagross which is insanely
good although this is not the Pok I
wanted aracon Metagross is so freaking
good it is a great typing we gave him
substitute because great special defense
great physical defense and leftovers
it's going to do a lot of damage as well
because we got liquidation knockoff and
earthquake although I didn't need
another water type because we have poly
Toad and Rayquaza still really good all
right well I'm just going to spam
electric type moves I guess honestly
it's all you got to do dude apparently
okay let's see your round five God
please don't pick this I I hear there's
something good in there I'm going to be
honest yeah you I I hope you pick never
I'm not going to say anything all right
your first Pokémon is weak to ground
water Rock and fighting I already have a
lot Pokemon that are weak to those types
maybe I avoid that maybe maybe not your
next Pokemon is week two fire rock
flying ghost dark and Bug six what is
this a Tyran might as well be honestly
it does have a lot of weaknesses your
last Pokémon is weak to watering ground
you know what I'm going to put my belief
in a Pokémon that has more weaknesses
don't smile at me what are you smiling
for the six weaknesses the middle one
you are going to be happy cuz you got a
buz wall Lugia that is bug psychic this
is just a big amount this is a great
round this is such a good round I have a
bug psychic type which may have a lot of
weaknesses but I do have leftovers I
have Beast boost to increase my attack
if I not something out and I have so
much recovery on this I have a leech
life drain punch to make sure I never
die and then we have a little bit of
coverage from Lugia in the back as well
just to be nice but this thing is so
bulky it's it's just going to be amazing
all right so your final oh my god wow
there's a lot going on on here this is
pretty sick though I'm going to watch
this video back and do a shot every time
I hear there's a lot going on here you
know drink safely of course I want you
to be uh healthy and happy but you know
enjoy yourself all right so your first
Pokemon is week two electric rock water
and steel okay finally definitely not a
water type I have three right now I
definitely don't want another one all
right so your second Pokemon is weak to
Groudon poison water and rock Groudon I
mean weak to Groudon scary cuz guess
what you have a Groudon so that is
something I really got to take into
consideration your last Pokemon is weak
to fighting water groud on and rock
Groudon all these Groudon weaknesses man
and they're all weak to water which
means great that none of these are a
water type so that's that's good I'm
going to hope that first one is a flying
and I'm going to grab that one actually
I'll tell you the other two first in the
middle one was F fairy it was the Ho
omina Fusion that would have been so
good the one on the right was just incin
Ro's regular typing but it's incin and
dark cry oh it's just him on all fours
right you know he's he's standing up
it's dark cry and incin and he's
standing up oh there's two incin fusions
that's right that's right that's right
that's right the last one on left is
SWAT and tyrano and last but not least
this guy's been a fan favorite he's been
popping up left and right we have blank
and clean Good Old Kingdom Hearts
reference Simple and Clean we have the
Tyranitar and swoat was simple he's not
done as much damage as the potential
that he has we have Dragon Dance to get
plus two in attack and speed dual Wing
beat rock slide and knockoff great moves
and a great ability and heavy duty
boosts to not get any damage if he does
do stealth rocks but overall a really
good team patters good luck oh that's
still good that's still good I actually
would prefer the mea I mean that's just
a really good mythical legendary Fusion
but still hey I'll take a swoobat and
I'll take a tar oh I might miss one I
did I missed one Dylan I miss ice wait
let me see if I can guess it okay so
it's got to be the rock weakness right I
missed a weakness Dylan I missed ice and
you said let me guess it has to be a
weakness so I can hinder one of your
Pokémon unless I mess up here too let's
see your final round first oh baby oh
yeah oh my gosh you're so happy to see
me hi your first Pokemon this week to
Dragon fairy Rock flying and Ice okay
it's definitely a dragon F Dragon uh
your next one is so easy I don't got to
look up anything I know it's right it's
wheet to Grass oh War ground M Perhaps
Perhaps and your last Pokemon yeah
you're weak to Fire and ground well I
don't actually have that many fire and
ground weaknesses I don't think right
now on the off chance that it's not just
fire and ground I'm going to pick the
last one and see if you got it wrong I
just checked and I was right it is only
fire ground but you got fairy steel
escavalier and Grim snarl and our final
Pokémon to breing everything together a
fairy Steel type very good we have light
clay which is absolutely fantastic
because I have pranks the light screen
and reflect I'm going to be so annoying
I don't think he's bringing brick break
no one brings brick break who brings
brick break I think it's going to be
fantastic going to be to super helpful
for us I can't even speak correctly
that's how good it's going to be all
good luck in the battle man I'll see you
in it all right let's go groud
on all right let's take a gander his
team God it's fat his team is so thick
you got grimston Cavalier which is
undeniably thick roudon you have B wall
and Lugia Tyranitar Mamoswine Venus this
is a very fat team mine's very like you
know balls the wall offensive cuz we
have you know technician Scyther we have
Shear Force poly Toto we have Rayquaza
so mine's more of like the attacking man
and his is more of taking the hits so on
the lead if I'm patters who do I lead
with I think maybe Grim snarl but he
doesn't get Spore or anything so I'm
actually going to lead the poly code I
think cuz I'm Choice scarfed I have a
lot of coverage sheer force what's the
plan big man H maybe we just go get some
screen set up go into big man and then
just reap Havoc yeah yeah it sounds like
a good idea oh I'm sweating up today I'm
sweating it big time I don't know how
much I'm supposed to talk here we'll see
all right let's see what he does let's
see what he
does ah I was right on the lead okay so
he does go for the prankster on the jump
wheny th000 subscribers God that's so
many all right we got up at the fronts
although my mov is AR very good against
you no I don't have stab earth power but
I do have Shear Force cuz I'm water
poison and you're fairy and steel okay
so I'm going to I'm going straight for
the attack earth power I feel pretty
confident just setting up a we'll start
with a light screen and we'll head up
with a reflect he's probably going to
stay in actually he does set up a light
screen this should still decently hurt
cuz he can't be vested because he's
setting up the screens this should
definitely hurt
that is not hurting I'm nice and
protected it doesn't have brick break
see earth power okay I'm protected
slightly from this that did very little
damage Jesus Christ that did absolutely
nothing why can't I ever use this guy
efficiently so he's definitely going to
set up again all right let set for a fle
now I have the E so many turns he's
light claying yep I just got to waste
time at this point cuz he's definitely
got light Clay on there
um there's no lefties or anything so I'm
just going to get off much as much
damage as I can for T there's so much
potential of what we can do boom set up
the reflect as well ah feeling pretty
good what we going to do just earth
power me again just going to earth power
me again okay that's completely fine I
really don't mind that oh I have a lot
of potential coming up here okay do I go
into big man H cuz I'm resisted on that
he's probably going to switch here does
he have a flying typ he does not and
this hurts decently a lot of his team
I'm predicting a switch here because I
don't think he can do anything to me and
if I'm patters I feel like he might go
Venusaur let's go to big man not bigger
man and let's get that sun set out I
feel like that's going to be very very
useful for us and I can get a s rocks
too if I want to it's not going to do
much damage to me he might switch
out oh he's so cool it's one of my
favorite yes come on Venusaur Venusaur
Venusaur big
man ah I got the read wrong dang it oh I
had the same idea though that he would
go for Drought but Venusaur Ninetails
also gets drought so I thought that's
what he's doing he's running like little
baby boy all right let's see what you
got new shooting what is this going to
do do I have a fire tyte move oh God I
don't know what this does oh it's the
man oh it's the big man okay all right
so we have drought we have Heat Crash we
have so much I should outp spe could
shell trap I guess I don't even know
what that really does I'm just going to
go straight for the knockoff oh knock
off no my heat rock oh that does nothing
okay so that kind of sucks but now we
have Sun up I feel pretty good about
having Sun up though and South rocks so
there's a lot going on
here heat rock
oh okay well the drought is already out
now so the good thing is it's not going
to help him in the future that also did
no damage when I say no damage I
genuinely mean that did nothing the
issue is I have a very clear ground
weakness and we saw how much knockoff
literally did obviously physically I'm
not going to hurt this thing at all we
have Sun up I'm just going to Heat Crash
what are you going to do Dylan I have
the sun oh wait a minute I'm not stab
it's not stab fire Ty move but you know
what it's okay because I still get the
Sun so it's basically stab and I'm I'm a
big boy so I feel like I just go for the
Dual Wing be and just try to get as much
damage off as I
can that does that that is comical he
goes for Heat Crash
okay okay I live and it hurts him so
that's not bad joing be
D I can see Dylan's camera he's laughing
as well that's really funny oh look at
that oh look at that damage man so Heat
Crash um you're not going to go for a
dragon move this turn you're not going
to predict the switch because I'm
already weak please tell me it's weak to
wait does this second levitate it does
not levitate does it it's not levitate
right PR blades yeah yes bam oh you did
not go for a dragon type precip
I can't believe he went for that okay
the good thing is I definitely outspeed
and I definitely kill here he might
predict this and go to his fairy type
again oh I'm feeling really good right
now okay he's probably going to outspeed
me now so I could switch out into
something I feel like switching out is a
little risky he might go for a w Type
move the only issue with this uh Groudon
and tornator is the fact that he's so
bulky you have to do ice against him and
I only have one ice move on my entire
team and that is poly Toad and poly Toto
is poison so that precip ice play would
have killed me honestly I might just
sack off oh how many turns of reflect do
I have actually I can check oh we still
have okay we have two turns of light
screen still I might just hold off for a
second and just try and finish it off
with the precipice
blades I can't do Pokemon are you
kidding me oh the Miss oh the Miss is so
big the Miss is really big I mean I saw
the light screen up for a bit but the
loose is really big there oh that hurts
man he's feeling bad about that that's a
huge that's tough that's a tough one 20K
Subs is back in I don't even know if
this kills with the light screen up to
be honest I genuinely don't
know yep okay four times even with the
live screen thank God I I mean it's okay
I was probably going to die you know
pretty convincingly anyway Do I Live
come on with the light screen no no I
thought it was light screen I could live
okay okay okay that sucks that Draco
meteor is really massive he goes out to
Apollo am I am I even grass type I
forgot what type I am I hope I'm grass
type does this thing get chlorophyll for
the sun I actually don't know he might
get chlorophyll I'm just going to fire
off a solar beam here eventually the
sun's going to run out I'm not going to
have the sun anymore oh I should have
packed like Earth power that would have
been really good but I have life orb and
a Max special attack so there's a good
chance that this just kills he does have
chlorophyll um I can't I couldn't
remember if he gets it or not there's no
way he'd outspeed
now this is neutral if he
specs I
live and no okay so you're life
orb that's freeze freeze okay the
reflect is gone get man come on solar
beam okay let's see how much damage this
does is it going to kill I don't know it
might kill I hope it does that's why I
have the light bul come on 30% more
damage baby big Damage Big damage no oh
it just doesn't kill that's a little
unfortunate okay how much is that going
that's neutral right okay that's not too
bad my reflect is gone now I think I'm
about to lose yeah I think I'm about to
lose Sun so I'll just use one more solo
beam to take out 20K Subs Sun is still
out so he's going to chlorophyll solar
beam again I don't have really anything
to just take this hit you know I need
that sun to go away yeah I think I'm
about to lose Sun so I'll just use one
more solar beam to take out 20K Subs I
can however get my reflecting light
screen back up again I got to start
thinking of what my wind con is at this
point I feel my wind con is swoobat and
Tyranitar I'm not locked into this so I
can always use willowwisp on something
afterwards as well just to just kind of
shut it
down all right there goes 20K Subs yes
okay there's that that's all I needed
right there ah the sunlight the
sunlight's gone okay that sucks he does
have a Stealth Rock up so I can't go
into him I didn't pack another grass
site movees so I don't know if he has
anything as weak grass if this guy
brought sleep powder this is a problem
show me your big boys show me your big
Dylan oh this is going to sweep me I
think I have to just go for the KO on
this guy he might switch to Grim snarl
he might not knowing that I have I'm
simple D Dan though I don't think it's
smart to even try and set up this he
does wow does he go to the Grim snarl
this is really scary I think I hard swap
in a scar cuz I know he's going to try
and set up right now and then I have
Choice scoff and I can Stone Edge next
turn no
he thought I was going to set
up so I'll take that that's good damage
I think he has the heavy duty boots on
this too so I don't think he has like
scarf or ooh okay we tank okay we tank
okay okay you know what this is like the
best case scenario I think I have to
Stone Edge here and I'm feeling no he's
he's not scarfed there's no way he's
scarfed he is any he
lands and I'm dead dude the only reason
I think give me scarf cuz if I Dean
there I would have outsped oh he lands
bam it's dead it's dead it's dead it's
dead it's gone okay and I have Moxy and
there's The Moxy that's fine that's
crazy I should have de danced I didn't
think he would switch
okay there it is just switch here
patters just switch here you don't want
to go for the attack you don't want to
lose this I know you have a Moxy boost
right now show me what's in your mind
what okay oh will this resist Stone Edge
if I could swap up moves right now oh
you'd be so sad all right well I'm going
to keep him in the back for later he's
definitely going to go for a water type
move I mean don't have a good answer to
that yeah I'm just going to I think I'm
just going to sack off T yes yes yes
where's he go to
T oh and he can't prankster me he
doesn't know he doesn't know he can't
prankster me cuz I'm a dark type he has
no idea I don't imagine I live this it's
a pretty strong B it's got like water
liquidation nasty plot okay I have to
light screen what what I thought he
can't I'm ghost dark is it because I'm
illusion why can't you prankster me all
right let's just do it I have prankster
though so no matter what I definitely go
first okay yeah we get the light screen
up okay that's making me feel a little
bit more safe this is a scary Mo though
you're doing it again I'm so confused so
many things are happening I thought he
couldn't I am plus 4 what are you going
to use I thought he couldn't prankster
me I was like yo he's going to fail and
not see it he does
switch who is this oh that's a I'm not
going to do anything there this is scary
I I have the light screen but he's plus
4 now so this is pretty bad come on Hobs
you can do this I love you
Arcanine yeah I I can't okay surely he
knows by now you won't die in one hit
right flamethrower oh huge that's
perfect that's totally fine it's still
big damage but it's totally fine and I
out spe you you've already had a scarfon
the do pulse do we tank one do we tank
one do we tank one no oh my God how wait
how do you out spe
yes let's go the reverse sweep is here
how do you outspeed me oh he's so lost
he is so lost and he's going to know
that I'm scoffed but I have to reveal
this I have to close combat or he's
going to kill me he's going to attack
Stone Edge and probably
kill no no he did not yeah we're going
to go for the CC that should
I thre though oh my God it's the
zorok I miss click though I should have
dark pulsed and he's locked in he
scarfed it doesn't matter he scarfed
that's I'm such an idiot it's so dumb
yeah yep yep yep it has of course it has
illusion that's why it's so fast that's
his only
chance that is if I Dart pulse if I Dart
pulse I guarantee one oh I'm such an
idiot I can't believe this and it's
ghost dock so it doesn't have any
weaknesses now there's no guarantee cuz
he he could come in outp speed me and
I'm I'm Buble beep I'm dead I can't
believe I just let that happen I have to
Mega hor
it okay watch this read watch this read
cuz he's stone edging damn I feel like
such a oh now now the actual wet
comes out he's stone edging I go
actually out to
wet oh we Mega horned that's fine damn
it okay okay this m is important I feel
like I need to keep this m around I'm
going to try and sub damn oh I feel like
such an idiot I really do I feel like
I'm right now oh my god dude this
is I I'm playing out my mind at the end
besides that Dark Pulse Miss click okay
the biggest guy sub is really annoying
that you're doing
that Patrick what are you going to do
buddy I know you got multiscale we'll
find out we'll find out I'm also super
super bulky like I am ridiculously
ludicrously bulky he's not going to
switch out I'm just going to drain punch
okay Lugia has got insane speed that is
going to make me uh that's going to fade
knockoff no my left my leftovers no so
he's not multi scale he's Beast boost
all right I knock off lefties that's
really good for me Oh I thought I was
way more bulky than I actually am he's
going to withdraw too he's going to go
theing no oh he's sacking oh he's
sacking if he drain punch that's fine
cuz I I brought out him for a rocky
helmet and I'm going to die anyway as a
clean switch so he doesn't get a heal
and he should drain punch here yep there
it is is he going to go into illusion m
is he going to go into his regular M
York sh te there's that stupid ugly
creature stupid ugly Critter dark P
should kill light screen is gone but he
can kill me but he can't drain punch me
I don't know if I can tank a do pulse
actually I feel like I can't he
withdraws to his fairy type actually I
totally lived you know what I need to
light screen I need to light screen
reflect right
now okay that's decent
o okay okay yeah I need to light screen
right now I think okay so you can
prankster a dark type if it's not an
attacking move I actually didn't know
that okay that's fine that's fine that's
fine that's fine it's okay we live we
live we oh we barely hang on there light
screen and reflect going up towards the
end game
I did this just in case he
a I did that just in case you switched
there he'll probably nasty plot this
turn I think he didn't he misses The
Willow The Willow Miss I don't think it
matters though no he's just going to
kill me okay that's
fine it's coming down to the wire man he
got that light screen and reflect up
that's huge I'm pretty sure I can tank a
Dark Pulse now I feel like scaron is the
solution here
Lo who is this okay uh but the question
is what do I click if he
CC's did he CC if he CC's this is such a
good play there's no way he makes that
crazy of a read though I think he just
Mega horns here he does switch okay I
did go for the crunch that's the neutral
play here let's see okay with stealth
Rock's damage two crunches might kill he
crunches okay that's
fine not enough damage and I can
definitely substitute I don't know I
don't know how much damage we can do
this ah oh I don't know I don't know
it's gonna be close I think I have to
swap I think this is such a risk I think
I have 25% I should have I should have
looked I should have looked I should
have looked I should have actually count
it yeah I think this is the correct play
I have to keep the scoffer around oh
this is really coming down to
man yes I have enough I have enough
that's huge that is so huge cuz he can't
drain punch punch me now he goes for the
sub wow cuz I definitely would have
broken the sub oh maybe I wouldn't have
broken the sub actually okay so we get a
little bit of Health back here not much
I'm glad that you do drain from Subs
though come on come on come on we're
getting close to the end here we're
getting close to the
ends why do you heal you actually get
that okay so liquidation he's going to
eat this cuz reflect is
up that's not really eating it honestly
I'll take that oh I just need my scar
around I just see my scarf around we got
a little bit of Health back there El
liquidations I have the reflect up
though I have the reflex it doesn't do
too much this is where it comes into to
the reads it's just pure reads at this
point cuz if he drain punches and I go
to a ghost type I'm good I have to
account for the switch I think Leach
life and I think I take this oh man okay
okay okay okay I dude it's it's crazy
lucky read I'm reading like a book right
now liquidation I'm pretty sure I Live
Now I think I Live come on yeah we live
on seven oh my God this battle is insane
okay Lee life kills and then my scofa my
scoffer in the back will save the day
it's going to be so close dude it's
going to be so freaking
close and leech life is not super
effective but it's definitely going to
hurt me he's going to get to his choice
scarf it's all down to see if he can
miss see you later bud I'm pretty sure I
got I got the Beast boost it doesn't
matter it's not a speed boost it's okay
it's an attack boost boost there's the
Beast boost too oh I didn't think about
that in the moment cuz I knew he wasn't
the light screen's off but doesn't
matter cuz he's going to oute he's
Lugia's speed but now I think that we
can wrap things up here cuz he's going
to take sou Rock
damage I out
speed I didn't know that he has to kill
me and then I come in with my scafa and
then I kill and then I kill him until
he's dead I beat him to death dude if he
misses Stone Edge I win it's coming down
to the One V one have to land a here
miss oh it's it lands I'm dead yes oh
yes yes yes there it goes woo yeah baby
that was so close though that was such a
good game I should have clicked Dark
Pulse oh my God I threw so hard I didn't
click Dark Pulse earlier in the game as
I clicked
flamethrower I mean listen that was such
a good game though you got me you got me
good with the illusion such a good game
man it really was you know what groud on
4.9 / 5 (46 votes)