How My instagram Theme Page Made SIX FIGURES

2 Nov 202313:15

TLDRThe speaker shares their experience of transforming a faceless Instagram account into a lucrative business, earning over $250,000 in a year. They offer a step-by-step guide on starting and growing an Instagram account, understanding the platform's algorithm, creating engaging content, utilizing reels, posting strategies, monetization methods, and eventually selling the digital asset for a significant profit. The key takeaway is that with the right approach and dedication, one can build a valuable online presence that not only attracts a large following but also generates substantial income.


  • 🚀 Started an Instagram account with no prior knowledge and turned it into a profitable business.
  • 📈 Generated over $250,000 in revenue within a year by following a specific blueprint.
  • 🌟 Two options for starting out: create a new account from scratch or purchase an existing one with traction.
  • 🎯 Focus on a niche that genuinely interests you to maintain motivation and create engaging content.
  • 🛠️ Utilize tools like Canva for design and Adobe Premiere or CapCut for video editing to enhance content quality.
  • 📊 Understand the Instagram algorithm by prioritizing high watch time and strong engagement for better visibility.
  • 🎨 Create viral content by using relatable, bold, and catchy elements that resonate with the target audience.
  • 🔥 Leverage the power of Instagram Reels to rapidly grow the audience and capitalize on the platform's push for short-form content.
  • 📌 Regularly post high-quality content, aiming for once or twice a day, and focus on consistency over quantity.
  • 💡 Analyze insights provided by Instagram to refine content strategy and cater to audience preferences.
  • 💰 Monetize the account through various methods such as app promotion, challenges, and brand partnerships.

Q & A

  • What was the revenue generated from the Instagram account that the speaker sold?

    -The speaker's Instagram account generated well over $250,000 in the last 12 months before it was sold.

  • What are the two options available when starting an Instagram account from scratch?

    -The two options are either starting an Instagram account from scratch or buying an account that already has traction.

  • Why is it important to choose a niche that you care about when starting an Instagram account?

    -It is important because you will be spending a lot of time creating content about that topic, so it needs to be something that you're actually interested in to maintain motivation and avoid losing interest.

  • How does the Instagram algorithm measure content?

    -The Instagram algorithm measures content based on watch time (how long someone spends looking at the content) and engagement (shares, saves, comments, and likes).

  • What are the key metrics to aim for in order to create viral content on Instagram?

    -For viral content, the aim should be at least 75% audience retention, five saves, three shares, and at least one comment for every 1,000 impressions.

  • How did the speaker's post get re-shared by Jennifer Aniston?

    -The post went viral due to its relatable content and catchy title, which resonated with Jennifer Aniston, leading her to re-share it to her story.

  • What is the significance of creating viral Reels on Instagram?

    -Creating viral Reels is significant because it provides a huge opportunity to grow an audience faster than ever before, taking advantage of Instagram's push for Reels to compete with platforms like TikTok.

  • What is the recommended posting frequency for an Instagram account?

    -A good rule of thumb is to post once or twice a day, focusing on quality rather than quantity.

  • How did the speaker monetize their Instagram account?

    -The speaker monetized their account through an app and a 30-day challenge, as well as partnerships with Fortune 500 companies and startups.

  • What factors should be considered when selling an Instagram account?

    -Factors to consider include the account's follower count, the value it holds for potential buyers, the seller's financial needs, and the legitimacy of the buyer.

  • What advice does the speaker give to avoid scams when selling an Instagram account?

    -The speaker advises to never send money or share login credentials without verifying the buyer's legitimacy, using a legal contract, or employing an escrow service as a middleman for safety.



🚀 Starting an Instagram Business

This paragraph discusses the journey of starting an Instagram business from scratch, highlighting the two main options available: creating an account from the beginning or purchasing an existing account with traction. The speaker emphasizes the importance of choosing a niche that genuinely interests the creator to maintain motivation and content quality. The paragraph also introduces the concept of Instagram accounts as digital real estate, which can be used for personal use, monetization, and value growth over time. The speaker shares their own experience of growing successful accounts in various niches and provides advice on how to buy quality accounts directly from their owners.


🎨 Crafting Viral Content

This paragraph focuses on the process of creating viral content for Instagram. The speaker shares insights on what makes content relatable and shareable, using their own experience of creating a post that was re-shared by a celebrity, resulting in a significant increase in followers. The paragraph delves into the strategy behind crafting a catchy title, using appealing visuals, and creating content that resonates with the target audience. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the Instagram algorithm and the significance of watch time and engagement metrics in determining the success of a post.


📈 Monetizing Instagram Success

The final paragraph discusses the monetization strategies that the speaker used to profit from their Instagram accounts. It highlights two main methods: promoting an app and running a 30-day challenge. The speaker shares their experience of attracting partnerships with both large corporations and startups, leveraging the account's influence to gain perks such as free products and luxury hotel stays. The paragraph concludes with advice on selling the Instagram account as a digital asset, emphasizing the importance of finding the right buyer and ensuring a safe transaction process.



💡Instagram Account

An Instagram account is a personal or business profile on the Instagram platform that allows users to share photos, videos, and engage with others through likes, comments, and follows. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses building and monetizing Instagram accounts as a business strategy, highlighting the potential for significant financial gain.

💡Digital Real Estate

Digital real estate refers to online platforms or spaces, like Instagram accounts, that hold value and can be used for personal or commercial purposes. The analogy is drawn to physical real estate, where value increases with proper maintenance and demand. In the video, the concept is used to emphasize the potential of Instagram accounts as valuable digital assets that can appreciate over time and be monetized.


The Instagram algorithm is a set of rules and processes that determine which posts appear in a user's feed and how often. It prioritizes content based on factors like watch time and engagement to optimize the user experience and platform's advertising revenue. Understanding the algorithm is crucial for content creators to increase their posts' visibility and reach.


Engagement on social media platforms like Instagram refers to the interactions users have with content, such as likes, comments, shares, and saves. High engagement indicates that content is resonating with the audience and is more likely to be promoted by the platform's algorithm, increasing its reach and visibility.


Reels are a feature on Instagram that allows users to create and share short, entertaining videos set to music or other audio. They have become a popular format due to their potential for high engagement and virality, with Instagram pushing this feature to compete with platforms like TikTok. In the video, the speaker discusses leveraging reels for content creation and growth.


Monetization refers to the process of generating income from a digital asset, such as an Instagram account. This can be achieved through various methods like partnerships, sponsored content, app promotion, or selling products. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses different monetization strategies they used to earn money from their Instagram accounts.

💡Content Creation

Content creation involves the process of producing and sharing original material on social media platforms, such as images, videos, and text. High-quality, engaging content is essential for growing an audience and increasing visibility on platforms like Instagram. The video emphasizes the importance of understanding the platform's algorithm and creating content that resonates with the target audience.

💡Viral Posts

Viral posts are pieces of content that rapidly spread across social media platforms, garnering significant attention and engagement. They often have a high watch time and strong engagement metrics, which can lead to increased visibility and growth for the account. In the video, the speaker shares insights and strategies for creating viral posts that can drive traffic and followers.

💡Selling Digital Assets

Selling digital assets refers to the process of transferring ownership of online properties, such as Instagram accounts, to another party in exchange for money. This is a way for content creators to capitalize on the value they have built up over time. The video discusses strategies for pricing and selling Instagram accounts to maximize profit.

💡Fame Swap

Fame Swap is a platform where individuals can buy and sell social media accounts, including Instagram. It provides a marketplace for those looking to acquire accounts with existing followers and engagement. However, the speaker cautions that some accounts on Fame Swap may have fake engagement, advising potential buyers to be cautious.

💡Personal Branding

Personal branding refers to the process of creating and promoting a unique image or identity in the public eye, often for professional purposes. In the context of social media, this involves crafting a consistent message, aesthetic, and narrative that resonates with a target audience. The video emphasizes the importance of choosing a niche and creating content that aligns with personal interests and passions to build a successful personal brand.


The speaker sold a faceless Instagram account for over six figures last year.

Starting an Instagram account from scratch should focus on a topic the creator is genuinely interested in.

Another option is to buy an existing Instagram account with traction to leverage its digital real estate value.

Instagram accounts are likened to digital real estate, which can be used personally or monetized.

The best method to buy quality accounts is to message accounts of interest directly.

Understanding the Instagram algorithm is crucial for maximizing content reach and engagement.

Content should aim for high watch time and solid engagement, with shares and saves being particularly important.

The speaker's account, focused on self-care, sold for six figures by leveraging trends and high engagement.

Creating viral posts involves using bold titles, relatable content, and strategic use of colors and design.

Instagram reels offer a significant opportunity for audience growth due to the platform's push for short-form content.

Viral reels can be created using simple editing techniques and relatable content, resulting in high engagement.

Before posting, a checklist should be used to ensure content meets criteria for virality.

Posting quality content consistently is more effective than frequent, low-quality posts.

Monetization strategies include app promotion, challenges, and partnerships with brands.

Monetizing Instagram accounts can lead to significant earnings and the growth of the account's value.

Selling a digital asset like an Instagram account requires finding the right buyer and ensuring a safe transaction.

The speaker's experience shows that patience and strategic selling can lead to higher offers for an Instagram account.

Marketing the account for sale to the creator's own audience or within the niche can expedite the selling process.

Legitimate buyers will request engagement stats and financial information before purchasing an account.