Unveiling Leonardo AI's Newest Update, Style Reference | WOW

23 Apr 202412:43

TLDRLeonardo AI introduces a groundbreaking new feature called Style Reference, which allows users to upload a reference image to influence the style of their generative outputs. This tool is highly customizable and offers a true style transfer, enabling flexible prompting without locking the output image's subject or structure to the reference image. It is particularly beneficial for storytellers, marketing professionals, fashion and interior designers, and architects. The Style Reference is accessed through the Image Guidance tool, where users can select the intensity of style transfer (low, mid, high, ultra, or max). The recommended models for this feature are XL models, such as Leonardo AI Kino XL, Alido-based XL, Fusion XL, and Vision XL. Users can also combine Style Reference with other image guidance tools, like pose or depth image, to achieve even more unique and creative results. The video demonstrates the feature's capabilities with various examples, showcasing how it can be used to create visually consistent stories or designs while maintaining a specific style.


  • 🎨 **Style Reference Feature**: Leonardo AI introduces a new feature called Style Reference that allows users to upload a reference image to influence the style of their generative outputs.
  • 🛠️ **Customizability**: The implementation of Style Reference is highly customizable, offering a true style transfer with flexible prompting that doesn't restrict the subject or structure of the output image.
  • 📈 **Ideal Users**: It is particularly beneficial for storytellers, marketing professionals, fashion and interior designers, and architects, providing a visually consistent narrative or design.
  • 🔍 **Finding the Feature**: Style Reference is an update within the Image Guidance tool, which can be accessed by selecting Image Generation and then Image Guidance.
  • 📚 **Recommended Models**: For optimal use, Leonardo AI recommends using XL models such as Leonardo AI Kino XL, Alido-based XL, Fusion XL, and Vision XL.
  • 🖌️ **Weights and Styles**: The feature offers various levels of style intensity (Low, Mid, High, Ultra, and Max), where Max provides the strongest style transfer but may affect coherence.
  • 📷 **Image Selection**: Users can select images from past generations, community feeds, or upload new ones directly for use with Style Reference.
  • 🔗 **Mega Prompts Database**: Leonardo AI has a Mega Prompts database that users can access for a wide range of prompts and images to use with Style Reference.
  • 👟 **Demonstration**: The transcript includes a demonstration of using Style Reference with a prompt to generate images that maintain the style of the reference image while creating different subjects.
  • 🌟 **Combining Tools**: An advanced technique is showcased where Style Reference is used alongside another Image Guidance tool, such as Pose to Image or Depth to Image, to achieve more complex and nuanced results.
  • 📺 **Motion Feature**: The transcript also mentions the use of a motion feature to add dynamic elements to the generated images, creating a more engaging final product.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the new feature released by Leonardo AI?

    -The new feature released by Leonardo AI is called 'Style Reference'.

  • How does the Style Reference feature work?

    -The Style Reference feature allows users to upload a reference image that influences the style of the generative outputs without tying down the subject or structure of the output image.

  • Who are the primary users that will benefit from the Style Reference feature?

    -The Style Reference feature will work best for storytellers, marketing professionals, fashion and interior designers, and architects.

  • Where can the Style Reference feature be found within the Leonardo AI tools?

    -The Style Reference feature is an update within the Image Guidance tool in Leonardo AI.

  • What are the different strength levels available for the Style Reference feature?

    -The different strength levels for the Style Reference feature are Low, Mid, High, Ultra, and Max.

  • Which fine-tune models does Leonardo AI recommend for using with Style Reference?

    -The recommended fine-tune models for the Style Reference feature are XL models, Kino XL, Alido-based XL, Fusion XL, and Vision XL.

  • How can users access the Leonardo AI Mega prompts database?

    -Users can access the Leonardo AI Mega prompts database through the link provided in the description of the blog post or video.

  • What is the purpose of the weights in the Style Reference feature?

    -The weights in the Style Reference feature allow for a range of style transfer intensity, from subtle visual filtering to a strong style transfer that closely mimics the reference style.

  • How does the Style Reference feature help in maintaining visual consistency in storytelling?

    -The Style Reference feature enables users to create images with a consistent style, which is particularly useful for crafting visually consistent stories across different scenes or chapters.

  • What is the process of using the Style Reference feature with an image guidance block?

    -To use the Style Reference feature with an image guidance block, users upload the reference image, select the desired strength level, and then paste their prompt. Afterward, they can generate the image while maintaining the style of the reference.

  • How can users combine the Style Reference feature with another image guidance tool?

    -Users can use the Style Reference feature for one aspect of the image, such as style, and then open another image guidance block for a different aspect, like pose or depth, to guide the positioning or features of the subject.

  • What is the benefit of using the motion feature in conjunction with Style Reference?

    -Using the motion feature with Style Reference can add an extra layer of dynamism to the generated images, making them more engaging and suitable for applications like video content or animated sequences.



🎨 Introduction to Style Reference Feature

The video introduces a new feature by Leonardo AI called 'Style Reference,' which allows users to upload a reference image to influence the style of their generative outputs. It emphasizes the high level of customization and flexibility in prompting, ensuring that the output's subject or structure isn't strictly tied to the reference image. The feature is particularly beneficial for storytellers, marketing professionals, fashion and interior designers, and architects. The tutorial begins by locating the Style Reference feature within the Image Guidance tool and recommends checking out Leonardo AI's blog post for more details on leveraging Image Guidance. It also provides information on the different weight options available for style transfer and suggests using XL models like Leonardo AI Kino XL, Alido-based XL, Fusion XL, and Vision XL for the best results. The speaker demonstrates how to use the feature with a downloaded image and a prompt, showing the process of adding an image and adjusting the style reference strength.


👟 Using Style Reference for Consistent Visuals

The speaker discusses how Style Reference can be used to maintain a consistent visual style across various subjects, not just people. They share their enthusiasm for the feature's potential applications and proceed to demonstrate the process using images of shoes as an example. The video shows the results of using Style Reference with different strength levels, explaining how lower strength allows for more creative flexibility while higher strength closely mimics the reference style. The speaker also highlights a tip for using Style Reference in conjunction with another image guidance block, such as pose or depth image, to achieve unique and consistent results for applications like print-on-demand t-shirts. They share examples of using the feature with different prompts and reference images, resulting in images that maintain the style of the reference while depicting different subjects.


🌌 Combining Style Reference with Pose and Depth

The video concludes with an exciting demonstration of using Style Reference together with additional image guidance tools, such as pose to image and depth to image. The speaker uploads a cinematic, innerstellar style image and combines it with a style reference image to create visually stunning results. They explain the difference between using pose to image, which guides the positioning of characters, and depth to image, which guides the depth features. The speaker shows the outcomes of these combinations at different strength levels and also demonstrates the use of motion with a style reference image to enhance the final result. The video ends with a recommendation to try out the feature and to subscribe for updates, providing links to a database and additional prompts for further exploration.



💡Style Reference

Style Reference is a new feature of Leonardo AI that allows users to upload a reference image to influence the style of their generative outputs. It is a customizable implementation of style transfer, which means the output image's subject or structure can be different from the reference image, yet still carry its stylistic essence. This feature is particularly useful for professionals in fields like storytelling, marketing, fashion, and architecture where a consistent visual theme is desired.

💡Image Guidance Tool

The Image Guidance Tool is an existing feature within Leonardo AI that the Style Reference update is integrated into. It aids users in generating images by providing guidance based on a selected or uploaded image. It is a crucial component for leveraging the Style Reference feature, as it's where users can find and activate the new style-influencing capabilities.

💡Generative Outputs

Generative Outputs refer to the images created by Leonardo AI using AI algorithms. These outputs are influenced by the input provided by the user, such as reference images or text prompts. In the context of the video, generative outputs are styled according to the reference image selected by the user through the Style Reference feature.

💡Fine-Tune Models

Fine-Tune Models are specific AI models recommended by Leonardo AI for use with the Style Reference feature. These include XL models like Kino XL, Alido-based XL, Fusion XL, and Vision XL. They are chosen for their ability to effectively incorporate the style of a reference image into the generative output, ensuring a high-quality style transfer.


Weights in the context of Style Reference represent the intensity of style transfer applied to the generative output. They range from Low to Max, with Low providing a subtle visual filter and Max offering the strongest style transfer. The choice of weight affects how closely the output image mimics the style of the reference image, with higher weights resulting in more pronounced stylistic similarities.

💡Mega Prompts Database

The Mega Prompts Database is a resource provided by Leonardo AI that contains a large collection of prompts and images. Users can access this database to find suitable images and prompts for their Style Reference projects. It is a valuable tool for sourcing creative inspiration and ensuring that users have a variety of options to experiment with.

💡Pose to Image

Pose to Image is an option within the Image Guidance Tool that allows the AI to detect the pose of characters in an input image and guide the positioning or pose of the subject in the generative output accordingly. This feature is used in conjunction with Style Reference to create images that not only have the desired style but also the correct pose.

💡Depth to Image

Depth to Image is another option in the Image Guidance Tool that detects the depth features of an input image and uses this information to guide the depth of the generative output. When used with Style Reference, it helps create images with a realistic sense of depth that complements the stylistic influence of the reference image.


Motion refers to an advanced feature that can be used with the generative outputs to add a dynamic element to the still images. In the video, the presenter uses Motion with a successful result, suggesting that it can enhance the final image with a sense of movement or action, making it more engaging.

💡Print on Demand

Print on Demand is a business model mentioned in the video where products, such as t-shirts, are only printed when a customer orders them. The Style Reference feature is highlighted as being particularly useful for creating unique and consistent designs for products in this business model, as it allows for the application of a specific style across various subjects.

💡Community Feed

The Community Feed is a feature within Leonardo AI that allows users to view and share their generative outputs with the broader user community. It serves as a platform for inspiration and collaboration, where users can draw from the work of others and contribute their own creations for feedback and recognition.


Leonardo AI introduces a new feature called Style Reference, allowing users to upload a reference image to influence generative outputs.

The implementation of Style Reference is highly customizable, providing a true style transfer with flexible prompting.

The output image's subject or structure is not tied to the reference image, offering more creative freedom.

Style Reference is particularly beneficial for storytellers, marketing professionals, fashion and interior designers, and architects.

The feature can be found as an update within the Image Guidance Tool on Leonardo AI's platform.

Users can select the level of style transfer impact with options ranging from Low to Max.

Leonardo AI recommends using XL models such as Leonardo AI Kino XL and Alido-based XL for optimal results.

The platform provides a Mega Prompts Database for users to find and download images for style reference.

The Style Reference tool extracts style from a reference image and injects it into the generated image.

Different strength levels of style transfer allow for varying degrees of resemblance to the reference image.

The tool can maintain consistency in style while generating a wide range of subjects.

Combining Style Reference with other image guidance tools, like pose or depth image, can produce unique and creative outputs.

The use of motion in conjunction with Style Reference can create dynamic and engaging images.

Leonardo AI's update offers a powerful solution for creating visually consistent stories and designs.

The feature enables a high level of customization, making it suitable for professionals in various creative fields.

The Style Reference tool is a significant advancement in AI-driven generative design.

Leonardo AI provides helpful resources, including a blog post and video demonstration, to assist users in leveraging the Style Reference feature.

The final results showcase the phenomenal capabilities of the Style Reference tool in generating images that closely mimic the desired style.