Why AI art struggles with hands

4 Apr 202309:56

TLDRThe video script discusses the challenges AI art faces in accurately depicting hands, despite its ability to create complex scenes and characters. It explains that the issue stems from the limited and less diverse datasets available for hands compared to other subjects, the complexity of hand gestures, and the low margin for error in their depiction. The script suggests that advancements in AI art may come from larger datasets, more computing power, and human feedback to fine-tune the models.


  • 🎨 AI art struggles with depicting hands accurately due to the complexity of their structure and movement.
  • 🧠 The challenge in AI art is not just a glitch, but rather a reflection of the underlying learning mechanisms of AI.
  • 👀 Humans learn to recognize patterns through life experiences, while AI learns from the data it's trained on.
  • 🏛️ AI is like a person trapped in a museum, learning from images and descriptions without physical interaction.
  • 📈 The issue with AI drawing hands is related to the data size and quality, and the diversity of hand positions and actions.
  • 🤖 AI excels at pattern recognition but lacks the understanding of how objects function, like how fingers bend.
  • 👩‍🎨 Artists simplify complex objects into basic forms, whereas AI doesn't simplify and instead guesses where hand-like pixels should be.
  • 🔍 The quality and quantity of data used to train AI models greatly impact the accuracy of the generated images.
  • 🔄 AI art models are improving, but there's still a long way to go, especially with intricate details like hands.
  • 💡 Solutions to improve AI art include increasing the computing power to train on more images and using human feedback to fine-tune the models.

Q & A

  • Why is it challenging for AI art models to create realistic hands?

    -AI art models find it difficult to create realistic hands due to the complexity and diversity of hand structures, limited and lower quality data available for training compared to other subjects like faces, and the low margin for error in accurately representing human hands.

  • How do humans naturally learn to recognize and draw hands?

    -Humans learn to recognize and draw hands through pattern recognition, gained from observing hands in various contexts throughout their lives. Artists further refine this skill by simplifying complex hand structures into basic forms and studying the underlying rules of hand anatomy and function.

  • What is the 'museum' analogy used to explain AI learning?

    -The 'museum' analogy describes AI as being trapped in a museum from birth, learning solely from the images and descriptions it sees, similar to how humans learn but without the ability to physically interact with or observe objects from multiple perspectives.

  • How do AI models differ from human artists in their approach to drawing?

    -Human artists simplify complex subjects into basic forms and learn the underlying rules to accurately represent them, while AI models rely on pattern recognition from the data they've been trained on and do not inherently understand the functional aspects of what they're creating.

  • What are the three big reasons AI art models struggle with hands?

    -The three big reasons are the data size and quality, the varied functionality and positioning of hands, and the low margin for error in accurately representing hands, which are all compounded by the fact that AI models do not have the same inherent understanding of hands as humans do.

  • How might AI art models improve their depiction of hands in the future?

    -Improvements can be achieved by increasing the quantity and quality of hand-related data used for training, and potentially by incorporating human feedback to fine-tune the models, similar to how ChatGPT was developed using human ratings of generated sentences.

  • Why is there a low margin for error when it comes to depicting hands in AI art?

    -There is a low margin for error with hands because they are complex structures that are immediately recognizable and have specific functions. Inaccurate depictions stand out and are easily identified as incorrect by viewers.

  • What are some other subjects that AI art models might struggle with?

    -Other subjects that AI art models might struggle with include teeth, abs, and any other areas where there is a pattern or a large amount of a specific element. This is because AI models may not have been trained on enough data to understand the rules governing these elements.

  • How do AI art models currently learn to create images?

    -AI art models learn by analyzing vast amounts of image data and associated descriptions, recognizing patterns and learning to generate new images based on those patterns. This process is similar to human learning but lacks the physical interaction and multi-perspective understanding that humans have.

  • What is an example of progress made by newer AI art generators with hand depiction?

    -Midjourney version 5, a newer AI art generator, has shown some improvement in the depiction of hands, indicating that ongoing development and refinement of AI models can lead to better results over time.

  • What are some areas where AI art models might outperform human artists?

    -AI art models might outperform human artists in creating natural scenery and other subjects where there is a vast amount of data available for training, as they can process and learn from this data more efficiently than humans.



🤖 AI Art's Struggle with Hands

The paragraph discusses the challenges AI art faces when depicting hands. It explains that despite AI's ability to create complex images like a post-apocalyptic giraffe astronaut or a glam David Bowie-like Abraham Lincoln, it struggles with something as seemingly simple as a woman holding a cell phone. The core issue is that AI learns through pattern recognition, much like humans, but without the tactile experience of the world. AI is likened to a person trapped in a museum, learning from images and placards but unable to interact with or understand the depth of what it sees. This results in AI-generated hands that may look good in terms of light and texture but fail in terms of form and function. The paragraph also touches on the concept of artists learning to draw by simplifying complex objects into basic forms, which is a process AI does not go through, leading to its inability to simplify and understand the intricacies of hands.


📈 Data Challenges and Solutions in AI Art

This paragraph delves into the reasons behind AI's difficulty with hands, highlighting three main factors: data size and quality, the versatility and complexity of hands, and the low margin for error. It points out that compared to the abundance of data for faces, there is a scarcity of hand data used in training AI models. The data that does exist often lacks detailed annotations that explain the function and positioning of hands. The paragraph also discusses the diversity of hand positions and actions, which complicates the learning process for AI. It contrasts this with the standardized nature of many other subjects AI is trained on, like faces in portrait photos. The discussion includes examples of AI-generated images with imperfections that are acceptable for some features but not for hands, emphasizing the high standards we hold for hands and the low tolerance for error. The paragraph concludes with potential solutions to improve AI's ability to draw hands, such as increasing the amount of data AI is trained on and using human feedback to fine-tune the models, similar to how ChatGPT was developed. This could involve people ranking the quality of AI-generated images, thereby training the AI to produce images that better align with human preferences.



💡AI art

AI art refers to the creation of visual or graphic art using artificial intelligence systems. In the context of the video, AI art is portrayed as a rapidly evolving field that can generate a wide variety of images, yet still struggles with certain complexities, such as accurately depicting hands. The video explores the limitations and potential of AI art, highlighting the current challenges in its ability to understand and represent the human form accurately.

💡Pattern recognition

Pattern recognition is the process by which a system or an individual recognizes a combination of elements or characters that make up a certain pattern. In the video, it is explained as the foundational method both humans and AI use to learn and understand the world around them. Humans develop pattern recognition through life experiences and observing the world, while AI relies on data and image recognition algorithms to identify and replicate visual patterns.

💡Data size and quality

Data size and quality refer to the amount and the precision of the data used to train an AI model. High-quality data in sufficient quantity is crucial for the AI to learn and make accurate predictions or representations. In the context of the video, the scarcity of high-quality hand data leads to AI-generated images with unrealistic hand depictions, as the AI has less to learn from and thus produces less accurate results.

💡Generative art models

Generative art models are AI systems specifically designed to create new and original forms of visual art. These models use complex algorithms and machine learning techniques to generate images or patterns that did not exist before. The video discusses the challenges these models face, particularly in generating realistic human hands, due to the intricacies of the subject matter and the limitations of the training data.

💡Low margin for error

Low margin for error refers to a situation where even small mistakes or inaccuracies can lead to significant issues or a loss of quality. In the context of AI-generated art, this concept is applied to the depiction of hands, where the AI's lack of understanding of the functional anatomy of hands results in noticeable and often unrealistic errors. The audience has a high expectation for the accuracy of hand depictions, thus a low margin for error exists.

💡Simplification of forms

Simplification of forms is a technique used by artists to break down complex subjects into basic shapes and structures, making them easier to understand and represent. This process allows artists to capture the essence of a subject while focusing on key elements and忽略 less critical details. In the video, it is mentioned as a contrast to how AI learns and generates images, as AI does not simplify forms in the same way and instead relies on pattern recognition from data.

💡Diversity and bias

Diversity and bias in AI refer to the range of data the AI is trained on and the inherent preferences or tendencies the AI may develop as a result. Diversity in training data is crucial for AI to avoid biases and to better understand the variety of possible outcomes. The video discusses how the AI's lack of bias in certain areas, such as the number of fingers on a hand, leads to inaccuracies because it hasn't learned the standard or typical patterns that humans expect.

💡Human feedback

Human feedback is the process of using input from people to improve or fine-tune AI systems. By incorporating human judgement and preferences, AI models can be adjusted to better align with human expectations and standards. In the video, it is suggested that human feedback could help improve AI-generated art, particularly in areas where the AI struggles, such as accurately depicting hands.

💡Computing power

Computing power refers to the ability of a computer or AI system to process and handle large amounts of data and complex tasks. In the context of AI art, increased computing power allows for the training of AI on larger datasets, which can potentially lead to more accurate and realistic AI-generated images. The video discusses the need for more computing power to overcome the limitations in AI's current ability to generate certain subjects.


Fine-tuning is the process of making small adjustments to a machine learning model to improve its performance on a specific task. In AI art, this could involve adjusting the model based on human feedback or additional data to generate images that more closely align with human expectations and standards. The video suggests that fine-tuning could be a solution to improve the accuracy of AI-generated hands and other detailed elements.

💡Human-like understanding

Human-like understanding refers to the ability of an AI system to comprehend and process information in a way that closely resembles human cognition. In the context of the video, it highlights the current limitations of AI in understanding the functional aspects of human anatomy, such as how hands work, which leads to unrealistic depictions in AI-generated art.


AI art struggles with depicting hands, even when it can create complex scenes like a post-apocalyptic giraffe astronaut or Genghis Khan playing a guitar.

The difficulty in drawing hands is not just a glitch but reveals deeper insights into how AI art works.

Humans learn to recognize patterns by observing the world, whereas AI learns from the data it is trained on, akin to being trapped in a museum.

AI can create detailed images like apples or skyscrapers because it relies on pattern recognition from vast datasets.

Artists simplify complex objects into basic forms, unlike AI, which doesn't simplify and instead focuses on patterns.

AI's challenge with hands stems from three main reasons: data size and quality, the versatility of hand movements, and the low margin for error.

There are more datasets available for certain features like faces compared to hands, leading to an imbalance in AI's learning.

Hands are more complex than faces as they can perform a wide variety of movements, increasing the difficulty for AI to accurately depict them.

AI-generated images may have inaccuracies like extra or missing fingers because the AI doesn't understand the underlying structure of hands.

People have high standards for hands in AI art, demanding perfection that AI currently cannot achieve.

AI art generators are improving over time, with newer versions like Midjourney version 5 showing progress in depicting hands.

AI art is not just about replicating human art but also creating new and engaging visuals that people appreciate.

Potential solutions for AI's hand depiction issue include increasing the amount of data for training and using human feedback to fine-tune the models.

AI models could benefit from a process similar to how ChatGPT was trained, using human ratings to improve the quality of generated content.

The challenge of depicting hands is not unique; AI also struggles with other pattern-based features like teeth and abs.

The key to improving AI art may lie in better understanding and incorporating human perception and pattern recognition into the training process.