Yes! I Finally Did It | 0 to 102 BROKE FC (Episode 5) - FC MOBILE
TLDRفي هذا الفيديو، يعود الرائع RK مع حلقة جديدة من بروك FC 0200 Series، يركز على تطوير حساب جديد بدون إنفاق أي أموال حقيقية. يبدأ الفيديو بعرض الحزم الجميلة التي حصل عليها، بما في ذلك اللاعبين غير القابلة للتداول مثل McGregor و bajio، بالإضافة إلى Socrates. يظهر RK أيضًا اللاعبين القابلين للتداول مثل Stefan d r، والذي بدا بقيمة 55-60 مليون عملة ولكن تم بيعه في النهاية بـ 40 مليون عملة. يحتوي الفيديو على تحديات مثل محاولة ترقية فريق RK ليصل إلى 100 OV، ويُظهر RK كيفية استبدال اللاعبين وتحسين التقييمات. ينتهي الفيديو بفوز فريق RK بنتيجة 4-1 في مباراة head to head، مما يحقق الهدف الأساسية من السلسلة.
- 🎮 يبدأ الفيديو بمقدمة من القناة ووصف للسلسلة الجديدة من بروك ف.C 0200 Series.
- 💰 يوضح القناة أنه سيحاول الوصول إلى تصنيف 100 OV بدون إنفاق أي أموال حقيقية.
- 📈 في الحلقة السابقة، توقف القناة عند تصنيف 98 OV مع 130 مليون عملة.
- 📦 يظهر القناة الحزم الجيدة التي حصل عليها، مع الأسف بعض الحزم حذفت عن طريق الخطأ.
- 🤔 يشير القناة إلى أنه لم يتمكن من استبد اللاعبين غير القابلة للتداول الذين حصل عليها، لأنها ليست كافية لبدء في ال11 الأساسية.
- 💰 يشير إلى أنه استثمرت جميع جواته في حزم لا يمكن تداولها، ولكن لم يحصل على لاعبين يناسب تركيزه.
- 📈 يشير القناة إلى أنه حصل على لاعبين مثل McGregor وBajio وSocrates، ولكن لم يضع لاعبين مثل Hurricane في ال11 الأساسية بسبب عدم تناسب نمط لعبه.
- 💰 يذكر القناة أنه استطاع بيع لاعب مثل Stefan D.R بقيمة 40 مليون عملة، بعد أن قعد الأسعار تساقط.
- 📈 يوضح القناة أنه استخدم جواته في حزم 2000 جوة ولكن لم يحصل على لاعبين مثيرين للاهتمام.
- 🤝 يشير القناة إلى أنه استبدل لاعبين مثل Robertson وPhilip Lam في فريقه لزيادة تصنيفه.
- 📈 يحقق القناة تصنيف 100 OV بعد عدة محاولات لتحسين فريقه وبيع لاعبين آخرين.
- 🤔 يشير القناة إلى أنه سيحاول بناء فريقه من 100 مليون عملة وزيادةها إلى 200-300 مليون عملة في الأشهر المقبلة.
Q & A
-RK提到他在上一集中的评分停止在98 OV(Overall Rating)。
-RK展示了他得到的球员,包括McGregor、Bajio、Socrates、Ultimate Team的96评分的Hurricane以及Stefan D。
-RK提到他卖掉了Stefan D,卖了大约4000万硬币。
RK在视频中提到他是如何达到100 OVR的?
-RK通过购买和升级球员,如Philip Lam、Eric Canona和Veron,最终达到了100 OVR。
-RK提到他的账户在World Class 3等级的联赛中。
😀 开始新视频:Broke FC 0200系列
RK回归频道,开始新的Broke FC 0200系列视频。该系列的目标是在不花费真实货币的情况下,建立一个总评分达到100的新账户。上一次视频以98的总评分和1.3亿硬币结束。RK展示了他获得的一些包裹和不可交易的球员,尽管一些包裹意外被删除了。他还提到了由于时间不足,上一个视频发布已经有一段时间了。在视频中,RK展示了他开启的包裹,包括15000个不可交易的包裹,以及他用宝石购买的包裹。他获得了一些球员,如McGregor和Bajio,但也有一些球员如Ultimate Team的96评分球员并不完全适合他的游戏风格。他还提到了一个交易成功的球员Stefan D R,以及一些其他的包裹,包括一个墨西哥2000宝石的包裹和一些欧洲冠军联赛(UCL)的包裹。
😐 账户升级和球员交换
RK讨论了他如何通过出售球员和使用硬币来升级他的账户。他提到了账户当前的总评分为98,并且他有1.73亿硬币。RK展示了他通过里程碑获得的一些球员,包括Socrates、Jamie Vardy和Veron。他还提到了UCL包中的一些球员,如Rodrigo和一些免费获得的球员。RK计划通过交易和升级球员来提高他的总评分,包括将Philip Lam卡放入阵容中,并考虑是否使用Veron。他还提到了通过出售Caris Alberto获得的3310万硬币,并计划用这些硬币来购买和升级其他球员,如Eric Canona和Stefan D。
😃 成功达到100总评分并进行比赛
RK成功地将Stefan D升级到99评分,并且通过购买和升级Veron,他的队伍达到了100总评分。他提到了在不花费任何真实货币的情况下,通过交易和升级球员来建立账户的挑战。RK展示了他的新队伍,并讨论了每个球员的评分和特点。他还提到了他的账户在World Class 3级别,并且由于管理多个账户,他没有太多时间来玩头对头的比赛。视频以RK和他的对手Messi进行的一场比赛结束,RK的队伍以4-1赢得了比赛。
😁 视频结束和观众互动
RK以赢得比赛的胜利结束视频,并鼓励观众订阅他的频道并观看下一个视频。他强调了Eric Canona在比赛中的表现,并提到了球队的总评分达到了100,同时表达了对达到这一里程碑的满意。RK还提到了他希望继续通过交易来增加他的硬币数量,并期待在未来几个月内达到200到300万硬币。
💡Broke FC 0200 Series
💡Untradeable Player Packs
💡Headed Strikers
💡Rank Up
💡Free to Play
💡Head to Head Match
💡World Class 3
💡Match Runners
RK returns with a new video in the Broke FC 0200 Series, aiming to reach an overall (OV) rating of 100 without spending real money.
He starts with an OV of 98 and 130 million coins, showcasing the good packs he has obtained.
A few packs were accidentally deleted, but RK will show every untradeable player packed over the days.
RK opens a 15,000 untradeable pack and discusses the strategy behind spending gems on untradeable player packs.
He gets McGregor and Bajio from a big pack, but is initially disappointed as they are not good enough for his starting 11.
RK packs Socrates, a 95-rated player, and discusses the impact of high-rated card releases on the market.
He spends 10,000 gems on a 2,000 gem pack and gets Loan, which he considers not a great pack.
RK sells a tradable player, Stefan D, for 40 million coins, which he considers a decent return on his gem investment.
He acquires Robertson, a highly rated left back, and successfully ranks him up to 99, integrating him into the team.
RK sells Capia for 17.7 million coins and calculates that he needs an additional +8 rating to reach 100 OV.
He claims a free semi-final pack in the UCL, getting Vinia and other players, but is not planning to use Vinia in his team.
RK performs a 90 to 95% exchange and is disappointed with the outcome, as it's the least possible card he could get.
He makes significant upgrades to his team, including replacing Caris Alberto with Philip Lam for a higher OV.
RK decides to replace Ginola with Eric Canona, a legendary striker, and successfully purchases him for 84.5 million coins.
He brings in Stefan D as a center back and successfully ranks him up to 99, improving the team's defense.
RK calculates that he is one OV short of 100 and decides to bring in Veron to reach the 100 OV mark.
After ranking up Veron to 90, RK successfully achieves a 100 OV team on a free-to-play account without spending real money.
He concludes the video with a head-to-head match, showcasing the new team and their performance in a 4-1 victory.
yo RK gang what's going on it's your boy
RK back with another amazing video on
this channel it's time for another
episode of broke FC 0200 Series so if
you're new to my Channel or you never
seen a video in this series basically on
a brand new account without spending any
real life money I have to reach 100
overr so that's the main objective of
this series cuz and in the previous
episode I stopped at 98 OV with 130
million coins so I'm going to show you
all the good packs I've got
unfortunately a few of the packs they
got deleted accidentally but I'm going
to show you every untradeable player
that I packed in the in all these days I
know it's been a while since my previous
video came out that's because I'm not
getting enough time to grind on this
account guys but anyways hopefully on
today's video we're going to reach that
100 over Mark and I'm quite excited for
this okay guys that's enough of talking
now let's go and have a look at some of
my best packs I've had in the last few
weeks I have opened this 15,000
untradeable pack all the gems I get I
just spend on these untradeable player
packs and in return I don't really get
someone who is in good enough to I mean
start in my starting 11 I mean you know
to get into my starting 11 and this is
what I got I got McGregor at first I was
disappointed because that was a big pack
but luckily I've got bajio in the same
pack but you know what guys before bajio
I packed socus guys yeah 95 R in the 87
9 exchange and this is the next big pull
I've got one of the best uh not best
really but one of the highest headed
players highest headed Strikers which is
Ultimate I mean it's htable mentions
harricane it's not Ultimate Team off
there 96 over here he's very good but
unfortunately doesn't really suit my
gameplay style so I haven't put him in
my starting 11 yet and I'm not sure what
pack is this but let's have a look so
it's Mexico I think this is a 2,000 gem
pack guys yeah I I spent all my 10,000
gems on this 2,000 gem pack so yeah I've
got Loan in the first one okay that's
not really the great pack let's have a
look at the next pack here we go it's a
workout okay and yeah this is the big
one by the way yeah I got one good pull
guys one good tradable pull which is uh
yeah Stefan d r at the time he was going
like 55 million or 60 million coins
something around that but I was not able
to sell him because as soon as he use
this gem packs all the big high rated
cards prices uh you know they started
dropping a lot still I I was able to
sell him like 40 million coins at the
end which is not at all bad so that's
decent amount of coins especially for
the gems I've spent and this is the
third pack so let's have a look at the
third pack as well Dutch once again it's
go key but this time it's bow or bigo or
whatever so yeah so we also got I mean
nothing good really there apart from him
so I rest all packs there were not
really up to the mark to be honest but I
just want to show you all these so the
next one is fr
sentiment okay that's a stai player yeah
and it is yeah I don't know how to spell
his name so yeah I'm I'm just not going
to spell his name to be honest so we got
the sentiment player from from France
let's move on to the next one this
happened just before I was about to
record guys I did a park offline and
this is what I got so I had to read re I
mean you know you can look you can click
at watch again right so I clicked on
watch again to record the to regard the
walk out animation so Robertson here we
go 968 left pack is what we got 44.5
milli milon coins worth that's actually
very good pull because he's going
straight into my team and this is the
next pack I open I accumulated like
2,000 gems so this is what I got from
that so England right back and that's
zad I thought it was Kyle Walker for a
second but yeah Crystal Palace that gave
away uh what's the final outcome and
then guys coming to the UCL yeah all of
this happened right before I was AO to
record the video I claimed that because
you can claim the semi-final pack for
free so if you go to oblock or D or
something like that that means you're
walking with a big fat W but that's
I mean my luck is not up to that Mark
but still I got a decent pull which is
vinia I don't think it's going to go
into my team though unfortunately uh so
we got Kai Howard Gish Danilo Pereira hu
and David Rya ala so this is what I got
and I also attempted this 90 to 9%
exchange and all of this I have done off
screen guys so yeah uh this is not my
live reaction or something I'm just
having a look at the video bites I have
and I got team over onner very
disappointed because that's the least
possible related card you can get from
The Exchange and I put in a lot of order
for the exchange guys so I was very
disappointed now it's time to make the
first big upgrade so I'm going to bring
in Robertson and I think I'm going to
rank him a rice guys so yeah 99 over
here till then till then I'm going to
take him too let's go and the first is
always 100% probability so here we go
and it's a success 100% probability is
always a success guys so 97 Roberts in
is here let's move on to the next one so
97 to 98 now uh it's a 100% success
obviously that's guaranteed 98 playoff
from now on we have the probability
coming into play so 50% probability and
and that's a success as well guys so not
at all bad 99 rated Robertson is here
you know what let me just train him up
real quick and I'll be back I'm going to
boost his defending guys so yeah I'm
going to boost his defending stats uh so
let's have a look at his stats real
quick so he's got 120 Pace 18 defense
and 98 physical so not at all bad so I
think he's going to replace my C we also
reached 99 over here with that guys so
not at all bad so we did a great job but
now guys I'm going to try my best to
take this team to hovia I sold my Capia
for of 17.7 million coins and coming to
the team I have just calculated guys I'm
8 overr at least I mean you know I'm at
least 8 overr far away from 100 overr I
mean so that means I need plus eight
rating from my players anyways let me
just show you all the best untradeable I
packed apart from what I showed today
this socer disc card I packed this Jamie
Wy card and Veron card from this
Milestone I was quite happy with that
but you know what I don't really want to
use Jamie Vy but Veron might probably
make it into the team and we got Rodrigo
from the UCL packs before so yeah the
two previous objectives of U UCL packs
we got insign car everyone got it for
free so andri uh so we got some few
other players decent players that's it
but the big Pulsa Socrates and Jamie
vardan were on these three are the only
packs which which footage was deleted by
mistake but anyways yeah these are my
all the players I've got now we got to
work out to take this team to 100 over
here and also I've got 173 million coins
right now so not at all bad so the first
thing I want to do is in the Centurion
even we got a brand new Philip lamb card
so I want to claim it guys so let's go
and claim the Philip Lam card I think
it's in the road to growth so here we go
948 right back and I think he's going to
replace Caris Albert I know Caris Albert
is better for sure but for the sake of
rating I think I have to go with uh yeah
Philip Lam I'm going to skip the walkout
animation and yeah let's go Place him in
the right back position and it's time to
sell the 94 96 St Caris Alberto the
ranked version and also I got to rank
him up guys in order to retain the 99
over here a few match Turners wasted
here but that's absolutely fine guys
first we got to reach the over your mark
you know after that I'm going to start
trading aggressively guys yeah and also
recently EA has not bought too many
exchanges so there's not really big
scope for trading and yeah I'm a lazy
Trader guys I don't really like to buy
thousands of players of the same players
something like that yeah anyways let's
go and try our best come on please be a
success now that's a failure that's a
failure I I think I just wasted one
there okay let's go again come on please
yeah it's a success guys so I just used
the usual to so rank up level to yeah
three ranks now it's 97 rated card and
we are at 99 oia to in order to reach
100 oia we got to make a few uh you know
sacrifices as well guys I'm going to
show you the sacrifices obviously 33.1
million coins for kis Alberto so chiao
Callis Alberto you have been a great
player for my club so it's time to bring
on Philip Lam from now on and the next
change I want to do is rude H I think
he's got to leave I mean you not really
leave completely but he's going to be on
my bench guys but for the sake of the
rating you know I need Veron I think I
have I have to rank up Veron as well or
else let me just check the price of the
Veron card maybe you know let's think
about this p last but yeah if if I bring
on Veron and if I rank him up by three
I'm going to get plus two rating from
this card plus two upgrade uh so that's
good uh so yeah we got plus one in the
right back portion the next potion which
I can improve is definitely this Jola
portion I know he's a great card he's
definitely still one of the best
strikers in the game and the next change
I want to bring in is the center back
hanaro anyways before we do that let me
just sell my car Alberto wait did I sell
him I think I did sell him so yeah he's
got sold and we got 30 million coins
extra let's go search for Striker guys I
need high rated striker but cheaper ones
van Baston might be the good pick for us
he might be a great pick in fact so 95
million coins for this 100 rated van
Baston so I think he might be good or
else I can even go for Rudy Waller which
is a great card guys by the way but he's
very expensive he's too expensive for us
let me check at other options hurri
kanane oh is is expensive guys I mean 77
million coins is fine but I don't really
want to use a hurricane in my team
probably wait I think replacing one
friend Striker with another friend
Striker would be one of the best ideas
so I think I'm going to get this guy
Eric canona come on let's go 84.5 or
should I just you know I don't want to
hit the red ranked version guys I just
want to get this one you know 84.5 it's
a decent amount I'm paying here so let's
go and it's time to replace ginola card
with harricane temporarily and then I
can just bring on the 96 Eric canona
anyways let me just sell Chola here we
go with that I think we're not spending
a lot on Eric Canon extra uh so I'm
going to try to sell this guy for 64.5
million coins so after tax we are making
like 58 million coins or something like
that which is decent and the next change
we got to do is we we got to bring in a
center back gu obviously our Center back
canaru is's good but nothing spectacular
and also his rating is kind of big
downside for us so let's go and search
for a good Center back in the market I
should probably Target for high rated oh
my God this guy is so freaking cheap his
dropped more even more guys he was
actually cheaper before maybe who among
Thiago Silva who among Thiago Silva and
Stefan D I think oh both got same Pace
you know I don't really care about
passing you know physical is very
important for me and also height is very
important so D is 189 whereas tho is 183
you know what let's just get Stefan D
let's just get this guy you know what
I'm just going to get the base card and
probably upgrade him that might be right
idea let's goore 31.5 million coins and
if you're wondering how I got all those
Matos I've been saving him for the last
2 months guys in the last episode I
spent a few and that's it since then I
haven't spent a single matcho he is also
giving lots of match runos for free so I
made like 20 to 25 maters easily and
also remember in the heroes event we all
have gotten lots of Matos for the for
free especially from those Heroes
missions as well Jola so so we are still
waiting for Eric canona so yeah D
welcome so he's going to enter the
center back position so we are making
very good progress today and welcome to
the team Stefan D rice so here we go
it's time to rank him up guys we're
going to just use a oh wait I don't have
a lot of match Runners actually I got
like 18 match runners in total but you
know what that's absolutely fine first I
want to reach the 100 over Mark that's
it 97 96 to 96 is always s it's always a
success so yeah here we go 97 D and then
98 and then yeah I'm going to take it
him to 99 guys that's the best I'm going
to take him to so yep here we go 90 D
and yeah you know what I'm just going to
go one I'm going to try to be a little
bit greedy and that's a failure guys no
way it's fine that's fine that's fine
I'm going to go again come on please
please be a success this time oh my God
so I'm I'm I'm actually wasted an extra
one okay here we go this should be a
success right yeah this is a success so
in total I haven't wasted a single match
remember the first rankup of I think
Robertson we did it with three match
Runners but this time we did five so
yeah it's all even guys what happened we
are at 908 over here I think it's
probably because of the hurricane so we
just got to get the striker and I think
we'll probably reach the 998 Mark guys
not at all bad we've been doing good oh
Eric Canon purchase is also successful
guys 90 Eric canona welcome to the team
and we're going to place him in the
striker position so let's go and not
here he's going to stay in the right
Striker position and you know what Eric
Canon is one of the best strikers in the
game guys so I don't really mind
replacing ginola with another legendary
Striker and we don't really reach over
here so let me do my quick math you know
I'm a Math Genius let me just calculate
how much o we are far away well guys
I've just done the math and I'm just one
o short of the next one guys so you know
what I think I should probably bring in
Hurricane no never mind that doesn't
really help anything uh but let me do
one thing probably I should bring in
Rodrigo no never mind I thought you know
I thought of bringing Rodrigo and
ranking him up so but that's not the
greatest ideas I think there's no other
choice but to replace rude but you know
what I want to spend something from the
market instead instead of just putting
it on weon I think we can definitely do
better better in the sentiment portion
guys so guys you know what I don't
really want to just blindly go and get
weon instead I just want to have a look
at the options right now in the market
so a 95 rated player is going to do the
job for us and Veron right now is going
for 41.5 so you know what I I don't
really want to spend much oners on him
so I think I'm just going to get his
three ranked card for 59 million coins
so or else let me just have a look at
other options as well or else maybe
turam is not at all a bad choice guys
turam might be a good choice so you know
what let's have a look at turam not
really a big variation in price between
tham and Veron I'm I'm actually confused
guys which one to go with so yeah I see
no other good option apart from Veron
guys honestly so let me just get his
41.5 million coin version for yeah I'm
just going to get this one and and I'm
going to probably use one Veron and one
asano to take him to 90 over here so
yeah let's do that I think that's a good
option 42.9 million coins so let's go
all right the purchase of Veron has been
successful and it's going to be the
final player on this team so let's bring
on weon guys and it's time to have a
look at the team overr oh wait oh I got
to rank him up never mind let's go
hopefully this is a success no that's a
failure no freaking way guys I just
wasted on Veron for nothing all right
here we go okay this is a success guys
so here we go so 99 Veron I mean 90
Veron let's have a look at the rating
now and yes we did it 100 over are on a
free to play con without spending any
money but you know what I'm this series
is not going to end here guys I'm just
going to try to build from this 100
million coins and hopefully I can I can
take it to at least 200 300 million
coins in the next few months you know by
trading little by little you know what
I'm I'm extremely happy that we made it
100 over here guys so now let's go and
play a head to it mat with this
beautiful looking Team guys all right
here we go we found our opponent and yep
by the way this is in this account is in
World Class 3 I'm not getting enough
time to grind any head to or versus
attack guys because I've got multiple
accounts I only play on one account most
of the time it's Messianic rest all
accounts I don't really play much we're
on that's nice good work good work come
on hello weon and that's beautifully
played by Elan and that's a goal ELO is
Silky Smooth guys he's tall but his
dribbling is so smooth and that's a
beautiful finish ah lots of Defenders
there but they just couldn't do anything
to stop a Lowa run so one Zer up already
guys so let's go
again oh wow my opponent replied back
instantly just took him 5 minutes to
reply that's a good goal as well so yeah
let's go let's keep it going I don't
mind considering a lot of as long it's a
good match you know it's a free kick to
my opening guys let me just change this
camera angle I'm going to go to one yeah
this is my favorite
lamb okay Eric canona is clear come on
canona you got to score this one come on
score this one and he scores it that's
easy peasy for Eric canona guys 45
minutes gone and we get into the lead
once again right before the halftime it
shouldn't have taken that much time to
be honest but you know we still got the
lead so it is what it is guys and that's
halim guys so 21 and by the way my
opponent's account name is Messi and
he's giving me a thumbs up so let's give
it back let's continue the second half
on let's go aloan he's
clear aloan he scores it so that's a
brace and that's assist by Eric Kona so
that was nice easy goal to be honest
weon well done full
on oh Eric Canon is
clear and we ended with the power shot
at the 89 minutes of the match so let's
go guys and by the way the Ser card
looks so good I mean he doesn't really
feel like an upgrade over the previous
Jola card but definitely I think he's
going to be great guys his physical his
strength everything seems very good and
yep we are winning with a comfortable
margin as well so I think we got some
extra time no we don't so yep guys 4-1
and we won the match so that's it I hope
you all have enjoyed this video if you
did make sure to subscribe to my channel
and go watch this video next
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