Using AI to Make Composites : Firefly, MidJourney & Generative Fill in Photoshop Beta

John Gress
26 Jun 202320:52

TLDRIn this informative video, the creator shares his experience using AI to generate composite images of NFL football players. The process involves using vato AI for skin retouching, Firefly and mid-journey for background generation, and generative fill in Photoshop Beta to refine the backgrounds. The video also covers the lighting techniques used on set, including the use of various lighting setups controlled through the Ellen Chrome mobile app. The artist emphasizes the importance of blending the elements together seamlessly in Photoshop and discusses the artistic and technical aspects of the process. He also touches on the limitations of generative fill for backgrounds and the potential for future improvements in AI-generated image quality and speed.


  • 📸 The speaker has been using AI to generate composite images of NFL football players, involving retouching and creating backgrounds with AI tools.
  • 🖼️ Vato AI was used for skin retouching, aiming to remove blemishes and brighten dark circles under the eyes without overdoing it.
  • 🌆 Firefly and MidJourney were utilized to generate different types of backgrounds, with Firefly being better for cityscapes and landscapes, and MidJourney for stadium and tunnel scenes.
  • 🧩 Generative Fill in Photoshop Beta was used to fix the backgrounds by removing the player from the original image and merging layers.
  • 💡 The lighting setup varied throughout the shoot, starting with clamshell lighting and evolving to include edge lights and hair lights for different effects.
  • 📈 The speaker used Adobe Firefly and MidJourney with specific prompts to generate the desired background scenes quickly and efficiently.
  • 🖌️ Photoshop Beta was employed to refine selections, particularly for complex areas like hair, using masks and the Select and Mask tool.
  • 🔍 The AI-generated images were often upscaled using the Super Zoom feature in Photoshop to match the foreground image size.
  • 🎨 Color and contrast harmonization was achieved using neural filters to match the foreground and background for a cohesive look.
  • ✨ Additional layers and blending modes were used to create effects such as edge lights and grain, enhancing the overall image and drawing attention to the subject.
  • ⏱️ The speaker found that generating backgrounds with Firefly and MidJourney was faster and provided more options than using Generative Fill.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how the speaker has been using AI to create composite images of NFL football players, including the process of retouching, generating backgrounds, and blending them together in Photoshop.

  • What AI tools were mentioned for retouching skin in the video?

    -The speaker mentioned using Vato AI for retouching the skin of the subjects in the images.

  • How did the speaker use Firefly and MidJourney to generate backgrounds?

    -The speaker used Firefly to create heavily blurred images of cityscapes and landscapes, while MidJourney was used to generate stadium scenes and a tunnel scene with a specific lighting setup.

  • What lighting setup did the speaker use for the first setup of the photoshoot?

    -For the first setup, the speaker used a clamshell lighting setup with a strip softbox in the front vertically and a small light with a seven-inch reflector below as fill.

  • How did the speaker use generative fill in Photoshop Beta?

    -The speaker used generative fill in Photoshop Beta to remove the player from the AI-generated background images and then merged the layers to prepare for blending the retouched image.

  • What was the purpose of using different lighting setups during the photoshoot?

    -The different lighting setups were used to create a variety of looks and moods for the trading cards, ranging from clamshell lighting to edge lighting and moody action shots.

  • How did the speaker ensure the AI-generated backgrounds matched the foreground images?

    -The speaker used the harmonize feature in Photoshop's neural filters to match the color and contrast of the AI-generated backgrounds to the retouched foreground images.

  • Why did the speaker choose to use a black curtain for some shots?

    -The speaker chose to use a black curtain to create a stark contrast and focus on the athlete, which would later allow for easier blending with the AI-generated backgrounds.

  • What was the reason for using a round light source instead of an octagonal one for the action shots?

    -The round light source was used to avoid creating an octagonal catch light in the players' helmets, aiming for a more realistic stadium light effect.

  • How did the speaker deliver raw files to the client?

    -The speaker delivered raw files to the client almost in real-time, allowing the client to make their own selections for their specific needs.

  • What was the speaker's approach to retouching the images?

    -The speaker used Vato AI to remove blemishes, brighten dark circles, and perform minor retouching, aiming for a natural look rather than over-polishing the images.

  • Why did the speaker not use generative fill to create the backgrounds?

    -The speaker found that generative fill took too long to generate satisfactory background images and did not provide as many options as using Firefly and MidJourney.



🎨 AI and Photography: Composite NFL Player Images

The speaker discusses their recent experience using AI to create composite images of NFL football players. They share their process of using vato AI for skin retouching, Firefly and mid-journey for generating backgrounds, generative fill for background adjustments, and Photoshop for blending everything together. The speaker also delves into lighting techniques used on set, inspired by their past as a sports card collector and photographer of draft picks for trading cards. They describe various lighting setups used during the shoots, emphasizing the dynamic and time-efficient approach to capture multiple athletes in a single day.


🖥️ Post-Production Workflow with AI Tools

The speaker outlines their post-production workflow, starting with delivering raw files to the client and then curating their favorites for personal portfolio purposes. They describe the use of Capture One for basic image processing, creating a punchy and high-contrast look suitable for athletic imagery. The speaker then details the use of vato AI for quick retouching, focusing on removing blemishes and enhancing features without overdoing it. They also discuss the generation of background plates using Adobe Firefly and mid-journey, utilizing descriptive prompts to create realistic and motivational environments for the subjects.


🌆 Creating Dynamic Backgrounds with AI and Photoshop

The speaker explains how they used AI-generated images from Firefly and mid-journey as background plates, which were then manipulated and enhanced in Photoshop. They describe the process of removing the original subject from these plates using generative fill and then integrating their retouched athlete images. The speaker also addresses the challenge of upscaling AI-generated images for higher resolution using neural filters in Photoshop. They emphasize the importance of refining masks, harmonizing colors and contrasts between the subject and background, and the meticulous work involved in creating a convincing composite.


🖌️ Final Touches: Adding Realism and Visual Impact

The speaker details the final steps in their editing process, which includes adding a blue edge light effect, creating a grain layer for texture, applying a cyan overlay for color unification, and adjusting exposure to focus attention on the athlete's face. They also discuss the addition of catch lights in the eyes for a more realistic and engaging portrait. The speaker reflects on the limitations of generative fill for background creation and shares their preference for the speed and flexibility of AI tools like Firefly and mid-journey. They express optimism about the future improvements in AI-generated image quality and the expanding creative possibilities.


📢 Conclusion and Call-to-Action

The speaker concludes by expressing their excitement about the expanding creative options made possible through AI and other technological advancements. They clarify that they were not sponsored by any of the companies mentioned and made the video to share their learnings with the audience. The speaker encourages viewers to like, subscribe, and turn on notifications for more content. They also invite viewers to check out other videos, either a recommended one by YouTube or their own lighting tutorials, and sign off with well wishes.




AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is used to generate composite images of NFL football players, showcasing how technology can be integrated into the creative process of photography.

💡Composite Images

Composite images are created by combining multiple photographs or visual elements into a single image. In the video, the creator uses AI tools to generate backgrounds for NFL player photos, which are then composited to form a complete image that blends seamlessly.

💡Vato AI

Vato AI is a software mentioned in the video used for retouching skin in photographs. It is utilized to remove blemishes, brighten dark circles under the eyes, and reduce wrinkles, contributing to a polished look for the athlete photos without overdoing the retouching.


Firefly is an AI tool used in the video to generate backgrounds for the composite images. It is particularly good for creating heavily blurred cityscapes and landscapes, providing a realistic backdrop for the subjects in the photographs.


Mid-Journey is another AI tool used for generating backgrounds, especially for scenes like stadiums and tunnels. It is used to create a cinematic feel and provides options for different lighting scenarios to match the desired mood of the composite image.

💡Generative Fill

Generative Fill is a feature in Photoshop Beta that is used to fill in areas of an image with new content that is generated by AI. In the video, it is used to remove the player from the original background and replace it with a new, AI-generated background.

💡Photoshop Beta

Photoshop Beta refers to the beta version of Adobe Photoshop, which includes new and experimental features. The video creator uses this version to blend AI-generated backgrounds with retouched athlete images, utilizing features like Generative Fill.

💡Clamshell Lighting

Clamshell Lighting is a lighting technique used in photography where the light source is placed directly above the subject, creating soft, even lighting. The video discusses how this technique was initially used and then modified throughout the shoot.

💡Action Shots

Action Shots are photographs that capture a subject in motion, conveying a sense of movement and energy. In the video, the creator discusses using specific lighting setups and AI-generated backgrounds to produce dynamic action shots of NFL players.

💡Neural Filters

Neural Filters are AI-powered tools within Photoshop that can perform tasks such as image upscaling, harmonizing color and contrast, and adding noise. In the video, these filters are used to enhance the quality and visual appeal of the composite images.

💡Cyan Edge Lights

Cyan Edge Lights refer to the technique of adding a cyan color tone to the highlights of an image to create a specific visual effect. In the context of the video, this technique is used to add a blue tint to the highlights, unifying the color scheme and adding depth to the composite image.


The video shares how AI has been used to generate composite images of NFL football players.

Vato AI was utilized for skin retouching to remove blemishes and brighten dark circles under the eyes.

Firefly and MidJourney AI tools were used to generate backgrounds for the composite images.

Generative Fill in Photoshop Beta was employed to fix the backgrounds of the images.

Photoshop was key in blending all elements of the composite images together.

The speaker's journey from collecting trading cards to becoming a photographer is discussed.

The process of photographing NFL and NBA draft picks for trading cards is outlined.

The use of the Ellen Chrome mobile app for controlling lighting in a shoot is demonstrated.

Different lighting setups, such as clamshell lighting and edge lighting, are explained.

The artistic choice behind using a 70-centimeter OCTA box for action shots is described.

The importance of lighting direction for creating mood in action shots is highlighted.

The mobile app was used to program lighting setups, allowing for quick transitions between looks.

Raw files were delivered to the client, who selected the images for their own purposes.

The speaker processed images in Capture One with a focus on high contrast and punchy images.

AI-generated background images were upscaled using Photoshop's Super Zoom feature.

The use of neural filters to harmonize color and contrast between the foreground and background is shown.

Techniques for creating a more realistic composite by adding grain and unifying color tones are discussed.

The final touches to the image include adding catch lights to the eyes and darkening the overall image except for the subject's face.

The limitations of using Generative Fill for backgrounds are mentioned, along with the advantages of using Firefly and MidJourney.

The speaker expresses excitement about the growing capabilities and options available for creatives through AI tools.