The Pokemon Moves Forgotten Through Time

2 Jul 202310:27

TLDRThe video script discusses the diversity of Pokémon moves throughout the game's generations, highlighting some that have become widely used, while others have been forgotten or deemed irrelevant. It delves into specific examples from Gen 1, such as Submission and Clamp, and explores the evolution of moves like Waterfall. The rarity of certain move types in Gen 1 is also touched upon, along with the oddities of moves like Triple Kick and Barrage. The video aims to intrigue viewers with little-known facts about Pokémon moves and their historical significance within the game.


  • 🌟 The Pokémon franchise is known for its diversity, with over 1000 different species and over 900 different moves.
  • 🔥 Some moves have become widely used, such as Ice Beam and Thunderbolt, while others have faded into obscurity.
  • 🥊 Submission, a Gen 1 Fighting-type move, has been largely forgotten due to its recoil damage and low accuracy.
  • 🔗 Clamp, a Water-type move introduced in Gen 1, is rarely used and only a few Pokémon can learn it, contributing to its obscurity.
  • 💦 Waterfall, despite being a less useful HM in Gen 2, gained popularity after the physical/special split in later generations.
  • 🐉 Dragon-type had the least number of moves in Gen 1, with only Dragon Rage available, while Rock-type had the second fewest.
  • 🦶 Triple Kick is a rarely known move that only a few Pokémon can learn, and it was exclusive to Hitmontop until Gen 7.
  • 🎱 Garbage, a Ghost-type move, is largely forgotten due to its gimmicky nature and limited usefulness compared to other Ghost-type moves.
  • 🔥 Inferno, a Fire-type move, is considered one of the most unused and forgotten moves due to its low accuracy and reliance on chance.
  • 🔮 Kinesis, a move that could only be obtained through Metronome in Red and Blue, is a rare and often overlooked move.
  • 🎯 Barrage, a multi-hit move, has been largely disregarded since its introduction and was removed from the game in Gen 8.

Q & A

  • How many different species and moves are there in the New Gen 9 Pokemon games?

    -In the New Gen 9 Pokemon games, there are over 1,000 different species and over 900 different moves.

  • Why has the move 'Submission' become less popular in modern Pokemon games?

    -Submission, a Fighting type move, has become less popular due to its recoil damage, low accuracy, and less favorable power-to-accuracy ratio compared to other Fighting type moves.

  • What is unique about the move 'Clamp' in Generation 1 Pokemon games?

    -Clamp is unique as it is a binding move introduced in Generation 1, similar to Rap and Bind, but it is largely forgotten because it was only learnable by a very limited number of Pokemon.

  • How did the move 'Waterfall' gain notoriety after its introduction?

    -Waterfall gained notoriety after the physical and special split in Generation 2, transforming from a less useful HM move to a solid physical Water type move.

  • Which types had the least amount of moves in Generation 1 Pokemon games?

    -In Generation 1, Dragon type had the least moves with only Dragon Rage, and Rock type was the second rarest with two moves: Rock Throw and Rock Slide.

  • What is special about the move 'Triple Kick' in Pokemon games?

    -Triple Kick is special because it is a rare move that is only learned by a few Pokemon, primarily Hitmontop, and was only learnable by one Pokemon before Generation 7.

  • Why is the move 'Garbage' not commonly remembered or used in Pokemon battles?

    -Garbage is not commonly remembered or used because it is a gimmicky move that causes the opponent to lose all PP of the last move they used only if the user faints on the turn it is used, making it situationally useful but generally not practical.

  • What are the drawbacks of the move 'Inferno' and why is it considered a forgotten move?

    -Inferno is considered a forgotten move due to its low accuracy and the fact that it is learned by very few Pokemon, most of which have better alternatives, making it an inconsistent and risky option in battles.

  • How was the move 'Kinesis' unique in Pokemon Red and Blue?

    -Kinesis was unique in Pokemon Red and Blue because no Pokemon could learn it by leveling up or through TMs; the only way to obtain it was by using Metronome and getting lucky.

  • Why has the move 'Barrage' remained largely unused and forgotten since its introduction?

    -Barrage has remained unused and forgotten because it is a multi-hit move with low damage and poor effectiveness, and it has only been learnable by two Pokemon, both of which have better options like Bullet Seed.



🎮 Evolution of Pokémon Moves: Forgotten and Obscure

This paragraph discusses the diversity of Pokémon moves throughout the game's history, highlighting the vast number of species and moves available. It delves into the obscurity of certain moves like Submission from Gen 1, which has become outdated due to its drawbacks such as recoil damage and low accuracy. The video aims to explore old Pokémon moves that have been lost in time and share interesting facts about them. The creator also encourages viewers to subscribe for more content of this nature.


🥋 Underused Moves and Their Histories

The second paragraph focuses on specific moves that, despite their potential, have become underused or forgotten over time. It mentions moves like Clamp, a Gen 1 move that has faded into obscurity, and Waterfall, which gained notoriety only after becoming an HM in Gen 2. The paragraph also touches on the rarity of certain move types in Gen 1, such as Dragon and Rock, and the peculiar case of moves like Barrage, which has remained largely unused since its introduction.


🌟 The Rarity and Fate of Barrage

This paragraph centers on the move Barrage, a move that has been largely ignored since its introduction due to its limited utility and the existence of better alternatives like Bullet Seed. It is noted as a move that has never really gained attention and may remain forgotten, symbolizing it as a 'lonely ghost' in the game's history. The creator contemplates whether Barrage will ever make a return, acknowledging its removal from the game since Gen 8 and the absence of the move in the Execute line in Pokémon Sword and Shield.




Pokemon refers to a popular video game series developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo, which involves capturing, training, and battling with fictional creatures called 'Pokemon'. The video discusses the diversity of the game, highlighting the vast number of species and moves available to players, emphasizing the complexity and depth of the gameplay experience.


Diverse refers to the variety and range of elements within a particular group or set. In the context of the video, it is used to describe the wide array of Pokemon species and moves, indicating that the game offers a rich and varied experience for players with many different strategies and play styles.


In the context of the Pokemon video game series, 'moves' are the various attacks, abilities, or techniques that a Pokemon can use in battle. The video discusses how some moves have become widely used and popular, while others have faded into obscurity due to their perceived ineffectiveness or lack of utility.


Submission is a Fighting-type move in the Pokemon series that has fallen out of favor due to its drawbacks, such as causing recoil damage and having a low accuracy rate. The video points out that despite being a Gen 1 move, Submission is rarely used in modern gameplay because of these negative aspects.


Clamp is a Water-type move introduced in Generation 1 of Pokemon games that has become largely forgotten. It is similar to other 'binding' moves in that it can trap the opponent, but its low accuracy and the introduction of other moves have led to its decline in usage.


Waterfall is a Water-type move that gained notoriety after the introduction of the physical and special split in Generation 2. Initially, it was a weaker alternative to Surf, but later became a solid physical water move. The video highlights that Waterfall was actually present in the original games but could not be learned by any Pokemon until a later generation.

💡Veterans Club

The term 'Veterans Club' in the context of the video refers to a group of moves that have been part of the Pokemon series since its inception but have not gained popularity or widespread use over time. These moves are often overlooked or forgotten by players.


In the Pokemon series, Dragon is a type of Pokemon species characterized by their powerful and often rare abilities. The video mentions that Dragon-type Pokemon initially had very few moves available to them, with only 'Dragon Rage' being the move available in Generation 1, highlighting the scarcity and uniqueness of Dragon-type moves.


Rock is a type of Pokemon species in the games known for their sturdy and hard characteristics. The video discusses the rarity of Rock-type moves in Generation 1, with only two moves available, 'Rock Throw' and 'Rock Slide', emphasizing the limited options for Rock-type Pokemon in terms of move sets.

💡Triple Kick

Triple Kick is a Fighting-type move in the Pokemon series that is known for its low accuracy and the fact that it is only learned by a few Pokemon. The video brings attention to this move as an example of a move that is rarely seen or used in gameplay, despite its unique multi-kick mechanic.


Ghost is a type of Pokemon species characterized by their eerie and supernatural abilities. The video discusses the Ghost-type moves, focusing on 'Garbage' as an example of a move that is not well-remembered due to its limited usefulness and gimmicky nature.


Inferno is a Fire-type move introduced in the Pokemon series that has become largely unused and forgotten due to its low accuracy and the availability of better alternatives. The video describes Inferno as a move with high base power and burn chance but with such low accuracy that it is not considered viable in competitive play.


Kinesis is a Psychic-type move in the Pokemon series that is notable for being unlearnable by any Pokemon in the original Red and Blue games, except through the use of Metronome. The video highlights the rarity and unusual acquisition method of this move, which adds to its status as a forgotten move.


Barrage is a Normal-type move in the Pokemon series that has been largely overlooked and is considered one of the most useless and forgotten moves. The video describes it as a multi-hit move that deals low damage and has been removed from the game since Generation 8, illustrating its lack of utility and relevance in battles.


The Pokémon game series is recognized for its diversity, with New Gen 9 games featuring over 1,000 different species and more than 900 unique moves.

Some moves have become widely used, such as Ice Beam and Thunderbolt, while others have been forgotten or deemed irrelevant.

The move Submission, a Gen 1 Fighting-type move with base 80 power, has been largely overlooked due to its recoil damage and low accuracy.

Clamp, a Gen 1 Water-type move with base power 35, is largely forgotten despite its similarity to the binding moves like Wrap and Bind.

Waterfall, introduced in Gen 2, was initially weaker than Surf but gained popularity after the physical/special split in Pokémon games.

In Gen 1, Dragon-type had the least number of moves with only Dragon Rage, while Rock-type had the second least with Rock Throw and Rock Slide.

Triple Kick is a move learned by very few Pokémon, with Hitmontop being one of the few known users before Gen 7.

Garbage, a Ghost-type move, is often overlooked due to its gimmicky nature and limited usefulness in battles.

Inferno, a Fire-type move with 100 base power and a high burn chance, is considered one of the most unused and forgotten moves due to its low accuracy.

Kinesis, a move that lowers accuracy, was unlearnable in Pokémon Red and Blue and could only be obtained through the use of Metronome.

Barrage, a move that has been in the game since Gen 1, is extremely rare and largely unused, having been removed from the game since Gen 8.

The move Act is an example of a move that gained notoriety after its introduction, showcasing the evolving usage and perception of Pokémon moves over time.

The rarity and utility of certain moves like Clamp and Submission in Gen 1 highlight the strategic depth and balance issues present in early Pokémon games.

The evolution of move sets and their impact on gameplay, as seen with Waterfall and Triple Kick, demonstrates the dynamic nature of the Pokémon series.

The discussion of forgotten moves like Inferno and Garage underscores the vast move pool in Pokémon and the potential for underutilized strategies.

The exploration of moves that have never gained attention, such as Barrage, provides insight into the breadth of the Pokémon move catalog and the potential for future development.