The Anti-Woke Grift is DYING - Grifters EXPOSING Themselves

10 Dec 202321:13

TLDRThe video discusses the declining popularity of anti-woke content on YouTube, highlighting examples of creators who have admitted to the trend or are experiencing reduced engagement. It suggests that the repetitive and outrage-driven nature of this content may be losing its appeal, and that channels focusing on negative narratives may need to adapt to maintain relevance.


  • 📉 The anti-woke content and rhetoric, particularly on YouTube, is experiencing a decline in popularity and viewership.
  • 🎥 Content creators who focused on criticizing 'woke' culture are starting to feel burnt out and are questioning the sustainability of this approach.
  • 🤔 The repetitive narrative of 'Disney dying' or 'Marvel failing' due to wokeness is losing its impact as it has not come true, leading to viewer fatigue.
  • 💭 There is a shift in audience interest, with less engagement in the culture war and more desire for substantive media criticism.
  • 🌪️ The 'chud apocalypse' refers to the potential downfall of anti-woke content creators who have relied on outrage to drive views.
  • 📉 Some channels are experiencing a decrease in views, subscriber count, and even losing subscribers, signaling a change in the YouTube landscape.
  • 🤝 Even within the anti-woke sphere, there are creators who are more focused on the art of criticism and genuine engagement with media.
  • 🚀 Successful channels have adapted their content to include more nuanced discussions and relevant media critiques while maintaining an anti-woke stance.
  • 🔄 The future of anti-woke content may require a more subtle approach, with less reliance on extreme viewpoints to maintain relevance.
  • 💬 Content creators are acknowledging the changing tides and are seeking input from their audience on what type of content they want to see moving forward.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme discussed in the video transcript?

    -The main theme discussed in the video transcript is the decline in popularity and relevance of anti-woke content creators on YouTube and the potential reasons behind this trend.

  • How does the speaker describe the typical content of anti-woke channels?

    -The speaker describes the typical content of anti-woke channels as focusing on the things they don't like, often fueled by outrage and negative reactions to topics like Disney, Marvel, feminism, and woke culture.

  • What is the term used in the transcript to describe the act of creating content solely to generate views and fuel outrage?

    -The term used to describe this act is 'the grift'.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the future of anti-woke content on YouTube?

    -The speaker suggests that the future of anti-woke content on YouTube might involve becoming more subtle in its promotion or potentially going more extreme, but also acknowledges that channels may need to adapt and change their approach due to the declining interest in this type of content.

  • What is the significance of the 'chud apocalypse' mentioned in the transcript?

    -The 'chud apocalypse' refers to the perceived decline in morale and engagement of anti-woke channels, indicating a shift in the audience's interest away from this type of content.

  • How does the speaker describe the change in Jeremy from Geeks and Gamers' attitude towards anti-woke content?

    -The speaker describes Jeremy as seeming to grow tired of the grift and beginning to distance himself from the anti-woke space, even admitting to the negative cycle of focusing on bad media rather than positive aspects.

  • What are some examples of anti-woke channels mentioned in the transcript?

    -Some examples of anti-woke channels mentioned include Geeks and Gamers, AR Outpost, Sha Diversity, Nights Watch, Young Rip, Melanie Mack, Heel Versus Baby Face, and the Critical Drinker.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the claims made by anti-woke channels about the downfall of Hollywood and woke media?

    -The speaker believes that these claims are baseless and have been repeatedly made for years without coming true, describing them as 'crying wolf'.

  • What are some reasons the speaker suggests for the decline in viewership of anti-woke content?

    -The speaker suggests that the decline could be due to观众 growing tired of the constant outrage and negativity, lack of nuance in discussions, or the possibility that the audience is moving towards more substantive and relevant content.

  • How does the speaker describe the tactics used by some content creators to regain relevancy?

    -The speaker describes tactics such as faking outrage, creating controversial topics, seeking sponsorships, and focusing on AI art as desperate attempts to regain viewership and relevancy.

  • What is the speaker's final conclusion about the trend of anti-woke content?

    -The speaker concludes that while the trend of anti-woke content might be experiencing a decline, far-right ideologies are not going away and content creators may need to adapt their strategies to remain relevant, potentially focusing on more subtle promotion or higher-quality content.



🎥 The Decline of Anti-Woke Content

This paragraph discusses the diminishing popularity of anti-woke content creators on platforms like YouTube, particularly focusing on channels that criticize mainstream media and pop culture. It highlights the shift in audience interest from content that solely focuses on criticizing 'wokeness' and suggests that these creators are struggling to maintain relevance. The speaker also shares his own experience of being sick, affecting the video's audio quality, and encourages viewers to engage with his other content and memberships.


🤔 The Focus on Criticism Over Appreciation

The paragraph examines the tendency of certain YouTube channels to concentrate on criticizing media they dislike, rather than celebrating the content they enjoy. It criticizes this excessive negativity and argues that it has been a driving force behind these channels' success for years. The speaker also points out the irony of these channels claiming to be fans of certain franchises, only to express outrage when these franchises introduce elements of diversity or 'wokeness'.


💬 Jeremy's Disillusionment with Anti-Woke Grift

This section focuses on a specific individual, Jeremy, who appears to be growing tired of the anti-woke content creation strategy. Jeremy is shown to be critical of the focus on negative media, rather than discussing the content that the creators genuinely appreciate. The paragraph also highlights the conversation around the success of certain long-running series like 'One Piece' versus the temporary attention that new episodes of 'Loki' receive, questioning why the channels do not focus more on the positive aspects of media.


📉 The Chud Apocalypse: Anti-Woke Channels in Decline

The paragraph delves into the concept of the 'Chud Apocalypse,' which refers to the observed decline in the success of anti-woke YouTube channels. It presents various examples of content creators who have admitted to the diminishing returns of their anti-woke content, either explicitly or implicitly. The speaker discusses the tactics these creators use to try to regain relevance, such as seeking viewer input or changing their content focus, and suggests that the anti-woke narrative may no longer be as effective as it once was.


🌪️ The Future of Anti-Woke Content

In the final paragraph, the speaker contemplates the future of anti-woke content in the face of its declining popularity. They suggest that while the ideology itself is not going away, the way it is presented on platforms like YouTube may need to evolve. The speaker posits that channels may need to either become more extreme or more subtle in their promotion of anti-woke ideologies. The video concludes with a call for viewers to share their thoughts on the topic and encourages them to like and subscribe for more content.



💡anti-woke content

Anti-woke content refers to media, particularly online, that criticizes or satirizes the 'woke' culture, which is associated with progressive views on social issues like racial equality and gender rights. In the video, it is discussed how this type of content, once popular, may be losing its appeal and relevance among audiences, as creators who focus on it seem to be experiencing a decline in viewership and engagement.

💡outrage clicks

Outrage clicks refer to the practice of creating content that is designed to provoke strong emotional reactions, typically negative, from viewers, with the goal of increasing views, engagement, and ultimately, ad revenue. The video suggests that this tactic, often used by anti-woke channels, might be contributing to a decline in their popularity as audiences grow weary of the constant negativity.


In the context of the video, 'grift' refers to the exploitative practice of certain content creators who capitalize on controversial topics or societal issues to make profit, often by promoting divisive narratives. The video argues that this approach is becoming less effective and is leading to a 'dying' trend in certain online media spaces.

💡YouTube algorithm

The YouTube algorithm is the set of rules and processes that YouTube uses to recommend and promote videos to its users. It is designed to maximize watch time and user engagement, often by suggesting content that aligns with a user's viewing history. In the video, it is implied that the algorithm has played a role in promoting anti-woke content, but that the effectiveness of this strategy may be diminishing as audience interest wanes.

💡culture war

Culture war refers to the conflict between different cultural values and beliefs, often along political or ideological lines. In the context of the video, it relates to the ongoing debate and polarization around 'wokeness' and anti-woke sentiments, with content creators taking sides and contributing to the broader cultural discourse.


Fandom refers to a group of fans who are passionate about a particular cultural phenomenon, such as a movie, TV show, or book series. In the video, the term is used to describe the community of viewers who engage with and support anti-woke content, suggesting that this group may be losing interest or shifting its focus.


Zeitgeist refers to the defining spirit or mood of a particular period as shown by the ideas and beliefs that are popular at the time. In the video, it is used to describe the prevailing trends and interests in the entertainment industry and online media, suggesting that the focus on anti-woke content may no longer align with the current cultural mood.


A narrative is a story or account of events and experiences, often constructed to convey a particular message or perspective. In the video, the term is used to describe how anti-woke content creators construct stories around minor incidents or comments to support their critical stance on 'woke' culture.


Clickbait refers to sensationalized or misleading titles, thumbnails, or descriptions used to attract clicks on online content, often with the primary goal of increasing ad revenue. In the video, it is suggested that anti-woke content creators rely on clickbait strategies to draw viewers in with the promise of controversial or provocative material.

💡content creators

Content creators are individuals or groups who produce and share various forms of content, such as videos, articles, or podcasts, often for the purpose of entertainment, education, or commentary. In the video, the term is used to refer to those who produce anti-woke content, and how their approach to creating content may be changing due to shifts in audience interest.

💡chud apocalypse

The term 'chud apocalypse' is a neologism used in the video to describe a perceived decline or downfall in the popularity and influence of anti-woke content creators. It suggests a significant shift in the online media landscape where the tactics and themes once used to attract audiences are no longer as effective.


Anti-woke content has been a loud voice in media, but interest is declining.

Examples of disinterest in anti-woke content have been pointed out.

Anti-woke channels focus on outrage over Disney, Marvel, and woke culture for views.

Channels like Geeks and Gamers thrive on negativity rather than discussing liked content.

Anti-woke space fuels outrage clicks instead of positive discussions.

Jeremy from Geeks and Gamers shows signs of burnout from anti-woke content.

The clip from Friday night tights reveals internal conflicts within anti-woke channels.

Anti-woke channels create narratives from minor news, fueling outrage.

Channels like The Quartering admit to struggling with content direction.

Film Gob ends channel due to exhaustion from the anti-woke content cycle.

Desperate attempts for relevancy among anti-woke channels are increasing.

Anti-woke content shows signs of 'Chud Apocalypse' with diminishing returns.

Channels are stagnating, losing views and subscribers.

Some anti-woke channels like Nerdrotic and Critical Drinker still find success.

Future of anti-woke content may need to become more subtle or face decline.