Trump Media Stock Plunges Amid Truth Social Losses; Trump's Unhinged Easter Meltdown: A Closer Look

Late Night with Seth Meyers
1 Apr 202412:40

TLDRThe transcript discusses the plummeting stock price of Donald Trump's media company following significant losses, and the ethical concerns it raises. It contrasts Trump's online rants and financial struggles with the Bidens' traditional Easter activities, highlighting the political and cultural divide. The script also satirizes Trump's merchandise sales, including a Bible with added patriotic material, and mocks the former president's potential for corruption and influence peddling.


  • 📉 The stock price of Donald Trump's social media business fell significantly after the company reported major losses.
  • 🎭 Experts have warned that Trump's business venture is not only a financial failure but also an ethical nightmare.
  • 🐰 President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden hosted the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, embracing the tradition with a light-hearted approach.
  • 🌸 The theme for this year's Easter event, 'egg-ucation', reflects Jill Biden's long-standing career as a teacher.
  • 😂 The Easter event included corny jokes and a cheerful atmosphere, contrasting sharply with Trump's online activities during the same period.
  • 💻 Trump spent Easter Sunday posting angrily on social media, attacking political opponents and the legal system.
  • 🥚 A humorous jab was made at the Trump family's Easter egg hunt, with a reference to controversial items.
  • 🤯 The transcript highlights the deranged nature of Trump's Easter posts, which were filled with conspiracy theories and personal attacks.
  • 🏛️ Republicans criticized the White House for acknowledging Transgender Day of Visibility, which coincidentally fell on the same day as Easter.
  • 💔 The script satirizes the GOP's reaction, pointing out the lack of correlation between the two days and the calendar coincidence.
  • 📚 Trump's financial desperation is highlighted by his sale of Bibles with added 'bonus material', further straining his ethical credibility.

Q & A

  • What happened to the stock price of Donald Trump's social media business?

    -The stock price of Donald Trump's struggling social media business fell significantly after the company posted major losses.

  • What was the theme for the White House Easter Egg Roll hosted by President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden?

    -The theme for the White House Easter Egg Roll was 'egg-ucation,' reflecting First Lady Jill Biden's background as a teacher for over 30 years.

  • How did Donald Trump spend his Easter Sunday?

    -Donald Trump spent Easter Sunday posting on social media, attacking political opponents, and unleashing on prosecutors and trials, making more than 70 posts.

  • What was the content of Donald Trump's Easter greeting post?

    -Donald Trump's Easter greeting post contained attacks on prosecutors, judges, and other individuals he perceives as opponents, and it ended with a traditional 'Happy Easter' wish.

  • What was the reaction to the scheduling of the Transgender Day of Visibility on the same day as Easter?

    -Some Republicans criticized the White House for acknowledging the Transgender Day of Visibility on the same day as Easter, suggesting it detracted from the religious significance of the holiday.

  • How did the host of the show react to Trump's social media posts over Easter?

    -The host found Trump's social media rants to be deranged and indicative of his immersion in a world of right-wing memes and conspiracy theories.

  • What business venture is Donald Trump involved in that involves Bibles?

    -Donald Trump is selling Bibles glued to some bonus material, which includes the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the handwritten lyrics of 'God Bless U.S.A.,' along with the Pledge of Allegiance.

  • What financial figures were posted by the company that owns Truth Social?

    -The company that owns Truth Social, Trump Media, reported a loss of $58 million last year and generated only $4.1 million in revenue.

  • What is the situation with the active user base of Truth Social?

    -Truth Social is experiencing a decline in its active user base, with active US users on iOS and Android down 51% year over year.

  • What ethical concerns have been raised about Trump's media company?

    -Experts have warned that Trump's media company presents an ethical nightmare due to the potential for rich individuals or foreign entities to invest in the company when it is desperate for cash, which could lead to corruption and influence peddling.

  • What is the host's final comment on Trump's business ventures and understanding of successful business?

    -The host suggests that Trump may finally learn how a successful business works or face further failures if his ventures continue to underperform, with a humorous reference to 'Egg-ucation' if the stock hits zero.



📉 Trump's Media Business Struggles and Easter Rant

The paragraph discusses the falling stock price of Donald Trump's social media business after the company reported significant losses. It also highlights Trump's controversial Easter post, which was filled with attacks on political opponents and prosecutors. The paragraph contrasts Trump's actions with those of President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, who hosted the White House Easter Egg Roll and engaged in light-hearted Easter jokes. The narrative further delves into the political and ethical implications of Trump's business and social media activities.


🎭 Republican Outrage Over Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility

This paragraph focuses on the Republican Party's criticism of the White House for acknowledging March 31st as both Easter Sunday and Transgender Day of Visibility. It emphasizes House Speaker Mike Johnson's accusation that the Biden administration is betraying Easter's core tenets by recognizing the Transgender Day of Visibility. The summary also touches on the absurdity of the situation, given that the two days just happened to coincide by chance this year, and the lack of similar outrage over other calendar coincidences in the past.


💔 Trump's Financial Desperation and Failing Business Ventures

The paragraph highlights the financial struggles of Trump's media company, which reported a loss of $58 million and generated only $4.1 million in revenue. It also mentions the decline in active users on Truth Social, Trump's social media platform. The narrative further discusses Trump's desperate measures for cash, including selling Bibles with附加材料 and the potential ethical dilemmas this presents, such as the possibility of foreign investments influencing his business and political decisions.



💡stock price

The term 'stock price' refers to the cost at which a single share of a company's stock is buying or selling at a given moment in the stock market. In the context of the video, it is used to discuss the fluctuating value of Donald Trump's social media business, indicating a drop in price after the company reported significant losses, highlighting the financial struggles and ethical concerns of the business.

💡major losses

The phrase 'major losses' typically refers to a substantial financial setback, often used in the context of businesses or investments. In the video, it is associated with the financial performance of Donald Trump's social media enterprise, emphasizing the company's poor economic results and the negative impact on its stock price.

💡ethical nightmare

An 'ethical nightmare' describes a situation that presents significant moral dilemmas or issues, often due to questionable practices or decisions. In the video, this term is applied to Trump's media business, suggesting that the company's operations and financial model raise serious ethical concerns and may involve problematic or corrupt practices.


Easter is a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. In the video, it is used to contrast the lighthearted and traditional activities associated with the holiday, such as the White House Easter Egg Roll, with the contentious and polarizing behavior of Donald Trump, who used the occasion to post inflammatory content on social media.

💡White House Easter Egg Roll

The White House Easter Egg Roll is an annual event held at the White House, where children participate in an egg roll race and other festivities. In the video, this event is mentioned to illustrate a more wholesome and unifying aspect of the holiday, in stark contrast to the divisive rhetoric and behavior of certain political figures during the same time period.

💡political opponents

The term 'political opponents' refers to individuals or groups within the political sphere who hold differing views or are competing for the same political office or influence. In the video, it is used in the context of Trump's social media posts during Easter, where he targets his political adversaries with aggressive language, showcasing his combative and contentious approach to politics.

💡social media bender

A 'social media bender' is an informal term that describes an excessive or uncontrolled use of social media platforms, often characterized by a flurry of posts or activity. In the video, this phrase is used to describe Trump's behavior on Easter, highlighting his intense and potentially unhealthy engagement with social media, which includes numerous posts attacking various individuals and entities.

💡Transgender Day of Visibility

Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event aimed at raising awareness and celebrating the accomplishments of transgender people while fighting cissexism and transphobia. In the video, it is mentioned in the context of Republican criticism, as they express disapproval over the coincidence of the day with Easter, using it as an opportunity to politicize the event and criticize the Biden administration.

💡Bibles glued to bonus material

The phrase 'Bibles glued to bonus material' refers to a specific product mentioned in the video, where Bibles are sold with additional items attached, such as the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the 'God Bless U.S.A.' song lyrics. This is used to illustrate Trump's desperate need for cash and his willingness to capitalize on religious and patriotic sentiments for financial gain.

💡Truth Social

Truth Social is a social media platform launched by Donald Trump's company, Trump Media & Technology Group. In the video, it is highlighted as an example of Trump's struggling business endeavors, with the platform experiencing a significant decline in active users and generating very little revenue, which contributes to the overall negative financial performance of the company.

💡influence peddling

Influence peddling is the act of selling or trading one's influence or ability to sway decisions, often in a corrupt or unethical manner. In the video, this term is used to discuss concerns about Trump's media company, where the potential for rich individuals or foreign entities to invest in the company to gain favor or influence over Trump is seen as a significant ethical issue.


The stock price of Donald Trump's social media business fell significantly after the company posted major losses.

Experts have warned that Trump's social media business is an ethical nightmare.

President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden hosted the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, embracing the tradition with a light-hearted approach.

The theme for the White House Easter Egg Roll this year is 'egg-ucation', reflecting Jill Biden's long career as a teacher.

Donald Trump spent Easter Sunday posting angrily on social media, attacking political opponents and prosecutors.

Trump posted 70 times on Easter, showcasing his intense focus on his various trials and political adversaries.

A humorous take on Trump's Easter greeting, which was filled with attacks and conspiracy theories.

The absurdity of Trump's online rants, including a bizarre story about his grandson and a chocolate rabbit.

Criticism of Republicans' reaction to Transgender Day of Visibility falling on the same day as Easter, with claims of an effort to remove God from society.

Trump's lack of mention of religion in his Easter post and the general disregard for the traditional focus of the holiday.

The danger of Trump's desperation for cash, as it could lead to increased corruption and influence peddling.

Trump's media company, Truth Social, reported a loss of $58 million last year and generated only $4.1 million in revenue.

Active US users on iOS and Android for Truth Social have decreased by 51% year over year, indicating the platform's struggle to maintain a user base.

Trump's selling of Bibles with added 'God Bless USA' material, a venture criticized for its apparent cash desperation.

A humorous设想 of Trump's potential reactions to being presented with ethical dilemmas in business.

The potential implications of foreign investment in Trump's company, given his recent statements about accepting such funds.

A satirical look at Trump's business practices and potential future struggles if his media company's stock price continues to fall.