The Dark Secrets Behind Google's New AI Model 'Gemini'

Matt Walsh
22 Feb 202418:53

TLDRThe video discusses the rapid growth of Nvidia, an AI chip manufacturer, and its significance in the tech industry. It then shifts focus to Google's AI product, Gemini, which has faced criticism for its inability to recognize white people in image generation, raising concerns about the influence of AI on society and the potential for bias in technology. The video also highlights the role of AI ethics in product development and the impact of Google's AI principles on its products.


  • 🚀 Nvidia's success as an AI chip manufacturer has led to a company valuation surpassing China's entire stock market.
  • 🌐 The rapid growth of the AI industry has major corporations racing to integrate AI into their products.
  • 🔍 Google's AI, named Gemini, is integrated into widely used products like Gmail and Google Search, raising concerns about the AI's impact on billions of users.
  • 🖼️ Gemini's inability to accurately represent white people in image generation suggests a potential bias in the AI's algorithm.
  • 🤖 The AI's refusal to generate images of certain historical figures, such as the founding fathers or Fairchild Semiconductor's founders, indicates a deliberate exclusion.
  • 🌐 The widespread use of Google products means that the company's AI has access to a vast amount of user data, giving it a significant advantage.
  • 📜 Jen Gani, a key figure in Google's AI ethics, advocates for treating different demographic groups uniquely due to historical systems and structures.
  • 💡 The AI's design and implementation reflect the ethical principles and goals of its creators, which in this case include a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • 📉 The launch of Gemini was met with controversy and highlighted the potential risks of AI misrepresentation and manipulation of historical facts.
  • 🌟 The power and reach of established tech companies like Google in the AI space can have far-reaching implications for society and the future of technology.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the transcript?

    -The main focus of the transcript is the discussion of Nvidia's success and the issues surrounding Google's AI product, Gemini, particularly its inability to recognize white people in image generation and the potential implications of this bias.

  • How does the transcript describe Nvidia's growth and success?

    -The transcript describes Nvidia's growth and success as phenomenal, highlighting that it is now worth more than all of China's stock market and is comparable to the size of Canada's entire economy. This growth is attributed to the company's development of artificial intelligence chips that power the brains of computers and many popular websites.

  • What is Gemini, and how is it integrated into Google's products?

    -Gemini is an AI developed by Google that can be downloaded on a phone and is integrated into all of Google's web products, including Gmail and Google Search. These products are used by hundreds of millions of people and businesses every day.

  • What is the main concern raised about Gemini's AI capabilities?

    -The main concern raised is that Gemini's AI appears to have a significant bias, as it fails to recognize the existence of white people in its image generation, even when prompted with historical figures or groups that have predominantly been white.

  • Who is Jen Gani, and what is her role in Google's AI ethics?

    -Jen Gani is the founder of Google's Global Responsible AI Operations and Governance Team. She ensures that Google meets its AI principles and ethical charter, focusing on the development and deployment of fair, inclusive, and ethical advanced technologies.

  • What was the public response to Gemini's AI issues?

    -Thousands of images showcasing Gemini's inability to generate images of white people began circulating, leading to public scrutiny and criticism of Google's AI practices and ethical considerations.

  • How does the transcript characterize Google's statement on the Gemini issues?

    -The transcript characterizes Google's statement as meaningless, with a Google employee acknowledging issues with Gemini misrepresenting historical figures but doubling down on the need for DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in AI development.

  • What is the significance of the Lent season mentioned in the transcript?

    -The Lent season is mentioned as a time dedicated to prayer, fasting, and giving. The transcript references Hallow's annual prayer challenge, which focuses on surrender and includes meditations on the book 'He Leadeth Me', a story about a priest who became a prisoner and slave in the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

  • What was Jen Gani's keynote address about at an AI conference?

    -In her keynote address, Jen Gani discussed her philosophy on AI, the importance of responsible AI, and the need for constant learning and improvement in being good allies and anti-racists. She admitted to making mistakes in the past and emphasized the need to treat different groups differently due to historical systems and structures.

  • What is the transcript's view on the people behind Google's AI technology?

    -The transcript criticizes the people behind Google's AI technology, describing them as unimpressive and lacking originality. It suggests that they are guided by a neo-Marxist ideology and are deliberately manipulating AI algorithms to promote certain viewpoints and influence political outcomes.

  • What was the reaction of Google Executives to the 2016 election results?

    -According to leaked footage mentioned in the transcript, Google Executives were deeply offended by the 2016 election results, with one executive stating it felt like a ton of bricks dropped on their chest and expressing a desire to move to Canada.



🚀 Nvidia's Surprising Dominance in AI

This paragraph discusses the unexpected rise of Nvidia, a California-based company that specializes in artificial intelligence chips. It highlights how Nvidia's value has skyrocketed, surpassing that of China's entire stock market and even rivaling the size of Canada's economy. The key to Nvidia's success is not a consumer-facing product like Windows 95, Amazon, or the iPhone, but rather the AI chips that power the brains of computers and popular websites. The paragraph emphasizes the rapid growth of the AI industry and how major corporations are racing to integrate AI into their products. It also mentions Nvidia's recent success on Wall Street, showcasing the significance of AI in today's economy.


🤖 Google's AI Misstep with Gemini

The second paragraph focuses on Google's introduction of an AI named Gemini, which has been integrated into various Google products such as Gmail and Google Search. The AI is available for download on mobile phones and has widespread usage due to Google's established presence in the digital space. However, the paragraph points out a significant issue with Gemini: it appears to not recognize the existence of white people. This is demonstrated through various examples, such as the AI's failure to generate an image of a white pope or a historically accurate Viking, instead producing images of people of different ethnicities. The paragraph criticizes this as a deliberate exclusion of white people from history and raises concerns about the implications of such bias in AI technology.


🌐 The Impact of AI on Corporate Diversity

This paragraph delves into the corporate impact of AI, particularly focusing on the experiences and challenges faced by Jen Gennai, the founder of Google's Global Responsible AI Operations and Governance team. It discusses the importance of mentorship and sponsorship for underrepresented groups in the corporate world, such as black, Hispanic, and Latinx employees. The paragraph highlights Gennai's personal failures in inclusion, emphasizing the need for unique treatment and opportunities for marginalized groups due to historical systems and structures. It also touches on the concept of 'othering' and the challenges of using language that does not alienate or exclude certain groups, reflecting the broader issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in AI and corporate environments.


🏛️ The Ethical Concerns Behind Google's AI

The final paragraph addresses the ethical concerns surrounding Google's AI development, particularly in relation to the company's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). It discusses the influence of DEI on the AI's output, such as the refusal to generate images of white people or to answer questions about certain historical events or figures. The paragraph criticizes the underlying algorithms of AI products like Google's, suggesting they are unreliable and biased, promoting a specific ideological agenda. It also raises concerns about the potential manipulation of information and viewpoints in AI, influencing public opinion and elections. The paragraph concludes by reflecting on the broader implications of AI technology and its potential to shape a dystopian future.




Nvidia is a California-based company that specializes in the production of artificial intelligence chips. It is highlighted in the video as an example of a company that has achieved significant growth and value, surpassing the entire stock market of China. The company's success is attributed to its role in powering the brains of computers and popular websites, emphasizing the importance of AI in modern industry.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is portrayed as one of the fastest-growing industries, with major corporations like Google rushing to integrate AI into their products. The video discusses the impact of AI on society and the potential consequences of biased AI algorithms.


Gemini is an AI developed by Google that can be downloaded on phones and is integrated into Google's web products, including Gmail and Google Search. The video discusses issues with Gemini's ability to represent historical figures accurately, specifically its failure to recognize the existence of white people in its generated images, which raises concerns about the fairness and inclusivity of AI technology.

💡Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are terms that refer to the commitment to creating an environment that is diverse, fair, and inclusive for all individuals. In the video, DEI is mentioned as a guiding principle for the development of AI at Google, but it is criticized for its potential to lead to biased outcomes, such as the exclusion of certain racial groups in AI-generated content.

💡Ethical AI

Ethical AI refers to the development and deployment of AI systems that adhere to ethical principles and guidelines, ensuring fairness, accountability, and transparency. The video questions the ethical considerations behind Google's AI, particularly in relation to the representation of different racial groups and the potential for bias in AI algorithms.

💡Algorithmic Bias

Algorithmic Bias occurs when AI algorithms produce results that favor certain groups or outcomes over others, often due to the data they are trained on or the way they are designed. In the video, the bias is evident in the AI's failure to represent white individuals in historical contexts, suggesting a deliberate or unintended prejudice in the AI's learning and output.

💡Corporations and AI

The term refers to the involvement of major corporations in the development and implementation of AI technologies. The video highlights the rush of corporations like Google to integrate AI into their products and services, emphasizing the widespread impact of AI on society and the potential for these corporations to shape societal norms and values through their AI products.

💡Historical Accuracy

Historical accuracy refers to the correct and truthful representation of historical events, figures, or contexts. In the context of the video, historical accuracy is brought into question with the portrayal of AI-generated images that do not align with historical facts, specifically the omission of white individuals in AI-generated depictions of historical figures.

💡AI Ethics

AI Ethics involves the examination of the moral implications of AI systems, focusing on ensuring that these systems are developed and used in ways that respect human rights, fairness, and justice. The video criticizes the ethical stance taken by Google's AI team, suggesting that their approach to ethics has led to biased outcomes and the exclusion of certain racial groups in AI-generated content.

💡Racial Representation

Racial representation refers to the depiction and inclusion of different racial groups in various forms of media, including AI-generated content. The video discusses the issue of racial representation in AI, particularly the underrepresentation or misrepresentation of white individuals in images produced by Google's AI, Gemini.

💡Corporations and Social Influence

This concept refers to the influence that large corporations, like Google, have on society through their products and services. The video suggests that corporations with AI technology have the power to shape societal values and perceptions, potentially leading to the promotion of certain ideologies or the suppression of others.


Nvidia is a California-based company that has grown to be worth more than all of China's stock market, reflecting its significant role in the tech industry.

Nvidia's growth is attributed to its success in creating artificial intelligence chips, which power the brains of computers and many popular websites.

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence is being driven by major corporations rushing to implement AI in their products, marking one of the fastest-growing industries in human history.

Google has launched an AI named Gemini, which is integrated into all of Google's web products, including Gmail and Google search, used by hundreds of millions of people and businesses daily.

Gemini's launch has raised concerns due to its inability to recognize the existence of white people in historical contexts, leading to questions about the AI's programming and ethical considerations.

The AI's inability to generate images of white individuals, such as popes or Vikings, suggests a potential bias in the AI's algorithm and raises questions about the diversity and inclusivity of its development team.

Google's AI product, Gemini, has been linked to the company's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), which may have influenced its design and functionality.

Jen Gani, who identifies as the founder of Google's Global Responsible AI Operations and Governance Team, has a history of advocating for treating white people differently based on their skin color in AI ethics and compliance.

Gani's philosophy on AI includes the belief that it's not unfair to treat everyone differently, challenging the principle of treating all individuals equally regardless of skin color.

The AI's refusal to generate images of white individuals, such as the founders of Fairchild Semiconductor, suggests a deliberate exclusion of certain racial groups from history.

Google's AI system is seen as having extraordinary power and influence over the data and lives of millions of people, raising concerns about the potential misuse of this power.

The controversy surrounding Gemini highlights the potential unreliability of AI algorithms and the need for greater transparency and accountability in AI development.

The AI's promotion of a specific ideological stance, such as DEI and anti-white racism, raises questions about the neutrality and objectivity of AI products.

The development of AI like Gemini is viewed as a potential tool for influencing political outcomes, such as elections, by promoting certain viewpoints and suppressing others.

The video discusses the power and influence of tech companies like Google in shaping public opinion and the potential impact on democratic processes.

The transcript highlights the importance of ethical considerations in AI development, particularly in ensuring that AI products do not perpetuate biases or discrimination.

The AI's inability to recognize white individuals in historical contexts reflects a broader issue in the tech industry regarding the representation and treatment of different racial and ethnic groups.