Physical Therapist FIXES His Shoulder Pain - So Can You!
TLDRJared Beckstrom,一位物理治疗博士,在视频中分享了他用来消除肩痛的拉伸运动。他坦诚自己过去一年也遭受肩痛困扰,但通过定期进行特定的拉伸运动,他的肩部状况得到了显著改善。他介绍了六个拉伸动作,包括下侧囊拉伸、内旋拉伸、门口低位和高位拉伸以及后肩拉伸等,每个动作持续15秒,共三组,旨在帮助缓解肩部疼痛和不适。
- 📝 视频由Jared Beckstrom博士提供,他是一位物理治疗师。
- 🤕 Jared本人也曾遭受肩痛困扰近一年时间。
- 🏋️♂️ 过度训练和没有足够休息是导致肩痛的原因之一。
- 🤸♂️ 定期进行特定的拉伸运动有助于缓解肩痛。
- 🚫 不是所有肩痛都相同,这些拉伸运动适用于过度使用引起的伤害。
- 👨⚕️ 若肩痛严重,应先就医检查,而非直接开始锻炼。
- 🔢 共有六种拉伸运动,每种持续15秒,间隔5秒,共做三组。
- 🧘♂️ 第一种拉伸是下侧囊拉伸,也称为过头拉伸。
- 🤲 第二种拉伸是内旋拉伸,也称为睡眠者拉伸。
- 🚪️ 接下来的两种拉伸是在门框处进行的,分别是低门框拉伸和高门框拉伸。
- 💆♂️ 后肩拉伸可以缓解后肩囊部位的紧张。
- 🛋️ 最后一种拉伸是顶部肩部拉伸,使用桌子辅助进行。
Q & A
Jared Beckstrom在视频中提到他是什么职业?
-Jared Beckstrom在视频中提到他是物理治疗师。
Jared Beckstrom遭受了多久的肩部疼痛?
-Jared Beckstrom提到他遭受了近一年的肩部疼痛。
🏋️♂️ 肩痛治療與伸展運動介紹
這段視頻腳本由Jared Beckstrom博士介紹,他是物理治療師,分享了他用來消除肩痛的伸展運動例程。他坦承自己雖然是物理治療師但也遭受肩痛的困擾,並解釋了造成肩痛的原因是過度訓練和不夠休息。他強調在開始任何運動或健身例程之前,應該先諮詢醫生,尤其是對於嚴重的肩痛情況。在視頻中,他將展示六種伸展運動,並詳細解釋每種運動的正確姿勢和效果。這些運動對於因過度使用造成的傷害非常有效,可以幫助改善肩部活動性和減少疼痛。
🤸♂️ 詳細的伸展運動示範與說明
在這段腳本中,Jared Beckstrom博士繼續他的伸展運動示範,並提供了詳細的指導。他介紹了兩種門框伸展運動,分別針對不同部位的肩部肌肉。第一種是低門框伸展,可以拉伸肱二頭肌肌腱和肩部上方的肌肉;第二種是高門框伸展加外旋,可以拉伸緊緊的內旋肌。此外,他還展示了一種後肩部伸展和一種針對頂部肩部的伸展,後者對於緩解肩峰下衝突和肱二頭肌長頭腱炎非常有幫助。Jared博士強調了正確執行這些伸展運動的重要性,並希望這些運動能夠幫助觀眾改善肩痛問題。
Jared Beckstrom是一位物理治疗博士,他分享了一个拉伸运动来消除肩部疼痛。
视频最后,Jared鼓励观众点赞、评论,并订阅他的频道tone and tighten来获取更多有关缓解肩痛的视频。
what's up guys hey Jared Beckstrom here
doctor of physical therapy tone and
tighten calm and in this video I wanted
to show you the stretching routine that
I used to eliminate my shoulder pain
let's do it right now
all right full disclosure yes I am a
physical therapist and yes I have had
shoulder pain for almost a year now and
it sucks and it's horrible and I know
exactly what it is and I know exactly
what I should be doing about it but do I
do it no again I'm a physical therapist
I tell other people to do it I don't do
it myself honestly you guys so what
brought it on it was overtraining it was
lifting too heavy without significant or
without enough rest between days it
wasn't until I started to perform these
exercises regularly that that shoulder
started to feel better I would do some
rotator cuff strengthening stuff but
honestly as soon as I jumped into this
regular stretching routine it made all
the difference in the rule for me so
that's my goal and shooting this video
today I want to be able to help you guys
out of some of the shoulder pain and
shoulder discomfort that you might be
experiencing now quick caveat before we
jump right into these not all shoulder
pain is created equally it's not all
caused by the same thing these stretches
work great for overuse type injuries
however if there's anything more severe
than that if there's anything more
significant going on you should go get
that checked out before jumping into
this or any exercise or workout routine
let's jump into this you guys I've got
six stretches that I'm going to share
with you right now I'm going to run
through them with you real time we're
gonna hold each one for 15 seconds
there's a five-second break between each
one and then we're gonna do three sets
of each one of those stretches each one
of those exercises so again I've got you
right here we're in my living room this
is where I would do these exercises this
is how I would do these exercises so
that being said I'm going to go ahead
and we're gonna get down into the first
exercise first one is an inferior
capsule stretch basically an overhead
stretch that you can do on the ground I
found this to be a little more tolerable
it's started on this what you're going
to do is get into this hall meal
position bring the bad hand over with
your palm up the other hand secures you
at the wrist and then I'm going
sit down and back into this position
right here my goal I'm gonna hold this
for 15 seconds so it's just like this a
nice comfortable stretch okay there it
is there's your first 15 seconds the
goal is I want you to fill that in this
spot right here here's our second 15
seconds so we're gonna get down into
this stretch and hold for 15 seconds I'm
sitting down and back and pulling my
right arm kind of up and away my left
anchors my right wrist there's your
second 15 seconds five-second break and
one more time this is a great we call
this an inferior capsule stretch it gets
tight on everybody this is a great way
to stretch that out so this is my third
15 second hold and then we're gonna jump
into an internal rotation stretch so
this sleeper stretch is number two get
into this position and now I'm just
gonna apply some gentle pressure to the
back of my wrist pushing my hand down in
this position right here honestly this
is the one that made the world of
difference in treating my shoulder pain
and discomfort so there's our first 15
seconds keep your shoulder blade touch
down so tuck your shoulder blade down
your elbow comes out your elbow stays at
a 90 degree angle as you're getting into
that position right there just a gentle
pressure with my left hand on the back
of my right wrist until a comfortable
stretch is felt there's my second 15
seconds five-second break and then third
15 seconds I feel that one a lot in the
back of my shoulder a little bit in the
top of my shoulder those are the areas
that were going for this is my last 15
seconds on this internal rotation
stretch this is this is stretching all
the external rotators in your shoulder
we're in two stretches in the doorway
first one is a low doorway stretch get
into this position right here in my
hands are anchored in the door back
behind me chest is high and I'm leaning
onto my front foot right there in that
position that's the first one let's do
let's do two more of those the goal here
and I especially felt this one you give
this one a lot in your biceps tendon you
get this one a lot in your superior
shoulder kind of right where that
rotator cuff attaches if you've got a
lot of pain that you experience there's
our second fifteen seconds one more time
looks just like this if you've got a lot
of pain and again I give a lot of pain
from just a bench pressing too heavy too
much too regularly I was working really
hard at increasing weight on the bench
press that's what led to a lot of the
anterior shoulder pain that I was
experiencing this is a great stretch for
that it gets that chest kind of the PEC
tendon as well next let's move into a
doorway stretch that's more for the
rotator cuff so a high doorway stretch
with some external rotation is what
we're going to call this one position is
very close to the same or in a little
four three two one more segment just
like that my forearms are on the
doorframe are the whole forearms my
elbows are just a little bit lower than
shoulder height and then I'm just trying
to lean my head forward lean my whole
torso and my whole body forward to
stretch out that shoulder
I feel that all through my chest
especially through my tech tendons but
then I'm also getting into this
externally rotated position to stretch
my tight internal rotators and so this
is my last one right here looks just
like that we're coming we're coming hard
and fast you guys I don't know I don't
ever die don't ever explain my way
through these so I hope that we're
hitting on the points that we need to
hit on I hope that these help you to
feel better there's my third fifteen
seconds right there next we're gonna do
posterior shoulder stretch my right arm
goes right across my body left hand
grabs my right elbow and I'm pulling in
that direction right there I'm gonna
hold that one comfortably for 15 seconds
three two and one and there the left you
should feel that on the right along the
back of the shoulder this is for that
posterior capsule part of your shoulder
that gets tightened a lot of people it's
that posterior and inferior capsule they
get tight on a lot of people this is my
second 15 seconds and really affects the
mechanics in the shoulder as I'm holding
this there's two and then we've got one
more and so when we run through these so
we stretched the bottom part of the
shoulder we stretched the inside and the
outside this is kind of a back part of
the shoulder the last one that I'm going
to run you guys through is going to be
for the top of the shoulder three two
one and now to do that I've got this big
heavy table what I'm going to do is hook
my hand right underneath it and then
just try to spin so I'm trying to
actually kind of stand up lean away from
the table slightly I want to feel a
stretch basically from the base of my
skull through the top of my shoulder all
the way down to about right there is
where I get that one there's your first
15 seconds and then honestly with this
one I'll even kind of need around a
little bit with it so I'll kind of get
into this position take a step forward
turn it into that position as you change
the angle of that pull you can kind of
change where you feel that in your
shoulder looks just like that there's my
second 15 seconds a lot of what I had
going on was impingement or
supraspinatus tendon itis and this
really helped to target that
supraspinatus that's your rotator cuff
muscle that comes over the top of your
shoulder and down really helped me to
really help me to target that area as I
stretched and as I pulled through there
I think I've street okay okay so I'm
getting the nod from my way
sorry hey you guys so there you have it
super simple six stretches that
hopefully help to improve your shoulder
mobility and decrease some of the pain
or discomfort that you might be
experiencing these were things that
absolutely helped me to help my shoulder
to feel better I hope that you find the
same experience with them go ahead and
let me know hit that thumbs up button
leave me a comment down below if you
like this video if you haven't
subscribed already to tone and tighten
I'd love to see you back for more future
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circle button right here if you want
some more videos that will help you with
your shoulder pain here's two more of my
favorites right here on my channel and I
hope to see you again soon right here on
tone and tighten
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