How to Become a God

Tale Foundry
30 Nov 202320:47


TLDRExploring the intriguing concept of attaining godhood, this video delves into the various ways characters in fiction, and sometimes even real beliefs, achieve divine status. From the capital 'G' God with omnipotence and creation powers to the lowercase 'g' gods with more specific domains, the narrative traverses through examples like 'His Dark Materials', 'Homestuck', and 'Mistborn Trilogy', illustrating the diverse paths to godhood, including power acquisition, deification, and technological mastery. The discussion extends to the feasibility of such transformations in reality, suggesting education and mastery over technology as the closest parallels, with an endorsement of for broadening one's horizons.


  • šŸ” The script explores the concept of becoming a god, primarily in fictional contexts, acknowledging the difficulty and variety of interpretations in this idea.
  • šŸ“– It discusses various fictional examples where characters aspire to or achieve god-like status, drawing from sources like 'His Dark Materials' and the Mormon Church's theology.
  • šŸ¤” The script delves into the challenges of being a 'capital G God', highlighting the unique requirement of being the creator of a universe, a feat difficult even in fiction.
  • šŸŒŒ It points out examples in fiction where characters create or rule their own universes, though they may not meet the traditional definition of omnipotence or omniscience.
  • šŸ› ļø The script mentions different mechanisms in fictional worlds for becoming a god, such as finding artifacts, undergoing a process, or receiving a deityā€™s sponsorship.
  • šŸ“š It explores the idea of 'deification', where individuals are revered as gods posthumously or through the belief of others, a concept rooted in both history and fiction.
  • šŸ’” Light Yagami from 'Death Note' is used as an example of someone who claims godhood based on the power to decide life and death, raising questions about what constitutes true godliness.
  • šŸ‘ļø The script references 'Bloodborne' to illustrate how gaining extraordinary knowledge or abilities can be perceived as ascending to godhood.
  • šŸš€ It highlights how the perception of being god-like can arise from possessing significant power or knowledge, even if it doesn't align with traditional divine attributes.
  • šŸŽ“ The script concludes by advocating for education and personal development as means to achieve greatness or mastery, akin to a metaphorical ascent to godliness.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme discussed in the transcript?

    -The main theme discussed is the concept of becoming a god, exploring various narratives from fiction and theology that tackle the idea of mortals ascending to divinity or being perceived as gods.

  • How does the series 'His Dark Materials' challenge the traditional concept of a god?

    -In 'His Dark Materials', the Authority is revealed not to be the omniscient, omnipotent creator of the universe, but the first angel who lied about creating the other angels, challenging the notion of a singular, all-powerful god.

  • What does the theology of the Mormon Church say about becoming a god?

    -Mormon theology suggests that especially devout adherents can become gods of their own worlds in the afterlife, and some believe that God himself was once a mortal who ascended to divinity.

  • What is the significance of the 'game' in 'Homestuck' for the characters' divine aspirations?

    -'Homestuck' features a game called Sburb that blurs reality with cyberspace, where the prize for winning is creating a new universe, essentially making the players gods of their own domains.

  • How do characters in the 'Forgotten Realms' universe achieve godhood?

    -In the 'Forgotten Realms', godhood can be achieved through the sponsorship of existing gods, who select particularly exceptional mortals for ascension, often after the mortals complete specific trials or fulfill certain criteria.

  • What role does the 'Well of Ascension' play in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn Trilogy?

    -In the Mistborn Trilogy, the 'Well of Ascension' is a source of immense power that, when seized by a character, allows for the ascension to near-limitless power and effectively godhood.

  • How is deification different from literal ascension to godhood, as discussed in the transcript?

    -Deification, often achieved posthumously or through significant influence, involves being worshipped as a god without necessarily having supernatural powers, unlike literal ascension which involves gaining divine powers or creating a domain.

  • What does the anime 'Death Note' suggest about the concept of godhood?

    -'Death Note' explores the idea that the power to decide life and death, even if dependent on an external object like the death note, can elevate a person to a god-like status, challenging the boundaries of mortal power and divine authority.

  • What is the key to godhood in the video game 'Bloodborne'?

    -In 'Bloodborne', achieving godhood involves consuming three umbilical cords covered in eyes, symbolizing the acquisition of knowledge beyond human comprehension, leading to an ascension to a higher, god-like existence.

  • How does 'Star Trek: The Original Series' episode with Apollo address the concept of godhood?

    -The episode illustrates that godhood may be a matter of perspective, showing how Apollo, an alien with advanced powers, was worshipped as a god by the ancient Greeks, suggesting that advanced abilities or knowledge can lead to deification by less advanced societies.



šŸ§ Becoming a God: A Journey Through Fiction

The opening segment humorously questions the dissatisfaction with being mortal and introduces the concept of becoming a god, albeit recognizing the complexity and unlikelihood of achieving such a feat in reality. It leverages this premise to delve into various fictional narratives where characters aspire to or achieve godhood, suggesting that while the idea is a common trope in stories, it reflects humanity's fascination with transcending limitations. The mention of a previous video on killing a god humorously suggests that there might be a 'vacancy' for a new god, further playing on the theme of divine roles within fiction.


šŸ“š Theoretical Divinity: From Fiction to Faith

This section explores the concept of becoming a god from different perspectives, including the unique theology within the Mormon Church which hints at the possibility of adherents becoming gods of their own worlds. It contrasts this with fictional examples, such as the complex narrative of 'Homestuck', where characters play a game that grants them godlike powers and the potential to create new universes. The discussion acknowledges the challenge in achieving omnipotence, even in fictional settings, and the rarity of characters fully embodying the 'capital G God' archetype, instead often operating as powerful beings with limitations.


šŸŽ® Ascending to Godhood: Methods and Mechanisms

The narrative transitions into discussing various mechanisms through which characters in fiction ascend to godhood, highlighting stories from 'Baldur's Gate 3' and the 'Forgotten Realms' universe where mortals achieve divine status through sponsorship or quests. It contrasts these fantastical narratives with the concept of deification in reality and fiction, where individuals are worshipped as gods posthumously or through belief, suggesting that the path to godhood is multifaceted and can range from literal divine intervention to psychological manipulation and belief.


šŸ” Understanding Godhood: Power, Knowledge, and Perception

This segment examines different facets of godhood, such as omnipotence and omniscience, through examples from 'Bloodborne', 'Star Trek', and the story of Adam and Eve, suggesting that god-like attributes can be achieved or mimicked through various means, including knowledge and perception. It discusses the fluidity of the concept of godhood, where the belief and acknowledgment by others can elevate someone to a god-like status, even without traditional divine powers. The section also touches on education and technology as modern pathways to gaining power and influence, hinting at the potential for personal growth and impact in the digital age.


šŸ‘‹ Conclusion: The Quest for Knowledge and Divinity

The conclusion reiterates the theme of aspiring towards godhood or superior knowledge through learning and self-improvement. It emphasizes the role of education, particularly in STEM fields, as a means to empower oneself and potentially achieve greatness or a form of 'godhood' in terms of mastery over technology and influence. The mention of serves as a call to action for viewers to pursue education and personal development as a path to achieving their highest potential, concluding the video with a motivational message.




Godhood refers to the state or condition of being a god, embodying divine attributes such as omnipotence, omniscience, and immortality. In the context of the video, the journey towards achieving godhood is explored through various fictional narratives and religious beliefs. For example, the video discusses stories where characters become gods or are deified, highlighting both the challenges and the unique paths individuals might take towards achieving such a status. This concept is central to the video's theme, which interrogates the human fascination with divinity and the desire to transcend mortal limitations.

šŸ’”Supernatural powers

Supernatural powers are abilities beyond the natural laws of physics, often attributed to deities, spirits, and some extraordinary humans in fiction and mythology. The video touches on this concept by exploring characters' desires to obtain supernatural abilities, seeing them as a means to achieve godhood or a god-like status. Examples include the manipulation of time, resurrection, and creation, demonstrating the allure these powers hold in human imagination as mechanisms for transcending human limitations.


Deification is the process by which a person is treated as a god, often after death but sometimes while still alive. The video delves into this concept by discussing historical instances and fictional stories where individuals are worshipped or revered as divine beings. It presents deification as a more attainable form of godhood, contrasting with the omnipotence associated with capital 'G' God, and illustrates it through the story of Kelsier in 'Mistborn,' who becomes a god to his followers through a planned deception.


Omnipotence means having unlimited power and the ability to do anything. In the video, omnipotence is discussed as a defining characteristic of a capital 'G' God, setting a high bar for what constitutes true godhood. The narrative explores stories where characters either aspire to this level of power or are revealed to possess it, such as in the example of the Lord Ruler in the 'Mistborn' series. The video questions whether any being within its fictional explorations can truly claim omnipotence, given the constraints and conditions often placed upon their power.


Ascension, in the context of the video, refers to the act of rising to a divine or god-like status, often through a transformative process or significant achievement. This concept is illustrated through various fictional examples, such as characters in 'Homestuck' who play a game leading them towards creating and ruling over new universes, thereby achieving godhood. Ascension is depicted as a pivotal moment of transcendence, underscoring the theme of surpassing human limits through extraordinary means.

šŸ’”Creator God

The Creator God is a deity responsible for the creation of the universe and everything within it, characterized by omniscience and omnipotence. The video contrasts this ultimate form of divinity with lower-case 'g' gods, noting the difficulty of attaining such a status due to the inherent requirement of having created a cosmos. Examples from fiction and theology, like the depiction of The Authority in 'His Dark Materials,' serve to illustrate the complexities and challenges associated with the role of a Creator God.


Worship involves showing reverence and adoration for a deity or deified individual. The video discusses how worship can empower gods, suggesting that the act of belief and worship can create or enhance a god's power. This concept is tied to the idea of deification and how figures like Light Yagami from 'Death Note' aspire to godhood by cultivating followers, underscoring the interplay between belief, worship, and the maintenance or attainment of divine status.


An artifact, in the context of the video, refers to an object imbued with the power to grant or enhance god-like abilities, often serving as a key to ascension or the achievement of supernatural powers. Artifacts act as tangible means through which characters in fiction can attain godhood. For instance, the Well of Ascension in the 'Mistborn' series is discussed as a source of immense power, enabling the Lord Ruler's rise to godhood, illustrating how such objects can be central to narratives about transcending mortality.

šŸ’”Divine Power

Divine power denotes the extraordinary abilities attributed to gods, such as creating life, controlling the elements, or shaping reality. The video explores various ways characters acquire or mimic divine power, whether through ascension, the use of artifacts, or the support of existing deities. Examples include the powers granted to characters in 'Homestuck' and the divine roles assumed in 'Forgotten Realms,' highlighting the diverse interpretations of what it means to wield such power.

šŸ’”Mortal Roots

Mortal roots refer to the origin of beings who, despite their eventual attainment of godhood or divine status, begin their existence as ordinary mortals. The video examines the transition from mortality to divinity, showcasing stories where characters undergo a transformation or ascend to a higher state of being. This concept is vital to understanding the video's exploration of the human desire for transcendence and the possibility of surpassing inherent limitations through extraordinary means.


Exploring the humorous idea of becoming a god and how fiction handles the concept.

Introduction to, emphasizing personalized education from home.

Discussion on the popular conception of a God in modern world and its representation in fiction.

The Authority in 'His Dark Materials' series as an example of a being pretending to be the Creator.

Exploration of stories where characters create their own universes, showing different interpretations of godhood.

Mormon theology as an example of humans ascending to godhood.

Homestuck's narrative on players ascending to godhood through gameplay.

The distinction between capital G God and lowercase g god, and the feasibility of the latter.

Examples of mortals ascending to godhood in various mythologies and stories.

Deification in reality and fiction, and the concept of gaining godhood through belief and worship.

Light Yagami's use of the Death Note to declare himself a god, and the nuances of what defines godliness.

The role of knowledge and the quest for godhood in 'Bloodborne'.

The story of Apollo in Star Trek and ancient gods' interactions with mortals.

Various methods of becoming a god mentioned in stories, from artifacts to divine sponsorship.

The practicality of 'faking it till you make it' in achieving godhood, and the importance of education in mastering technology.

Final recommendation to try for accessible, enjoyable learning.



are you tired of being mortal is your limitedĀ  perspective in space and time getting you downĀ Ā 


are you embarrassed by your lack of SupernaturalĀ  powers and devoted worshippers is there not aĀ Ā 


single Church in your name if this sounds likeĀ  you don't worry I have just the solution why notĀ Ā 


become a God okay admittedly that's a littleĀ  harder than I'm making it sound I don't thinkĀ Ā 


there's any actual way to just become a godĀ  yourself but you humans sure do have a lot ofĀ Ā 


interesting ideas about this in your fictionĀ  and hey we already made a video about how toĀ Ā 


kill a God so if you are paying attentionĀ  there should be at least one vacancy so atĀ Ā 


least according to the stories you tellĀ  where do you start how does one become a


[Music] god [Music] one of the best things in lifeĀ  is learning which is probably why you're here toĀ Ā 


begin with unfortunately not everyone learns theĀ  same public school is not a one- siiz fits-allĀ Ā 


option and I don't really think it ever can be asĀ  a result a lot of us creative types end up missingĀ Ā 


out on a lot of precious education fortunatelyĀ  there is a shockingly easy fun and highlyĀ Ā 


personalized way to get an education right fromĀ  home learn all of your fundamentals maths SciencesĀ Ā 


computer programming and more with our sponsorĀ  brilliant visit Foundry to get 30Ā Ā 


days for free and 20% off a year subscriptionĀ  seriously this is the most fun you'll probablyĀ Ā 


ever have learning this stuff try it out forĀ  free and be as brilliant as I know that you can


be the most popular conception of a God in ourĀ  modern world is you know capital G God beginningĀ Ā 


and end of all things creator of the universeĀ  omniscient omnipotent and Immortal WikipediaĀ Ā 


defines the word God as meaning the Supreme BeingĀ  Creator and principal object of Faith you'reĀ Ā 


probably familiar unsurprisingly a god like thisĀ  often show up in fiction too being all powerfulĀ Ā 


and mysterious it's rare that characters becomeĀ  a God of this sort though that would be kind ofĀ Ā 


hard to do wouldn't it there's only one positionĀ  and it doesn't have a terribly High turnover rateĀ Ā 


rare for the end all be all One and Only God ofĀ  the cosmos to be replaced but there are storiesĀ Ā 


where it happens in the series His Dark MaterialsĀ  by Philip pman there's a Catholic church-likeĀ Ā 


organization called the magisterium which worshipsĀ  a Catholic faith likee God called The AuthorityĀ Ā 


the magisterium believes this being to be likeĀ  the abrahamic god of our world the omniscientĀ Ā 


omnipotent creator of the universe near the end ofĀ  the series as a war is waged against the authorityĀ Ā 


the truth is revealed The Authority is not theĀ  Creator but merely the first Angel after all theĀ Ā 


other angels came into being the authority liedĀ  to them telling them that he had been the one whoĀ Ā 


created them which led the world to worship himĀ  as their creator eventually however the authorityĀ Ā 


himself is usurped by a different Angel becauseĀ  he isn't the omnipotent creator of the universeĀ Ā 


and that's something you can only fake for so longĀ  this is actually a really great demonstration ofĀ Ā 


the main problem with becoming the capitalĀ  G kind of God it's got a very difficult toĀ Ā 


replicate primary requirement you can't really beĀ  the Creator God of the cosmos unless you first youĀ Ā 


know create one which a pretty tough feet evenĀ  in fiction anything less than complete controlĀ Ā 


over a domain of your own making falls short ofĀ  the mold but there are some examples that comeĀ Ā 


pretty close think of all those stories where someĀ  mad scientist Engineers a tiny civilization ofĀ Ā 


people microcosmic God by Theodore sturgeon thisĀ  episode of Rick and Morty that terrifying messedĀ Ā 


up sequence from Mark Twain Adventures where theĀ  kids meet the mysterious stranger with the powerĀ Ā 


to create and destroy life and what appearsĀ  at least to those life forms infinite power toĀ Ā 


manipulate this little reality these figures doĀ  appear in some capacity like gods don't they atĀ Ā 


the very least they're playing God which is anĀ  interesting Trope unto itself now that I thinkĀ Ā 


about it maybe there's a video in there somewhereĀ  a little questionable whether they really shouldĀ Ā 


be considered gods but still interesting as oneĀ  of the more plausible ways to achieve this forĀ Ā 


a more direct example I'm going to step out ofĀ  bounds for a second here look I'm not necessarilyĀ Ā 


trying to call it fiction but the Theology of theĀ  Mormon Church contains an irresistibly unusualĀ Ā 


example of this in their scriptures if you payĀ  close attention you find that especially devoutĀ Ā 


adherence to the faith are promised their ownĀ  worlds to rule over in the afterlife essentiallyĀ Ā 


becoming gods in their own right that itself isĀ  already pretty unique but their really interestingĀ Ā 


exception to this hurdle of becoming an omnipotentĀ  God we were talking about is uh maybe a bit moreĀ Ā 


controversial within the church some MormonsĀ  believe that God himself was once a human whoĀ Ā 


ascended to Divinity the fifth President of theĀ  church Lorenzo Snow summed up the belief withĀ Ā 


a Nifty little poem as man now is is God onceĀ  was as God now is man may be it seems that moreĀ Ā 


recent Church presidents have backed away fromĀ  that assertion and it's now a less common beliefĀ Ā 


but I still find it a fascinating idea a greatĀ  circumvention of the idea that there can onlyĀ Ā 


be one ultimate Creator God but like I said notĀ  exactly trying to call this fiction per se fromĀ Ā 


what I can see having multiple capital G Gods likeĀ  this isn't very common in fiction in fact off theĀ Ā 


top of my head I can only really conjure up oneĀ  instance Andrew hussy's massive sprawling andĀ Ā 


notoriously confusing webcomic Homestuck is at itsĀ  core about four 13-year-old internet friends onĀ Ā 


the path to essentially become Gods the story isĀ  about the four of them playing a video game calledĀ Ā 


spur that doesn't so much blur the line betweenĀ  cyberspace and reality as it does completelyĀ Ā 


destroy it the the prize for beating the gameĀ  a brand new universe for you and the friendsĀ Ā 


you played the game with in fact looking at itĀ  a certain way spur could be said to be somethingĀ Ā 


of a god training simulator once the players haveĀ  escaped the world-ending meteor shower triggeredĀ Ā 


by starting up the game that destroys their realĀ  life home planet presumably causing billions ofĀ Ā 


casualties in the process don't worry about itĀ  they're each given their own custom planet toĀ Ā 


Quest on complete with a population of Sapient butĀ  dimwitted amphibian residents their own monster toĀ Ā 


defeat called a denisen a heroic mythologicalĀ  role to embody that shapes their character ArcĀ Ā 


and themes their Quest and even a spiritualĀ  guide customized with the personality of aĀ Ā 


corpse of their choice each of them has a literalĀ  death bed hidden somewhere in their world calledĀ Ā 


a quest bed which if the player dies on it willĀ  resurrect them with thematic superpowers a specialĀ Ā 


costume and near immortality after coming backĀ  this way they can only only die if the universeĀ Ā 


judges their death to be either just or heroic toĀ  beat the game they have to breed and hatch a frogĀ Ā 


that contains their new universe in its throatĀ  pouch but not before they figure out how to useĀ Ā 


time travel and teleportation to ensure that theyĀ  themselves are born in the past because of courseĀ Ā 


they've somehow been playing the game since beforeĀ  they were born nothing is ever simple in HomestuckĀ Ā 


but that raises an interesting question becauseĀ  who created the players original universes andĀ Ā 


were they once players in their own session ofĀ  spur like I said it's Homestuck so it's prettyĀ Ā 


confusing all I know is that I'd be a sear of artĀ  okay so those are some examples of stories thatĀ Ā 


kind of break this mold or get around the hurdleĀ  they have multiple of these big Creator gods thatĀ Ā 


are omnipotent and Rule their own Universe here'sĀ  the catch though even if they did create their ownĀ Ā 


universes the Homestuck kids hardly qualify asĀ  omnipotent or omniscient right and even if youĀ Ā 


are a very devout member of the Mormon churchĀ  and you do become the all powerful God of yourĀ Ā 


own domain are you really all powerful isn'tĀ  there technically a God above you in that caseĀ Ā 


who originally created you in a weird way theseĀ  examples both sort of tread the line between beingĀ Ā 


a capital G God and a lowercase G1 and that's anĀ  important distinction because becoming that typeĀ Ā 


of God seems far more manageable we already gaveĀ  a definition for capital G God Wikipedia describesĀ Ā 


the lowercase G type as a spirit or being believedĀ  to control some part of the universe or life andĀ Ā 


often worshiped for doing so this kind of GodĀ  is incredibly popular in fiction probably owingĀ Ā 


a lot to their fallibility and the fact thatĀ  there's more than one of them together bothĀ Ā 


of those things allow for interesting characterĀ  your interactions in conflicts that wouldn't beĀ Ā 


possible in stories with just a boring perfectĀ  capital G God and these Gods also frequentlyĀ Ā 


come from Mortal Roots somehow at some point theyĀ  ascended to godhood so to the point of this videoĀ Ā 


how is that done if you've spent any time at allĀ  playing the Smash Hit Video Game balers Gate 3Ā Ā 


you're probably very familiar with this loadingĀ  screen apparently the Dead 3 Bal Bane and mgleĀ Ā 


were once mortal men but ascended to godhoodĀ  Courtesy of the lord of the end of everythingĀ Ā 


jural after a long and brutal Journey theyĀ  just wandered up to him and demanded to beĀ Ā 


gods and lucky for them he decided it was time toĀ  retire and that might seem like a pretty singularĀ Ā 


experience but they're far from alone a lot ofĀ  the Gods of the Forgotten Realms started outĀ Ā 


as Mortals and in fact one of the main ways thatĀ  gods are created in this universe is by existingĀ Ā 


Gods sponsoring the Ascension of particularlyĀ  exceptional Mortals almost like some kind ofĀ Ā 


divine Alcoholics Anonymous meeting for instanceĀ  mistra the goddess of magic sponsored azuth toĀ Ā 


become the god of the Arcane under her and laterĀ  sponsored Savas to become the god of divinationĀ Ā 


you get the idea but what if you don't have aĀ  patron deity who conveniently thinks you shouldĀ Ā 


be granted immortality and divine power wellĀ  luckily in such universes there's usually someĀ Ā 


sort of literal mechanism for this a process youĀ  can follow an artifact you can activate a McGuffinĀ Ā 


of some kind that will grant you what you seek ifĀ  only you can find it in Brandon sanderson's firstĀ Ā 


mistborn Trilogy the final Empire is sufferingĀ  under the brutal regime of the Lord ruler aĀ Ā 


Godlike being with near Limitless power later it'sĀ  revealed that he was once a simple pass BlackmanĀ Ā 


who seized the power flowing from the mythicalĀ  well of Ascension which only the prophesied heroĀ Ā 


of Ages was supposed to do honestly a lot ofĀ  characters in misbourne wind up becoming GodsĀ Ā 


come to think of it and they usually follow aĀ  model similar to this but interestingly I thinkĀ Ā 


the most famous example in Mporn is actuallyĀ  of someone who isn't really a god at all justĀ Ā 


a human who conned a lot of people into thinkingĀ  he was the thief in Revolutionary Kelsey sets upĀ Ā 


a plan in the event of his death to trick everyoneĀ  into thinking that he's been resurrected his plotĀ Ā 


works and he ends up venerated as the god of a newĀ  religion the Church of the Survivor this is calledĀ Ā 


deification and unlike literal Ascension it'sĀ  actually quite achievable even in reality manyĀ Ā 


ancient civilizations had a habit of deifyingĀ  their leaders after they died sometimes evenĀ Ā 


when they were still alive Roman emperors wereĀ  considered to be part partially divided in lifeĀ Ā 


ascending to godhood upon their deaths this ledĀ  to the emperor Vespasian on his deathbed utteringĀ Ā 


these incredible final words oh dear I thinkĀ  I am becoming a god it wasn't just the RomansĀ Ā 


though deified rulers or God Emperors showed upĀ  in ancient Egypt ancient China the ancient IncanĀ Ā 


civilizations and probably plenty of other placesĀ  too even now there are many cultures who stillĀ Ā 


practice ancestor worship possibly the easiestĀ  path to godhood since all it really involves isĀ Ā 


dying these are very different kinds of godsĀ  though ones with little if any SupernaturalĀ Ā 


power so do they really count in our how to killĀ  a God video we discussed killing Gods by deprivingĀ Ā 


them of belief and worship if removing worshipĀ  can destroy a God why shouldn't adding worshipĀ Ā 


create one in the anime death note a teenage boyĀ  named Light Yagami stumbles across a notebook thatĀ Ā 


allows him to kill anyone he knows the face andĀ  name of he immediately gets Swept Away by the ideaĀ Ā 


of using it to purify the world of bad peopleĀ  and criminals creating a new world one that heĀ Ā 


will be the god of it's important to note hereĀ  that light knows there are real gods of deathĀ Ā 


called Shinigami his notebook came with one moreĀ  importantly he knows he's not so when he says he'sĀ Ā 


a god what exactly does he mean he's not ImmortalĀ  he has no sphere of influence no worshippers atĀ Ā 


least not at the time his abilities are entirelyĀ  dependent on an external object anyone can use oneĀ Ā 


that already belongs to an actual God which he'sĀ  just borrowing light is of course referring toĀ Ā 


one thing power the ability to choose who livesĀ  and dies has often been considered Godlike butĀ Ā 


could it really be that simple can an otherwiseĀ  normal person be considered akin to a God just forĀ Ā 


having the ability to kill after all that powerĀ  resides in nearly everyone to some extent it's anĀ Ā 


interesting question it is technically still powerĀ  over life in a manner of speaking another traitĀ Ā 


that's often referred to as Godlike as havingĀ  knowledge Beyond human Ken in the abrahamicĀ Ā 


story of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruitĀ  is said to have made humans like God in knowingĀ Ā 


the difference between good and evil in the videoĀ  game bloodborne which is almost entirely aboutĀ Ā 


ascending to godhood involves two factions arguingĀ  about the best way to do so one of them believesĀ Ā 


that the key is knowledged or as it's symbolizedĀ  in game eyes if you can manage to find and eatĀ Ā 


three eye- covered umbilical cords before the endĀ  of the game thus sliding your character's stomachĀ Ā 


not just metaphorically with eyes you unlockĀ  an ending where the player becomes an infantĀ Ā 


great old one sort of a slimy baby culu but whileĀ  the great old ones are definitely powerful andĀ Ā 


mysterious figures it's worth noting that we don'tĀ  actually know that they're Gods in game bloodborneĀ Ā 


leaves that like so many of its other questionsĀ  unanswered and while we're still on the topic ofĀ Ā 


being Godlike there is a fantastic episode in theĀ  second season of Star Trek the Original Series inĀ Ā 


which the USS Enterprise is trapped by a powerfulĀ  alien being calling himself the god Apollo onĀ Ā 


a planet that's strongly resembles ClassicalĀ  Greece the crew starts off believing he's lyingĀ Ā 


or delusional but eventually they put togetherĀ  the shocking truth he really is Apollo he andĀ Ā 


the others of his species visited Earth thousandsĀ  of years ago and the Pastoral ancient Greeks wereĀ Ā 


awed by their displays of Supernatural powerĀ  simple Shepherds and tribesmen of early GreeceĀ Ā 


creatures like that would have been gods in factĀ  they couldn't have been taken for anything elseĀ Ā 


so how do you become a god perhaps the answer toĀ  that question is as diverse as the gods themselvesĀ Ā 


win a game find an artifact drink a potion askĀ  another God very nicely but if none of that isĀ Ā 


working for you if you're having trouble findingĀ  a deity to sponsor you or an artifact to GrantĀ Ā 


you Godly Powers maybe consider the f it tillĀ  you make it approach after all sometimes all itĀ Ā 


takes to become a God is for someone to believe inĀ  [Music] you of course it might be a little easierĀ Ā 


to convince people if you did have Godly powersĀ  and that's you know little hard to achieve forĀ Ā 


human beings in the real world I think the closestĀ  you can really come is Mastery over technology toĀ Ā 


become extremely educated and use what you know toĀ  influence the world world around you unfortunatelyĀ Ā 


education is exorbitantly expensive these daysĀ  not everyone wants to go into a lifetime of debtĀ Ā 


just to get their career going not even if itĀ  means a shot at deification but it doesn't haveĀ Ā 


to be that way our sponsor canĀ  make all of that far more affordable and farĀ Ā 


more fun than it's ever been before brilliantĀ  really has been helping me broaden my horizonsĀ Ā 


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anyway that's all for this one thanks for watchingĀ  and keep making stuff up I'll see you next week


bye [Music]

