New ChatGPT 4o Data Analysis is CRAZY! *early access*

20 May 202406:11

TLDRThis video showcases the latest update to Chat GPT's data analysis model, offering early access to new features. Users can now upload CSV files, visualize data directly within Chat GPT, and modify tables in real-time. Integration with Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive allows for seamless file access. The update also includes interactive and customizable charts, enhancing data presentation capabilities. The video demonstrates these features with a sample CSV file, highlighting the improved visualization and sorting functionalities.


  • πŸš€ GPT has released a new update to its data analysis model, allowing for more advanced features and capabilities.
  • πŸ“Š Users can now upload CSV files, visualize data, and even modify tables directly within Chat GPT.
  • πŸ”— Integration with cloud storage services like Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive allows for direct file access and linking.
  • πŸ” Enhanced data analysis capabilities include real-time table manipulation and the ability to group data by various criteria.
  • πŸ“ˆ The update introduces customizable, interactive charts that can be easily modified and presented.
  • 🌐 Early access to the new features has been granted to some users, showcasing the improvements over previous versions.
  • πŸ‘€ Improved visualization includes the ability to sort and filter data directly from the interface without needing to write specific commands.
  • πŸ› οΈ Users have the option to view the underlying Python code that drives the data manipulation and visualization.
  • πŸ“š The new version automatically formats uploaded data into tables, making it easier to read and interact with.
  • πŸ”„ Real-time data analysis and visualization updates provide a seamless user experience.
  • πŸ”’ The script mentions the option to turn off memory, indicating that user data isn't stored between chats for privacy.

Q & A

  • What is the main feature of the new update to the data analysis model mentioned in the video?

    -The main feature of the new update is the ability to upload CSV files, visualize data, modify tables directly within Chat GT, and select specific Excel files for analysis.

  • How does the new model handle different types of formatting in the data?

    -The new model processes different types of formatting quickly, allowing for a more efficient data analysis experience.

  • What is the advantage of being able to add files directly from Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive?

    -The advantage is that users can link their accounts once and then easily select files from their drives without having to go through their drive each time, streamlining the data analysis process.

  • Can the new model work on tables in real time?

    -Yes, the new model allows for real-time work on tables, which is a significant improvement over previous versions.

  • What is the significance of the side-by-side feature where you have a table on the left and a chat on the right?

    -The side-by-side feature allows for a more interactive and efficient data analysis process, as users can discuss and analyze data simultaneously.

  • What type of charts can be created with the new update?

    -The new update allows for the creation of customized, presentation-ready, and interactive charts.

  • How does the new model handle the visualization of data in tables?

    -The new model automatically turns uploaded data into a table, which can be visualized and interacted with in various ways, such as sorting and filtering.

  • What is the benefit of being able to download the visualizations created by the new model?

    -The benefit is that users can save and use the visualizations for presentations or further analysis outside of the Chat GT platform.

  • How does the new model handle sorting and filtering of data?

    -The new model allows users to sort and filter data directly through the interface without needing to specify column names, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.

  • What is the process for uploading files from Google Drive or OneDrive according to the video?

    -To upload files from Google Drive or OneDrive, users need to click the upload button, connect to their respective drives, and select the files they want to work on.

  • How does the new model handle errors or warnings during data analysis?

    -The new model provides Python code for users to see and understand the process, including any errors or warnings that may occur during data analysis.



πŸš€ New Features in GPT's Data Analysis Model

The speaker introduces a new update to GPT's data analysis model, which allows for uploading CSV files, visualizing data, and modifying tables directly within the chat interface. Early access to this feature is granted, and the video will demonstrate its capabilities. The update includes improved data analysis, real-time table manipulation, and integration with Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive. The ability to create interactive and customized charts is highlighted, showcasing the enhanced visualization and presentation features of the updated model.


πŸ” Exploring Advanced Data Visualization and Sorting Options

This paragraph delves into the advanced data visualization features of the updated model. The speaker discusses the process of uploading a CSV file and how the system automatically generates a table. The video demonstrates how to create interactive charts with various metrics grouped by different values, and how to customize these charts with color changes and static options. The speaker also explains the real-time sorting capabilities and error handling in the system, emphasizing the ease of use and the power of the new data analysis tools.



πŸ’‘Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, drawing conclusions, and supporting decision-making. In the video, the new update to the data analysis model is highlighted, allowing users to upload CSV files, visualize data, and modify tables directly within the chat interface, which is a significant advancement for users looking to perform complex data manipulations more intuitively.


CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values, which is a file format used to store tabular data, such as a spreadsheet or database. In the context of the video, CSV files can be uploaded to the new model for data analysis, demonstrating the system's capability to handle and process common data formats.


Excel is a widely used software program for creating and managing spreadsheets, which is part of the Microsoft Office suite. The video mentions the ability to link Excel files directly from cloud storage services, allowing users to work on tables in real time within the chat interface, enhancing the functionality and convenience of data manipulation.

πŸ’‘Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud storage service offered by Google where users can store files, photos, and videos. The script mentions the integration with Google Drive, allowing users to link their accounts and select files directly from their Google Drive for data analysis within the chat system.

πŸ’‘Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud storage solution from Microsoft that allows users to store personal, work, and shared files. The video script explains that users can connect their OneDrive accounts to the chat system to access and work with their files for data analysis.


Real-time refers to the immediate processing or interaction without significant delay. In the video, the ability to work on tables in real time is emphasized, meaning that users can see and interact with the results of their data analysis as it happens, which is crucial for efficiency and immediacy in data handling.


Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data. It helps in making complex data more accessible, understandable, and presentable. The video showcases the new features that allow users to visualize their data directly within the chat interface, improving the interpretability and presentation of the data.

πŸ’‘Interactive Charts

Interactive charts are graphical representations of data that allow users to interact with the data, such as zooming, filtering, or selecting specific data points. The video describes the new feature of customized, interactive charts that can be manipulated by users, enhancing the user experience and the ability to explore data dynamically.


In statistics, an outlier is an observation that is significantly different from other observations, a potential source of error in data analysis. The video script includes an example where the user decides to remove outliers and keep only half of the rows for a more focused analysis, demonstrating the system's capability to handle data cleaning.


Python is a high-level programming language widely used for general-purpose programming, including data analysis. The script mentions Python code in the context of sorting data, indicating that the chat system may utilize Python for processing and analyzing data, providing users with a powerful tool for data manipulation.

πŸ’‘Memory Off

In the context of the video, 'memory off' likely refers to a setting that prevents the system from remembering previous interactions or data between different chat sessions. This ensures that each session starts fresh, which might be important for privacy or when working with sensitive data.


Introduction of a new update to GPT's data analysis model.

Ability to upload CSV files and visualize data directly within Chat GPT.

Enhanced data analysis with direct table modifications in Chat GPT.

Integration with Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive for direct file access.

Real-time table editing and data visualization.

Customized, interactive presentation-ready charts.

Automatic table generation from uploaded CSV files.

Full-screen and zoom capabilities for detailed data examination.

Simple visualization without the need for specific formatting instructions.

Interpretable format for data presentation with map plot lib.

Dynamic chart customization with color adjustments and static chart options.

Improved data handling with non-outlier filtering and row reduction.

Real-time data analysis and sorting capabilities within Chat GPT.

Error handling and Python code visibility for transparency.

Uploading files directly from Google Drive or Microsoft One Drive.

Memory off feature for privacy, not remembering data between chats.

Invitation for viewers to like, subscribe, and suggest content for future videos.