This 59 PAGE BOOK Will Make 6-Figures This Year [11A]

Alex Kaplo
7 Jul 202304:54

TLDRAlice Kaplow introduces a method for generating passive income by publishing short books on Amazon. The process involves four steps: identifying profitable book topics with fewer than 50 reviews on Amazon, hiring a Ghost Rider on Upwork to write the book at a low cost, professionally designing the book cover, and publishing on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform and Audible. The strategy also includes offering the book for free on Facebook groups to gather reviews. Kaplow emphasizes that no prior experience or technical knowledge is required, and the entire process can be managed in under an hour a day. She offers a free training for interested individuals to learn how to replicate this method and potentially earn thousands of dollars monthly, as demonstrated by her clients Mike and Call.


  • 📚 A 59-page book can generate significant income on Amazon, potentially reaching six figures in a year.
  • 💼 Hiring ghostwriters on platforms like Upwork to create books can be cost-effective, with rates as low as $300.
  • 💰 Books can be sold for $10 to $20 on Amazon, offering a passive income stream.
  • ⏱️ The process requires less than an hour per day and no prior experience or technical knowledge.
  • 🔍 Start by searching for profitable book topics on Amazon with fewer than 50 reviews.
  • 🖋️ Use Upwork to hire a ghostwriter to create a book on the chosen topic.
  • 🎨 Get a professional cover designed for your book to increase its appeal.
  • 🚀 Publish your book on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing and also consider Audible for audiobook format.
  • 📈 Give away free copies in Facebook groups to gather reviews, which can boost sales.
  • 💵 Amazon handles printing, shipping, and pays authors monthly, allowing for passive income.
  • 🔄 The process can be replicated to create multiple income streams from different books.
  • 📈 Clients have reported earning thousands of dollars per month, even while working full-time jobs.
  • 📢 Register for a free training to learn more about getting started with this method.

Q & A

  • What is the potential income for a 59-page book on Amazon as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The transcript suggests that the book has the potential to make six figures this year on Amazon.

  • How much does it typically cost to hire a Ghost Rider to create a similar book?

    -The cost to hire a Ghost Rider on Upwork is mentioned to be as little as $300.

  • What is the selling price range for the books created in this manner?

    -The books can be sold for $10 to $20 on Amazon.

  • What is the estimated time investment required per day to manage this business model?

    -The time investment is less than one hour per day.

  • What is the name of the person who helps everyday people achieve financial independence?

    -The person's name is Alice Kaplow.

  • What are the four steps outlined in the transcript for making money with a book on Amazon?

    -The steps are: 1) Search for profitable books with less than 50 reviews on Amazon, 2) Hire a Ghost Rider on Upwork to write a book on the topic, 3) Create a professional cover and upload the book on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing and Audible, and 4) Give away the book for free in Facebook groups to gather more reviews.

  • How many income streams does publishing a book on Amazon and Audible provide?

    -There are three separate income streams: ebook, print book, and audiobook.

  • What does Amazon handle for the sellers?

    -Amazon takes care of printing, shipping, and paying the sellers at the end of every month.

  • What is the potential monthly income for someone following this model, as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The transcript mentions a client named Mike making over eight thousand dollars every month, and another client making over seven thousand dollars with audiobooks alone.

  • What is the first step for someone interested in starting with this business model?

    -The first step is to click on the provided button to register for a free training that will guide them through the process.

  • What additional bonuses are offered if someone stays until the end of the free training?

    -Three valuable bonuses are offered, including a rare interview from 2018 detailing the steps taken to achieve financial independence.

  • How does Alice Kaplow address potential skepticism about the legitimacy of this business model?

    -Alice addresses skepticism by offering a free training session where people can learn more and decide for themselves if the model is right for them, emphasizing that it's a new and untapped Amazon income model.



📚 Passive Income with Amazon Books

Alice Kaplow introduces a method to earn passive income by creating and selling books on Amazon. The process involves four steps: finding profitable book niches with less competition, hiring Ghost Riders on Upwork to write the books at a low cost, professionally designing the book cover, and publishing the book on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform and Audible in multiple formats. The strategy also includes giving away free copies on Facebook groups to gather reviews, which are crucial for sales. Alice emphasizes that no prior experience or technical knowledge is required, and the entire process can be managed in less than an hour a day. She offers a free training session for interested individuals to learn the method in detail and promises additional bonuses for attendees.




The term '6-Figures' refers to an income level of one hundred thousand to nine hundred ninety-nine thousand dollars per year. In the context of the video, it signifies the potential earnings from selling a book on Amazon, emphasizing the financial success that can be achieved through this method.

💡Ghost Riders

In the script, 'Ghost Riders' is a term used to describe individuals who are hired to write books on behalf of others. They are a key component in the process of creating books for sale on Amazon, as they can be employed to write content on various topics at a relatively low cost.


Amazon is an e-commerce and technology giant known for its online marketplace. In the video, it is the platform where the books are sold, and it is central to the entire business model being discussed. The script outlines how to leverage Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing and Audible to sell books and audiobooks.

💡Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Kindle Direct Publishing is a platform provided by Amazon that allows authors and publishers to make their books available for the Kindle and as print-on-demand paperbacks. It is mentioned in the script as the method for uploading and selling the books on Amazon.


Audible is an audiobook platform owned by Amazon that allows users to listen to audio versions of books. In the script, it is one of the channels through which the book can be sold, adding to the potential income streams for the author.


Reviews are customer feedback on products, in this case, books. The script emphasizes the importance of gathering reviews on Amazon and Audible, as they are crucial for the book's visibility and sales. Positive reviews can significantly influence a book's success.

💡Rat Race

The term 'rat race' is often used to describe a competitive, high-pressure work environment where individuals struggle to get ahead. In the video, Alice Kaplow mentions helping people 'quit the rat race,' which means achieving financial independence to do more of what they enjoy without being tied to a traditional 9-to-5 job.

💡Financial Independence

Financial independence means having enough income or savings to cover all living expenses without having to work actively for it. The video's theme revolves around achieving this state through the passive income generated by selling books on Amazon.

💡Free Training

The script offers a 'free training' as a way for viewers to learn more about the process of publishing books on Amazon and generating income from it. This training is presented as a step-by-step guide that viewers can follow to replicate the success described in the video.


Upwork is an online platform where clients and freelancers can connect for various jobs, including writing services. In the context of the video, it is suggested as a place to hire 'Ghost Riders' to write books at a low cost, which is a critical step in the process of creating books for Amazon.

💡Income Streams

Income streams refer to the various sources through which an individual or business earns money. The video outlines three separate income streams from selling a book: as an ebook on Kindle, as a print book, and as an audiobook on Audible. Diversifying income streams is a strategy to increase overall earnings.


A 59-page book is projected to earn six figures on Amazon this year.

Ghost Riders are hired on Upwork to create similar books for as little as $300.

Books can be sold for $10 to $20 on Amazon, generating passive income.

No prior experience or knowledge is required, only a laptop and internet connection.

The process requires less than one hour per day.

Alice Kaplow assists people in achieving financial independence and enjoying more of their passions.

Four steps are outlined for success: researching, hiring a writer, publishing, and promoting the book.

Amazon and Audible handle printing, shipping, and customer service, with monthly payments to authors.

The method can be replicated to create multiple income streams.

Client Mike earns over $8,000 monthly, and another client makes over $7,000 from audiobooks alone.

No need to build a website or have technical know-how.

A free training session is available to learn how to publish on Amazon and Audible.

Attendees will learn how to find winning book topics and create them at a low cost.

The training will cover how to use Amazon and Audible's platforms to sell books and audiobooks.

The method can be repeated to have multiple books and audiobooks selling simultaneously.

The entire process works with one hour or less of daily effort.

Three valuable bonuses, including a rare interview, are provided for those who complete the training.

The training aims to dispel skepticism and demonstrate the legitimacy of the Amazon income model.

This untapped Amazon income model has the potential to significantly change lives.