When A Woman Is USING YOU She Will Tell You These 7 SWEET LIES!

Your Wingmam
24 May 202207:52

TLDRThe video script discusses seven 'sweet lies' that a woman might tell if she is using a man, including expressing a false sense of security and compliments that are followed by requests. It highlights the differences in how male and female brains respond to positive and negative stimuli, respectively. The script offers advice on identifying whether a woman's actions are genuine or manipulative, and suggests resources for those seeking to understand relationships better.


  • 💬 She might claim to feel safe with you, but if it's only verbal and not backed by actions, she could be using you.
  • 📱 If conversations are one-dimensional (text or calls) and she avoids meeting in person, she might see you as a temporary placeholder.
  • 👍 Compliments like strength, attractiveness, or success can be manipulative tools to get something from you.
  • 🎁 Be wary of compliments followed by requests; this could indicate an ulterior motive.
  • 💓 Saying 'I love you' might not always be genuine; it could be a tactic to avoid awkwardness or to further a selfish agenda.
  • 🦸‍♂️ Being called a 'hero' can be flattering, but it might be used to manipulate you into doing things for her.
  • 😔 If she accuses you of not caring or loving her, especially when you have shown otherwise, she might be trying to manipulate you.
  • 🚫 Setting boundaries or saying 'no' should not be met with accusations of not caring; this is a red flag.
  • 💌 If she often uses negative experiences to influence your actions, it's a sign of manipulation rather than genuine affection.
  • 🔍 To discern sincerity, observe if her actions align with her words and if she respects your boundaries and contributions.

Q & A

  • What is the first sign that a woman might be using a man according to the script?

    -The first sign mentioned in the script is if a woman frequently tells a man that she loves their conversations, but only engages through text or phone calls without ever wanting to meet in person. This could indicate that the man is just a placeholder for someone else and she is using him for attention.

  • How do men and women's brains differ in their reactions to stimuli according to the script?

    -The script suggests that the male brain reacts more to positive stimuli, while the female brain reacts more to negative stimuli. This difference in brain response can affect how men and women interact in relationships and perceive each other's actions.

  • What is the purpose of a woman telling a man positive compliments if she is using him?

    -If a woman is using a man, she might give him positive compliments to boost his ego and make him more susceptible to her requests or manipulations. The intention behind these compliments is not genuine appreciation but rather a means to get something she wants.

  • What is a common request that might follow a compliment when a woman is using a man?

    -A common request that might follow a compliment when a woman is using a man could be asking for material items, financial assistance, or help with tasks such as fixing a fence. The compliment serves as a manipulation tactic to make the man more likely to agree to her requests.

  • What does the script suggest about a woman who frequently tells a man he's an amazing lover?

    -The script suggests that if a woman frequently tells a man he's an amazing lover, especially if it's accompanied by a request or a manipulation, it might be an indication that she is using him for her own satisfaction or to get her way.

  • What are some reasons a woman might say 'I love you' when it's not true, according to the script?

    -The script suggests that a woman might say 'I love you' when it's not true to avoid awkwardness after the man has said it first, or because she hopes to feel that way in the future. However, if she says it as part of a selfish agenda, such as to get something from the man, then she is likely using him.

  • Why is the phrase 'you're my hero' considered effective in the context of manipulation as per the script?

    -The phrase 'you're my hero' is considered effective in the context of manipulation because it appeals to a man's desire to be seen as a protector and a significant figure in a woman's life. This can make him more likely to do what she wants, whether it's buying her something or helping her with a problem.

  • What is the 'bonus phrase' mentioned in the script that might indicate a woman is using a man?

    -The 'bonus phrase' mentioned in the script is 'you don't care about me, or you don't love me.' This phrase might be used by a woman to manipulate a man when she doesn't get her way or when he sets boundaries, suggesting that his actions or refusal indicates a lack of care or love.

  • How can a man determine if a woman is sincere when she uses certain phrases, according to the script?

    -The script suggests that a man can determine a woman's sincerity by observing her actions and the context in which she uses certain phrases. If her words are consistently followed by requests or if she focuses on his 'hot buttons,' it might indicate manipulation. However, if her declarations are backed up by genuine care and respect for his boundaries and well-being, it's more likely that she is sincere.

  • What advice does the script give to men who frequently fall for users?

    -The script advises men who frequently fall for users to seek education and awareness about such situations. It suggests a program called 'wake up to love' for those who want to better understand and avoid being used in relationships.

  • What is the final recommendation the script offers to those who want to know if a woman truly loves them?

    -The script recommends that those who want to know if a woman truly loves them should watch another video by the same author, which provides insights on how to discern genuine love from manipulation and other insincere expressions.



💬 Understanding the Seven Sweet Lies in Relationships

This paragraph delves into the concept of 'sweet lies' that a person might tell if they are using their partner. It discusses how men and women's brains react differently to stimuli, with men being more affected by positive experiences and women by negative ones. The paragraph outlines seven common phrases that might be lies if the speaker has a hidden agenda, such as praising the partner's physical attributes or conversation skills to gain their attention. It warns readers to be aware of the subsequent 'ask' that might follow these compliments, which could be a manipulation tactic. The speaker aims to educate the listener on how to distinguish between genuine affection and manipulative behavior in relationships.


💔 Identifying Signs of Manipulation in Relationships

The second paragraph continues the discussion on relationship dynamics by focusing on how individuals might manipulate their partners through phrases like 'I love you' or 'you don't care about me.' It explains that these phrases can be used as tools for control when the speaker does not get their way or when they want something from the partner. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of recognizing these tactics and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships. It also suggests a program for individuals who might be prone to falling for manipulative behavior, encouraging them to seek guidance on how to identify and avoid such situations.



💡Sweet Lies

The term 'Sweet Lies' refers to seemingly innocent or flattering statements that may be used with ulterior motives. In the context of the video, it describes the false assurances or compliments a woman might give a man to manipulate him or gain something from him. For instance, saying 'I love our conversations' could be a sweet lie if the woman is only engaging in text chats to keep the man's attention without any intention of meeting in person.

💡Biological Response

The concept of 'Biological Response' refers to the way our bodies naturally react to certain stimuli. In the video, it is explained that men's brains respond more to positive stimuli, such as compliments and sweet lies, while women's brains are more reactive to negative stimuli. This biological difference is used to explain why men might fall for sweet lies more easily.

💡Ego Pumping

Ego Pumping is the act of inflating someone's self-esteem with compliments or praise to manipulate them or get something in return. In the video, it is suggested that a woman using a man might excessively compliment him to boost his ego, making him more susceptible to her requests or demands.

💡Hidden Agenda

A 'Hidden Agenda' refers to a person's secret plan or objective that is not openly disclosed. In the context of the video, it is suggested that a woman might express certain sentiments or compliments with a hidden agenda to exploit the man's positive reactions for personal gain.


Manipulation is the act of influencing someone's behavior or emotions to achieve a desired outcome, often through deceit or coercion. In the video, it is discussed as a tactic that might be used by a woman who is 'using' a man, where she employs sweet lies and compliments to control his actions and decisions.

💡Relationship Dynamics

Relationship Dynamics refers to the patterns of interaction and behavior between individuals in a relationship. The video explores how these dynamics can be skewed when one party uses sweet lies to manipulate the other, creating an imbalance of power and trust.

💡Red Flags

Red Flags are warning signs that indicate potential problems or deceptive behavior in a relationship. The video identifies certain phrases and behaviors as red flags that suggest a woman might not be sincere in her intentions and is possibly using the man for her own benefit.

💡Genuine Affection

Genuine Affection refers to authentic feelings of fondness or love for another person, without any hidden motives or agendas. The video aims to distinguish between expressions of genuine affection and sweet lies, emphasizing the importance of recognizing when compliments and kind words are truly meant versus when they are used manipulatively.


Boundaries in a relationship refer to the personal limits and rules that individuals set to protect their well-being and maintain a healthy interaction with others. The video discusses the importance of setting boundaries and recognizing when someone's behavior, such as using phrases like 'You don't care about me', is an attempt to cross or undermine those boundaries.


Self-Interest is the pursuit of one's own advantage or welfare, often at the expense of others. In the context of the video, it highlights how some individuals may express affection or use sweet lies to serve their own interests, rather than out of genuine care or concern for the other person.

💡Wake Up to Love Program

The 'Wake Up to Love Program' is a resource mentioned in the video designed to help individuals recognize and avoid toxic relationships and users. It aims to educate people on identifying red flags and understanding genuine love versus manipulation.


The male brain reacts more to positive stimuli than a female brain.

Women are more affected by negative experiences than men.

Seven sweet lies women may tell if they are using you.

Compliments like 'You're so strong' or 'You're so handsome' can be manipulative.

Watch for an 'ask' following a compliment; it might indicate an ulterior motive.

If a woman frequently compliments your sexual prowess, she might be using you.

Saying 'I love you' can be a manipulation tactic rather than a genuine expression of feelings.

Calling you a 'hero' might be a way to exploit your desire to be a hero.

The phrase 'You don't care about me' or 'You don't love me' can be used to manipulate.

If a woman expects you to pay for her past choices, it's a red flag.

The video offers a program to help identify and avoid toxic relationships.

There's a video on how to know if a woman truly loves you.

Signs of sincerity include consistency in actions and words.

If a woman is only engaging with you via text or calls, she might not be genuinely interested.

A woman might use you as a placeholder while seeking attention from someone else.

Biological differences between men and women affect how they respond to relationship dynamics.

Genuine care for a partner involves complimenting them without an attached agenda.

When a woman is using you, she may focus on your 'hot buttons' to manipulate you.