The Expert's Reference: THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION by Nicholls & Clute #sciencefiction

Outlaw Bookseller
14 Apr 202412:57

TLDRIn this video, the host emphasizes the importance of reading widely in science fiction to become an expert in the genre. He highlights the value of reference books, particularly the 'Encyclopedia of Science Fiction' by Nicholls and Clute, for gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of SF. The host also discusses the evolution of science fiction literature and recommends various books and resources for enthusiasts to build their knowledge and enhance their reading experience.


  • 📚 The importance of reading widely in science fiction to become an expert in the genre is emphasized.
  • 📖 The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, edited by Peter Nicholls, is highlighted as a seminal work for anyone serious about studying the genre.
  • 🏆 The first edition of the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction won a Hugo award and is recommended for its dense, informative content.
  • 📚 Reference books are crucial for understanding the history, themes, and nuances of science fiction, but they go out of date over time.
  • 🔄 The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction website is mentioned as an updated resource, now in its fourth edition, for the science fiction community.
  • 📖 John Clute is recognized as a leading SF critic, and his contributions to the encyclopedia are highly valued.
  • 📚 The Encyclopedia of Fantasy by Clute and John Grant is also recommended for those interested in the broader spectrum of speculative fiction.
  • 📚 Other reference books like the 100 Best Books series provide insights into the most influential works in science fiction and fantasy.
  • 📖 Autobiographies and critical analyses of SF writers offer a deeper understanding of the genre and its creators.
  • 📚 Building a library of reference books and critical works enhances the enjoyment and understanding of science fiction literature.
  • 🚫 Avoid reference books with lots of pictures, as they may detract from the importance of the written word in science fiction.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to discuss the importance of reading and understanding science fiction literature and reference books to become an expert in the genre.

  • Why does the speaker emphasize reading books over watching films in the context of science fiction?

    -The speaker emphasizes reading books over watching films because science fiction is fundamentally about words and ideas, and the written word is where the ideas come from, making books more essential in SF than films.

  • Which book is considered the most important non-fiction book for science fiction enthusiasts according to the speaker?

    -According to the speaker, the most important non-fiction book for science fiction enthusiasts is the 'Encyclopedia of Science Fiction' edited by Peter Nicholls.

  • What is the significance of the 'Encyclopedia of Science Fiction' first edition?

    -The first edition of the 'Encyclopedia of Science Fiction' is significant because it provides a comprehensive and dense collection of information about the genre, making it a crucial resource for anyone wanting to become an expert in science fiction.

  • How does the speaker feel about the revised edition of the 'Encyclopedia of Science Fiction'?

    -The speaker appreciates the revised edition for its expanded content and continued relevance, considering it one of the most important non-fiction books they have ever bought and read.

  • What is the role of the 'Encyclopedia of Science Fiction' website in relation to the printed editions?

    -The 'Encyclopedia of Science Fiction' website serves as an updated version of the printed editions, allowing for continuous revision and expansion of content, making it a valuable resource for the latest information in the genre.

  • Why does the speaker recommend avoiding science fiction reference books with lots of pictures?

    -The speaker recommends avoiding science fiction reference books with lots of pictures because they believe that the focus should be on the written word and ideas, which are the core of the genre, and images can sometimes detract from that focus.

  • What other types of books does the speaker recommend for science fiction enthusiasts to enhance their understanding of the genre?

    -The speaker recommends autobiographies of science fiction writers, critical analysis books, and histories of the genre, such as 'The Dream Stuff Is Made Of' by Peter Nicholls and 'Billion Year Spree' by Brian Aldiss.

  • How has the evolution of science fiction literature changed since the early 90s?

    -According to the speaker, the evolution of science fiction literature has slowed down significantly since the early 90s, with the most rapid development occurring between the beginning of the 20th century and the early 90s.

  • What is the importance of reading a variety of science fiction reference books and resources?

    -Reading a variety of science fiction reference books and resources is important for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the genre, its history, themes, and significant works, as well as for deepening one's appreciation and enjoyment of science fiction literature.



📚 The Importance of Reading and Reference Books in Science Fiction

The speaker emphasizes the necessity of extensive reading to become an expert in science fiction (SF). They highlight the importance of not only reading novels and short stories but also consulting various SF reference books, academic works, and fanzines. The speaker critiques the influence of people who lack genuine knowledge about the genre and stresses that true expertise comes from engaging with the primary texts and authoritative secondary sources. They introduce the 'Encyclopedia of Science Fiction' as a foundational text, noting its first edition's significance and the value of its dense, text-focused content. The speaker reminisces about the pre-internet era when such reference books were indispensable for deepening one's understanding of the genre.


🌟 Recognizing Authority and Exploring the Genre's Evolution

The speaker discusses the works of John Clute, a renowned SF critic, and the 'Encyclopedia of Fantasy' co-authored by Clute and John Grant. They acknowledge the vast amount of knowledge these works provide, despite their dated nature due to the rapid evolution of the genre. The speaker introduces the online 'Encyclopedia of Science Fiction' as an updated resource, praising its regular updates and contributions from global experts. They also mention other reference books like 'The 100 Best Books' series, highlighting their worth despite being out of date, as the development of science fiction has slowed down since the early 90s. The speaker encourages readers to build a library of such resources for a deeper understanding and enjoyment of the genre.


📖 Delving Deeper into Science Fiction's History and Culture

The speaker shares personal insights into the importance of reading about the history and culture of science fiction. They recommend several books that have significantly impacted their understanding of the genre, including Norman Spinrad's 'Science Fiction: The Real World' and Brian Aldiss's 'Billion Year Spree'. The speaker also suggests exploring autobiographies of SF writers and critical works that provide incisive commentary on the genre. They conclude by advocating for a comprehensive approach to reading within the genre, arguing that engaging with both fiction and critical analysis enriches one's appreciation and understanding of science fiction as a literary form that reflects modern and postmodern society.



💡Science Fiction

Science Fiction (SF) is a genre of speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. It has the power to explore the potential consequences of scientific and technological innovation, often reflecting on contemporary issues. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of reading a wide range of science fiction literature to understand the genre deeply and become an expert in the field.

💡Encyclopedia of Science Fiction

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction is a seminal reference work in the field, edited by notable figures such as Peter Nicholls and John Clute. It provides comprehensive coverage of the genre, including authors, works, themes, and terminology. The speaker in the video holds this encyclopedia in high regard as a key resource for anyone wanting to gain expertise in science fiction, highlighting its dense text and the depth of information it provides as crucial for understanding the genre's complexities.


Reading, as discussed in the video, is the fundamental activity for gaining knowledge and understanding, especially in a genre like science fiction. It is through reading the novels, short stories, and anthologies that one can immerse themselves in the genre's universe and start recognizing patterns, themes, and the evolution of ideas. The speaker underscores the necessity of extensive reading as a precursor to becoming an expert in the field.


Expertise refers to a deep and specialized understanding of a particular subject area, which in the context of the video is science fiction. The speaker emphasizes that becoming an expert in SF requires not just casual reading but a dedicated effort to read widely and deeply, including reference works and critical analyses. Expertise allows one to contribute meaningfully to discussions, identify trends, and understand the genre's historical and cultural significance.

💡Reference Books

Reference books are works that provide comprehensive information on a specific subject, often used for quick lookups and in-depth research. In the video, the speaker discusses the value of various science fiction reference books, including the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and others, as essential tools for building a foundational understanding of the genre. These books offer insights into the authors, works, themes, and critical discussions that shape the field.

💡Critics and Critics

Critics and critics in the context of the video refer to individuals who analyze and evaluate works of science fiction, offering critical perspectives that can shape public opinion and contribute to the genre's discourse. The speaker mentions John Clute as a leading SF critic, whose deep understanding and extensive reviews make his work particularly valuable for those seeking to become experts in the genre.

💡Websites and Online Content

Websites and online content represent the digital evolution of traditional reference materials. The video mentions the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction website as an example of how the genre's knowledge base can be updated and expanded beyond the limitations of print. Online platforms allow for dynamic contributions from a global community of writers, critics, and experts, ensuring that the information remains current and relevant.


Fantasy is a genre of fiction that similarly involves imaginative and fantastical elements, often characterized by magical settings, mythical creatures, and supernatural phenomena. While distinct from science fiction, it is mentioned in the video as another area of speculative fiction that can benefit from in-depth reading and reference works like the Encyclopedia of Fantasy, which the speaker also owns.

💡Historical and Thematic Analysis

Historical and thematic analysis involves examining the development and evolution of a genre over time, as well as the central themes and motifs that define it. In the video, the speaker advocates for this type of analysis as a means to gain a deeper understanding of science fiction, emphasizing that it is not just about escapism but also about reflecting on our world and its scientific paradigms.

💡Autobiographies and Biographies

Autobiographies and biographies provide personal insights into the lives and experiences of individuals, in this case, science fiction writers. The video suggests that reading such works can offer a unique perspective on the genre, revealing the influences, challenges, and creative processes behind the stories that shape our understanding of science fiction.


Anti-intellectualism refers to a sentiment or attitude that devalues intellectual pursuits and critical thinking. In the context of the video, the speaker expresses bafflement at the existence of anti-intellectualism within science fiction, a genre that thrives on innovative ideas and intellectual exploration. The speaker argues for the importance of engaging with science fiction as a rich literary form that reflects and critiques our modern and postmodern world.


The importance of becoming an expert in science fiction through extensive reading and research.

The necessity of reading both novels and short stories to gain a comprehensive understanding of the science fiction genre.

The role of reference books, academic works, and fanzines in shaping one's knowledge of science fiction.

The distinction between the first and revised editions of the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, and their respective contributions to the field.

The significance of the written word in science fiction as the primary source of ideas and concepts.

The evolution of science fiction from the early 20th century to the 1990s and its impact on modern and postmodern literature.

The value of cross-referencing in reference books for deepening one's understanding of science fiction themes and history.

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction website as an updated and comprehensive resource for science fiction enthusiasts.

The importance of reading about the lives of science fiction writers for gaining insights into their creative processes.

The critical analysis of science fiction through the works of authors like Tom Disch and Brian Aldiss.

The historical overview of science fiction provided by books like Billion Years Billion Year Spree by Brian Aldiss.

The exploration of specialized topics in science fiction through books like Ultimate Island by Nicholas Ruck.

The impact of science fiction on the collective imagination and its reflection of our scientific worldview.

The advice against buying science fiction reference books with pictures, emphasizing the primacy of text.

The encouragement to build a library of science fiction reference books to enhance the reading experience and literary appreciation.