AI Songwriting That Will Melt Your Brain - Suno v3

Bob Doyle Media
5 Mar 202436:45

TLDRThe video script discusses the release of version 3 of an AI music creation tool, highlighting its improved capabilities and user experience. The creator shares their excitement about the enhanced features, such as longer song generation and varied styles, while demonstrating the tool's output through different musical styles. They also compare version 3 with its predecessor, emphasizing the significant upgrade in quality and functionality, and invite viewers to explore the tool's potential with a focus on its creative possibilities.


  • 🎵 The introduction of a new version (version 3) of a music creation tool is highlighted, emphasizing its improved capabilities over the previous version (version 2).
  • 🚀 Version 3 is currently only available to users with a Pro or Premium plan, offering enhanced features and output quality.
  • 📝 The process of creating a song involves writing lyrics first, then using the software to generate the music, followed by lip-syncing and AI stylization.
  • 🎤 The speaker shares their excitement about the $10/month investment in the Pro plan, considering it worthwhile for the improved AI music output.
  • 💡 Version 3 allows for longer songs and the ability to create continuations of songs, a feature not fully explored in the video but mentioned by the creators.
  • 🎼 The interface of the premium version enables users to input a song description or title, and the program writes the song accordingly.
  • 🔄 A comparison between version 2 and version 3 is made, showcasing the differences in style, quality, and the addition of intros and instrumental breaks.
  • 🌟 The speaker demonstrates the variety of styles available in version 3, including groovy, indie, acoustic blues, chill samba, smooth funk, atmospheric trap, romantic disco, and dreamy rumba.
  • 🎹 The user experience is emphasized, with the speaker expressing their enjoyment in experimenting with different styles and the creative process.
  • 🎶 The video script ends with a humorous note about the speaker's face-swapped and voice-cloned content at the end of their videos, inviting viewers to subscribe.
  • 📌 The speaker encourages viewers to try out the new version if they are musically inclined or curious about AI music creation tools.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the introduction and demonstration of the new features in version 3 of an AI music generation software, and how it compares to version 2.

  • How does the user describe their experience with version 3 of the AI music software?

    -The user describes their experience with version 3 as astounding and believes it was the best $10 they have spent on AI music for the month.

  • What new feature allows songs to be longer in version 3?

    -Version 3 introduces the ability to create longer songs and continuations of songs, which was not as extensively possible in previous versions.

  • How does the user begin the process of generating a song with version 3?

    -The user begins by writing lyrics for a song and then brings them into the AI software, which generates the music based on the provided lyrics.

  • What is the significance of the song description feature in version 3?

    -The song description feature in version 3 allows users to input an idea for a song or a title, and the program will write the song accordingly, providing a more personalized and creative output.

  • How does the user demonstrate the variety of styles in version 3?

    -The user demonstrates the variety of styles by generating the same song lyrics in multiple different styles, such as groovy indie, acoustic blues, chill samba, smooth funk, atmospheric trap, romantic disco, and 70s progressive rock.

  • What is the user's reaction to the quality of the output from version 3?

    -The user is extremely impressed and pleased with the quality of the output from version 3, noting that it is a significant improvement over version 2 and that they find it emotionally engaging.

  • What is the user's opinion on the instrumental breaks and intros added by version 3?

    -The user appreciates the added instrumental breaks and intros, as they enhance the listening experience and make the generated music sound more professional and complete.

  • How does the user plan to use the AI music software in the future?

    -The user plans to continue exploring the capabilities of version 3, playing with different styles and features, and potentially creating more content using the software.

  • What is the user's recommendation for those interested in trying the AI music software?

    -The user recommends that those musically inclined or curious about AI music generation should try out the software, especially during the beta/alpha phase to experience the new features and improvements.



🎶 Introduction to AI Music and Version 3

The speaker introduces the topic of AI-generated music, specifically highlighting the release of version 3. They discuss the capabilities of version 3, including the production of longer songs and the continuation of songs, which were limited in previous versions. The speaker shares their excitement about the improvements and cost-effectiveness of version 3, and outlines their intention to demonstrate and explain the setup process for creating AI music using the new version.


🎵 Comparing Version 2 and 3 Outputs

The speaker compares the outputs of version 2 and 3 of the AI music software. They play two versions of a song created with version 2, showcasing the differences in style and quality. Then, they demonstrate the improved output of version 3, noting the added intros and the extended length of the songs. The speaker comments on the surprising quality and the emotional impact of the AI-generated music, emphasizing the significant enhancement from version 2 to 3.


🎼 Exploring Various Styles and Quality in Version 3

The speaker delves into the variety of styles available in version 3 and the quality of the generated music. They play several examples of the same song in different styles, such as Groovy Indie and Acoustic Blues, to illustrate the versatility and richness of the AI's output. The speaker expresses their fascination with the AI's ability to create music that can evoke emotions and keep the listener engaged, despite the repetitive nature of the lyrics used in the demonstration.


🎧 Version 3's Enhanced Features and Styles

The speaker continues to explore the enhanced features of version 3, focusing on the extended song lengths and the ability to end songs without them sounding abrupt. They play examples in Chill Samba and Smooth Funk styles, highlighting the AI's capacity to create music with a natural flow and a sense of completion. The speaker also mentions the potential for instrumental breaks and the AI's creativity in adding elements like audience interaction, despite not being prompted for such features.


🎷 Playing with Song Endings and Introducing 70s Progressive Rock

The speaker experiments with the endings of songs created by version 3, noting the improvements in how the AI can conclude a piece without it sounding forced. They introduce a 70s Progressive Rock style and express their excitement about the diverse styles available in version 3. The speaker also shares their enjoyment of the AI's ability to create music that can surprise and delight, even when it ventures into unfamiliar territory for the listener.


🎹 Adding Personal Touch with Custom Lyrics

The speaker adds a personal touch by incorporating custom lyrics into the AI music creation process. They demonstrate how the AI can handle specific requests, such as creating a 1920s Jazz quintet style song with a solo male singer. The speaker shares their amusement with the AI's interpretation of the custom lyrics and the resulting music, which adds an element of surprise and creativity to the output.


🎤 Final Thoughts on Version 3 and Subscription Incentive

The speaker concludes by reflecting on their experience with version 3, expressing their satisfaction with the improvements and the joy of exploring the new features. They mention the different pricing plans for the AI music software, including the Pro Plan, and encourage listeners to try it out. The speaker reiterates the subscription incentive of a personalized message from a voice-cloned character, emphasizing the fun and engaging nature of the software.



💡AI Music

AI Music refers to the use of artificial intelligence to create or generate music. In the context of the video, the speaker is discussing their experience with a new version of an AI music software that allows users to input lyrics or song ideas and receive fully produced music tracks. The AI software is capable of producing music in various styles and lengths, showcasing the advancement in AI's ability to understand and create complex musical compositions.

💡Face Swapping

Face swapping is a digital technique that involves replacing the face of a person in a photo or video with another person's face. In the video, the speaker discusses using face swapping technology in combination with AI music to create content, specifically mentioning the process of face swapping with a voice-cloned version of Liam Neeson to encourage subscriptions.


Lyrics are the words of a song, often set to music. In this context, the speaker wrote original lyrics for the AI music software to generate a song. The lyrics are an essential part of the creative process, as they provide the narrative or theme for the AI to build upon when producing the music.

💡Version 3

Version 3 refers to the latest iteration of the AI music software being discussed. The speaker highlights the improvements and new features of this version, such as the ability to produce longer songs and offer a wider variety of styles. It signifies a progression in the software's capabilities and the user's excitement about these enhancements.

💡Pro and Premium Plans

Pro and Premium Plans are subscription-based services that grant users access to advanced features of the AI music software. The speaker mentions that version 3 of the software is only available to users who have a Pro or Premium plan, indicating a tiered system where more advanced users can access additional functionalities.


In the context of the video, 'Styles' refers to the different musical genres or formats that the AI music software can emulate. The speaker explores various styles such as pop, country, indie, and jazz, showcasing the versatility of the AI in creating music that spans a wide range of sounds and moods.

💡Song Continuations

Song continuations imply the ability to extend or add onto a song, which is a feature mentioned in the new version of the AI music software. This capability allows for more dynamic and longer compositions, providing users with the opportunity to create more complex and complete musical pieces.


Instrumentals in this context refer to music tracks that do not include vocal performances, focusing solely on the instrumental components. The speaker notes that the AI music software's version 3 has improved its ability to create instrumentals, suggesting a higher quality and more authentic instrumental output.

💡Progressive Rock

Progressive Rock, or 'prog rock,' is a broad genre of rock music that is intended to be progressive, meaning it aims to push beyond traditional rock boundaries. In the video, the speaker expresses excitement about the AI's ability to create music in the style of 70s progressive rock, indicating that the software can emulate the complex structures and experimental tendencies of this genre.

💡Chill Samba

Chill Samba is a music style that combines elements of Samba, a lively Brazilian dance music, with a relaxed or 'chill' vibe. The speaker discusses the AI's ability to produce songs in this style, showcasing the software's capacity to generate music that captures the rhythmic energy of Samba while maintaining a laid-back feel.

💡Smooth Funk

Smooth Funk is a subgenre of funk music that emphasizes a polished, melodic sound with a soulful groove. The speaker's excitement about the AI's rendition of this style highlights the software's ability to capture the essence of different musical styles, including the groovy basslines and smooth rhythms characteristic of funk music.


Introduction of version 3 of a music AI tool, offering improved features over its predecessor.

The AI tool can generate songs based on a description or title provided by the user.

Version 3 allows for longer songs and the ability to create continuations of songs.

The user shares their positive experience with version 3, considering it worth the investment.

A demonstration of how the AI tool can produce different styles of music using the same lyrics.

Version 3 introduces intros and the ability to create more stylistically diverse outputs.

The AI tool can now generate instrumentals and handle longer song lengths.

Examples of the AI tool's output in various styles, such as Groovy Indie and Acoustic Blue.

The AI tool's ability to create music with a 70s progressive rock style.

The AI tool's capacity to produce music in a 20s Jazz quintet style with a solo female singer.

The AI tool's innovative approach to songwriting, including the ability to create face-swapped and voice-cloned content.

The user's excitement about the AI tool's potential for musicians and non-musical individuals alike.

The AI tool's capability to generate music in a smooth funk style, enhancing the user's creative process.

The AI tool's ability to produce atmospheric trap music, showcasing its versatility.

The AI tool's performance in creating romantic disco music, indicating its range across different genres.

The AI tool's potential to generate dreamy Rumba music, further expanding its creative possibilities.

The AI tool's capability to produce music in a bbop blues style, demonstrating its adaptability to traditional genres.

The user's exploration of the AI tool's features, including its ability to handle different song structures and styles.