Suno AI Advanced Generative AI Music Prompting Tips

All Your Tech AI
25 Jan 202407:00

TLDRThe video script discusses the creation of AI-generated music using Sunu AI, a platform that lacks documentation but offers a 'create' tab for music production. The creator shares tips on structuring songs by analyzing top tracks, revealing patterns such as using brackets for verses and bridges, and manipulating the AI with specific tags to include elements like backup singers, record scratching, and solos. The video provides examples of how these elements can be combined to create unique pieces of music, encouraging viewers to experiment with Sunu AI's features.


  • 🎵 Sunu AI enables the creation of AI-generated music without extensive documentation.
  • 🔍 By analyzing top songs, the speaker discovered patterns for controlling music output.
  • 🛠️ Sunu AI's create tab and custom mode assist in crafting music and even random lyrics.
  • 📜 The structure of lyrics returned by Sunu AI includes verses, choruses, and bridges indicated by brackets and braces.
  • 🎼 The use of braces around words in the lyrics can trigger backup singers to perform those parts.
  • 🌉 The bridge section serves as a transition between the verse and the chorus, often repeating a line multiple times.
  • 🎧 Creative elements like record scratching can be added within braces for unique effects.
  • 🎶 The chorus can be manipulated to repeat and create a satisfying conclusion to a song.
  • 📊 The speaker analyzed tracks like 'Turkey Time' to understand how Sunu AI processes song structures.
  • 📌 The video description and Patreon page will host a running dock of discovered tags and song patterns.
  • 💡 Encouragement is given for users to experiment with Sunu AI and share their creations and discoveries.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about creating AI-generated music using Sunu AI and discovering patterns to have full control over the music creation process.

  • What issue does the speaker mention about Sunu AI?

    -The speaker mentions that Sunu AI doesn't have much documentation available for users to refer to.

  • How does the speaker find patterns for music creation with Sunu AI?

    -The speaker finds patterns by analyzing top songs and understanding the structure of the lyrics provided by Sunu AI.

  • What feature of Sunu AI helps in creating random lyrics?

    -Sunu AI has a 'create' tab with a 'custom mode' that assists in generating random lyrics for a song.

  • What does the speaker notice about the structure of lyrics returned by Sunu AI?

    -The speaker notices that Sunu AI uses verse inside brackets, braces around certain words like 'groggy', and also includes a chorus in brackets.

  • What is the purpose of a 'bridge' in a song according to the video?

    -A 'bridge' serves as a transition between the verse and the chorus, often repeating the same line multiple times.

  • How can you use braces in Sunu AI to manipulate the music?

    -You can put words between braces for Sunu AI to use as backup singers, perform specific segments of a verse, or include elements like record scratching, guitar solos, or drum solos.

  • What is the effect of repeating lines in a song as demonstrated in the video?

    -Repeating lines can create a catchy and memorable effect in a song, as shown when the phrase 'the rain was pouring down' was repeated with a record scratching sound effect.

  • What does the speaker suggest at the end of the video for viewers?

    -The speaker suggests that viewers experiment with the tags and structures they've learned, share their own Sunu AI creations, and check the video description and Patreon page for more information and updates.

  • How does the video demonstrate the practical application of the script's content?

    -The video demonstrates the practical application by showing how to input specific tags and structures into Sunu AI to create a song with various sections like intro, verse, bridge, and chorus, and by providing examples of the generated music.



🎵 Mastering AI-Generated Music with Sunno AI

This paragraph discusses the process of creating AI-generated music using Sunno AI, a platform that lacks extensive documentation. The speaker shares insights gained from analyzing top songs, revealing patterns that allow for full control over the music creation process. They introduce the 'create' tab in Sunno AI, which offers a custom mode for generating random lyrics. The structure of the lyrics provided by the AI is examined, with specific attention to the use of brackets and braces to indicate different sections like verses, backup singing parts, bridges, and outros. The speaker also demonstrates how to incorporate unique elements like record scratching into the music.


🎶 Experimenting with Sunno AI's Creative Controls

The speaker continues to explore Sunno AI's features, focusing on the creative controls available for generating music. They discuss the unexpected repetition of certain elements in the generated music and the potential for overall style guidance based on the parameters inputted. The paragraph includes several examples of songs created with Sunno AI, highlighting the successful incorporation of record scratching and the impact of the various structural elements on the final sound. The speaker encourages further experimentation and invites viewers to share their own creations, concluding with a mention of additional resources and a call to action for feedback in the comments section.



💡AI-generated music

AI-generated music refers to the creation of musical compositions using artificial intelligence algorithms. In the context of the video, it describes the process of generating music through the platform Sunu, which allows users to input prompts and receive original musical pieces.

💡Sunu AI

Sunu AI is an artificial intelligence platform that enables users to create music by inputting specific prompts and parameters. It is the central tool discussed in the video, where the speaker shares insights on how to use it effectively to produce music with desired structures and elements.


Documentation refers to the official instructions or manuals that provide information on how to use a particular software or tool. In the video, the lack of documentation for Sunu AI is mentioned as a challenge, leading the speaker to rely on pattern analysis of top songs to understand how to use the platform effectively.

💡Prompting tips

Prompting tips are suggestions or strategies for crafting input prompts that guide AI to produce desired outputs. In the context of the video, these tips are crucial for users of Sunu AI to create music that aligns with their creative intentions.

💡Song structure

Song structure refers to the organizational pattern of a song, typically including sections such as verses, choruses, bridges, and outros. The video discusses how these structural elements can be manipulated within Sunu AI to control the outcome of the AI-generated music.


A verse is a section of a song that usually contains the main narrative or the central message of the song. In the context of the video, the speaker explains how verses are formatted in Sunu AI and how they can be enhanced with backup singers or other elements.


The chorus is a repeating section of a song that is typically musically distinct and carries the main theme or hook. In the video, the speaker discusses how the AI's output includes a chorus section and how it can be manipulated to create a catchy and memorable refrain.


A bridge is a section in a song that connects different parts, often providing a contrast to the verse and chorus. The video highlights the bridge's role in Sunu AI-generated music and how it can be used to create a transition between the verse and the second part of the chorus.

💡Record scratching

Record scratching is a DJ technique where a vinyl record is quickly moved back and forth with the hand while the needle is on it, creating a rhythmic sound effect. In the video, it is mentioned as an interesting feature that can be programmed into Sunu AI to add a realistic DJ element to the generated music.

💡Guitar solo

A guitar solo is a section in a music piece where the guitarist performs a melody or an improvisational passage unaccompanied by other instruments. In the context of the video, the speaker mentions the possibility of including a guitar solo in the AI-generated music, showcasing the AI's capability to incorporate various musical elements.


Experimentation refers to the process of trying out new methods, ideas, or techniques to see what works best or to discover new possibilities. In the video, the speaker encourages viewers to experiment with Sunu AI's features to create unique and personalized music pieces.


Sunu AI can be used to create AI-generated music without extensive documentation.

By analyzing top songs, one can identify patterns for full control over music creation with Sunu AI.

Sunu AI has a 'create' tab for music creation, including a custom mode.

The custom mode assists in generating random lyrics for songs.

Lyrics generated by Sunu AI follow a structured pattern, using brackets and braces to denote sections like verses and the chorus.

The structure of lyrics includes verses, choruses, and bridges, with specific indications for backup singers and other elements.

Experimentation with the system reveals that certain inputs, like 'record scratching', can produce interesting and consistent effects.

The 'bridge' section in a song can be used to transition between the verse and the chorus, often repeating a single line.

The 'outro' tag is used to create a brief and wrapped-up ending for a song.

The 'intro' command initiates a short, brief introduction at the beginning of the song.

The 'verse' section represents the main part of the song, with the primary lyrics.

Using braces within the 'verse' can indicate parts for backup singers to repeat or specific segments.

The 'bridge' can be manipulated to include various elements like a guitar solo or drum solo.

The video provides examples of how different inputs affect the output of Sunu AI-generated music.

The creator encourages viewers to experiment with the AI and share their creations.

A running dock of tags and their effects will be maintained on the creator's Patreon page.

The video aims to showcase the extra controls available in Sunu AI for music creation.