We Should Really Find a Way to Help Incels

David Pakman Show
31 Dec 202206:31

TLDRThe discussion emphasizes the need for society to support incels, individuals who identify as involuntarily celibate, by addressing the underlying issues of loneliness, social anxiety, and self-esteem rather than perpetuating negative stereotypes. It highlights the importance of providing non-judgmental resources, promoting mental health services, and fostering healthy role models to help this community build better relationships and improve their lives, while also preventing the potential spread of anti-social and violent behaviors.


  • 🤔 The term 'incel' stands for 'involuntarily celibate', referring to individuals who desire to be in a sexual relationship but are unable to find a partner.
  • 😔 Incels often face issues such as loneliness, isolation, and rejection, which can lead to dissatisfaction and sadness about their lives.
  • 🚨 There is a concern that some incels may adopt anti-social or even violent behaviors, and this subgroup has sometimes been linked to mass shootings.
  • 🧐 The incel subculture has been associated with negative role models like Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate, which can exacerbate their situation.
  • 📈 Addressing the issues faced by incels requires a focus on improving their self-esteem, body image, and social skills to break the cycle of isolation and rejection.
  • 💡 Society should provide support systems that are non-judgmental and encourage incels to seek therapy or counseling for their social anxiety and self-esteem issues.
  • 🌟 Education and resources on healthy dating and relationship skills should be made available to help incels navigate social interactions more effectively.
  • 👥 Creating platforms for incels to connect with others facing similar challenges, as well as potential romantic interests, can foster a sense of community and support.
  • 💔 It's important to recognize that most incels will not become violent, and they need compassion and understanding rather than ridicule and condemnation.
  • 🏥 Proper funding and attention to mental health resources are crucial in addressing the underlying issues that contribute to the incel phenomenon.
  • 📢 Society should not dismiss the struggles of incels as unimportant; their issues are a serious societal problem that, if left unaddressed, can lead to a perpetuation of negative behaviors.

Q & A

  • What does the term 'incel' stand for?

    -The term 'incel' stands for 'involuntarily celibate,' referring to individuals who desire to be in a romantic or sexual relationship but are unable to find a willing partner.

  • Why is it important to address the issues faced by incels?

    -Addressing the issues faced by incels is important because it can help improve their lives and prevent the development of anti-social behaviors, which in some cases, can escalate to violence. Providing support and resources can break the cycle of isolation and rejection that often leads to negative outcomes.

  • What are some of the negative stereotypes associated with incels?

    -Incels are often portrayed negatively in society, with some individuals within the community being associated with hateful ideologies, mass shootings, and violent actions. However, it's important to note that the majority of incels are not violent and are simply struggling with social and personal issues.

  • What kind of role models are often followed by incels?

    -Incels sometimes follow negative role models such as certain charisma coaches, pick-up artists, and controversial figures like Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate. These role models can reinforce harmful behaviors and attitudes, making it harder for incels to form healthy relationships.

  • What are some ways society can support incels in a positive manner?

    -Society can support incels by providing resources and support systems that are non-judgmental and focused on improving self-esteem, body image, and social skills. Encouraging therapy, counseling, and education on healthy relationship dynamics can help incels overcome their challenges.

  • How can therapy and counseling help incels?

    -Therapy and counseling can help incels by addressing underlying issues such as social anxiety, low self-esteem, and past traumas. These services can provide a safe space for individuals to work through their feelings and learn strategies for improving their interpersonal relationships and mental health.

  • What is the role of mental health in the challenges faced by incels?

    -Mental health plays a significant role in the challenges faced by incels. Issues such as social anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression can contribute to difficulties in forming relationships. Addressing these mental health concerns is crucial for helping incels improve their situation.

  • Why is it a concern when incels adopt negative traits from the people they follow?

    -When incels adopt negative traits from the people they follow, it can exacerbate their social and relationship challenges. These traits can make them less desirable to potential partners and reinforce a cycle of isolation and resentment.

  • How can education on dating and relationships benefit incels?

    -Education on dating and relationships can provide incels with the skills and understanding necessary to navigate the social landscape more effectively. This includes learning about communication, boundaries, and how to connect with others in a healthy and respectful manner.

  • What is the significance of funding mental health resources in addressing the issues faced by incels?

    -Funding mental health resources is crucial because it ensures that there are adequate services available to support individuals struggling with the social and emotional challenges associated with inceldom. Proper funding can lead to better outcomes and a reduction in anti-social behaviors.

  • How can society change its perception of incels to be more compassionate?

    -Society can change its perception of incels by recognizing the struggles they face and offering support instead of judgment and ridicule. Encouraging empathy and understanding can help create a more inclusive environment that promotes positive change.



🤔 Understanding and Addressing Incel Issues

The paragraph discusses the challenges faced by incels, individuals who are involuntarily celibate, and the negative consequences of their social isolation and lack of romantic partners. It emphasizes the importance of not forcing anyone into relationships and highlights the need for healthier role models. The speaker expresses concern about the association of incels with mass shootings and anti-social behavior, and suggests that society should provide support and resources to help them overcome feelings of loneliness, rejection, and low self-esteem. The focus is on understanding the root causes of their dissatisfaction and finding ways to improve their lives, such as through therapy and counseling, rather than judgment and ridicule.


💡 Providing Support and Solutions for Incels

This paragraph expands on the need for society to offer more than just lip service when it comes to addressing the issues faced by incels. It points out the lack of adequate funding and support for mental health, which is crucial in this context. The speaker suggests that by establishing systems of support and encouraging individuals to seek therapy, society can help incels improve their self-esteem and social skills. The paragraph also stresses the importance of education on dating and relationship dynamics, as well as creating spaces for incels to connect with others, both those facing similar challenges and potential romantic partners. The goal is to break the cycle of isolation and negative self-perception, and to foster a more inclusive and supportive social environment.




The term 'Incel' is short for 'involuntary celibate' and refers to individuals who desire to be in a romantic or sexual relationship but are unable to find a willing partner. In the context of the video, it is associated with a subculture that sometimes intertwines with negative societal behaviors, such as anti-social tendencies and, in extreme cases, violence. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing the issues faced by incels in a compassionate and constructive manner, rather than stigmatizing them.


A subculture is a group of people within a larger culture that has distinct and shared values, behaviors, and styles that set them apart. In the video, the term is used to describe the community surrounding incels, which has developed its own unique set of beliefs and practices. The speaker is concerned about the negative aspects of this subculture and the influence it can have on its members, particularly in terms of promoting harmful ideologies and behaviors.

💡Anti-social behavior

Anti-social behavior refers to actions that are harmful or disruptive to the well-being of others or society as a whole. In the context of the video, it is used to describe the negative outcomes that can arise from the incel community, such as violence or the adoption of hateful ideologies. The speaker argues that it is crucial to address these behaviors by providing support and resources to help individuals avoid falling into this pattern.

💡Role models

Role models are individuals who serve as examples for others to follow, often embodying values, behaviors, or achievements that are admired or aspired to. In the video, the speaker expresses concern about incels looking up to negative role models, such as certain public figures, which can exacerbate their problems and lead to the adoption of harmful beliefs and behaviors. The speaker suggests that healthier role models should be promoted to help incels improve their situations.


Self-esteem refers to an individual's overall sense of self-worth and confidence in their own worth or abilities. In the context of the video, low self-esteem is identified as one of the issues that incels struggle with, which can contribute to their difficulties in forming romantic and sexual relationships. The speaker suggests that addressing self-esteem issues is a crucial step in helping incels overcome their challenges.


Therapy is a form of treatment that aims to help individuals cope with various emotional, mental, or behavioral issues. In the video, the speaker advocates for incels to seek therapy or counseling to address the underlying issues that contribute to their social anxiety, lack of self-confidence, and difficulties in forming relationships. Therapy can provide a safe space for individuals to explore and work through their problems, ultimately leading to personal growth and improved social functioning.

💡Mental health

Mental health refers to an individual's psychological and emotional well-being. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing mental health issues as a key component in helping incels. This includes providing resources and support for therapy, counseling, and education to help individuals develop healthier mindsets and behaviors.

💡Feedback loop

A feedback loop is a process in which the results of an action or situation are continuously fed back into the system, potentially amplifying or reinforcing the original action or situation. In the context of the video, the term is used to describe how the negative experiences of incels, such as rejection and isolation, can lead them to adopt harmful ideologies and behaviors, which in turn reinforce their negative self-perception and social isolation.


Compassion is the feeling of empathy and a desire to alleviate the suffering of others. In the video, the speaker argues for showing compassion and support to incels rather than judgment and condemnation. By providing a more understanding and supportive environment, individuals struggling with the challenges of incel subculture can be encouraged to seek help and work towards improving their lives.


Dating refers to the social activity of meeting and engaging in romantic or sexual relationships with potential partners. In the video, the speaker discusses the need for education and resources to help incels navigate the dating process effectively. This includes developing communication skills, understanding boundaries, and learning how to relate to others in a way that is appealing and respectful.


Funding refers to the allocation of financial resources to support various initiatives, programs, or services. In the context of the video, the speaker highlights the importance of proper funding for mental health resources as a means to address the issues faced by incels. Adequate funding can ensure that individuals have access to the support and services they need to improve their mental well-being and social functioning.


The discussion focuses on finding ways to support incels, individuals who are involuntarily celibate, without forcing interactions.

Incels are defined not just by their lack of sexual activity, but by their desire for it and inability to find a partner.

The term 'incel' is tied to a subculture that has unfortunately been linked with mass shootings and anti-social behavior.

There is a concern that incels may develop a self-fulfilling prophecy of loneliness and rejection, leading to negative paths.

The speaker suggests the need for healthier role models for incels instead of figures like Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate.

Incels often face societal grievances, including difficulties with romantic and sexual relationships, leading to isolation.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of society's role in helping incels break the cycle of self-fulfilling prophecies.

While some incels may develop hateful ideologies, the majority are not violent and are struggling with self-esteem and loneliness.

The speaker calls for compassion and support for incels rather than judgment and condemnation.

Resources and support systems should be established to help incels with body image and self-esteem issues.

Encouragement for incels to seek therapy or counseling is suggested to address underlying social anxiety and lack of self-confidence.

The speaker discusses the need for education on navigating dating and relationships, including communication skills and understanding boundaries.

Mental health funding is highlighted as a crucial aspect of supporting incels and addressing the root causes of their struggles.

The issue of incels is framed as a serious societal problem due to its potential to perpetuate anti-social behavior and violence.

The speaker calls for serious consideration and action to support incels and improve their lives, beyond just ridicule or dismissal of their struggles.

The conversation underscores the complexity of the incel issue, touching on societal, psychological, and interpersonal factors.