We gave this family their yard back! UGLY YARD RESTORED!

Blade Mate Lawn Care
4 May 202422:44

TLDRSean, the host, introduces a yard restoration project funded by social media revenue and donations. The video showcases the transformation of an overgrown and neglected yard into a neat and tidy space. Despite losing some footage, the effort put into the project is evident. The front yard was completed to 90% before Sean left for school, and he returned to finish the job. The backyard, in worse condition, will be featured in a follow-up video. With the help of a friend and a family member of the client, they tackled the yard, including dealing with kikuyu and couch grass, and mowing the lawn. The end result is a significant improvement from the initial state, with the garden beds cleared, rubbish removed, and edges tidied up, making the place look much better.


  • 🌟 The project was funded by social media revenue, Patreon, and buy me a coffee, highlighting the role of community support.
  • 🏡 Sean and his team were referred to this job by the client's case manager to help restore a neglected yard.
  • 📚 Sean had to leave the job unfinished to return to school, but was able to come back to complete it later.
  • 🌱 The front yard was completed to about 90% before Sean left, and he added the final touches upon his return.
  • 🚧 The backyard was in worse condition and is expected to be featured in a follow-up video (Part 2).
  • 🤝 Sean received assistance from a friend and a family member of the client during the project.
  • 📹 Some footage was lost, so the video doesn't fully capture the extent of the work and effort involved.
  • 🐛 The lawns didn't recover well, possibly due to lawn grub or misuse of weed killer, not due to mowing as some might suggest.
  • 🧑‍🏫 Sean debunked the myth that mowing kills lawns in other videos and provided a link in the description for viewers.
  • 🌿 The client was given advice on managing the kikuyu and couch grass, which requires digging and spraying to control.
  • 🎥 The final result of the project significantly improved the appearance of the property, as shown in the video.
  • 👍 The garden beds were cleared, rubbish removed, and edges tidied up, resulting in a dramatic transformation.

Q & A

  • Who was the job referred to Sean by?

    -The job was referred to Sean by the client's case manager.

  • What were the sources of funding for this yard restoration project?

    -The project was funded by social media revenue, Patreon, and buy me a coffee.

  • What was the condition of the front yard before Sean left for school?

    -The front yard was about 90% completed before Sean left for school.

  • What is the status of the backyard in comparison to the front yard?

    -The backyard is in much worse shape and a part 2 video is planned to show its restoration.

  • Who assisted Sean in the yard restoration?

    -Sean had help from a friend of his and a family member of the client.

  • Why might the lawns not have recovered well after a few months?

    -Sean theorizes that it could be due to lawn grub or some misguided use of weed killer.

  • What is Sean's stance on the claim that the lawn was killed by cutting it?

    -Sean disagrees with this claim and has made videos debunking it, which he offers to link in the description.

  • What are the types of grass mentioned in the yard?

    -The types of grass mentioned are kikuyu and couch.

  • How deep would one have to dig to fully remove the existing grass?

    -One would have to dig down about 2 to 3 feet to fully remove the grass.

  • What did Sean instruct the client to do regarding the grass?

    -Sean instructed the client on how to spray the grass to keep on top of the situation.

  • What was the final step Sean took in tidying up the yard?

    -The final step was to give the yard a final mow and pass to tidy everything up.

  • How does Sean describe the final appearance of the yard after the restoration?

    -Sean describes the yard as looking a million bucks compared to its initial state.



🌟 Introduction and Project Overview

Sean introduces himself and explains that the yard cleanup project was referred by the client's case manager. He expresses gratitude for the funding sources, which include social media revenue, Patreon, and Buy Me A Coffee. Sean mentions that this was his last job before returning to school and he was able to complete about 90% of the front yard. He also hints at a follow-up video for the backyard, which is in worse condition. Sean acknowledges the assistance of a friend and a client's family member and apologizes for the incomplete footage. He shares his theories about the lawn's poor recovery, suggesting possible causes like lawn grub or incorrect use of weed killer, and refutes the common misconception that mowing kills the lawn. He provides a link to a video that debunks this idea and invites viewers to enjoy the video.


🌿 Lawn Assessment and Maintenance Tips

The second paragraph begins with Sean discussing the types of grass present in the yard, identifying kikuyu and couch. He explains the depth required to remove these grasses completely and suggests that they need to be sprayed. Sean provides the client with instructions on how to manage the lawn going forward. He then proceeds to mow the lawn, aiming to give it a final tidy-up pass to enhance its appearance.


🧹 Completion of the Yard Clean-Up

In the final paragraph, Sean wraps up the yard work by clearing out the garden beds, removing rubbish, and tidying up the edges. He emphasizes the dramatic transformation of the yard since the start of the project, comparing its current state to how it looked initially. The satisfaction with the completed job is evident as he declares the task done and presents the viewer with the improved yard.



💡yard restoration

Yard restoration refers to the process of transforming a poorly maintained or neglected yard into a more appealing and functional space. In the video, the main theme revolves around the restoration of an ugly yard to its former glory, funded by social media revenue and donations, which is a significant part of the narrative.

💡case manager

A case manager is a professional who coordinates and oversees a client's care and services. In the context of the video, the case manager is the person who referred the job to Sean, highlighting the collaborative effort in addressing the family's yard restoration needs.

💡social media revenue

Social media revenue is income generated through platforms like Patreon and 'buy me a coffee', which are mentioned as funding sources for the yard restoration project. This revenue is crucial as it enables the work to be carried out, demonstrating the impact of community support.

💡front yard

The front yard is the area at the front of a property, often the first part of the home that visitors see. In the video, Sean mentions getting the front yard to about 90% completion before he had to leave for school, indicating the progress made and the importance of this area in the overall restoration.


The backyard is the area at the rear of a property, typically more private and used for leisure or utility purposes. The video mentions that the backyard is in worse shape than the front, suggesting a more significant challenge and teasing a follow-up video (part 2) focused on this area.

💡lawn grub

A lawn grub is the larval stage of various insects that can damage lawns by feeding on the roots of grass. In the script, Sean theorizes that lawn grubs, or possibly a misguided application of weed killer, could be responsible for the lawns not recovering well, which is a critical issue in the yard restoration process.

💡weed killer

A weed killer, also known as a herbicide, is a substance used to control or kill unwanted plants. The script suggests that an improper use of weed killer might have contributed to the poor condition of the lawn, which is a common mistake that homeowners should be cautious of when maintaining their yards.


Debunking refers to the act of exposing the falseness or inaccuracy of a claim. Sean mentions making videos to debunk the suggestion that lawns are killed by cutting them, which is a misconception he aims to correct and is relevant to the educational aspect of his work.

💡garden beds

Garden beds are designated areas for growing plants, flowers, or vegetables. In the video, the clearing out of garden beds is part of the restoration process, emphasizing the importance of these areas in enhancing the overall appearance and functionality of the yard.

💡rubbish removal

Rubbish removal involves the process of clearing away waste or unwanted items. The video script mentions the removal of rubbish as a key step in transforming the yard, which is essential for creating a clean and organized space.


Edges refer to the boundaries or the perimeter of a yard or garden area. Tidying up the edges, as mentioned in the script, is a finishing touch that contributes to the overall neatness and aesthetic appeal of the restored yard.


Sean and his team were referred to restore a family's yard by the client's case manager.

The yard restoration project was funded by social media revenue, Patreon, and buy me a coffee donations.

Sean had to leave the project before completion due to returning to school.

The front yard was completed to about 90% before Sean left, with finishing touches added later.

The backyard was in worse condition and is set to be featured in a follow-up video.

Sean received assistance from a friend and a family member of the client during the restoration.

Some footage was lost, so the video doesn't fully capture the extent of the work done.

The lawns did not recover well a few months after the restoration, possibly due to lawn grub or weed killer.

Sean debunks the myth that cutting lawns can kill them, and provides a link to a video explaining this.

The client's yard had a mix of kikuyu and couch grass that required deep digging for removal.

Instructions were given to the client on how to spray and maintain the yard to prevent future issues.

Sean mowed the lawn to give it a final pass and tidy up the yard.

The garden beds were cleared out, rubbish removed, and edges tidied for a significant transformation.

The yard's transformation is visually impressive, with a dramatic before-and-after difference.

The community's generosity through donations played a key role in making the yard restoration possible.

A part 2 video focusing on the backyard is promised to be released in the near future.

The video serves as a testament to the hard work and effort put into the yard's restoration.

Sean encourages viewers to enjoy the video and have a great day, highlighting the positive outcome of the project.