New & FREE ChatGPT 4o is Here 🚀 || ChatGPT 4o Use Cases हिन्दी 🔥

Kripesh Adwani
17 May 202415:11

TLDRChatGPT 4o, a new AI model, is now free and offers advanced capabilities. It can analyze text, audio, visuals, and video, converting speech to text and replying in audio with emotional understanding. It can also sing songs, understand sarcasm, and act as a translator between languages. Its visual understanding allows it to describe scenes from photos and videos. The technology has potential applications in accessibility, coding assistance, education, and more. OpenAI plans to offer it for free, with the GPT Store providing additional features.


  • 🚀 ChatGPT 4o is now available for free, previously requiring a $20 monthly fee.
  • 🔄 '4o' stands for 'Four O', with 'O' representing the omni-model feature, allowing it to analyze text, audio, visuals, and video.
  • 🎙️ ChatGPT 4o can convert spoken words into text and reply in audio, understanding and conveying emotions effectively.
  • 🎭 It can mimic human conversation, including emotional expressions and dramatic tones, as demonstrated in the script.
  • 🎤 ChatGPT 4o is capable of singing songs, even creating lullabies about specific themes like 'majestic potatoes'.
  • 🤖 The technology can understand and respond to sarcasm, showcasing its advanced language comprehension abilities.
  • 🌐 It can act as a translator, converting speech between languages and providing real-time translations.
  • 👀 ChatGPT 4o has visual understanding capabilities, able to describe scenes from photos and videos.
  • 💻 The desktop app assists with coding by identifying and explaining errors, enhancing the coding experience.
  • 🎓 It can also aid in educational scenarios, such as explaining geometric concepts and identifying elements of a right triangle.
  • 🎮 ChatGPT 4o's video processing capabilities are advanced, identifying faces and providing interactive responses to images.
  • 📊 The technology has applications in various fields, including gaming, data analysis, and image processing, offering solutions and generating creative content.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the term '4o' in ChatGPT 4o?

    -The term '4o' in ChatGPT 4o stands for 'Four O', where 'O' represents 'omni-model'. This indicates that the AI can analyze not only text but also audio, visuals, and video on the screen.

  • How does ChatGPT 4o's audio analysis feature work?

    -ChatGPT 4o's audio analysis feature allows the AI to convert spoken words into text format, understand the emotions behind the speech, and then reply in audio with a similar emotional tone, reducing latency.

  • Can ChatGPT 4o understand and respond to sarcasm?

    -Yes, ChatGPT 4o is capable of understanding sarcasm and providing sarcastic replies when instructed to do so by the user.

  • What are some of the use cases for ChatGPT 4o's translation capabilities?

    -ChatGPT 4o can act as a translator, converting speech from one language to another and providing replies in the target language, which can be particularly useful for communication between speakers of different languages.

  • How does ChatGPT 4o handle visual understanding?

    -ChatGPT 4o can analyze photos and videos to understand the objects and events happening within them, providing descriptions or responses based on the visual content.

  • What is the role of ChatGPT 4o in coding assistance?

    -ChatGPT 4o can assist with coding by providing feedback on code snippets, helping to identify and correct errors, and offering guidance on coding problems.

  • How does ChatGPT 4o's video processing capabilities enhance user interaction?

    -ChatGPT 4o's video processing capabilities allow it to identify faces and events in videos, enabling it to provide contextual responses and engage in more personalized interactions.

  • What are some of the educational applications of ChatGPT 4o?

    -ChatGPT 4o can be used for teaching and learning by helping users solve problems, providing explanations, and offering feedback on tasks such as coding or geometry.

  • How does ChatGPT 4o's image generation capability work?

    -ChatGPT 4o can generate images based on descriptions, create caricatures from photos, and even produce 3D objects, enhancing creative and design tasks.

  • What is the GPT Store, and how does it relate to ChatGPT 4o's business model?

    -The GPT Store is a platform where users can access various features of ChatGPT 4o for free. OpenAI plans to find different ways to monetize the technology while keeping the core features available to the majority of users.



🚀 ChatGPT 4o: Advanced AI Capabilities and Free Access

The video introduces ChatGPT 4o, an advanced AI model that offers free access to features previously available for a monthly fee. Kripesh Adwani discusses the new 'omni-model' capabilities, which include analyzing text, audio, visuals, and video. ChatGPT 4o can understand and respond to emotions in speech, reducing latency, and can even sing songs and understand sarcasm. The video showcases a live demonstration of ChatGPT 4o's conversational abilities, including acting as a translator between English and Italian, and its potential to replace current voice assistants like Siri and Alexa.


🎥 Visual Understanding and Practical Applications of ChatGPT 4o

This paragraph delves into ChatGPT 4o's visual understanding capabilities, demonstrating how it can interpret and describe images and videos. The script includes examples of the AI providing real-time transcriptions of activities in a video, recognizing objects and surroundings, and even hailing a taxi based on visual cues. It also touches on the potential future applications of this technology for visually impaired individuals and its use in desktop applications for coding assistance, as well as educational tools for teaching geometry and other subjects.


🛠️ Use Cases and Technical Capabilities of ChatGPT 4o

The video script outlines various use cases for ChatGPT 4o, highlighting its ability to perform technical analysis, solve problems, and generate Python code from gaming screenshots. It also mentions the AI's image capabilities, such as creating caricatures from photos and generating 3D objects. The paragraph discusses the potential impact of ChatGPT 4o on online exams, the replacement of traditional apps, and its ability to provide summaries from Google Meet recordings. Additionally, it covers the financial model of OpenAI, which plans to offer ChatGPT 4 and 4o for free while exploring other revenue streams.


🎉 Conclusion and Call to Action for ChatGPT 4o

In the final paragraph, the speaker invites viewers to engage with the content by hitting the like button and encourages them to share their thoughts in the comment section. The speaker also expresses interest in covering Google's recent IO event if there is viewer interest, signaling a willingness to create content that resonates with the audience's preferences.



💡ChatGPT 4o

ChatGPT 4o refers to an advanced version of the AI language model, which is now available for free. It is an omni-model that can analyze not just text, but also audio, visuals, and video. The 'O' in 'Four O' stands for 'omni-model,' signifying its multimodal capabilities. In the video, ChatGPT 4o is shown to understand and respond to emotions in speech, perform translations, and engage in human-like conversations.

💡Audio Analysis

Audio Analysis is the process where spoken words are converted into text format. In the context of the video, ChatGPT 4o can take an audio input, understand the emotions and context, and respond in a similar emotional tone. For instance, when a person asks to add drama to a story, ChatGPT 4o complies by altering its voice and narrative style to match the request.


A translator is a tool or system that converts language from one form to another, typically from one natural language to another. In the video, ChatGPT 4o acts as a translator, instantly converting spoken English to Italian and vice versa, facilitating communication between speakers of different languages.

💡Visual Understanding

Visual Understanding involves the ability of an AI to interpret and make sense of visual data, such as images or videos. ChatGPT 4o can analyze visual content, describe scenes, and even recognize objects and actions within those scenes. This is demonstrated when it describes the actions of ducks in a video and when it identifies a taxi for the user.


Sarcasm is a figure of speech where the intended meaning is opposite to the literal meaning of the words used, often conveyed through tone of voice or irony. ChatGPT 4o is shown to understand sarcasm in the script, responding appropriately when instructed to communicate with continual sarcasm.

💡Coding Assistant

A coding assistant is a tool that helps programmers write and debug code. In the video, ChatGPT 4o serves as a coding assistant, providing feedback on code snippets and helping to identify errors or suggest improvements. This is particularly useful for developers looking to refine their code.

💡Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis is a method used in finance to evaluate investments and identify trading opportunities by analyzing statistical trends gathered from trading activity, such as price movement and volume. ChatGPT 4o is shown to perform technical analysis on a trading chart, which is valuable for traders who may not be adept at such analysis.

💡Image Generation

Image Generation refers to the creation of new images by an AI system, often based on a description or existing visual content. ChatGPT 4o can generate images, including creating caricatures from photos and producing 3D objects, showcasing its advanced capabilities in visual content creation.

💡Character Consistency

Character Consistency is the ability to maintain the same visual and behavioral traits of a character across different scenarios or images. ChatGPT 4o is mentioned to have this capability, allowing for the creation of a character that is recognizable and consistent in various poses and situations.

💡Web Agents and Chrome Extensions

Web Agents and Chrome Extensions are tools that can be added to a web browser to enhance its functionality. In the context of the video, ChatGPT 4o enables the creation of such extensions, which can automate certain tasks or provide additional features when browsing the internet.

💡GPT Store

The GPT Store is a marketplace mentioned in the video where users can access various features of ChatGPT for free. It represents OpenAI's strategy to make AI technology widely available while exploring different monetization methods.


ChatGPT 4o is now available for free, offering advanced AI capabilities without a $20 monthly fee.

ChatGPT 4o, pronounced 'Four O', includes an 'omni-model' for analyzing text, audio, visuals, and video.

The AI can convert spoken words into text and reply in audio, understanding and mimicking the speaker's emotions.

ChatGPT 4o demonstrated reduced latency and the ability to add emotion and drama to its responses.

It can understand and mimic human conversation, including pauses and sentence framing.

Google Duplex, a project similar to ChatGPT 4o, was discontinued due to security concerns.

ChatGPT 4o can sing songs and understand requests for specific types of expressiveness in its responses.

The AI is capable of understanding sarcasm and responding appropriately.

ChatGPT 4o can act as a translator, converting speech between languages in real-time.

Visual understanding allows the AI to describe what it 'sees' in photos and videos.

The AI can provide feedback on coding, helping to identify and correct mistakes.

ChatGPT 4o can identify objects and people in images, offering descriptions and guesses about activities.

The AI can generate images, including caricatures and 3D objects, from descriptions.

ChatGPT 4o can provide summaries of meetings and integrate brand placements into images.

OpenAI plans to offer ChatGPT 4 and 4o for free, with the GPT Store as a platform for accessing features.

The free version of ChatGPT 4o will have limitations, unlike the premium version.

ChatGPT 4o's capabilities could revolutionize AI, affecting industries like translation and education.

The AI's advancements may also impact job markets, as it can replace certain roles.