KREA AI "This will blow your Mind!" | Realtime 3D CGI to AI Imagery

Puppeteer Lounge
28 Jan 202405:54

TLDRThe video introduces a groundbreaking AI tool that transforms doodles into AI replicas, applicable in various forms of digital art. The software's integration with 3D imagery is demonstrated, showcasing its ability to reflect changes in real-time and adjust AI strength for different effects. The presenter highlights the tool's potential and ease of use, encouraging viewers to explore its capabilities.


  • ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ The introduction of a new AI tool named 'The Cre' is discussed, which is a significant development in the AI world.
  • ๐ŸŽจ This tool allows users to create AI replicas of their doodles, which can then be shared and used as 3D imagery or concept art.
  • ๐ŸŒ The AI tool integrates well with 3D modeling software, as demonstrated by its compatibility with the 3D viewport in the video.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ The AI replica can be transformed into various forms such as CGI, portrait, or cartoon effect in real-time.
  • ๐ŸŽญ The AI tool reflects the intricacies of the 3D model, including muscle details and facial expressions, providing a natural and aesthetically pleasing output.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Users can adjust the AI strength to control the level of AI influence on the final image, allowing for a balance between AI and manual control.
  • ๐Ÿค– The AI tool can interact with rigging systems, as shown by its ability to reflect changes in the UI rig, such as opening the jaw or changing facial expressions.
  • ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ The AI tool's real-time capabilities are highlighted by its ability to track and replicate eye movements and blinks accurately.
  • ๐Ÿš€ Despite being in its initial stages, the AI tool shows great promise and potential for various applications in the creative industry.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก The video serves as a demonstration of the AI tool's capabilities and encourages viewers to explore and experiment with the tool themselves.
  • ๐Ÿ†“ The AI tool set is available for free, inviting users to log in and explore its features without any financial barriers.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a demonstration of a new AI tool that allows users to create AI replicas of their doodles, which can be integrated with 3D imagery.

  • How does the AI tool work in relation to the 3D model shown in the video?

    -The AI tool works by reflecting any changes made in the 3D viewport, such as Maya, onto the AI viewport, creating a real-time AI replica of the 3D model with various artistic styles like CGI, portrait, and cartoon effects.

  • What kind of artistic styles can be achieved with the AI tool?

    -The AI tool can achieve various artistic styles including CGI, portrait, and cartoon effects, allowing for a range of creative possibilities.

  • How does the AI tool handle facial rigging and muscle details?

    -The AI tool accurately reflects the facial rigging and muscle details in the 3D model, making the AI replica aesthetically pleasing and natural-looking.

  • What is the significance of adjusting the AI strength in the tool?

    -Adjusting the AI strength allows users to control the level of AI influence on the doodle, preventing it from overpowering the input and ensuring a balanced output.

  • What are some potential applications of this AI tool in the creative industry?

    -The AI tool has potential applications in various creative fields such as concept art, character design, animation, and visual effects, offering a new level of interactivity and efficiency.

  • What is the name of the AI tool demonstrated in the video?

    -The AI tool demonstrated in the video is called 'The Cre', though it is unclear if the pronunciation is correct.

  • How can users access and use this AI tool?

    -Users can access and use this AI tool for free by logging in, after which they can experiment and play around with it to their liking.

  • What challenges does the AI tool face in its current stage of development?

    -In its current stage, the AI tool may have trouble identifying specific details, such as which eye is open during head movement, indicating that it is still in the developmental phase and may require further refinement.

  • How does the video demonstrate the real-time capabilities of the AI tool?

    -The video demonstrates the real-time capabilities of the AI tool by showing how it instantly reflects changes made to the 3D model, such as facial expressions and head movements, in various artistic styles.

  • What is the speaker's overall impression of the AI tool?

    -The speaker is highly impressed with the AI tool, describing it as revolutionary, mind-boggling, and a powerhouse of a tool with huge prospects for the future.



๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ Introduction to AI and 3D Imaging Integration

The paragraph introduces the viewer to a new AI tool that the speaker believes is revolutionary in the world of artificial intelligence. The tool, referred to as 'The cre', enables users to create AI replicas of their doodles on the screen. These doodles can range from concept art and cartoons to photorealistic portraits and CGI images. The speaker also mentions a 3D model project they worked on, which involves photogrammetry and a rigging setup. The AI tool integrates with this 3D model, reflecting changes made in the Maya viewport in real-time on the AI viewport. The speaker demonstrates the ability to adjust the AI strength to create different visual effects, such as a Tune character or a hyperrealistic portrait.


๐Ÿค– Exploring the Potential of AI in Rigging and Facial Animation

In this paragraph, the speaker delves into the potential applications of the AI tool in rigging and facial animation. They explore the reflection of muscle details and facial expressions in the AI imagery, showcasing the tool's capability to create aesthetically pleasing and natural-looking images. The speaker also discusses the real-time interaction with the AI tool, such as controlling the character's facial expressions like raising the brow, moving the jaw, and blinking. Despite some AI artifacts, the speaker is impressed with the tool's performance and encourages viewers to try it out, highlighting its free availability and vast potential for creative exploration.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is used to create replicas of doodles, turning simple drawings into complex digital images or models. The video showcases the revolutionary potential of AI in transforming 2D doodles into 3D models and various other forms of digital art.

๐Ÿ’ก3D imagery

3D imagery refers to images or visuals that provide a three-dimensional representation of an object or scene, offering a more realistic and immersive viewing experience. In the video, the creator discusses the integration of AI with 3D imagery to enhance the capabilities of the AI tool, allowing for the creation of detailed and lifelike 3D models from simple 2D sketches.


A doodle is a casual, rough sketch made while someone's mind is preoccupied. In the video, the doodle serves as the starting point for the AI tool's replication process. The creator demonstrates how a simple doodle can be transformed into various forms of digital art, such as CGI, portrait, or cartoon effects, showcasing the versatility and power of the AI technology.


A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a screen recording. In the context of the video, the screencast refers to the process of capturing and sharing the AI-generated images or models created from the doodles. This allows for the dissemination and collaboration of the AI-enhanced artwork with others.


CGI stands for Computer-Generated Imagery, which involves the creation of images and visuals using computer software. In the video, the AI tool is demonstrated to have the capability of converting doodles into high-quality CGI images, indicating a significant leap in the ease and accessibility of creating professional-grade visual content.


A portrait is a representation of a person, typically in the form of a painting, drawing, or photograph. The video highlights the AI tool's ability to transform a doodle into a hyperrealistic portrait, emphasizing the tool's potential for creating detailed and lifelike depictions of individuals in a digital format.


Rigging in the context of 3D modeling refers to the process of creating a structure of controls within a 3D character or object that allows for manipulation of its form and movement. The video mentions a rigging workshop, indicating that the AI tool can interact with and enhance existing 3D models, providing more dynamic and flexible control over the characters and objects created with it.

๐Ÿ’กFacial setup

A facial setup refers to the process of designing and configuring the facial features and expressions of a 3D character or model. The video discusses the use of the AI tool in conjunction with a facial setup course, suggesting that the technology can be applied to create intricate and realistic facial animations and expressions.

๐Ÿ’กAI strength

AI strength in the context of the video refers to the intensity or degree to which the AI tool's algorithms are applied to the doodle, affecting the complexity and detail of the resulting AI-generated image or model. The creator demonstrates adjusting the AI strength to achieve a desired balance between the AI's capabilities and the original simplicity of the doodle.


Real-time refers to the immediate processing and response of a system or tool. In the video, the creator emphasizes the real-time capabilities of the AI tool, meaning that changes made to the 3D model or facial setup are instantly reflected in the AI viewport, showcasing the tool's efficiency and responsiveness.

๐Ÿ’กAI artifacts

AI artifacts are unintended visual effects or distortions that may occur when using AI tools. In the video, the creator notes some AI artifacts when manipulating the 3D model, indicating that while the technology is powerful and innovative, there may still be areas for improvement and refinement.


AI's potential in revolutionizing the digital imagery field is discussed.

The introduction of a new AI tool that allows for doodle-to-AI replica conversion.

The AI tool's capability to create various forms of digital art, such as CGI, portraits, and cartoons.

Integration of AI with 3D models, showcasing its real-time reflection capabilities.

The demonstration of a 3D project using photogrammetry and rigging techniques.

Adjustability of AI strength to fine-tune the output imagery.

The AI tool's ability to reflect detailed facial expressions and muscle movements.

Switching between different modes like CGI and Portrait for varied artistic effects.

Real-time interaction with the AI imagery, such as controlling eye movements and facial expressions.

The AI tool's current stage of development and its potential for future improvements.

The presenter's excitement and amazement at the AI tool's capabilities.

The AI tool's free availability for users to explore and experiment with.

The potential applications of this AI tool in various fields, such as animation and digital art.

The presenter's recommendation to try out the AI tool for its innovative features.