Eating on a German U-Boat in WW1

Tasting History with Max Miller
7 May 202421:09


TLDREn este episodio de 'Tasting History', se explora la dieta de los marineros alemanes a bordo de un submarino U durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, específicamente el menú que podría haber acompañado el lanzamiento del torpedo que hundió el Lusitania. Se presenta una receta de sopa de choucroute de 1915, adaptada de 'Kriegs Kochbuch', un libro de cocina de la época. La receta es sencilla y utiliza ingredientes básicos como mantequilla, harina, agua, vinagre, sal y choucroute. Además de la preparación de la sopa, el video ofrece un vistazo a las condiciones de vida en los submarinos, la evolución de los U-boats, y cómo los marineros obtenían sus suministros, a menudo a través del saqueo de barcos mercantes. Se narra con detalles anécdoticos y se ofrecen consejos para disfrutar la sopa con pan de centeno negro, un alimento popular en los U-boats.


  • 🍲 El script describe la experiencia de preparar y comer sopa de choucroute, un plato típico alemán de 1915, que podría haber sido consumido en un submarino U-boat durante la Primera Guerra Mundial.
  • 🚢 Se menciona que el submarino U-boat alemán que hundió el Lusitania tenía una cocina pequeña y dos áreas de comedor, una para la tripulación y otra para los oficiales.
  • 📚 El guion se basa en el 'Kriegs Kochbuch' o 'Libro de cocina de guerra', publicado en 1915, que contenía recetas básicas adecuadas para las condiciones de la guerra.
  • 🍞 Antes de partir, los submarinos U-boat estaban abarrotados de alimentos como embutidos, carne fresca, patatas, harina, huevos, mantequilla, leche, café, azúcar, té, salmón salado, guisantes, tocino y frutas enlatadas.
  • 🐑 A lo largo de la guerra, la tripulación tendría que encontrar maneras creativas de obtener alimentos frescos, como cazar ciervos en una isla deshabitada o robar mantequilla de un barril capturado.
  • 🍽️ La comida a bordo de los U-boats era a menudo insípida y aburrida, con una dieta predominantemente compuesta por alimentos enlatados, secados y en conserva.
  • 🐒 Se narra que algunos submarinos también tenían mascotas a bordo, como un perro llamado Maria, una dachshund negra, y un mono llamado Fipps, cuya afición por los huevos y las bananas era legendaria.
  • 🎄 Aunque la comida era a menudo precaria, había momentos especiales, como la Navidad, donde la tripulación se reunía para celebrar con lo mejor que tenían, como comida enlatada y bebidas especiais.
  • 🎖️ Se relata la historia de un cocinero llamado Miedtank, quien recibió la Cruz de Hierro por su servicio en el submarino, incluida su participación en un enfrentamiento armado.
  • 🍞 La sopa de choucroute se sirve con schwarzbrot, un pan de centeno oscuro popular en los submarinos, que a menudo se tenía enlatado pero a veces también fresco al comienzo de una misión.
  • 👨‍🍳 El guion también destaca la dificultad de cocinar en los U-boats, donde las condiciones eran extremas, con altas temperaturas y malas ventilaciones, lo que hacía que la comida se moldeara y se teñera con el olor a diesel.

Q & A

  • ¿Qué tipo de receta alemana de 1915 se utiliza para preparar el sopa de chucrut en el video?

    -El video utiliza una receta de 'Kriegs Kochbuch' o 'Libro de cocina de guerra', publicada en 1915, que indica seguir la receta anterior de sopa de pepinillo pero utilizando chucrut.

  • ¿Por qué las recetas del libro 'Kriegs Kochbuch' eran básicas durante la Primera Guerra Mundial?

    -Las recetas eran básicas porque la guerra comenzó en 1914 y el libro se publicó en 1915, antes de que las terribles escaseces de alimentos afectaran a Alemania, aunque aún así incluían ingredientes que se podrían encontrar en un submarino U-boat alemán.

  • ¿Cómo se describe el proceso de preparación del chucrut en la sopa según la receta del 'Kriegs Kochbuch'?

    -La receta indica que se deben batir la grasa y el harina, agregar el agua lentamente, y una vez que la sopa esté hervida, agregar el chucrut, sal y vinagre para sazonar.

  • ¿Qué ventaja ofrece HelloFresh según el video?

    -HelloFresh ofrece ingredientes frescos entregados a la puerta de cada uno, con recetas elaboradas por chefs, y todos los ingredientes llegan precalentados, evitando desperdiciar ingredientes y简化 la preparación.

  • ¿Cuál es el beneficio adicional que HelloFresh ofrece al suscritos que usan el código TASTINGHISTORYSWEET?

    -Al usar el código TASTINGHISTORYSWEET al suscribirse a HelloFresh, se obtiene un postre gratis en cada caja mientras esté activa la suscripción.

  • ¿Qué ingredientes se necesitan para preparar la sopa de chucrut como se describe en el video?

    -Se necesitan 2 cucharadas de mantequilla u otro tipo de grasa, 4 cucharadas o 30 gramos de harina, 1 y 1/2 litros de agua, 1 a 2 cucharadas de vinagre, sal y 2 a 3 tazas de chucrut.

  • ¿Cómo era la evolución de los submarinos U-boat alemanes durante la Primera Guerra Mundial?

    -En 1914, Alemania tenía 20 submarinos U-boat en funcionamiento, la mayoría alimentados por queroseno. Sin embargo, al final de la guerra, habían construido más de 350 U-boats alimentados por diesel.

  • ¿Qué tan grande era un submarino U-boat promedio y cuántos torpedos tenía?

    -Un submarino U-boat promedio, como el U20, medía 210 pies de largo, 20 pies de ancho y 27 pies de alto, y tenía un total de siete torpedos que se disparaban desde dos tubos en la proa y dos en la popa.

  • ¿Dónde se almacenaban los alimentos en un submarino U-boat y cómo se organizaban?

    -Los alimentos se almacenaban en varios lugares, incluyendo debajo de las literas, colgados de tuberías, en el retrete, y si eran perecederos, en la cámara de municiones, que se mantenía más fría que el resto del submarino.

  • ¿Cómo afectaba el calor y la falta de ventilación a la calidad de los alimentos en los submarinos U-boat?

    -El calor y la falta de ventilación hacían que el interior del submarino se volviera como una selva tropical, con temperaturas que podían alcanzar los 100°F y condensación que favorecía el crecimiento de moho en los alimentos y otros objetos.

  • ¿Cómo describió el comandante de U64 la dieta en un submarino durante una larga travesía?

    -El comandante de U64 describió la dieta como un problema constante, con una dieta interminable de cosas enlatadas, donde los guisantes y el tocino eran lo mejor, pero que se volvían insoportables con el tiempo.



🍲 La comida en un submarino U-boat en la Primera Guerra Mundial

Este párrafo introduce el video sobre la alimentación de los hombres en un submarino U-boat alemán durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, específicamente en el que se menciona que disparó el torpedo al Lusitania. Se discute la receta de sopa de choucroute de 1915, y cómo se relaciona con las condiciones de vida en un submarino, incluyendo la escasez de alimentos y la adaptación de las recetas al contexto bélico. También se menciona el patrocinio de Hellofresh, destacando cómo su servicio de ingredientes frescos y recetas pre-porcionadas contrasta con las dificultades de cocinar en un submarino.


🛥 La evolución y las condiciones de vida en los submarinos U-boats

Este párrafo detalla cómo los submarinos U-boats alemanes evolucionaron desde 1914 hasta el final de la guerra, pasando de ser 20 submarinos alimentados con queroseno a más de 350 alimentados por diesel. Se describe el diseño del barco promedio, como el U20, el submarino que hundió al Lusitania, y se menciona la limitada cantidad de espacio habitable debido a la necesidad de alojar tanques, torpedos y motores. Además, se explora cómo se almacenaban los alimentos en todo el espacio disponible del submarino, incluyendo debajo de literas, en pipas overhead y en la sala de armamento debido a su temperatura más fresca.


🍽️ La alimentación y la cocina en los U-boats

Este segmento narra las experiencias de los hombres en los U-boats con la comida y las condiciones de almacenamiento y cocina. Se menciona que la mayoría de los alimentos eran conservas, secados o enlatados, y que los alimentos perecederos solo estaban disponibles durante los primeros días de la misión. Se destaca la difícil situación de la cocina en un ambiente caluroso y húmedo, donde el molde era común y las emisiones de diesel se mezclaban con la condensación. También se comparten anécdotas de cómo los tripulantes intentaban mejorar sus condiciones, como cazar ciervos en una isla o robar mantequilla de un barco francés.


🐟 La captura de alimentos frescos y las historias anexas

En este párrafo se relata cómo los U-boats capturaban alimentos frescos, como peces y mantequilla, y cómo esto podía mejorar significativamente la dieta de los marineros. Se describe un incidente en el que un U-boat se llenó de bonitos y cómo esto llevó a una variedad de platos de pescado. También se mencionan las interacciones con los tripulantes de otros barcos, incluyendo la toma de rehenes y el trato de los animales a bordo, como el caso de un dachshund llamado Maria y un mono llamado Fipps que disfrutaba de los plátanos de un barco italiano hundido.


🥣 Preparación y degustación de la sopa de choucroute de la Primera Guerra Mundial

Este último párrafo concluye el video mostrando el proceso de preparación de la sopa de choucroute según la receta del 'Kriegs Kochbuch', adaptada para simular las condiciones de un U-boat. Seguidamente, el presentador prueba la sopa y comenta sobre su sabor, que es predominantemente de choucroute, y sugiere variaciones de la receta con otros vegetales como col, pepino o betabel. Finalmente, se invita a los espectadores a dejar comentarios sobre qué recetas de guerra les gustaría ver en futuras entregas del programa.




El Lusitania era un famoso transatlántico que fue hundido por un torpedo alemán durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. En el video, se menciona para establecer el contexto histórico y la ambientación en la que los submarinos alemanes, como los U-boats, estaban operando en ese período. La referencia al Lusitania subraya la gravedad de la guerra y la naturaleza de las operaciones en mar abierto.


Un U-boat, o 'unterseeboot' en alemán, se refiere a los submarinos utilizados por Alemania durante las guerras mundiales. En el script, los U-boats son centrales ya que es donde se desarrolla gran parte de la narrativa, incluyendo la alimentación de los hombres a bordo y las condiciones en las que vivían y combatían.


Sauerkraut es una ensalada de repollo fermentado, muy popular en Alemania. En el video, el guisado de 'sauerkraut' se presenta como una receta típica del período de la Primera Guerra Mundial, reflejando la dieta de los soldados en los U-boats y su adaptación a las limitaciones de los suministros durante el conflicto.

💡Kriegs Kochbuch

Kriegs Kochbuch, que significa 'libro de cocina de guerra' en alemán, es un libro de cocina publicado en 1915, durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. En el video, este libro es utilizado como referencia para las recetas que podrían haber sido preparadas en los U-boats, mostrando cómo la guerra influía en la disponibilidad de alimentos y la cocina de ese tiempo.


Hellofresh es un servicio de entrega de alimentos y recetas que patrocina el video. Aunque no directamente relacionado con el tema histórico del video, Hellofresh representa un contraste con la comida de guerra, ofreciendo ingredientes frescos y recetas detalladas que facilitan la preparación de comidas en casa.


Las raciones son porciones de alimentos asignadas a individuos, particularmente en contextos de guerra donde los suministros pueden ser escasos. En el script, se discute cómo las raciones eran una parte integral de la vida en los U-boats, con alimentos como mantequilla y harina siendo utilizados con moderación debido a las restricciones de suministro.

💡condiciones de vida en los U-boats

Las condiciones de vida en los U-boats referidas en el script incluyen el espacio limitado, la falta de ventilación y las temperaturas extremas que afectaban la calidad de vida de los tripulantes. Estas condiciones también afectaban la conservación de alimentos y la higene, siendo un aspecto clave de la experiencia de los soldados en la guerra submarina.


El saúco, o 'sauerkraut soup' en inglés, es una sopa hecha con el ingrediente principal del saúco, que es el mismo utilizado en la receta central del video. El saúco es un ejemplo de la simplicidad y la funcionalidad de la cocina de guerra, donde los ingredientes básicos se transforman en comidas completas.

💡botín de guerra

El botín de guerra se refiere a los bienes obtenidos después de una victoria en combate. En el contexto del video, los U-boats a menudo se aprovisionaban con alimentos de los barcos mercantes hundidos o capturados, lo que a veces les proporcionaba una variedad de alimentos frescos y de lujo, como manzanas confitadas y mantequilla.

💡Iron Cross

La Cruz de Hierro es una condecoración militar alemana que se menciona en el video en relación con el cocinero de un U-boat. Se utiliza como ejemplo de incentivo y reconocimiento, mostrando cómo el espíritu de competencia y el sentido del honor también tenían su lugar en las operaciones militares submarinas.


Fipps es el nombre de un mono que vivía en el U35, uno de los submarinos más exitosos de la guerra. La historia de Fipps y su afición por los huevos y plátanos introduce un toque de diversión y humanidad en la narrativa, mostrando que incluso en tiempos de guerra, la naturaleza y las pequeñas alegrías tienen su lugar.


The video explores the food consumed by the crew of a German U-boat during World War I, specifically focusing on a sauerkraut soup recipe from a 1915 German cookbook.

The cookbook 'Kriegs Kochbuch' or War Cookbook, published in 1915, contains basic recipes that would have been suitable for the limited ingredients available on a U-boat.

The sauerkraut soup recipe is a simple dish that involves substituting sauerkraut for pickles in a basic soup recipe.

Old recipes often lack specific quantities for some ingredients, such as the amount of sauerkraut needed for the soup.

Hellofresh is highlighted as a modern alternative, providing pre-portioned ingredients and chef-crafted recipes delivered to your door.

The video mentions a special offer from Hellofresh, including a code TASTINGHISTORYSWEET for a free dessert for life with subscription.

The recipe for sauerkraut soup includes basic ingredients like butter, flour, water, vinegar, salt, and sauerkraut, which were likely available on a U-boat.

German U-boats during WWI varied greatly in design and capabilities, with the U20, which sank The Lusitania, being an average-sized vessel.

Living conditions on U-boats were cramped, with most space dedicated to operational needs rather than crew comfort.

Food storage on U-boats was an issue, with items stored in various places, including the ammunition room for perishables.

Perishable food items would only last for the first 10 days of a U-boat mission, after which the crew relied on pickled, dried, or canned food.

The interior of a U-boat was hot and poorly ventilated, leading to condensation and mold growth, which affected the food.

Crew members sometimes had to resort to creative solutions for better food, such as hunting for wild goats on uninhabited islands.

U-boats would often plunder food from the merchant ships they sank, leading to a surplus of ingredients but also discipline issues.

The video shares anecdotes of U-boat crews enjoying special meals and celebrations, such as a Christmas feast with canned food.

There were instances of U-boats capturing fresh food, such as a story of a U-boat crew capturing a hogshead of butter and trading it for fish.

The video concludes with the presenter tasting the sauerkraut soup with schwarzbrot, or black bread, a popular food on U-boats.

The presenter suggests that the sauerkraut soup would have been a welcome meal on a U-boat, especially when paired with black bread.



Last week we looked at what it was like to  dine aboard The Lusitania the ocean liner  


that was sunk by a German torpedo during  World War I.


Well this week I'm going to look at what the men in the U-boat that actually fired that torpedo were eating  


perhaps something like this 1915 German recipe for sauerkraut soup.


So thank you to Hellofresh for sponsoring this video as we dive and dine in a World War I U-boat


this time on Tasting History.


There are numerous cookbooks from Germany written during World War I that are filled with recipes specifically for wartime.


Many were written for those on the homefront others for those in the trenches,


and while I couldn't find one specifically written for the Imperial Navy


I thought that this cookbook 'Kriegs Kochbuch' or War Cookbook would fit the brief,  


especially because it was published in 1915  which was the year that Lusitania was sunk  


and since it was published fairly early on in  the war, the war started in 1914,  


it's before the really terrible food shortages hit Germany.


That said the recipes in it are still rather basic,  


and so many of them would only include ingredients  that you could find on a German U-boat


like this recipe for sauerkrautsuppe which actually just says to follow the previous recipe for pickle soup but use sauerkraut.


So subbing sauerkraut for pickles the recipe says


"The fat and flour are whisked and the water is slowly added.


When the soup has simmered, the sauerkraut is added. Salt and vinegar are added to the soup and seasoned." 


Very basic. Now what's a little frustrating is while the recipe gives exact amounts for the water,


for the the fat or we're going to use butter and the flour,


it doesn't tell you exactly how much sauerkraut to use


so we're going to just kind of have to guess at that and that's kind of an issue with a lot of old recipes,


they tend to leave out some very important- important things.


Not an issue with the well-written recipes from today's sponsor Hellofresh.


Hellofresh delivers fresh ingredients right to your door so you can easily follow their chef-crafted recipes.  


And with 45 weekly recipes there is something for everyone


and I love that all of the ingredients arrive pre-portioned so you don't have to worry about a lot of prep work,


and there's no question about how much of an ingredient to actually use.


Also it makes it so there are no leftover ingredients  that are just going to go bad sitting in your fridge.


I particularly enjoy their line of quick and easy meals for the chef who doesn't have a lot of time in their hands,


like this recipe for pork sausage rigatoni rosa. Easy to prepare  


and absolutely delicious especially when you  follow it up with dessert.


Though I actually ate my lemon berry bundt cake this morning for breakfast and I am not going to apologize for that.  


And right now when you sign up for Hellofresh using  my link in the description and use code TASTINGHISTORYSWEET  


you will get free dessert for life. That is one free dessert in every box while your subscription is active.


So TASTINGHISTORYSWEET at for free dessert for life.


I definitely recommend that lemon berry bundt cake, it  really was quite good.


Now unfortunately they did not have lemon berry bundt cake aboard a German U-boat during World War I


so if you want to eat like they did then what you're going to need is 2 tablespoons of butter or other fat,


4 tablespoons or 30 grams of flour, 1 and 1/2 liters of water, 1 to 2 tablespoons of vinegar, some salt, and 2 to 3 cups of sauerkraut.


Like I said they didn't tell you how much sauerkraut to use  so I'm using quite a bit


because otherwise it's really just thickened water um but it's kind of up to you,


and probably depending on what period of the war you're in.


Now they would have had all of these ingredients aboard a U-boat, at least at the beginning of of any mission


because over time many of the perishable ingredients would would go bad and so


they wouldn't have those for much of the mission but let's pretend we're at the beginning of a voyage and we still have butter. 


So the first thing you want to do is melt that butter the recipe actually doesn't specify butter it just says fat


but they did often have butter aboard the ship so that's what I'm using.


So once it's melted add the flour and whisk it together you're essentially making a roux here,


though typically a roux is a 1:1 ratio this is a a 1:2 ratio


basically half the fat as usual and the only thing I can think is that even at the beginning of the war


they were rationing things like butter so maybe that's what makes this a wartime cookbook.  


Either way keep whisking it together for 3 or  4 minutes or until it turns a golden brown.  


Then slowly add add the water whisking to get the roux to dissolve.


Once it's all dissolved into the water let it come to a simmer and once simmering add in the sauerkraut.


Stir it all together and then let it return to a simmer, and let it simmer for about 15 minutes which should be


plenty of time to go back to 1915 and see what other kind of provisions they would have on a German U-boat. 


During World War I German U-boats which stands for unterseeboot or unders sea boats were rather varied,


and evolved quite a bit in the four years of conflict. In 1914  they only had 20 working subs most of which were powered by kerosene


but by the end of the war they had made over 350 diesel powered U-boats.


They still had a lot of variation but an average vessel like  U20 the U-boat that sank The Lusitania


was 210 feet long, 20 feet wide and 27 feet tall.


Now with a crew of 36 you would think that that's plenty of room for everyone on the boat but it turns out most of the space is not actually livable,


a fair amount of the space is given over to large tanks that would flood with seawater when diving,


and then the ends of the boat were home to the torpedoes. There were seven torpedoes in all


that would shoot from two tubes at the bow and two at the stern.


Then there was the engine room which had two 850 horsepower diesel engines and tanks for 76 tons of diesel fuel,


and two 600 horsepower electric engines with massive batteries which were used when the U-boat was submerged.


This left precious little room for actual living, there was of course the captain's quarters and then the control room  


and then there was a small area for the wireless  operator and bunks for all of the crew.


And almost as an afterthought there was a rather small kitchen and two mess areas one for the crew and one for the officers.


The question is where does the food that's going to get cooked in that kitchen actually gets stored?


And the answer is everywhere,


before leaving Germany a U-boat was laden down with sausages, fresh meat, potatoes, flour, eggs, butter, milk, coffee, sugar, tea, salted fish,


peas, bacon, and a lot of canned meat, vegetables and  fruits and bread.


It was stuffed under bunks, hung from pipes overhead, stuffed in the latrine, or if it was perishable like the vegetables and milk 


it would actually be kept in the ammunition room  because that room they wisely kept much cooler than the rest of the sub.


Unfortunately while that might work in the North Sea in the Mediterranean and the Adriatic


even that room just was not cool enough so they didn't get to carry around a lot of the prized ingredients.


"In the heat of summer, carrying meat with us was out of the question.  


That made eggs all the more desirable. Once we  had no eggs for a whole month,


and vegetables and macaroni were our most substantial dishes.


Now a crew of fighting men need better food than that."


And even in the cold of the North Sea you would only have those perishable goods for the first 10 days of any mission,


after that they would usually go bad so the vast majority of the food on board


was pickled, or dried, or canned. And even some of those more shelf stable foods  


would not fare very well on a submarine because  in a submarine it was like a tropical jungle.  


The temperature could get up to 100° and it was very  poorly ventilated.


This was especially bad when the boat was submerged which it didn't spend that much time typically underwater


but it didn't take very long to to get all sweaty and gross in there especially


because the heat on the inside of the sub and the cold water on the outside of the sub would kind of hit each other and form condensation


all on the walls of the inside of the sub which they called U-boat sweat.


This created the perfect conditions for mold. Mold was on their clothes, it was on their blankets, in their shoes, 


and of course it would grow on their food. Add to  this the fact that even with the ventilation 


there was always a little bit of diesel fumes inside of  the sub and that would mix with the condensation  


and create little oil slicks on the top of their  soup and their coffee,


and that's gross and I'm not going to be doing that for for today's soup, no oil.


So 10 days into what was typically a month-long patrol and they were starting to run out of of all the good food and


their other food would have like oil and mold on it, you you'd think these people would go mad.


Well in 1928 the author Lowell Thomas interviewed a number of officers from different U-boats


and put their thoughts down in a book called 'Raiders of the Deep' and in there the commander of U64 says


"Food, ah that is always, the great problem in a submarine on a long voyage that interminable diet of canned stuff,


with peas and bacon as the pièce de de resistance, becomes unbearable.


Since then I've never been able to look at a pea in the face. As for the bacon,


on that point I'll be a Mohammedan to the end of my days."  


Though sometimes even if the food was nothing to  write home about the meal itself was worth being remembered


as Lieutenant Rudolph Zentner recalled  of his first Christmas at war aboard U20


which was the U-boat that sunk The Lusitania.  


"The tiny mess room was decorated in style. A green wreath hung at one end as a Christmas tree.


We didn't have any lighted candles on it they would have been too risky in the oil reeking interior of a submarine.


The tables were loaded with food. It all came out of cans, but we didn't mind that.


That one night officers and men had their mess together. It was rather close quarters.


We had a crew of four officers and thirty-two men. We were all in our leather submarine suits.  


It was no dress affair. No stiff bosoms, no coattails. No fish and soup as you call them.


In short, there were many drawbacks, but good spirits were not one of them. In the tight, overcrowded little mess room we ate and talked.


The dinner was washed down with tea mixed with rum, and I lost count of the number of toasts that were drunk."


But sadly every day can't be Christmas so most of the time when the food was crummy


so was the crew, and so it was up to the crew to figure out other ways to get quality food on board their boat.


U19 after a long cruise in the North Sea came upon one of the Orkney Islands in the north of Scotland. 


This island was known to be uninhabited by people but chalk full of goats so


"A party went ashore with rifles. The hunt for wild goats was a thing to delight a sportsman's heart.


They accumulated a good buck and returned to the boat.


That day there was a magnificent feast of roast goat aboard a U-boat in the sub-Arctic."  


But there are only so many goat-filled islands to go hunting on so more often the U-boats had to rely on the spoils of war


especially following the sinking of The Lusitania and a promise to allow crews off their ships before they sunk.


U-boats would plunder merchant ships for whatever food they had before sinking the ship.


This would often lead to their pantries full to bursting but that would make it difficult to control the men.


"It used to be no uncommon sight to see sailors of the submarine service going home on leave loaded down 


with parcels of sugar, bacon, ham, and so on, which represented stuff taken from prizes -


very welcome presents for their families, which were bearing the rigors of Germany's wartime shortage."


The men would often get to enjoy the spoils of war but this was only after the officers had had taken their fair share.


Robert Moraht who was the commander of U64


used to usually dine in the officer's mess but when there were special ingredients coming aboard


he would test them out in his room.


"There would be a cloth spread on my desk, while Haupt brought me coffee, hard bread, marmalade, and a pancake baked on the electric stove.  


The marmalade was a luxury. I remember to this day a  heaven-sent ship that I sunk


on which we found enough marmalade to last for six months. No, I shall never forget that ship."


This same commander had a lot to say about the food on the U-boat as well as the cook on the U-boat, a man named Miedtank


and he says that had Miedtank had quality ingredients  he probably would have been a fine cook but as it was


his food was not very good because of the ingredients,  


and the men would make fun of Miedtank for this but Miedtank was very sensitive and would take it to heart, 


and so he was always threatening to to get a transfer to another boat where he would be appreciated,


and so the commander would have to give him all these false compliments just to to calm him down. He'd say,


"Miedtank... you ought to see what I wrote to my wife this morning. I told her that those pancakes you cooked for me were absolutely delicious.


And I told her also that there never was such bacon and peas as you make."  


He says on one occasion the cook was so upset that  the only way to placate him was to promise him the opportunity


to earn an Iron Cross, the medal that the military gave out but that was typically for for combat stuff, not for cooking.


So one day when they were having a firefight on deck he had me tank taking ammunition up and down the stairs,


and he did so for quite some time and with some aplomb


and so he used that as a pretext to put him in for an Iron Cross which he got so


the cook aboard the U-boat got an Iron Cross now while it was always the goal to plunder these ships for  


the choicest ingredients before actually sinking  them it wasn't always practical as Lieutenant Zentner explained


"A U-boat cannot always venture to send a boarding crew on a prize and snatch a bit of fresh meat and vegetables.


We had to content ourselves with canned stuff, dried stuff, and hard tack,


and on long cruises the fare sometimes became intolerable I remember one occasion when we became positively desperate


for a decent bite to eat. We managed to capture a fine hogshead of butter.


For a couple days we piled butter on our hardtack and thought it delicious.


Everybody said that the butter would do well for cooking only we didn't have anything decent to cook with it.  


The sailors positively sang a chorus: 'If only we had something to fry in the butter."


Well as nice nice as it is to spread a bunch of butter on hard keks,


[clack clack]


the German word for hard attack they were definitely on the scout for something to cook in this butter and so they happened upon some French fishing boats,


and they submerged and went in between the boats and then they surfaced and  


Lieutenant Zentner says that- the fishermen  probably thought that they were about to be killed  


but then started laughing and cheering when they found out that the only thing the Germans wanted was some of their fish.


"We crammed our boat with fish, fine big fellows - bonitos - with a pinkish meat...


And now there was fresh fish, fried in butter, grilled in butter, sauteed in butter, all that we could eat."


Now it wasn't just fish and butter that  they were bringing aboard their U-boats because after  


they made this promise to allow the passengers  and crew of merchant ships to get off into their lifeboats


before blowing up the ship. They would  often have to take some of these passengers and crew


onto the U-boat because if they were out in the middle of the Atlantic they couldn't just leave them out there.


Now I'm sure there was a lot of variation in how these people were were treated usually as prisoners,


but there are some stories of like one German cook on a U-boat made a little girl a cake


with some canned fruit and whipped cream and then


there was an American boat that was sunk and the man who came aboard the U-boat  


ended up writing about his experience.  


"Their food was good. In the morning we had rolls and fresh butter the butter. The butter was fine.


The bread was black and came in loaves about  3 feet long. We had conac nearly all the time...  


The members of the crew were cheerful and joked with  us, especially after indulging in cognac.  


They were apparently young fellows and frequently talked  of their mothers."


And it wasn't just people on these U-boats but animals too. U20 actually saved a black dachshund named Maria


from one of the boats that they sank and and brought her on board.


The issue was that they already had another dog on board who was a male and very soon


dear Maria was pregnant and gave birth to four puppies and that was just too many dogs on on one boat


so they gave three of them to to other U-boats but still three dogs on one U-boat that's a lot of mouths to feed.


And while I'm not sure what the dogs ate, the monkeys ate eggs and bananas.


Yes, there was a monkey on a U-boat.


Her name was Fipps and she was notorious for sneaking into the kitchen, and stealing eggs while the cook's back was turned.  


She was Lothar von Arnauld's monkey aboard U35,  the most successful U-boat in the war.


This U-boat sank 220 merchant vessels during the war and one of those was an Italian steamer that was chock full of bananas.  


"As the vessel went down hundreds of bananas floated on the surface.Tthe dinghy went out and collected a boatload.


We spread the bananas out to ripen a bit in the hot Mediterranean sun...  


We managed to gorge ourselves with bananas. Nothing  like Fipps, though.


The yellow fruit seemed to remind her of her tropical home. She leaped, chattered and shrieked with delight,


and ate more bananas than I thought her small body would contain."


A monkey eating bananas how predictable.


Luckily I don't think monkey eat sauerkraut so the sauerkraut soup would at least be safe aboard a U-boat,  


and it should be ready to finish off here in my  kitchen.


So after the sauerkraut has simmered for 15 minutes add a tablespoon of white wine vinegar, and a teaspoon of salt.


Then stir it in and give it a taste to see if it needs any more  of either and then serve,


and here we are German sauerkraut soup from World War I.


Now I'm going to eat this with some schwarzbrot, or black bread. It's a bread that was very popular on the U-boats.


It's made of dark rye, they would often actually have it canned but sometimes they would have fresh loaves 


especially at the beginning of a voyage


so I'm going to have a little bit of that but first I'm  going to just try the soup as it is.


Smells like sauerkraut.


I don't know what I was expecting,  tastes like sour- sauerkraut soup which is what it is.


I mean the sauerkraut is definitely the flavor that you're getting. There's not a lot else to get.


It's just water and and roux, a little salt and vinegar but if you like sauerkraut  


it's a nice way of of eating it and I'm guessing  if you really hadn't had much else it would be quite delicious.


There's not a lot else there so it's not a very complicated flavor


except that sauerkraut is kind of a complicated flavor in of itself but


try it with some of this black bread, schwarzbrot.




Actually, that's quite good.


That's quite good. That bread is delicious. It's not as dark as pumpernickel which is another rye,


and so it's not quite as rye forward. I really like that bread,


and with the kind of sourness, the acidity from  the soup they kind of balance each other out  


so I think that that would actually be a pretty  good meal, and maybe like they were saying  


you could have it with some some tea- and tea and rum  I believe was what they they drank that one Christmas.


Yeah it's really easy so there's there's not any reason that you shouldn't try it,


if you like sauerkraut. If you don't like sauerkraut just swap out the sauerkraut for a big ole pickle


and then you're making the the pickle soup which they mention,  


everything else stays exactly the same. You could also do  it with a head of cabbage, that's another recipe in there.


Also with beets, that's another recipe in there. They're all pretty much the same just swapping out the vegetables.


So yeah that is food from World War I that might have been served on a German U-boat


and if you want to see more wartime recipes from World War I or World War II


let me know what you want to see in in the comments I've got a few things planned but


I'm always looking for ideas,


and I will see you next time on Tasting History.

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