Valyrian steel: who has the swords that can defeat white walkers?

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30 Apr 201718:10


TLDRThe video script delves into the lore of Valyrian steel weapons in the 'Game of Thrones' universe, highlighting their significance in the fight against the supernatural White Walkers. It discusses the unique properties of these blades, their rarity due to the lost art of their creation following the Doom of Valyria, and the notable swords such as Longclaw, Ice, Oathkeeper, Widow's Wail, Blackfyre, and Dark Sister. The narrative explores the history and potential future roles of these weapons, including speculation on how they may factor into the storyline, such as the possibility of Longclaw being the legendary Lightbringer. The summary also touches on the political implications of possessing these swords and the intrigue surrounding lost Valyrian steel, such as the quest for Brightroar and the potential for hidden blades to surface and influence the power dynamics in Westeros.


  • 🗡️ The primary threat in Season 7 of Game of Thrones are the Others, also known as the White Walkers, who possess an army of the dead and are impervious to normal weapons.
  • ❄️ White walkers can be killed with dragonglass or Valyrian steel, the latter being a rare and precious metal with superior qualities to regular steel.
  • 🔥 Valyrian steel swords are few and each has a unique history, with only about twenty mentioned in the books, often serving as treasured heirlooms of noble houses.
  • 🏰 Longclaw, a Valyrian sword, is symbolic of Jon Snow's identity and is expected to play a significant role in the fight against the White Walkers.
  • 🌌 Heartsbane, a greatsword of House Tarly, has a storied history and may potentially be used to study the secrets of Valyrian steel.
  • ❌ Ice, a Valyrian steel greatsword of House Stark, was melted down by Tywin Lannister and reforged into two swords, Oathkeeper and Widow’s Wail.
  • 👑 Blackfyre, the sword of Aegon the Conqueror, is an important symbol of Targaryen political legitimacy and has a history of rebellion associated with it.
  • 📚 The Valyrian steel knife that was used in an assassination attempt on Bran Stark is later carried by Petyr Baelish, symbolizing his deceit and betrayal.
  • 🧙‍♂️ Dark Sister, a sword with a slender blade, was wielded by Queen Visenya and later by Daemon Targaryen, and its current whereabouts are unknown.
  • 🗡️ There are several other Valyrian swords mentioned with varying degrees of prominence, such as Red Rain, Nightfall, and the swords used during the Dance of the Dragons.
  • 🏰 Valyrian steel is highly valued and its scarcity is emphasized by the fact that even powerful figures like Tywin Lannister struggle to acquire it.

Q & A

  • What is the main threat to Westeros in Game of Thrones Season 7?

    -The main threat to Westeros in Season 7 is the Others, also known as the white walkers, and their army of the dead marching on the Wall to bring a 'night, that never ends'.

  • What are the two known ways to kill a white walker?

    -The two known ways to kill a white walker are with a blade of dragonglass or with a blade of Valyrian steel.

  • What is special about Valyrian steel?

    -Valyrian steel is a special kind of metal that was made in Valyria hundreds of years ago. It is used to make swords that are sharper, stronger, and lighter than regular steel blades. The secret of making Valyrian steel was lost when Valyria was destroyed in a mysterious Doom.

  • Which Valyrian sword is most associated with Jon Snow?

    -Longclaw is the Valyrian sword most associated with Jon Snow. It is a bastard sword, fitting Jon's perceived status as a bastard.

  • What is the significance of the sword Ice in the story?

    -Ice is the Valyrian steel greatsword of House Stark. It is a ceremonial sword that is later melted down and reforged into two smaller swords, Oathkeeper and Widow’s Wail, by Tywin Lannister.

  • What is the name of the Valyrian sword that Sam Tarly brings to the Citadel?

    -The Valyrian sword that Sam Tarly brings to the Citadel is called Heartsbane.

  • Who was the original owner of the Valyrian sword Blackfyre?

    -The original owner of the Valyrian sword Blackfyre was King Aegon Targaryen, the Conqueror.

  • What is the significance of the sword Dark Sister in Targaryen history?

    -Dark Sister is significant as it was wielded by Queen Visenya during Aegon's Conquest and later by Daemon Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons. It is also associated with the Targaryen civil war.

  • What is the name of the Valyrian sword that is believed to have been lost during an expedition to Valyria?

    -The Valyrian sword believed to have been lost during an expedition to Valyria is called Brightroar.

  • Which character is speculated to potentially wield the sword Dark Sister in the future?

    -Arya Stark and Meera Reed are speculated to potentially wield the sword Dark Sister in the future.

  • What is the role of Valyrian steel in the potential war against the white walkers?

    -Valyrian steel is crucial in the potential war against the white walkers as it is one of the two known substances capable of killing them. With the number of white walkers, Westeros might need all the Valyrian steel weapons available.

  • What is the connection between the Valyrian knife in the story and the War of the Five Kings?

    -The Valyrian knife is connected to the War of the Five Kings because an assassin attempted to kill Bran Stark with it. Littlefinger falsely claimed the knife belonged to Tyrion Lannister, leading to Tyrion's arrest and indirectly sparking the War of the Five Kings.



🗡️ Valyrian Steel Swords in Game of Thrones

This paragraph discusses the significance of Valyrian steel swords in the series. The Others, or white walkers, pose a significant threat to Westeros, and these swords are among the few weapons capable of killing them. Valyrian steel is described as a special metal, lighter and stronger than regular steel, and was made in Valyria until the secret was lost. The paragraph lists several notable Valyrian steel swords, including Longclaw, Heartsbane, and Ice, and their historical and potential future roles in the series.


🏰 Historical Valyrian Swords and Their Legacies

This section delves into the history and legacy of Valyrian swords, such as Blackfyre, which was used by Aegon the Conqueror and later became a symbol of Targaryen legitimacy. The paragraph also mentions the First Blackfyre Rebellion and the famous duel between Daemon Blackfyre and Gwayne Corbray. It speculates on the potential reappearance of Blackfyre and its impact on the political landscape. Other swords like Dark Sister and Lady Forlorn are also discussed, along with their wielders and the events they were involved in.


🗡️ Valyrian Swords and Their Current and Speculative Future Roles

The paragraph explores various Valyrian swords and their current whereabouts, as well as speculation on their future roles in the story. It discusses the potential for characters like Meera and Arya to wield significant swords like Dark Sister. The paragraph also touches on the lost sword Brightroar and the quest to find it. It mentions other Valyrian swords like Red Rain and Nightfall, which are in the possession of ironborn characters, and speculates on their possible significance in the broader narrative.


🔪 Valyrian Steel's Impact on the War of the Five Kings and Beyond

This part of the script focuses on the role of Valyrian steel in catalyzing the War of the Five Kings and its potential future impact. It recounts the story of a Valyrian steel knife used in an assassination attempt on Bran Stark and how it led to the arrest of Tyrion Lannister. The paragraph also discusses other Valyrian weapons, including swords used in the Dance of the Dragons, and speculates on the possible use of these weapons in the fight against the white walkers. It concludes with a nod to The World of Ice and Fire for further exploration of the histories and backstories of the series.



💡White Walkers

White Walkers, also known as the Others, are supernatural beings in the 'Game of Thrones' series. They are depicted as a formidable threat to the realm of Westeros, leading an army of the dead. These ice demons are super-strong, super-angry, and their swords can shatter steel, making them immune to normal weapons. They are central to the theme of the video as the primary antagonists in Season 7, and their presence drives the narrative around the need for special weapons to combat them.


Dragonglass, mentioned in the script, is a type of obsidian that is one of the two known substances capable of killing the White Walkers. It is significant to the video's theme as it highlights the urgency and the unique nature of the materials needed to fight the supernatural threat posed by the White Walkers. The mention of a video about dragonglass suggests its importance in the lore and the war to come.

💡Valyrian Steel

Valyrian steel is a special type of metal that is sharper, stronger, and lighter than regular steel. It is one of the two materials that can kill a White Walker, as mentioned in the script. The rarity and the historical significance of Valyrian steel, lost to time after the Doom of Valyria, make it a key element in the narrative of 'Game of Thrones'. It is tied to the main theme of the video as it discusses the swords made from this metal and their potential roles in the story.


Longclaw is a specific Valyrian steel sword wielded by Jon Snow, a prominent character in 'Game of Thrones'. It is a bastard sword, slightly longer than a normal longsword, and is symbolic of Jon's identity. The keyword is integral to the video's theme as it discusses the significance of Valyrian steel swords and their backstories. Longclaw's potential to be the legendary sword Lightbringer adds depth to Jon Snow's character and the overarching plot.


Heartsbane is the Valyrian steel greatsword of House Tarly, mentioned in the context of Samwell Tarly's family. The sword is significant as it is tied to the honor and legacy of House Tarly, and its potential future use adds intrigue to the storyline. The keyword is relevant to the video's theme as it explores the history and future implications of Valyrian steel weapons.


Ice is the Valyrian steel greatsword of House Stark, which is melted down and reforged into two swords, Oathkeeper and Widow's Wail, by Tywin Lannister. The transformation of Ice is symbolic and represents a shift in power and legacy. This keyword is central to the video's theme as it discusses the fate of Valyrian steel swords and their impact on the characters and the storyline.


Oathkeeper is one of the two swords made from the reforged Ice, given to Brienne of Tarth by Jaime Lannister. The sword is a symbol of Jaime's respect for Brienne and his commitment to keep his oath to Catelyn Stark. This keyword is important to the video's theme as it delves into the significance of the swords and their connection to character development and honor.

💡Widow's Wail

Widow's Wail is the other sword reforged from Ice, named by Joffrey Baratheon. The sword's name reflects Joffrey's cruel nature and its history is tied to the Lannister family's power and influence. This keyword is relevant as the video discusses the Valyrian steel swords and their roles in the power dynamics of Westeros.


Blackfyre is a legendary Valyrian steel sword associated with House Targaryen and is a symbol of rightful kingship. Its history, including its use in rebellions and its connection to the Blackfyre Rebellion, is tied to the legitimacy and politics within the Targaryen dynasty. This keyword is significant to the video's theme as it explores the historical and political implications of Valyrian steel swords.

💡Lady Forlorn

Lady Forlorn is a Valyrian steel sword with a storied history, used in various significant battles, including the duel between Daemon Blackfyre and Gwayne Corbray. The sword's name and history make it an important piece in the narrative of 'Game of Thrones', and it is relevant to the video's theme as it discusses the historical weapons and their potential future roles.

💡Dark Sister

Dark Sister is a Valyrian steel sword originally wielded by Queen Visenya Targaryen and later by Daemon Targaryen. The sword's path through Targaryen history and its potential future use, particularly in relation to Arya Stark, is a point of speculation. This keyword is integral to the video's theme as it examines the historical significance and potential future impact of Valyrian steel weapons.


The Others, or white walkers, pose a significant threat to Westeros in Game of Thrones Season 7 with their army of the dead.

White walkers are super-strong, super-angry ice demons whose swords can shatter steel and are immune to normal weapons.

Two known ways to kill a white walker are with a blade of dragonglass or a blade of Valyrian steel.

Valyrian steel is a special metal used to make sharper, stronger, and lighter swords than regular steel.

The secret of making Valyrian steel was lost when Valyria was destroyed in a mysterious Doom.

Valyrian blades that remain are very valuable and are often the treasured heirlooms of noble houses.

Longclaw is a notable Valyrian sword used by Jon Snow, symbolic of his identity.

Heartsbane is the Valyrian steel greatsword of House Tarly, with a storied history.

Ice was the Valyrian steel greatsword of House Stark, reforged into two swords by Tywin Lannister.

Oathkeeper and Widow's Wail are the two reforged Valyrian swords made from Ice.

Blackfyre is a famous Valyrian blade that symbolized Targaryen political legitimacy.

Lady Forlorn is another historical Valyrian blade, used in the wars of the Andals and Robert's Rebellion.

Dark Sister is a slender Valyrian blade associated with Targaryen women, including Visenya and Daemon.

Brightroar is a lost Valyrian sword that House Lannister bought before the Doom of Valyria.

Red Rain and Nightfall are Valyrian swords held by ironborn leaders, with potential connections to House Reyne.

An assassin's Valyrian steel knife plays a key role in starting the War of the Five Kings.

There are over 180 Valyrian swords mentioned in the series, many with rich backstories and potential future roles.



It looks like the big threat to Westeros in Game of Thrones Season 7 are the Others, or


white walkers, with their army of the dead , marching on the Wall to bring a “night


that never ends” . These guys are a… problem, cause the walkers are not only super-strong,


super-angry ice demons, but their swords can shatter steel – they seem immune to normal


weapons . There are just two known ways to kill a walker – one is with a blade of dragonglass


– go watch that video – and the other way is with a blade of Valyrian steel – we


see this in Season 5 , and it’s also hinted in the books . Valyrian steel is a special


kind of metal, used to make swords that are sharper, stronger and lighter than blades


of regular steel . The steel was made in Valyria hundreds of years ago, but when Valyria was


destroyed in a mysterious Doom, the secret of making Valyrian steel was lost . So the


Valyrian blades that remain are really valuable – there are a couple of hundred of them


in Westeros , but only about twenty are mentioned in the books.


Most are the treasured heirlooms of noble houses, handed from generation to generation


through the centuries . Lots of these swords have great backstories and histories, and


some of them may play a role in the war with the walkers to come.


So let’s have a look at the Valyrian blades of Game of Thrones.


Probably the most obvious Valyrian sword is Longclaw, the sword used by Jon Snow.


Longclaw is a bastard sword, which means it’s a bit longer than a normal longsword . This


is also pretty fitting given that Jon is a bastard – or he’s believed to be a bastard,


but that’s another story.


Longclaw is given to Jon by Jeor Mormont, whose family held the sword for hundreds of


years . Jeor originally gave Longclaw to his son Jorah, but Jorah dishonoured the family


by selling slaves and fleeing Westeros.


He leaves the sword though , so Jeor gives it to Jon.


It’d be interesting to see Jorah’s reaction if he ever sees Jon with his family’s sword.


But with its bastard blade and white wolf pommel, Longclaw is very symbolic of Jon’s




It’ll no doubt play a big role in Jon’s fight against the white walkers, and the sword


might even tie in to the prophecies about a hero called Azor Ahai who’s expected to


lead the fight against the walkers with a flaming sword called Lightbringer – that’s


what Stannis and Melisandre try to emulate.


There are theories suggesting that Jon’s sword Longclaw might somehow become the true


Lightbringer, to be the fire and the light needed to face the darkness and cold.


Another sword that appears in the show is Heartsbane, the Valyrian steel greatsword


of House Tarly . Randyll Tarly makes a big deal of how he doesn’t want his fat cowardly


son Sam inheriting the fabled blade Heartsbane, which is part of the reason why Randyll forces


Sam to join the Night’s Watch . Heartsbane does have a long history – a few hundred


years ago, an outlaw from Dorne called the Vulture King was stopped when men led by a


Savage Sam Tarly hunted him down, using Heartsbane to slay dozens of Dornishmen . There’s a


pretty good chance our Sam was named after this historical Savage Sam.


In the books, Heartsbane is held by Randyll Tarly , who’s known as one of the great


soldiers of Westeros . In the show, Sam visits home and takes Heartsbane from Randyll, bringing


it with him to the Citadel, the sorta Hogwartsy university of the maesters.


Which could play out in some interesting ways.


Maybe Sam and the maesters could study Heartsbane, try to unlock the secrets of Valyrian steel,


or maybe find more Valyrian blades.


But whatever happens at the Citadel, Randyll will want his sword back.


Another important sword is Ice, the Valyrian steel greatsword of House Stark . Ice is really


big, apparently too big to use in battle – it’s more of a ceremonial sword . Ned Stark uses


it to execute Gared at the start of Book 1 – and near the end of Book 1, Ilyn Payne


uses it to execute Ned . So the Lannisters end up with Ice, and Tywin Lannister decides


to melt Ice down and reforge it into two smaller swords.


Cause while no one knows how to make new Valyrian steel, some skilled smiths can reforge it


into new forms – in this case Tywin hires the armorer Tobho Mott – who happens to


be the teacher of Gendry.


So some people speculate that Gendry knows a thing or two about Valyrian steel .


But yeah Ice is melted down and forged into two smaller swords – Tywin gives one to


his son Jaime, and the other to his grandson Joffrey.


Joffrey names his sword Widow’s Wail, because he’s a nasty little shit, while Jaime does


something more meaningful.


He names his sword Oathkeeper, and gives it to Brienne.


Cause remember, Jaime swears an oath to Catelyn Stark that in return for being set free, Jaime


would return to her Sansa and Arya.


So Jaime gives Brienne Oathkeeper to uphold this oath on his behalf, to defend “Ned


Stark’s daughter with Ned Stark’s own steel” . The sword is also symbolic of the


respect Jaime has for Brienne – he used to hold her in contempt, but now he gives


her a “sword fit for a hero”.


Joffrey, meanwhile, uses his Valyrian sword to slay a book and then a pie, and then he


dies . The sword then presumably then goes to Joff’s brother Tommen, though in the


show Tommen’s dead too – so it’s not clear who’ll use the sword next.


Widow’s Wail is now the only known Valyrian sword in the city of King’s Landing – surely


it’ll come in handy sometime.


So those are major Valyrian swords that appear in the story – there are also some interesting


historical ones.


Perhaps the most famous Valyrian blade is Blackfyre . Blackfyre was the sword of King


Aegon Targaryen, the Conqueror who first took over Westeros.


Aegon was a great warrior , and used Blackfyre in the battles that founded the Targaryen




Each king after Aegon bore his sword , so Blackfyre became an important symbol of Targaryen


political legitimacy – if you had the sword, you were seen as the rightful king.


That’s why it was so shocking when King Aegon the Fourth, one of the worst Targaryen


kings, gave Blackfyre to one of his bastard sons, Daemon . Daemon took Blackfyre as his


house name, and later claimed to be the rightful king, beginning a war for succession called


the First Blackfyre Rebellion . The great battle of this rebellion was at the Redgrass


Field, where Daemon used Blackfyre in a duel against Gwayne Corbray, who had his own famous


Valyrian blade , called Lady Forlorn.


It’s said they fought for near an hour, and each time Blackfyre and Lady Forlorn clashed,


you could hear the sound from leagues away – “half a song and half a scream” . Eventually


Daemon won the duel, but then he was killed by arrows from his half-brother Bloodraven,


who by the way, is the same guy who later becomes a tree god and teaches Bran how to


magic – more on him later.


So Daemon died on the Redgrass Field, but his Blackfyre ancestors continued to rebel


against the Targaryens for years , and all of this began partly because Aegon the Fourth


gave the Conqueror’s sword to his bastard son.


The sword represents being the rightful king , but for the hundred years or so, no one


seems to know where the sword is.


Which could have implications for the schemes of Varys and Illyrio.


In the books, Varys and Illyrio have this crazy complex conspiracy to put a kid called


Young Griff – who they say is Aegon the Sixth – on the Iron Throne – go watch


that video.


But basically there’s evidence that this Aegon kid might actually be a Blackfyre, a


descendent of Daemon.


So it’s very interesting that in a reading by George Martin of a draft version of a chapter


from Dance, Illyrio mentions a gift for Young Griff, and a “sword”, and “things Griff


must know”.


Fans speculate that Illyrio may have Blackfyre, the fabled blade of Aegon, and will give it


to Griff to grant him political legitimacy as a king.


This is very speculative, but could make a lot of sense – it’d solve the mystery


of what happened to Blackfyre, and would tie present plots to the past in a really cool




So yeah, Blackfyre is important, and Lady Forlorn is also a thing.


After the duel at the Redgrass Field, the sword returned to House Corbray, and a hundred


years later, Lyn Corbray used it in Robert’s Rebellion, killing Prince Lewyn Martell of


the Kingsguard.


Lyn is now involved in the plots in the Vale, working with Littlefinger, but it’s not


clear if he can be trusted . Lyn’s a dangerous man , violent, and possibly a paedophile , depending


on how you interpret this line about “boys” . But yeah that’s what’s happening with


Lady Forlorn now.


Historically, there was also a sword called Lady Forlorn used in the wars of the Andals


in the Vale, but apparently that may’ve been a different Lady Forlorn?


People keep naming swords after famous older swords, which confuses things, but anyway


– Another important Targaryen sword is called


Dark Sister.


While Aegon the Conqueror had Blackfyre, his sister Queen Visenya had Dark Sister, a “slender


blade” designed for a female warrior . Visenya used the sword during Aegon’s Conquest,


when she wasn’t roasting people with her dragon.


And many years later, Dark Sister went to Daemon Targaryen, the “rogue prince”,


who used the sword during the Dance of the Dragons – the big Targaryen civil war.


During a mid-air dragon battle with his nephew Aemond One-Eye, Daemon leapt from his dragon


onto Aemond’s dragon, and drove Dark Sister through Aemond’s one good eye , before both


men and their dragons fell from the sky and died.


This is why we need a Game of Thrones prequel movie, guys.


After Daemon, Dark Sister went to Aemon Targaryen, the famous Dragonknight said to be one of


the greatest and noblest knights that ever lived – he’s the namesake of Maester Aemon




And after the Dragonknight, Dark Sister went to a man called Brynden Rivers, or Bloodraven


. Bloodraven really needs his own video, but basically he was a king’s bastard, a spymaster,


sorcerer , Hand of the King, he killed Daemon Blackfyre at the Redgrass Field, had a relationship


with Shiera Seastar – who might possibly be Quaithe?


– then Bloodraven joined the Night’s Watch, became Lord Commander, went north and finally


became a tree wizard man, the guy who’s known in the show as the three-eyed raven.


But the question here is – what happened to the sword Dark Sister?


Did Bloodraven bring it with him to the Night’s Watch – like Jeor did?


And if he did, is the sword in the cave where Bloodraven trains Bran?


If so, it’s possible that Bran’s friend Meera might take up the sword – it’s designed


for a woman’s hand, after all.


In fact, some people think that in the show, she already has it – she does grab a sword


from the cave in in Season 6.


Another possibility is for Dark Sister to go to Arya.


Needle is cool and all, but surely a ninja assassin like Arya should have a storied Valyrian


sword like Dark Sister – Arya herself kind of is a ‘dark sister’.


This is all wild speculation, but given the history and importance of Dark Sister, it


seems likely that the sword will reappear in the story.


Another lost Valyrian sword is Brightroar.


House Lannister bought Brightroar for a huge amount of gold before the Doom of Valyria


. But a hundred years later, after Valyria was destroyed, King Tommen Lannister went


on an expedition to plunder its ruins.


He took Brightroar with him – and “never returned” . House Lannister lost one of


its most valuable treasures, which always frustrated Tywin when he led House Lannister.


So at one point, Tywin’s younger brother Gerion went on a quest to find Brightroar,


but he never returned either – go watch the Gerion video.


But in the end, Tywin got his Valyrian sword in the form of Ice, which he made into Oathkeeper


and Widow’s Wail.


By the way, in the books those swords are coloured red, Tywin has the metal dyed to


a sorta rippling Lannister crimson, cause Tywin’s all about that house pride family


legacy stuff.


Anyway the next couple swords are owned by ironborn – there’s Red Rain and Nightfall.


Red Rain is a Valyrian sword held by Dunstan Drumm , the Lord of Old Wyk.


He whips it out at the Kingsmoot and recounts how his ancestor, Hilmar Drumm the Cunning,


famously took Red Rain from some knight, armed only with his wits and a cudgel.


And there’s a theory that that the knight who Drumm took Red Rain from might have been


from House Reyne , a family in the westerlands who Tywin Lannister wiped out.


The Reynes have a red lion for their sigil, and their name is Reyne, so Red Rain is a


fitting name in more ways than one.


And the westerlands have historically been raided by ironborn , so it makes a lot of


sense for the Drumms to have taken Red Rain from the Reynes.


In Book 4, Drumm is on raids with Red Rain in the reach.


Nightfall is Valyrian sword held by the knight Ser Harras Harlaw.


Harras supports Asha or Yara Greyjoy at the kingsmoot , though Euron later kinda steals


him from her by making Harras a lord . The sword Nightfall was historically wielded by


the infamous ironborn raider Dalton Greyjoy , called the Red Kraken for all the blood


he shed . It’s said Dalton loved three things, the sea, women, and his Valyrian sword Nightfall


. It’s not clear how Red Rain and Nightfall will tie into the broader story of Thrones,


but some speculate that King Euron might take these swords from their owners – in the


books Euron has a set of armour made of Valyrian steel, he might wanna complement that with


a Valyrian sword or two.


Also Nightfall is a pretty appropriate name for someone who is low-key trying to cause


a Lovecraftian blood magic apocalypse type situation, which, he is – we’ll have to


explain that in another video.


Euron is scary.


But another Valyrian blade that’s had a big impact on the story is not another sword,


but a knife.


In Book and Season 1, an assassin tries to kill Bran Stark with a knife of Valyrian steel.


Catelyn takes the blade to King’s Landing, and Littlefinger tells her the knife is Tyrion’s


– so Catelyn, thinking the dwarf tried to kill her son, arrests Tyrion, which kicks


off the War of the Five Kings.


Thing is, the real culprit behind the catspaw is Joffrey – Littlefinger lied about the


knife in a deliberate attempt to cause war.


After betraying Ned Stark and profiting off the downfall of his family, Littlefinger carries


the Valyrian knife in later books – shamelessly wearing a symbol of his lies and betrayal.


Now, in the books, Sansa in the Vale with Littlefinger and the knife – some people


speculate that Sansa will use the knife to kill him, destroying Littlefinger with the


same blade he used to destroy her family.


There’d be a great poetry to that – though things’ll prolly go differently in the show.


There are a few more Valyrian swords that were used in the Dance of the Dragons, the


Targaryen civil war from a hundred years ago.


Lamentation is a sword carried by a guy called Willum Royce.


He got caught up in the Storming of the Dragonpit, when a rioting mob of common folk killed some


chained-up dragons.


In all the violence and the chaos, Willum Royce and his sword were lost . There was


also Bold Jon Roxton and Ormund Hightower, who bore the swords Orphan-Maker and Vigilance


. Roxton was killed , and we haven’t heard from his family since, but the Hightowers


are still around, so they might have Vigilance at Oldtown – where Euron may be closing




There are a few more Valyrian blades that are only briefly mentioned in the text.


Some soldier from Lys had a Valyrian sword called Truth , the Celtigars of Claw Isle


are said to have a Valyrian steel axe , and a guy called Caggo has a Valyrian steel arakh


– one of those curvy Dothraki scythey things – which is apparently rare in Valyrian steel


. Caggo is a captain of the Windblown mercenaries, so he’ll be involved in the story ahead.


And finally, there are a bunch of Valyrian daggers among the treasure Euron presents


at the Kingsmoot.


It’s a little weird the way these are off-handedly mentioned , as though a buncha Valyrian blades


is no big deal – maybe Valyrian daggers are more common than the swords are, though


you’d think, that if so, someone like Tywin could buy a bunch of Valyrian daggers and


reforge them into the sword Tywin so desperately wanted for so long.


The true value and rarity of Valyrian steel is not very clear.


But regardless, this is every Valyrian blade mentioned in Game of Thrones.


Longclaw and Heartsbane, Ice, Oathkeeper and Widow’s Wail, Blackfyre, Dark Sister, Lady


Forlorn, Brightroar, Red Rain and Nightfall, the swords of the Dance, Littlefinger’s


dagger and this other miscellaneous stuff too.


There are more swords out there somewhere of course – bout a hundred and eighty more


– and Westeros might need them all to win the war against the walkers.


Thanks for watching.


If you wanna learn more about the histories and backstories of Thrones, you might like


to read The World of Ice and Fire, George Martin’s worldbook, which is all about this


sorta stuff.


There’s a link to buy it below, which supports this channel at no extra cost to you.


Some of this art is from The World of Ice and Fire, other pieces are by Amok, and kethryn,


check the description for details.


Thanks to the translators for translating captions, and thanks to the Patrons for making


Alt Shift X possible, including James Beagles, Yelda Aktuna, Avery Calvert, Rufus T Firefly,


Suikoshiningforce2, and Hodor Targaryen.



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Valyrian SteelGame of ThronesLongclawWhite WalkersWesterosSwordsFantasyHistoricalWarTargaryenNoble Houses
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