Why This Tiny Island Has More People Than Russia

8 Aug 202220:48

TLDRJava, a small island in Indonesia, is the world's most populous island with over 148 million inhabitants, surpassing even Russia's population. This is largely due to its ideal conditions for rice production, including fertile volcanic soil, abundant rainfall, and a warm climate. The island's rich agricultural history and centralization of Indonesian civilization in Jakarta have contributed to its dense population. Despite its small size, Java's strategic importance and economic opportunities continue to attract people, making it a fascinating case study in modern human civilization.


  • 🏝️ Java is the world's most populous island, with over 148 million people, despite being only the 13th largest in terms of land area.
  • 🌋 Indonesia, where Java is located, is the most volcanically active country in the world, with 74 active volcanoes, 45 of which are on Java alone.
  • 🌍 Java's population density is partly due to its volcanic activity, which creates fertile soil rich in minerals from the earth.
  • 🌾 The island's agricultural fertility is further enhanced by its tropical climate, heavy rainfall, and warm temperatures year-round, making it ideal for rice production.
  • 🍚 Rice is a calorie-dense crop that can sustain a large population on less land compared to other staple crops like wheat.
  • 🤝 Rice farming is labor-intensive, encouraging larger populations and communities, which in turn can produce more food.
  • 🌱 Java's soil is continuously replenished by volcanic ash, allowing for abundant food production and supporting a large population.
  • 🏙️ Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, is one of the world's most populous cities, contributing to Java's high population density.
  • 🌐 Java's central role in Indonesian civilization and economy has historically attracted people from across the archipelago and the world.
  • 📈 Despite a slowing growth rate, Java's population is projected to remain the highest of any island for the foreseeable future.
  • 🔥 The historical importance of Indonesia's islands, particularly for their spices, has made them a focal point in global geopolitics and trade.

Q & A

  • What is Java's position in terms of size among the islands of Indonesia?

    -Java is the fifth largest island in Indonesia, with four other islands being larger than it.

  • How does Java's population compare to the populations of the four larger islands in Indonesia?

    -Despite being smaller, Java has tens of millions more people than all four of those larger islands combined.

  • Where does Java rank in the world for island population density?

    -Java is the world's most heavily populated island, with a population exceeding 148 million people.

  • How does Java's land size compare to Russia's?

    -Java is approximately 123 times smaller than Russia in terms of land area.

  • What is the significance of volcanoes in Java and Indonesia?

    -Indonesia is the most volcanically active country in the world, with 45 of its 74 active volcanoes located on Java. These volcanoes have both destructive and productive effects, influencing the region's agricultural fertility and civilization.

  • How do the tectonic plates beneath Java contribute to its volcanic activity?

    -The Indo-Australian tectonic plate borders the Sunda plate and is subducting beneath it, generating magma and creating volcanoes across Java.

  • What are the benefits of volcanic activity for agriculture in Java?

    -Volcanic eruptions release minerals that enrich the soil, making it incredibly fertile and productive for agriculture, especially for rice production.

  • Why is rice production particularly advantageous for Java?

    -Rice is a high-energy crop that can sustain more people per acre than other staple crops like wheat. Java's climate, fertile soil, and available labor make it an ideal location for rice farming.

  • How does Java's rice production contribute to its population growth?

    -Java's ability to produce three rice crops nearly every year supports a large population. The demand for labor in rice farming encourages larger populations, which in turn can produce more food.

  • What factors have led to Jakarta becoming the political and economic center of Indonesia?

    -Jakarta's central location on Java, which has abundant natural resources and agricultural benefits, has attracted people from across the archipelago and the world, leading to its development as a political and economic hub.

  • How does Java's population growth rate compare to Honshu's?

    -While Honshu's population has been steadily decreasing since 2008, Java's population growth rate remains significant, though slowing down, and it continues to increase.

  • What is the historical significance of the Indonesian islands in global geopolitics?

    -The Indonesian islands have been central to global geopolitics due to their valuable spices and strategic location. They have influenced global trade and drawn the attention of various empires throughout history.



🌍 Java: The Most Populated Island

This paragraph discusses Java, an island in Southeast Asia that is part of the Indonesian archipelago. Despite being only the fifth largest island in Indonesia and the 13th largest globally, Java has an incredibly high population of over 148 million people. This makes it the world's most populated island, surpassing even larger islands such as Honshu in Japan and Great Britain. The paragraph highlights the contrast between Java's size and population, noting that it has a higher population than Russia, the world's largest country by land area. The island's proximity to Australia and its demographic significance are also mentioned, emphasizing Java's status as a densely populated region. The paragraph sets the stage for exploring why this relatively small island supports such a large population.


🌋 Volcanoes: Java's Strength and Weakness

This paragraph delves into the role of volcanoes in shaping Java's civilization. Indonesia, where Java is located, is the most volcanically active country in the world, with 74 recently active volcanoes, significantly more than other countries. These volcanic activities, while deadly and destructive, are also responsible for the creation of the islands and the fertility of the soil. The subduction of the Indo-Australian plate beneath the Sunda plate generates magma, leading to volcanic eruptions that deposit minerals into the soil, making it highly fertile. This fertility has historically supported agriculture and population growth on Java. The paragraph also mentions the risks associated with living near active volcanoes, as exemplified by the proximity of Yogyakarta to Mount Merapi, one of the most active volcanoes on Earth.


🌱 Fertility and Agriculture: Java's Advantage

This paragraph explores how Java's geographic and geological features contribute to its agricultural prowess. The subduction of tectonic plates results in volcanic activity, which enriches the soil with minerals, making it ideal for farming. The island's location within the tropics ensures a warm climate and abundant rainfall year-round, conditions that are perfect for rice cultivation. Rice, being a high-energy crop, can sustain a large population on a relatively small amount of land. The labor-intensive nature of rice farming also encourages population growth, as it requires a significant workforce. Java's ability to produce three rice crops annually further supports its large population. The paragraph also contrasts Java with other islands like Borneo and New Guinea, which lack the volcanic activity that replenishes Java's soils, thus limiting their agricultural potential.


🌆 Economic and Cultural Growth of Java

This paragraph examines the historical and cultural factors that have contributed to Java's population growth and its significance in global geopolitics. The centralization of Indonesian civilization and culture around Java, particularly its capital city Jakarta, has attracted people from across the archipelago and the world. The island's natural agricultural benefits have made it a focal point for economic and societal opportunities. Java's population growth has been rapid and continues to increase, unlike other regions like Japan's Honshu, which has seen a decline. The strategic importance of the Indonesian islands, highlighted by their valuable spices and the historical interest of European empires, underscores their enduring global relevance. The paragraph concludes with a recommendation to listen to 'A Brief History of Indonesia: Sultans, Spices, and Tsunamis' on Audible for a deeper understanding of the region's history and its impact on the world.


🎧 Audio Recommendation: A Brief History of Indonesia

The final paragraph promotes an audiobook titled 'A Brief History of Indonesia: Sultans, Spices, and Tsunamis' as a captivating and engaging resource for learning more about the history of Southeast Asia's largest nation. The paragraph encourages the viewer to take advantage of a special offer on Audible, which includes a 30-day free trial and a free audiobook credit. By using the provided link or code, the listener not only gets access to a wealth of audio entertainment but also supports the creator of the video content. The paragraph highlights the convenience and versatility of Audible, transforming everyday tasks into enjoyable experiences through the power of audio storytelling.




Java is an island in Southeast Asia, part of the Indonesian archipelago. Despite being only the fifth largest island in Indonesia, it has a significantly higher population than the four larger islands combined. Its population exceeds 148 million, making it the world's most heavily populated island. The video discusses how Java, despite its small size compared to countries like Russia, has a much larger population due to various factors including its geology and agriculture.

💡Indonesian archipelago

The Indonesian archipelago refers to the collection of islands that form the country of Indonesia. This archipelago includes more than 17,000 islands, of which Java is a part. The archipelago's geographic location and diversity contribute to the varying population densities and economic activities across the islands.


Volcanoes are ruptures in the Earth's crust that allow hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from beneath the surface. Indonesia, including the island of Java, is the most volcanically active country in the world, with many of its volcanoes being among the deadliest and most destructive in history. However, these volcanoes also contribute to the fertility of the soil, making the land ideal for agriculture.

💡Mount Merapi

Mount Merapi is the most active volcano in the Indonesian archipelago, located on the island of Java. It is known for its frequent eruptions, which have caused significant loss of life and damage to nearby cities like Yogyakarta. Despite the risks, the volcanic activity contributes to the fertility of the soil, supporting agriculture and the island's population.


Agriculture refers to the practice of cultivating plants and livestock for food, fiber, and other products used to sustain and enhance human life. In the context of Java, agriculture is particularly focused on rice production, which is the main food staple and a significant factor contributing to the island's high population density.

💡Rice production

Rice production is the process of growing and harvesting rice, a staple food for billions of people worldwide. Java's climate, fertile soils, and abundant water supply make it an ideal location for rice cultivation. The high yield and nutritional value of rice contribute to the island's ability to sustain a dense population.

💡Population density

Population density refers to the number of people living in a specific area, typically measured in persons per square kilometer or mile. Java has one of the highest population densities in the world due to its limited land area and large population, which is supported by its rich agricultural output and historical development.

💡Tectonic plates

Tectonic plates are large slabs of the Earth's lithosphere that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath. The movement of these plates can lead to geological phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanic activity. In the case of Java, the subduction of the Indo-Australian plate beneath the Sunda plate generates magma and creates volcanoes, which in turn enriches the soil for agriculture.

💡Monsoon winds

Monsoon winds are seasonal wind patterns that bring significant rainfall to certain regions, particularly in South and Southeast Asia. These winds are crucial for agriculture as they provide the necessary water for crops, especially rice, which requires a lot of water to grow. Java benefits from the monsoon winds, which contribute to its abundant rainfall and support its agricultural productivity.


Labor-intensive refers to activities or processes that require a significant amount of human effort or work. Rice farming, as discussed in the video, is labor-intensive because it requires a large number of workers to plant, maintain, and harvest the crops, especially when using traditional methods. This has historically encouraged larger populations and families of farmers, which in turn supports the growth and sustenance of dense populations.

💡Industrial fertilizers

Industrial fertilizers are artificially created substances that provide essential nutrients to plants, enhancing their growth and productivity. Before the 19th century, agricultural practices relied on natural methods of fertilization, such as the use of volcanic ash from eruptions. The advent of industrial fertilizers changed agriculture by allowing for more efficient and large-scale food production, which has had a profound impact on population growth and sustenance.


Java, part of the Indonesian archipelago, has more people than all four larger Indonesian islands combined.

Java is the world's most densely populated island with over 148 million people.

Despite being the 13th largest island globally, Java has a higher population than Russia, the world's largest country.

Volcanoes, while destructive, are a significant source of Java's fertile soil due to the mineral-rich ash they eject.

Indonesia is the most volcanically active country, with 45 active volcanoes on Java alone.

Mount Merapi is the most active volcano in Indonesia, posing a risk to nearby cities like Yogyakarta.

Volcanic activity creates fertile soil that is continually replenished, making Java ideal for agriculture.

Java's location in the tropics and its heavy rainfall contribute to its ability to support large-scale agriculture.

Rice is a staple crop in Java due to its high energy concentration and ability to sustain large populations.

Rice farming in Java encourages a feedback loop of increased food production and population growth.

Java's agriculture benefits from fertile soil, warm temperatures, and abundant rainfall year-round.

Java produces three rice crops nearly every year, supporting its high population density.

The absence of active volcanoes in Borneo and New Guinea limits their agricultural potential compared to Java.

Java produces 56% of all of Indonesia's rice and contains more than half of the country's population.

Java's population growth rate remains high compared to developed nations, ensuring its status as the world's most populous island.

Indonesia's strategic importance and Java's agricultural benefits have attracted people from across the world.

The island's rich history and role in global geopolitics continue to grow, especially in the 21st century.

Indonesia's history is brilliantly captured in 'A Brief History of Indonesia: Sultans, Spices and Tsunamis'.