What's Next 2024 Prophecy Updates--THE MIDDLE EAST'S GETTING READY TO BLOW!

1 Apr 202438:38

TLDRIn this video transcript, John Barnett discusses his upcoming teaching engagements at Bible conferences and his commitment to studying the Bible deeply before teaching. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the Book of Revelation, illustrating its themes and prophecies. Barnett also shares his method of interpreting current events through a biblical lens, highlighting trends such as global deception, technological advancements, and geopolitical tensions. He encourages viewers to support his mission work and to engage with his online academy for biblical education, offering resources for in-depth study and spiritual growth.


  • 📚 John Barnett is preparing to teach Bible conferences and small groups for two months, focusing on the Book of Revelation.
  • 📈 He emphasizes the importance of studying the scripture deeply before teaching, following his mentor's advice to read a passage multiple times.
  • 🌟 John shares his method of studying the Bible, which includes devotional reading, summarizing, titling, and applying the teachings through prayer.
  • 📂 He has created a 'prophetic update file' on his computer to collect slides and notes on the Book of Revelation for teaching young people.
  • 🎥 John discusses the DTBM Academy, an online platform offering free courses on various biblical topics, captured from his teachings across the US and the world.
  • 🌐 The Book of Revelation illustrates seven clear events, and John has been tracking 12 trends related to the end times, including deception, war, food scarcity, and natural disasters.
  • 🤖 The rise of AI and its potential to replicate famous people raises concerns about global deception and the authenticity of religious teachings.
  • 🌍 John warns about the increasing frequency and intensity of global issues like diseases, warming, water shortages, and conflicts, as signs of the end times.
  • 💡 He encourages looking at the news through the lens of scripture to maintain hope and joy amidst the challenges of the current world.
  • 📖 John suggests starting an online or audio study of Revelation to deepen understanding and maintain a biblical prophetic view in the face of negative news.
  • 🙏 He concludes with a prayer for spiritual growth, resistance against worldly influences, and living a life centered on God's love and peace.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the Book of Revelation according to the speaker?

    -The main purpose of the Book of Revelation, as stated by the speaker, is to inform believers about God's plan. It reveals seven clear events that are to occur as part of God's divine plan for the end times.

  • How does the speaker prepare for teaching Bible conferences?

    -The speaker prepares for teaching Bible conferences by conducting in-depth personal Bible study. He follows the advice of his mentor, John MacArthur, by reading each scripture passage multiple times before teaching it. He also keeps a journal with tabs for each chapter, containing key slides, notes, and personal reflections on the scripture.

  • What is the significance of the number 30 mentioned by the speaker in relation to studying scripture?

    -The number 30 is significant because it represents the number of times the speaker's mentor, John MacArthur, suggested reading a scripture passage before teaching it. This ensures a deep and thorough understanding of the text.

  • What are the seven clear events mentioned in the Book of Revelation?

    -The seven clear events mentioned in the Book of Revelation are: the giving of the revelation (Revelation 1:3-5), the events during the tribulation (chapters 4-18), the return of Christ (chapter 19), the Millennial Kingdom (chapter 20), and the eternal state (chapter 21-22).

  • What is the speaker's approach to reading the news prophetically?

    -The speaker reads the news prophetically by looking at current events through the lens of scripture. He compares world events to the prophecies found in the Bible, particularly the Book of Revelation, to understand the spiritual significance and the fulfillment of these prophecies in the modern world.

  • What is the DTBM Academy and how can one access it?

    -The DTBM Academy is an online educational platform that offers free courses on various biblical topics. It was started by the speaker with the support of his audience to capture and share every class he teaches across the US and around the world. To access it, one can visit the website dtv.com and register for free classes.

  • What are some of the trends that the speaker is tracking in relation to the end times?

    -The speaker is tracking 12 trends related to the end times, which include deception, war and violence, food scarcity, pandemics, hatred of God and persecution of His people, seismic activity, global fires and smoke, gloom and volcanoes, solar flares, near-Earth objects, hurricanes and typhoons, and the death of the ocean.

  • How does the speaker view the development of AI technology in relation to biblical prophecy?

    -The speaker views the development of AI technology as a potential tool for global deception, as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. He cites examples of AI replicating famous people and the use of AI to decipher ancient manuscripts, suggesting that these advancements could be used to spread false teachings or misinterpretations of scripture in the future.

  • What is the speaker's advice for maintaining peace, hope, and joy despite the negative news?

    -The speaker advises maintaining peace, hope, and joy by looking at the news through the lens of scripture. He encourages starting Bible studies, particularly of the Book of Revelation, and applying its teachings to one's life through prayer and reflection.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'birth pangs' in the context of the speaker's teachings?

    -The phrase 'birth pangs' is used by the speaker to describe the increasing frequency and intensity of certain global trends and events, as prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24:8 and 33. These 'birth pangs' include global diseases, warming, water shortages, food scarcity, conflicts, and persecution, which are seen as signs of the end times.

  • How does the speaker relate the current global events to the biblical prophecies?

    -The speaker relates current global events to biblical prophecies by drawing parallels between world trends such as global deception, digital money, and global tracking with the events described in the Book of Revelation. He suggests that these trends are fulfilling the prophecies and are indicators of the end times.



📚 Preparing for Teaching and Personal Study

John Barnett discusses his upcoming travels for teaching engagements at Bible conferences and the Word of Life Bible Institute in Florida and New York. He emphasizes his commitment to studying the scripture deeply before teaching, following the advice of his mentor, John MacArthur. Barnett is currently immersed in an in-depth study of the Book of Revelation, using tabs for each chapter, key slides, and extensive notes. He also shares his method of devotional study, which includes reading scriptures, identifying truths and principles, summarizing them, and crafting application prayers.


🌐 The DTBM Academy: A Resource for Biblical Education

Barnett introduces the DTBM Academy, an online platform offering free courses to support individuals in their biblical education. The academy is a result of the generosity of supporters who helped establish it eight years prior. It captures every class Barnett teaches across various settings, including conferences, seminaries, and institutes, making them accessible to a wider audience. He encourages viewers to register for free classes at the academy's website and highlights the importance of understanding biblical prophecy in the context of current events.


🤖 The Rise of AI and its Implications for Faith

The discussion shifts to the advancements in artificial intelligence and its potential to influence religious beliefs. Barnett mentions the creation of AI replicas of famous people, such as a psychiatrist and Freddy Mercury, which can interact in real-time, raising questions about the authenticity of religious experiences. He warns of the increasing deception in the end times, as foretold in the Book of Revelation, and urges viewers to differentiate between the truths of the Bible and the falsehoods that may arise from technological advancements.


💡 The Role of AI in Uncovering Historical Texts

Barnett delves into the use of AI to decipher ancient manuscripts, such as the Herculaneum Scrolls, which were previously indecipherable due to damage. He expresses concern that this technology could be misused to propagate false writings, potentially leading to religious deception. He emphasizes the importance of discerning between genuine scripture and apocryphal texts, especially in the context of the end times as described in the Book of Revelation.


🚨 The Mark of the Beast and the Digital Economy

The conversation turns to the Antichrist's role in implementing a mark that enables buying and selling, as described in Revelation. Barnett draws parallels with the rise of digital currencies and global tracking, suggesting that these developments could pave the way for the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. He also mentions a satellite set to launch in 2025, capable of monitoring individuals' every move, raising privacy concerns and the specter of a 'big brother' scenario.


🌍 Global Peace and the Threat of War

Barnett discusses the desire for global peace and the potential for catastrophic war, referencing 1 Thessalonians 5:3. He highlights the dangers of weapons of mass destruction and the escalating tensions in various global hotspots. He also mentions the role of Iran and Russia in shaping up to the biblical prophecy of Gog and Magog, as described in Ezekiel 38. The increasing likelihood of World War III and the gathering of nations against Israel are discussed as indicators of the end times.


🌿 Environmental Changes and Prophetic Signs

The impact of climate change and extreme weather events on a global scale is explored, with Barnett referencing the signs in the sun, moon, and stars as mentioned in Luke 21. He discusses the occurrence of natural disasters and the potential for solar flares to disrupt technology and cause widespread distress. The biblical prophecies of Revelation 8, which describe catastrophic environmental changes during the tribulation period, are also examined in light of current events.


🕊️ The Psalm 83 War and the Threat to Israel

Barnett addresses the Psalm 83 War, a prophesied conflict involving Israel and its neighboring nations. He connects recent geopolitical tensions and military actions in the Middle East to this biblical prophecy. The strategic importance of the Red Sea region and the potential for global shipping disruptions are discussed, along with the role of Iran in supplying weaponry and influencing regional conflicts. The increasing significance of Israel as a global flashpoint is highlighted.

📖 Encouragement for Biblical Study in Chaotic Times

In the face of global uncertainty and the fulfillment of biblical prophecies, Barnett offers practical advice for maintaining faith and joy. He suggests starting an online or audio study of the Book of Revelation, emphasizing the importance of personal Bible study and prayer. He shares a personal testimony of a truck driver who found solace and salvation through his teachings. Barnett encourages viewers to engage with the scriptures, find hope in the midst of chaos, and look forward to the return of Christ.




Revelation is the last book of the New Testament in the Bible, often interpreted as a prophetic and symbolic work that predicts the ultimate triumph of good over evil, the second coming of Jesus Christ, and the final judgment. In the video, the speaker is preparing to teach on the Book of Revelation, focusing on its themes and prophetic messages, particularly the end times and God's plan for humanity.

💡Bible Conferences

Bible Conferences are gatherings where religious teachings are discussed, often focusing on in-depth study of the Bible, its interpretation, and application to daily life. In the context of the video, the speaker is preparing to conduct Bible conferences, specifically on the Book of Revelation, for young people at the Word of Life Bible Institute in Florida and New York.

💡Prophetic Update

A Prophetic Update refers to a presentation or discussion that connects current events with biblical prophecy, suggesting that certain news or trends may be fulfilling or indicating the fulfillment of prophecies described in religious texts. In the video, the speaker has collected news headlines and other information to illustrate how contemporary events might relate to biblical prophecies, especially those found in the Book of Revelation.

💡End Times

End Times is a term used in Christian eschatology to describe the events expected to occur at the end of the world, including the return of Jesus Christ, the final judgment, and the establishment of a new heaven and earth. The concept is often associated with the Book of Revelation and other apocalyptic literature in the Bible. In the video, the speaker discusses the Book of Revelation as a guide to understanding the End Times and the signs that precede them.

💡Global Deception

Global Deception, as discussed in the video, refers to the widespread false beliefs or misleading information that may arise in the context of biblical prophecy, particularly those related to the End Times. This concept is often linked to the figure of the Antichrist and the false prophet in the Book of Revelation, who are believed to lead people away from the truth. The speaker warns about the increasing prevalence of deception and the importance of discernment based on biblical teachings.

💡Digital Money

Digital Money refers to electronic or virtual currency that is used for transactions and exists purely in digital form, such as cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In the context of the video, the speaker connects the rise of digital money to the biblical prophecy in Revelation, where a mark is required for buying and selling, suggesting that digital currency could play a role in future global economic systems and tracking.

💡Global Peace

Global Peace refers to a state of worldwide harmony and absence of conflict. In the video, the speaker discusses the desire for global peace and how it might be manipulated by the Antichrist, who is said to bring about a false sense of security and peace before turning the world against God. This concept is tied to the biblical prophecy of a period of relative peace before sudden destruction.

💡Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion, in the context of the video, refers to the biblical concept of Satan and his demonic forces being perceived as extraterrestrial beings. The speaker discusses the idea that the 'aliens' mentioned in some interpretations of the Bible are actually demons and rebel angels, which are part of Satan's plan to deceive humanity and obscure the truth of the Gospel.

💡Dtbm Academy

Dtbm Academy, as mentioned in the video, is an online educational platform that offers free courses on various biblical topics, including the Book of Revelation. The academy is designed to capture and distribute teachings from the speaker and other religious educators, aiming to spread biblical knowledge and understanding through technology.

💡Global Warming

Global Warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human activities, such as the emission of greenhouse gases. In the video, the speaker connects global warming and extreme weather events to biblical prophecies about the end times, suggesting that such natural disasters may be signs of the events foretold in the Book of Revelation.


John Barnett is preparing to leave for two months of teaching at Bible conferences and the Word of Life Bible Institute in Florida and New York.

Barnett emphasizes the importance of studying the Bible devotionally and in preparation for teaching, following the advice of his mentor, John MacArthur.

He is currently studying the Book of Revelation, using tabs for each chapter and collecting key slides and notes to share with his audience.

Barnett explains that he always ensures he understands the scripture he teaches, reading each passage multiple times before presenting it to others.

The purpose of the Book of Revelation is to reveal God's plan, with seven clear events outlined in the scripture.

Barnett discusses the increasing birth pains of the world, as described by Jesus in Matthew 24, including global diseases, warming, water shortages, and conflicts.

He shares his method of reading the news prophetically, using the lens of scripture to understand current events and maintain hope and peace.

Barnett introduces the DTBM Academy, a platform offering free online classes on various topics related to scripture and theology.

He outlines 12 trends he is tracking, including deception, war, food scarcity, pandemics, and seismic activity, which align with events described in the Book of Revelation.

Barnett discusses the rise of AI and its potential for deception, including the creation of AI replicas of famous people and historical figures.

He warns against the potential misuse of AI in deciphering ancient texts, which could lead to the propagation of false writings and religious deception.

The speaker addresses the increasing concern over privacy with the development of satellites capable of monitoring individuals' every move.

Barnett talks about the end times as described in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, where a period of global peace will be followed by sudden destruction.

He highlights the escalating threat of global pandemics and diseases, including antibiotic-resistant pathogens and the potential for future deadly outbreaks.

The speaker discusses the growing tensions and potential for World War III, with various nations aligning against each other and the Middle East becoming a flashpoint.

Barnett draws connections between current events and biblical prophecies, encouraging viewers to look at the news through a prophetic lens.

He offers advice on maintaining joy and hope amidst negative news, suggesting starting an online or audio study of the Book of Revelation.

Barnett invites viewers to join the DTBM Academy for free and to support him and his wife in their missionary work through prayer and financial contributions.