Jimmy Kimmel TRIGGERED By Black Voters CHEERING Trump at Chick-Fil-A! Throws Tear-Filled Meltdown🧂

Benny Johnson
12 Apr 202415:31

TLDRThe video discusses Jimmy Kimmel's reaction to a recent event where former President Donald Trump visited a Chick-fil-A, interacted with the workers, and brought joy to them. The speaker criticizes Kimmel for mocking this event and highlights Trump's ability to connect with regular people. It also contrasts Trump's genuine interactions with Biden's alleged lack of connection with the people, suggesting that Trump's authenticity and ability to inspire hope is why he has significant support.


  • 🍔 The narrative discusses a visit by Donald Trump to a Chick-fil-A, where he interacted with workers and customers, causing a positive stir.
  • 🥤 Trump's actions at Chick-fil-A, including buying milkshakes and chicken for people, are presented as a contrast to Joe Biden's alleged lack of support for black communities.
  • 🎉 The script highlights a woman at the Chick-fil-A expressing her support for Trump despite media narratives, emphasizing the theme of hope over despair.
  • 😢 Jimmy Kimmel is criticized for his reaction to the Chick-fil-A event, with the speaker accusing him of being unable to tolerate happiness and joy in others.
  • 🖤 The speaker accuses the media of attempting to censor or downplay the positive reception Trump received at Chick-fil-A, suggesting a bias against Trump.
  • 🎭 The script brings up a past incident where Jimmy Kimmel performed in blackface, using it as a point of criticism against Kimmel's current stance.
  • 🚀 The speaker praises Trump for his ability to relate to regular people and inspire hope, positioning this as a key aspect of his appeal.
  • 🏆 Trump is credited with significant support for black colleges and universities, with the speaker challenging the audience to recognize these contributions.
  • 🏌️ A comparison is made between Trump's authenticity and Biden's alleged detachment from the black community, with Trump being portrayed as more genuine.
  • 🤡 The script includes a critique of liberals and the entertainment industry, suggesting hypocrisy and a lack of understanding of the impact of their actions.
  • 🏛️ The speaker predicts Trump's return to political prominence, using the Chick-fil-A event as evidence of his enduring popularity and potential for a comeback.

Q & A

  • What event triggered Jimmy Kimmel's reaction as described in the transcript?

    -Jimmy Kimmel's reaction was triggered by an event where Donald Trump visited a Chick-fil-A, interacted with the workers and customers, and received cheers and support from black voters, which contradicted the narrative that the media was presenting.

  • How does the speaker in the transcript describe the type of person who becomes depressed when seeing others living happy lives?

    -The speaker describes such individuals as having a 'blackened soul' and being 'Debbie Downers,' implying that their negativity and inability to appreciate the happiness of others is a form of emotional or spiritual deficiency.

  • What was the main purpose of Donald Trump's visit to Chick-fil-A according to the transcript?

    -The main purpose of Donald Trump's visit to Chick-fil-A, as described in the transcript, was to interact with the workers, make their day by speaking with them and ordering food, and to show support and connection with regular people.

  • What does the speaker claim about the media's reaction to the Chick-fil-A event involving Donald Trump?

    -The speaker claims that the media will not be able to understand or accept the positive interaction between Donald Trump and the people at Chick-fil-A, and will attempt to censor or ridicule the event rather than report on it honestly.

  • What is the speaker's comparison between the impact of Donald Trump and Joe Biden on historically black colleges and universities?

    -The speaker suggests that Joe Biden has made significant investments in historically black colleges and universities, while Donald Trump, according to the speaker, has not demonstrated the same level of support or understanding of these institutions.

  • What is the speaker's criticism of Jimmy Kimmel's past actions?

    -The speaker criticizes Jimmy Kimmel for having used blackface in the past, which is considered highly offensive, and for not bringing joy to people's lives like Donald Trump is perceived to do in the Chick-fil-A visit.

  • What does the speaker say about the authenticity of the reactions from the Chick-fil-A workers when Donald Trump visited?

    -The speaker argues that the happiness and smiles of the Chick-fil-A workers in response to Donald Trump's visit were genuine and could not be faked, indicating a true positive reaction to his presence.

  • How does the speaker describe the difference between Donald Trump's interaction with people and Jimmy Kimmel's approach?

    -The speaker describes Donald Trump's interaction as authentic, hopeful, and inspiring, while portraying Jimmy Kimmel's approach as negative, offensive, and disconnected from the genuine happiness of others.

  • What is the speaker's prediction about Jimmy Kimmel's future in late-night television?

    -The speaker suggests that Jimmy Kimmel might be hinting at leaving late-night television, possibly due to the perceived lack of support or connection with his audience, especially in light of the upcoming election results.

  • What does the speaker suggest is the key to Donald Trump's appeal and potential success in the election?

    -The speaker suggests that the key to Donald Trump's appeal is his authenticity and ability to inspire hope, which is in stark contrast to the speaker's portrayal of Joe Biden and the media, and believes this will contribute to his success in the election.



🤗 Presidential Visit to Chick-fil-A

The paragraph discusses a recent visit by Donald Trump to a Chick-fil-A where he interacted with the staff and customers. The narrative highlights the positive impact of his visit on the workers, suggesting that such genuine interactions bring hope and joy to ordinary people. It contrasts this with the perceived negativity and depression associated with the media and political opponents, implying a disconnect between them and the general public. The paragraph also criticizes the media's potential reaction to this event, suggesting they might try to downplay or censor it due to their bias.


🎓 Support for Historically Black Colleges and Universities

This paragraph delves into the topic of support for historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). It compares the actions of two political figures, suggesting that one has done more for HBCUs than the other. The paragraph also touches on the topic of political promises and their perceived effectiveness, questioning the sincerity of one individual's claims. Additionally, it highlights the importance of understanding and acknowledging the contributions of significant figures in history, such as Abraham Lincoln, in the context of civil rights and racial equality.


🍔 Genuine Interactions vs. Staged Applause

The focus of this paragraph is on the authenticity of interactions between political figures and the public. It contrasts the genuine smiles and happiness of Chick-fil-A workers with the perceived fake applause in television studios. The paragraph criticizes a specific individual for using offensive humor and blackface in the past, while praising Donald Trump for his authentic connection with people. It also discusses the impact of public perception and the media on political campaigns, emphasizing the importance of inspiring hope and positivity rather than spreading negativity.


🎥 Show Business and Political Commentary

This paragraph discusses the role of show business personalities in shaping political narratives. It highlights the potential impact of late-night show hosts on public opinion and the importance of being aware of the influence they wield. The paragraph also touches on the concept of cancel culture and the potential hypocrisy of those who criticize others while having controversial pasts themselves. It concludes with a reflection on the importance of focusing on positive messages and ignoring detractors in order to achieve success and maintain a joyful outlook on life.




Chick-fil-A is an American fast food restaurant chain known for its chicken sandwiches. In the context of the video, it is significant because Donald Trump made a surprise visit to a Chick-fil-A location, interacted with the workers, and bought food for people present. This visit is highlighted as an example of Trump's ability to connect with everyday people and bring joy to their lives, contrasting with the perceived negativity of certain media figures like Jimmy Kimmel.

💡Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel is a television host and comedian who hosts the late-night talk show 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' In the video, he is portrayed as having a meltdown and being triggered by the positive interaction between Black voters and Donald Trump at Chick-fil-A. Kimmel is criticized for allegedly not bringing joy to people's lives and for using his platform to tear down rather than uplift.

💡Black Voters

The term 'Black Voters' refers to African American citizens who participate in the electoral process by voting. In this video, the focus is on their positive reaction to Donald Trump's visit to Chick-fil-A, where they are shown cheering and expressing support for him. This is used to counter the narrative that all Black voters are against Trump and to highlight the diversity of political opinions within the Black community.


A meltdown, in this context, refers to an emotional outburst or a moment of losing control, typically in response to a stressful situation or unwelcome news. The video suggests that Jimmy Kimmel had a meltdown because he was unable to tolerate the positive interaction between Donald Trump and Black voters at Chick-fil-A, which contradicted his own views and the narrative he was promoting.


The term 'media' refers to the various channels of communication through which information, news, and entertainment are disseminated to the public. In the video, the media is criticized for allegedly censoring or not reporting on the positive interactions between Donald Trump and Black voters at Chick-fil-A, suggesting a bias against Trump and a lack of objectivity in their coverage.


In the context of the video, 'hope' represents a sense of optimism and the belief in a better future. It is used to describe the feeling that Donald Trump supposedly instills in people, contrasting with the 'depression' that is associated with Biden's policies or actions. The term is used to highlight the positive impact that Trump's actions, such as visiting Chick-fil-A, have on people's emotions and outlook on life.


Joe Biden is the President of the United States, who is mentioned in the video in comparison to Donald Trump. The video suggests that Biden is associated with policies or actions that make people 'depressed,' while Trump is portrayed as the one who brings 'hope.' The term 'Biden' is used to contrast two different political figures and their perceived impact on the public's mood and well-being.


Blackface is a controversial practice where non-Black individuals darken their skin to appear Black, often for the purpose of entertainment. It has historical roots in racist stereotypes and is considered highly offensive. In the video, the term is used to criticize Jimmy Kimmel for a past incident where he appeared in blackface during a comedy sketch, which is presented as hypocritical given his criticism of Trump's interactions with the Black community.

💡Cancel Culture

Cancel culture refers to the practice of publicly calling out and boycotting individuals or entities that are deemed to have done something offensive or harmful. In the video, it is mentioned in the context of Jimmy Kimmel's past actions and how they might be subject to cancel culture, but the speaker argues against this practice, stating that they are 'anti-cancellation' and believe in not being offended by everything.


Authenticity in this context refers to the genuineness or sincerity of a person's actions or character. The video contrasts Donald Trump's authenticity with the perceived insincerity of media figures like Jimmy Kimmel. Trump's actions at Chick-fil-A are portrayed as authentic and heartfelt, aiming to genuinely connect with and uplift the workers, whereas Kimmel's actions are criticized as insincere and driven by a desire to mock or tear down others.


The term 'joy' refers to a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. In the video, it is used to describe the positive emotions experienced by the Chick-fil-A workers due to Trump's visit. The video emphasizes the importance of spreading joy and positivity, particularly in contrast to the negativity and 'blackened heart' attributed to certain media personalities like Jimmy Kimmel.


Jimmy Kimmel's emotional reaction to black voters cheering for Trump at Chick-fil-A

The contrast between happiness and joy under Trump and the perceived depression induced by Biden

Trump's visit to Chick-fil-A, hugging people, and speaking with hourly wage workers

Media's inability to understand or accept positive interactions with Trump

The assertion that Trump brings hope while Biden makes people depressed

Anecdotal evidence of support for Trump from a Chick-fil-A worker

Trump's relatability and connection with regular people

Kimmel's history of offensive humor, including blackface

The criticism of Kimmel's lack of genuine joy or happiness brought to others

Trump's preference for fast food and his genuine enjoyment of it

The authenticity of the happiness of Chick-fil-A workers in the presence of Trump

Comparison of Trump's Chick-fil-A visit to Biden's interaction with a black family

Biden's investment in historically black colleges and universities

Trump's claim of doing more for the black community than any other president

The critique of Kimmel's values and past actions

Bill Burr's commentary on the martyrdom of Trump due to liberal actions

Kimmel's hint at leaving late-night television

The encouragement for Trump to continue bringing joy and hope to people