2024: Mystery of the Rapture, revealed by Yeshua. Are you ready to meet the Lord?

7 Apr 202458:03

TLDRThe video transcript by CJ Lovik, founder of Rock Island Books, discusses the imminent return of Jesus and the significance of the Rapture in Christian eschatology. Lovik emphasizes the importance of understanding the Rapture as a doctrine introduced by Jesus himself, providing comfort and hope to believers. He delves into biblical prophecies, particularly focusing on the book of Isaiah and the Gospel of John, to elucidate the concept of the Rapture and its implications for the end times. Lovik also invites viewers to support Rock Island Books in their mission to spread this message, especially in the face of potential censorship.


  • 📜 The author, CJ Lovik, emphasizes the urgency of proclaiming the soon coming of the Lord and the 70th week of Daniel, suggesting significant global changes ahead.
  • 🚨 CJ Lovik warns that Christian media might face censorship or removal from the internet, highlighting the importance of spreading the message through alternative mediums like DVDs.
  • 💡 The discussion delves into the doctrine of the Rapture, describing it as a controversial yet crucial topic among Christians, with the potential to bring comfort and hope.
  • 📖 The script references the prophecy from Isaiah 53, which foretells the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, providing a foundation for understanding the Rapture doctrine.
  • 🥀 The narrative describes Jesus' final hours before crucifixion, focusing on his interactions with his disciples and the new teachings he imparted, including the promise of the Rapture.
  • 🌟 Jesus' assurance to his disciples, as mentioned in John 14, that he will prepare a place for them in his Father's house and return for them, is highlighted as the genesis of the Rapture doctrine.
  • 🕊️ The Ascension of Jesus is presented as a significant event, symbolizing hope and the promise of his return, and is suggested to be a model for the future Rapture of the Church.
  • 📆 The timeline of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection is connected to a 7,000-year prophetic calendar, with each date carrying spiritual and prophetic significance.
  • 🌐 The script asserts that the 7,000-year sabatical calendar for mankind ends in the year 3031 AD, marking the end of the millennial reign of Christ and the final year for man to work.
  • 🔙 The year 3971 BC is identified as the starting point of the prophetic calendar, following the sin of Adam, and is considered the beginning of the sabatical cycle.
  • 🕓 The script concludes with an exhortation to be prepared for the soon return of Jesus, although the exact timing remains unknown, reinforcing the theme of imminent hope and expectation.

Q & A

  • What is the main message CJ Lovik is trying to convey in the video?

    -CJ Lovik is urging viewers to support Rock Island Books in their mission to proclaim the imminent return of the Lord and the 70th week of Daniel. He warns of an impending censorship of Christian media and emphasizes the importance of spreading the message through DVDs and other uncancelable means.

  • What is the significance of the Rapture in the context of the video?

    -The Rapture is presented as a controversial yet crucial doctrine among Christians. It is depicted as an event that will bring comfort and hope to believers, reminding them that they are pilgrims in this world and that their true home is in heaven with the Lord.

  • How does the speaker link the prophecy of Isaiah to the crucifixion of Jesus?

    -The speaker connects the prophecy of Isaiah to the crucifixion by reading excerpts from Isaiah 53, which he believes provides a glimpse into the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus. He suggests that Jesus' knowledge of this prophecy gave him the strength to fulfill it, leading to his crucifixion and the subsequent预言 of the Rapture.

  • What is the significance of the Upper Room in the video's narrative?

    -The Upper Room is significant as it is the location where Jesus and his disciples celebrated the Passover and where Jesus revealed the doctrine of the Rapture. It is portrayed as the genesis of this teaching and a pivotal moment in the end times prophecy.

  • Why does the speaker emphasize the importance of the Holy Spirit in the disciples' understanding of the Rapture?

    -The speaker emphasizes the Holy Spirit's role in helping the disciples comprehend the Rapture because they were filled with the Holy Spirit after Jesus' death and resurrection. This divine guidance allowed them to recall and understand the teachings and prophecies, including those related to the Rapture, and to share this knowledge with others.

  • What is the speaker's view on the future censorship of Christian media?

    -The speaker believes that Christian YouTube videos and media will be censored or removed from the internet in the near future. He sees this as a critical issue that necessitates the support of platforms like Rock Island Books, which offer uncancelable means of spreading the message, such as DVDs.

  • How does the speaker describe the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers?

    -The speaker describes the Holy Spirit as a guiding force that provides insight, revelation, and supernatural courage to believers. It is through the Holy Spirit that the disciples were able to remember and understand Jesus' teachings, including those about the Rapture, and share them with others.

  • What is the significance of the 70th week of Daniel mentioned in the video?

    -The 70th week of Daniel is significant as it is believed to mark a period of great change and upheaval in the world. The speaker suggests that this period is imminent and will lead to the censorship of Christian media, making it crucial for believers to spread the message while they still can.

  • How does the speaker interpret Jesus' words 'I go to prepare a place for you'?

    -The speaker interprets these words as Jesus' promise to his disciples that he will return to take them to heaven, where he is preparing a place for them. This interpretation is central to the doctrine of the Rapture, which the speaker is advocating.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the current state of the world?

    -The speaker views the current state of the world as being in a period of decline, where truth is being replaced by lies and Christian values are being censored. He believes that the world is on the brink of significant changes and that the return of the Lord is imminent.

  • What is the speaker's advice to believers regarding the impending changes?

    -The speaker advises believers to support efforts like Rock Island Books that aim to spread the message of the imminent return of the Lord and the Rapture. He encourages purchasing and sharing DVDs and other uncancelable forms of media to ensure the message reaches as many people as possible before the prophesied events unfold.



📖 Introduction to Rock Island Books and Prophetic Series

The video introduces CJ Lovik, the author and founder of Rock Island Books, who emphasizes the urgency of proclaiming the imminent return of the Lord. The video invites viewers to support Rock Island Books in their mission to spread the message of the soon-coming 70th week of Daniel, a time of significant change. It highlights the importance of Christian media in the face of potential censorship and encourages viewers to purchase the 2024 prophetic series DVDs as a means of preserving the message.


🤔 Origin of the Rapture Doctrine and its Controversy

The video delves into the origins of the Rapture doctrine, explaining its roots in the teachings of Jesus and the prophet Isaiah. It discusses the controversy surrounding the Rapture among Christians and aims to realign the doctrine with its original intent of providing comfort and hope. The video sets the stage for an investigation into the doctrine by questioning its origins and the context in which it was first revealed to Jesus' disciples.


🍽️ The Upper Room and the Genesis of the Rapture Doctrine

The video explores the upper room setting where Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples and introduced the concept of the Rapture. It details the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and the significance of the last supper in revealing the doctrine of the church's departure. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding the context and the disciples' initial confusion about Jesus' teachings.


🕊️ Jesus' Promise and the Disciples' Struggle with Understanding

The video focuses on Jesus' comforting words to his disciples during the last supper, where he promises to prepare a place for them in his Father's house and return for them. It discusses the disciples' struggle to comprehend Jesus' impending departure and the new doctrine of the Rapture. The video highlights Jesus' role in providing hope and reassurance to his followers amidst their confusion and fear.


🌪️ The Disciples' 'What Are You Kidding Me?' Moment

The video recounts the disciples' disbelief and shock when Jesus introduced the concept of the Rapture, which contradicted their expectations of Jesus as a political Messiah. It describes the disciples' initial excitement about Jesus' teachings and their subsequent disappointment when they realized Jesus' mission was not what they anticipated. The video also touches on Judas' betrayal and the disciples' struggle with the new revelations about the end times and the Rapture.


🌟 Jesus' New Revelation and Authority

The video discusses Jesus' new revelation of the Rapture and the authority behind this teaching. It explains that Jesus' words carried divine authority, as he claimed to be one with God the Father. The video emphasizes that Jesus' teachings were not based on previous scriptures but were a direct revelation from God, providing hope and a new understanding of the end times for his disciples.


🛫 The Ascension of Jesus and the Promise of His Return

The video describes the Ascension of Jesus, his departure to heaven to prepare a place for his followers, and the promise of his return. It highlights the exclusivity of this event to the disciples and the significance of this promise for Christians. The video also connects the Ascension to the concept of the Rapture, suggesting that it serves as a model for the future event when Jesus will return to gather his followers.


📜 Understanding the 7,000-Year Sabbatical Calendar

The video presents an in-depth exploration of the 7,000-year sabbatical calendar as revealed in the Bible, connecting various prophetic events and dates. It outlines the process of calculating significant dates in biblical history, such as the crucifixion of Jesus, the creation of Adam, and the expected second coming of Christ. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding these dates for believers and the assurance they provide about God's plan for humanity.


🕰️ The Timeline of Biblical Events and Prophecies

The video provides a detailed timeline of biblical events and prophecies, from the creation of Adam to the expected second coming of Jesus Christ. It explains the calculation of the 7,000-year sabbatical calendar and the significance of each period. The video also discusses the start and end dates of the 70th week of Daniel, the millennial reign of Christ, and the final year for man to work, reinforcing the belief in a divine plan and the nearness of Jesus' return.


🌌 The 7,000-Year Sabbatical Calendar and its Implications

The video discusses the implications of the 7,000-year sabbatical calendar, emphasizing its significance in understanding God's timeline and prophetic events. It highlights the importance of recognizing the start and end dates of this period and its correlation with the sin of Adam, the crucifixion of Jesus, and the expected return of Jesus. The video concludes with a reminder of the nearness of Jesus' return and the need for believers to be prepared.




The term 'Rapture' refers to the biblical concept of the imminent transportation of true believers from Earth to Heaven. In the video, it is discussed as a controversial yet significant doctrine among Christians, which the author believes will provide comfort and hope amidst the prophesied end times. The Rapture is depicted as an event that will separate believers from the tribulations and wrath that will befall the Earth during the 70th week of Daniel, as mentioned in the transcript.

💡Second Coming of Christ

The 'Second Coming of Christ' is a theological concept in Christianity that refers to the return of Jesus Christ to Earth after his Ascension. In the video, this event is associated with the culmination of the 70th week of Daniel, marking the end of the millennial reign of Christ and the final judgment. The Second Coming is central to the eschatological narrative presented, signifying the ultimate redemption and the establishment of God's kingdom.

💡70th Week of Daniel

The '70th Week of Daniel' is a prophetic period mentioned in the Book of Daniel in the Bible, specifically in Daniel 9:24-27. It refers to a seven-year period predicted to occur in the end times, characterized by significant events including the rise of a ruler, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the eventual return of Christ. In the video, the author calculates this period to begin in 2024 AD, leading to the Second Coming of Christ in 2031 AD.


In the context of the video, 'Prophecy' refers to the divinely inspired predictions or forewarnings about future events, particularly those related to the end times. The author uses various biblical prophecies to construct a timeline and narrative about the impending events, including the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ. Prophecy serves as the foundation for the author's arguments and predictions.


The term 'Censorship' in the video refers to the anticipated suppression or removal of Christian media and YouTube videos from the internet during the end times. The author suggests that this will be a strategic move to control information and mislead people about the disappearance of Christians during the Rapture. Censorship is presented as a challenge that believers may face in spreading their message and a reason to prepare alternative means of communication.

💡End Times

The 'End Times' is a term used in Christian eschatology to describe the period of human history leading up to the Second Coming of Christ, the final judgment, and the establishment of a new heaven and earth. In the video, the author discusses the End Times in relation to the 70th week of Daniel and the anticipated changes in the world, emphasizing the urgency for Christians to prepare and spread their message before these events unfold.

💡Christian Media

In the video, 'Christian Media' refers to various forms of communication and content creation that promote Christian beliefs, values, and teachings. The author expresses concern that during the prophesied end times, Christian media will face censorship or removal from the internet, which would impact the spread of the Christian message and the Rapture doctrine.

💡Isaiah 53

The 'Isaiah 53' mentioned in the video is a chapter from the Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is often interpreted as a prophecy detailing the life, suffering, and death of Jesus Christ. The author cites this prophecy to emphasize the fulfillment of biblical prophecies and to establish the historical and theological context for the discussion on the Rapture and the Second Coming.


In the video, 'Sin' is referenced as the transgression against God's will and the cause of separation between humanity and God. The author discusses the sin of the first man, Adam, and how it led to the need for a savior, Jesus Christ, who through his crucifixion and resurrection, provided redemption for humanity. The concept of sin is central to the Christian understanding of the need for salvation and the overarching narrative of the video.

💡Millennial Reign

The term 'Millennial Reign' refers to the future period of one thousand years when, according to Christian eschatology, Jesus Christ will reign on Earth after his Second Coming. In the video, the author describes this time as the millennial reign of Christ, which will be marked by peace, justice, and righteousness, and will precede the final judgment and the establishment of the new heaven and new earth.

💡Sabatical Calendar

The 'Sabatical Calendar' mentioned in the video is a concept based on the biblical sabbatical years, which occur every seven years in the Jewish calendar. The author uses this concept to construct a 7,000-year timeline from the creation of Adam to the Second Coming of Christ, suggesting that this calendar provides a framework for understanding God's prophetic plan for humanity.


CJ Lovik, author and founder of Rock Island Books, discusses the imminent return of the Lord and the 70th week of Daniel.

The world is expected to undergo significant changes, with Christian media potentially facing censorship or removal from the internet.

Rock Island Books invites assistance in spreading the message of the prophesied events through DVDs and other tangible mediums.

The Rapture is a controversial topic among Christians, with varying interpretations and beliefs.

Jesus Christ's crucifixion and the events leading up to it are discussed, including the prophecy from Isaiah.

Jesus' final words to his disciples before his arrest and crucifixion are explored, revealing the doctrine of the Rapture.

The upper room discourse, where Jesus shared the prophecy of the Rapture with his disciples, is examined in detail.

The betrayal by Judas is mentioned, highlighting the significance of the true disciples' faithfulness despite challenges.

Jesus introduces the concept of the Rapture, providing hope and comfort to his disciples amidst uncertainty.

The importance of the upper room meeting is emphasized, marking the genesis of the Rapture doctrine.

The role of the Holy Spirit in guiding and empowering the disciples after Jesus' departure is discussed.

The concept of the Rapture is presented as a new revelation from Jesus, not previously disclosed in the Old Testament.

Jesus' authority for introducing new teachings, including the Rapture, is attributed to his divine connection with the Heavenly Father.

The Ascension of Jesus is described as a precursor to the Rapture, demonstrating the pattern of departure and return.

The Ascension was witnessed exclusively by the disciples, signifying the select nature of the Rapture event.

The 7,000-year sabatical calendar of the Lord is introduced, connecting various biblical prophecies and dates.

The method for calculating the dates of biblical events, including the crucifixion and the second coming of Christ, is based on prophetic patterns and numerical values in the Bible.