What will AGI look like? A world run by AI.

Julia McCoy
25 Mar 202418:09

TLDRIn this video, Julie McCoy discusses the potential future of life post-AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), where AI could fundamentally change the way we live, work, and interact with the world. She delves into the concept of abundance, highlighting how technologies could unlock the Earth's vast resources to meet human needs. McCoy also reviews influential books by Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis that have shaped her perspective on AI's impact. She touches on the International Money Fund's study, which suggests AI could surpass human intelligence within 5 to 20 years, and the implications of this advancement for labor and the economy. The video also contemplates the risks of societal collapse due to rapid economic growth, as predicted by a 1972 MIT study, and contrasts this with the potential for a prosperous civilization through technological progress. McCoy concludes by considering the types of jobs that may remain unaffected by AI, such as statutory, meaning-based roles, and those requiring human interaction, suggesting a future where universal basic income could provide for a society less focused on monetary gain.


  • 🧠 **AGI's Impact on Life**: Life post-AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) could lead to a world where AI performs all tasks, potentially improving our quality of life by freeing us from traditional constraints like currency and production.
  • 📚 **Recommended Reading**: Books by Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis provide insights into the future with AGI, emphasizing the potential for abundance and rethinking our approach to resources and economy.
  • 🚀 **Technological Singularity**: Ray Kurzweil's work suggests that we are approaching a technological singularity, where AI may surpass human intelligence, leading to rapid advancements in various fields.
  • 🌱 **Abundance Mentality**: The concept of abundance challenges the traditional scarcity mindset, highlighting how consumption can lead to more production, as illustrated by the example of an apple tree growing from a single apple.
  • ☀️ **Solar Energy Potential**: Elon Musk's advocacy for solar energy reflects the vast, untapped potential of our natural resources, suggesting that with the right technology, we could meet all of humanity's energy needs.
  • 💡 **Innovation and Breakthroughs**: Technological breakthroughs are about discovering new uses for existing resources, which aligns with the idea that resources are abundant, and it's up to us to find ways to harness them.
  • 📈 **AI Advancements**: AI is advancing at an unprecedented pace, with models like ChatGPT demonstrating capabilities that were once thought to be the exclusive domain of human creativity and intelligence.
  • 📉 **Labor and Economy**: The rise of AGI could devalue human labor as AI begins to outperform humans in complex tasks, necessitating a reevaluation of economic policies and the role of work in society.
  • ⏳ **Timeline for AGI**: Estimates for when AGI might be achieved range from 5 to 20 years, with some experts suggesting it could happen sooner, which would have significant implications for society and the job market.
  • 🌐 **Global Cooperation**: Organizations like the International Money Fund (IMF) are studying the potential impact of AI on the global economy and are calling for policymakers to prepare for various scenarios.
  • 🏛️ **Statutory Jobs**: Certain jobs, like those mandated by law or those requiring deep human interaction and care, are believed to be more resistant to automation, offering a potential stable ground in a post-AGI world.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the video?

    -The main topic of discussion is the potential impact of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) on life and society, and how it could change various aspects such as work, economy, and daily living.

  • Who is Julie McCoy and what does she focus on?

    -Julie McCoy is the host of the channel, and she focuses on exploring the implications and developments in the field of artificial intelligence.

  • What is the significance of Ray Kurzweil's work in the context of the video?

    -Ray Kurzweil's work is significant because he has been accurately predicting technological advancements for 30 years, and his books, such as 'The Singularity Is Near' and 'The Age of Spiritual Machines', provide insights into the future of AI and its potential impact on humanity.

  • What does the term 'abundance' refer to in the context of the video?

    -In the context of the video, 'abundance' refers to the concept that there are enough resources on Earth to meet everyone's needs, and that through innovation and technology, we can tap into these resources more effectively.

  • How does the video suggest the Earth's resources could be utilized more effectively?

    -The video suggests that through technological breakthroughs, such as making ocean water drinkable or harnessing more of the sun's energy, we can convert currently unusable resources into valuable ones, thus creating abundance.

  • What is the International Money Fund's (IMF) perspective on AI's future role?

    -The IMF suggests that AI is on a trajectory to surpass human intelligence and that it could significantly impact labor, economy, and society. They recommend that policymakers take these scenarios seriously and stress test financial and economic policy frameworks to prepare for an AI-driven future.

  • What is the potential timeline for AGI to be achieved according to the video?

    -The video discusses two potential timelines for AGI: one where AGI is achieved in 20 years, and another more aggressive scenario where AGI is reached within five years.

  • How does the video address the concern of job displacement due to AI?

    -The video acknowledges the potential for job displacement due to AI but also suggests that there will be roles, such as statutory jobs, meaning jobs, and care jobs, that are less likely to be replaced by AI because they require human interaction and creativity.

  • What is the concept of a 'meaning economy' as discussed in the video?

    -The 'meaning economy' is a concept where traditional economic activities are less prioritized, and work that people are passionate about, along with relationships and experiences, become more central to economic and social life.

  • What is the potential role of Universal Basic Income (UBI) in a post-AGI world?

    -In a post-AGI world, where corporations may not need humans for labor, the video suggests that corporations could be taxed, and the revenue could be used to fund a Universal Basic Income, providing people with financial security independent of traditional employment.

  • How does the video relate the 1972 MIT study to the potential future with AGI?

    -The video references the 1972 MIT study, which predicted societal collapse due to overexploitation of resources, and suggests that with AGI and technological progress, we could avoid collapse and instead create a stable and prosperous civilization that operates within planetary boundaries.

  • What is the recommendation for policymakers regarding AGI?

    -The video recommends that policymakers should take the potential scenarios of AGI seriously, stress test current economic and financial policies, and consider an agnostic approach to growth that focuses on broader societal and environmental goals rather than just monetary gain.



🌟 Introduction to Life Post-AGI

Julie McCoy introduces the topic of life after the advent of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), where AI could potentially run everything and change life as we know it. She discusses how AI might free us from traditional constraints like currency and production, and how she has invested significant time in researching this subject. Julie recommends books by Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis that have shaped her understanding of the potential for an abundant future driven by technological advancements.


📚 AI's Impact on Content Creation and Economic Models

The International Money Fund's study on AI's future is summarized, highlighting AI's rapid advancement and its potential to surpass human intelligence. Julie shares her personal transition from a content creator to focusing on AI's impact due to models like ChatGPT. The summary touches on the super-exponential growth of AI, predictions by experts like Geoffrey Hinton on AGI timelines, and the implications of AI performing human tasks. It also outlines scenarios proposed by the IMF for AGI's impact within 5 to 20 years.


☀️ Transitioning to an Abundance-Driven Society

Drawing from a 1972 MIT study, Julie discusses the risks of civilizational collapse due to overexploitation of resources but contrasts it with the potential for abundance facilitated by AI. She emphasizes the need for an agnostic approach to growth that prioritizes well-being and experiences over monetary gain. The summary addresses the potential for a shift from a production-based economy to a meaning economy and the importance of considering the broader impacts of AGI on society.


🛠️ The Future of Work and AI-Resistant Jobs

Julie explores the future of jobs in a post-AGI world, identifying roles that may be resistant to AI automation, such as statutory jobs, meaning-based roles, and those requiring human interaction and care. She suggests that with the implementation of a universal basic income (UBI), society could provide for its citizens without tying them to wage labor. Julie also mentions her work with Continental Scale, an AI-driven SEO content generation company, and invites viewers to engage with her channel for more insights on AI's evolving role in society.




AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, refers to the hypothetical ability of an intelligent agent to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can. In the video, AGI is central to the discussion as it is portrayed as a transformative force that could potentially reshape every aspect of human life, from work to leisure, and even societal structures.


The term 'Singularity' in the context of the video refers to a future point in time when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. Ray Kurzweil's book 'The Singularity Is Near' is mentioned, which has explored the concept in depth and has influenced the speaker's perspective on the rapid advancement of AI.

💡Scarcity vs. Abundance

The video contrasts the concept of 'scarcity,' which is the limiting availability of resources, with 'abundance,' which suggests a plentiful supply that can meet or exceed demand. The speaker uses the example of an apple tree's capacity to produce many apples from a single seed to illustrate the potential for abundance, challenging the traditional mindset of scarcity.

💡Solar Energy

Solar energy is highlighted in the video as an example of an abundant resource that has the potential to meet all of humanity's energy needs, as mentioned by Elon Musk. The speaker uses this to emphasize the vast, untapped potential of the Earth's resources and how technology, particularly advancements in AI, could harness this abundance for the betterment of society.


Automation refers to the use of technology to perform tasks with minimal human input. In the video, automation is discussed in the context of job displacement, as AI and machines are increasingly capable of performing tasks traditionally done by humans, leading to concerns about the future of work and the value of human labor in a post-AGI world.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as text, images, or music. The video mentions the rapid advancement of generative AI, noting its potential to overtake human capabilities in content creation, as evidenced by the speaker's shift from a writing career to focusing on AI-generated content.

💡Universal Basic Income (UBI)

UBI is a proposed economic model where every citizen receives a set amount of money from the government, regardless of their income or employment status. The video suggests that as AI takes over more jobs, a UBI could become a necessity to ensure everyone has a basic level of financial security, reflecting a shift from traditional employment to a more security-focused economic system.

💡Meaning Economy

The 'meaning economy' is a concept where work is centered around personal fulfillment, relationships, and experiences rather than just monetary gain. The video discusses a potential shift from a production-based economy to a meaning economy, where people are free to pursue work that they are passionate about, facilitated by AI taking over more routine and laborious tasks.


💡Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue to form a judgment. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of critical thinking in understanding and navigating the changes brought about by AGI. It is presented as a skill that will be essential for innovators and those who wish to contribute to a future where AI plays a significant role.


Policymakers are individuals or groups responsible for making decisions that affect the policies of a government or organization. The video calls on policymakers to seriously consider the potential scenarios of AGI development and to prepare economic and social frameworks that can adapt to these changes, ensuring that the transition to a world with AGI is managed responsibly.

💡Continental Scale

Continental Scale is mentioned in the video as a company specializing in AI-generated SEO content. It serves as an example of how businesses are already integrating AGI into their operations, leading to the displacement of traditional roles like human writers. The company represents the practical application of AI in the current market and the direction in which many industries are headed.


The future world with AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) could significantly change how we live, work, and perceive our lives.

AI has the potential to free us from traditional constraints like currency and production, leading to a potentially better life.

Ray Kurzweil's 'The Singularity Is Near' predicts technological advancements, including the rise of AGI.

Peter Diamandis' work focuses on helping humanity adapt to the new age of abundance and technological possibilities.

The concept of abundance suggests that consumption can lead to more production than creation, as illustrated by the example of an apple tree.

Solar energy has the potential to provide far more than our current energy needs, indicating a shift towards renewable resources.

Technological breakthroughs are about discovering new ways to use existing resources, such as turning ocean water into drinkable water.

AI is advancing rapidly and is expected to surpass human intelligence, with potential AGI achievement within 5 to 20 years.

The International Money Fund (IMF) suggests that AI's trajectory will lead to significant changes in economy, society, and life as we know it.

Automation and AI are already taking over tasks previously performed only by humans, potentially devaluing labor.

The generative AI models are advancing super-exponentially, with new models outperforming their predecessors in short intervals.

AGI could lead to a collapse of traditional job markets, but also to new opportunities in creativity and complex tasks.

Policymakers are urged to consider the potential scenarios of AGI implementation and prepare economic policies accordingly.

The 1972 MIT study predicted a risk of civilizational collapse due to overexploitation of resources, but recent reviews suggest a path to a stable and prosperous civilization.

The shift towards a meaning economy, where work is driven by passion and relationships, could be a positive outcome of AGI.

Statutory jobs, meaning jobs, and care jobs are less likely to be replaced by AI, offering continued human employment.

The potential for Universal Basic Income (UBI) arises as corporations may be taxed to support a society where human labor is less required.

Continental Scale, an AI SEO company, exemplifies the shift towards AI in content creation, impacting traditional job roles.