OG Ads & CPAgrid: Navigating Affiliate Marketing's Spammy Waters

Anders Larsson
29 Oct 202308:29


TLDRIn this video, H Lon discusses the challenges of navigating the spammy waters of affiliate marketing, particularly focusing on platforms like OG Ads and CPA Grid. He shares his personal journey, including the emotional toll of setbacks and the frustration of being misled by deceptive offers. H Lon emphasizes the importance of genuine value and trust in digital marketing. He encourages viewers to prioritize long-term strategies over quick fixes and to seek out genuine guidance. He also shares his own breakthrough moment, which involved stepping back, focusing on understanding the core of digital marketing, and building real content. H Lon offers a link to a system he uses for training and affiliate marketing, which he believes is key to sustainable income. He invites viewers to check out the system and also provides a free digital marketing video training as a taste of the value he offers. The video concludes with an invitation to subscribe for more content and stay curious in the journey of affiliate marketing.


  • 📚 **Navigating Spammy Platforms**: The speaker discusses the challenges of finding genuine offers on platforms like OG ads and CPA grid, which are filled with spammy offers that can damage one's reputation.
  • 🤔 **Emotional Struggles**: The emotional toll of trial and error in affiliate marketing is highlighted, including feelings of being stuck in a hole with no motivation or inspiration.
  • 🌊 **The Sea of Information**: The vast amount of information available can often feel like noise, making it difficult to find valuable and actionable strategies.
  • 🔍 **Finding the Genuine**: Amidst the spam, there are pearls of wisdom to be found, but it requires patience and discernment to separate the valuable from the spammy.
  • 🚫 **Reputation Matters**: The importance of maintaining a good reputation in affiliate marketing is emphasized, as opposed to resorting to spam tactics.
  • 📉 **The Reality of Success Stories**: Many success stories heard in the digital space may not present the full picture, and sustainable success is often elusive.
  • 🤓 **Understanding Digital Marketing**: The speaker's breakthrough came from understanding the essence of digital marketing rather than chasing quick fixes.
  • 💡 **Value Over Quick Fixes**: Building genuine value and trust is more important than adopting every new method or service that promises quick results.
  • 🌟 **Genuine Guidance**: Seeking genuine guidance and focusing on creating real content that helps others is a key to navigating the digital realm.
  • 🔗 **Building Trust and Community**: The importance of building trust and being part of a community that supports and guides each other in the affiliate marketing journey.
  • 📈 **Sustainable Income**: The speaker shares that focusing on high-ticket products is key to making a sustainable income, as opposed to low-ticket offerings.

Q & A

  • What are the two platforms mentioned in the transcript that affiliate marketers use to find offers?

    -The two platforms mentioned are OG Ads and CPA Grid.

  • Why does the speaker describe Black Hat World as 'diving deep into a sea'?

    -The speaker uses this metaphor to illustrate the overwhelming amount of information on Black Hat World, which can make it difficult to find valuable insights, much like searching for pearls in a sea full of pebbles.

  • What is the emotional toll that the speaker mentions affiliate marketers often experience?

    -The emotional toll includes feelings of being stuck in a loop of trial and error, lack of motivation, and hopelessness due to setbacks.

  • What was the speaker's breakthrough moment in navigating the challenges of affiliate marketing?

    -The speaker's breakthrough moment was when they paused, took a step back, and focused on understanding the essence of digital marketing instead of chasing quick fixes.

  • What does the speaker suggest is the key to sustainable success in affiliate marketing?

    -The speaker suggests that sustainable success comes from focusing on building genuine value, creating real content that helps others, and understanding the importance of trust in the digital realm.

  • Why did the speaker decide to join the platform recommended by the woman who was coaching people on YouTube?

    -The speaker decided to join the platform because they felt a genuine connection with the woman, felt she was trustworthy, and realized that they needed to have a little bit of faith in someone to move forward from their stuck position.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the importance of reputation in affiliate marketing?

    -The speaker believes that reputation is important and that it's not just about spamming the internet but also about being genuine and transparent in one's approach.

  • What does the speaker suggest is the main reason for the frustration in affiliate marketing?

    -The speaker suggests that the frustration comes from the cycle of being surrounded by information that often feels more like noise, with many offers lying in a gray area and underdelivering.

  • How does the speaker describe the digital landscape in terms of success stories?

    -The speaker describes the digital landscape as filled with half-truths and clever marketing gimmicks, where many success stories are likely not the full picture.

  • What is the speaker's advice for those feeling stuck in the world of digital marketing?

    -The speaker advises to seek genuine guidance, focus on creating real content, prioritize genuine value over quick fixes, and remember that it's a journey, not a race.

  • What kind of system does the speaker recommend for those interested in sustainable income through affiliate marketing?

    -The speaker recommends a system that is a training portal with a low ticket to high ticket affiliate product, where the high ticket products are key to making a sustainable income.



📚 Navigating Affiliate Marketing: The Struggles and Solutions

In this paragraph, H Lon introduces the topic of affiliate marketing, specifically focusing on the challenges of dealing with spammy offers on platforms like OG ads and CPA Grid. He shares his personal experience of feeling overwhelmed by the sea of information on Black Hat World, where he initially sought advice. H Lon talks about the emotional toll of repeated failures and the frustration of being misled by seemingly genuine offers that underdeliver. He emphasizes the importance of reputation in affiliate marketing and the need to avoid spammy tactics. His breakthrough came when he shifted his focus from chasing quick fixes to understanding the core principles of digital marketing. H Lon encourages viewers to build genuine value and trust, rather than seeking shortcuts, and assures them that there's a path out of feeling lost in the digital landscape.


🌟 Finding Genuine Success in Affiliate Marketing

H Lon continues the discussion by sharing his journey of recovery from a low point in 2019, where he felt stuck and lost in the world of affiliate marketing. He talks about finding a genuine coach on YouTube who helped him find direction and success. This experience led him to join the same platform recommended by his coach. He stresses the importance of being genuine and transparent in building online success, stating that it's not about tricks or technical methods but about creating valuable content and building trust. H Lon provides a link in the description for viewers to check out the system he uses, which includes training and affiliate products. He also offers free digital marketing video training for those who may be hesitant to join the system immediately. He concludes by encouraging viewers to stay curious, keep learning, and reach out to the community for support.



💡Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where businesses reward affiliates for each customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. In the video, the speaker discusses the challenges and strategies of navigating through the spammy waters of affiliate marketing, emphasizing the importance of genuine value and trust in building a sustainable income.

💡OG Ads and CPA Grid

OG Ads and CPA Grid are platforms where affiliate marketers search for offers that promise solid conversions. The video mentions these platforms as places where marketers hope to find profitable offers but also warns about the presence of spammy offers that can damage one's reputation. The speaker's experience with these platforms led to insights on how to avoid ineffective strategies and focus on building genuine value.

💡Black Hat World

Black Hat World is a forum where people discuss various strategies related to internet marketing, including affiliate marketing. The speaker mentions it as a place where they initially sought advice but found it overwhelming with information, some of which turned out to be spammy or ineffective. The platform is portrayed as a vast ocean of information with potential pearls of wisdom but also many pebbles of misinformation.

💡Spammy Waters

The term 'spammy waters' is used metaphorically in the video to describe the challenging and deceptive aspects of affiliate marketing, where many offers appear attractive but are actually ineffective or harmful to one's reputation. The speaker emphasizes the need to navigate these waters carefully by focusing on genuine value and trustworthiness.


Reputation in the context of the video refers to the credibility and trustworthiness that an affiliate marketer builds over time. The speaker argues that while some may disregard reputation and resort to spamming, those who care about it should be cautious of the offers they choose and the methods they employ. Reputation is crucial for sustainable success in affiliate marketing.

💡Digital Marketing

Digital marketing encompasses the use of digital channels to promote products or services. The video discusses the essence of digital marketing, suggesting that beneath the allure of quick profits lies a need for understanding the fundamentals. The speaker's breakthrough came from focusing on the core principles of digital marketing rather than chasing quick fixes.

💡Quick Fixes

Quick fixes are short-term solutions that may provide immediate results but are not sustainable in the long run. The video criticizes the pursuit of quick fixes in affiliate marketing, advocating instead for a focus on building genuine value and trust. The speaker shares their personal journey of moving away from quick fixes to a more sustainable approach.

💡Genuine Value

Genuine value refers to creating content or services that are truly beneficial and useful to the audience. The video emphasizes the importance of providing genuine value as a key to sustainable success in affiliate marketing. The speaker suggests that focusing on real content and building trust is more effective than relying on spammy tactics.


Trust is a fundamental aspect of building a successful affiliate marketing business. The video discusses the importance of trust in the digital realm, suggesting that it is built through transparency, genuine guidance, and creating real content. The speaker's personal experience and the advice they received from a coach on YouTube highlight the significance of trust in achieving success.

💡YouTube Channel

A YouTube channel is a platform where content creators can upload and share videos. In the video, the speaker mentions starting their own YouTube channel as a way to educate themselves and others about effective affiliate marketing strategies. The channel serves as a source of genuine guidance and a way to connect with a community of like-minded individuals.

💡Digital Landcape

The digital landscape refers to the overall environment of the internet, including the various platforms, strategies, and trends that shape online interactions. The video describes the digital landscape as being filled with half-truths and marketing gimmicks, making it challenging to find genuine and effective strategies for success in affiliate marketing.


Navigating the spammy waters of affiliate marketing is a challenge many marketers face.

Black Hat World is a platform with a wealth of information, but it can also be overwhelming and filled with spam.

The emotional toll of repeated trial and error in affiliate marketing can be significant.

OG ads and CPA grid are platforms where marketers search for high-converting offers, but they must be wary of spammy offers.

Spammy offers can not only be ineffective but also damage a marketer's reputation.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of reputation in the digital marketing landscape.

Many success stories heard in the digital marketing space may not present the full picture.

Sustainable success in digital marketing is often elusive despite the allure of quick profits.

The speaker's breakthrough moment came from stepping back and focusing on the fundamentals of digital marketing.

Building genuine value and understanding the bigger picture is more important than chasing every new method.

The importance of trust in the digital realm is highlighted as a key to sustainable success.

The speaker shares their personal journey of overcoming challenges in affiliate marketing and finding a genuine path.

The decision to join a platform recommended by a trusted YouTube coach was a turning point for the speaker.

Genuineness and transparency are crucial for building trust and making money online.

The speaker suggests that building content and trust is simpler and more effective than relying on technical tricks.

A training portal and affiliate product system is mentioned as a key to sustainable income in digital marketing.

The speaker offers a free digital marketing video training for those who are hesitant to join the system immediately.

The importance of taking time to find one's path and prioritizing genuine value over quick fixes is emphasized.



what's going on guys this is H Lon and


today I want to talk about Ogie ads and


CPA grid and it's going to be about


navigating affiliate marketing spammy


Waters all right guys so here's the


thing I was on Black Hat World the other


day trying to catch up on the latest in


affiliate marketing now as much as I


love the platform for its share depth


sometimes it feels like diving deep into


a see and hoping to find pearls only to


end up with a handful of Pebbles today's


topic oie ads and CP grid navigating


affiliate marketings spammy Waters is


one such Pearl I found amidst the vast


ocean of information I know many of you


resonate with my journey I know that a


lot of people are struggling on Blackout


world trying to find something that


works we start with this genuine intent


to learn to explore new strategies only


to get caught in this repetitive Loop of


trial and error and it's not just about


the time we invest but also the


emotional toll each setback takes have


you ever felt like you fell into a hole


and you thought that you would never get


up no motivation no inspiration hopeless


I was able to crawl up from such a hole


and and that led me to starting this


YouTube channel so instead of doing what


people recommend me to do on this forum


I learn I educate myself and try to find


out what people are really struggling


with and then I teach people so what did


I uncover about OG ads and CPA grid


let's dive in for those who aren't


familiar OG ads and CPA grid are


platforms where aili marketers like you


and me hope to find those golden offers


that promise solid conversions but


here's the catch amidst the genuine


offers there is a myriad of spammy ones


that aren't just ineffective but can


damage our reputation I know a lot of


people don't care about reputation and


think the solution is just Spam bought


the hell out of Internet so well you can


do that but I try to talk to people that


care about reputation and you might be


thinking that a myriad of spammy ones


isn't that common knowledge well that is


true but the extent of it and the Nuance


tactics employed to lure newcomers is


staggering it's not always as black and


white as it seems there are offers that


lie in the gray area masquerading as


genuine only to under deliver it's a


frustrating cycle you are surrounded by


all these information bits but it often


feels more like noise I was there before


2019 just like you getting swayed by


each new method each new service that


promised results but it's a bitter pill


to swallow many of those success stories


you hear they are likely not the full


picture the digital land Cape is rif


with half truths and clever marketing


gimmicks and while some might make a


quick Buck sustainable success is often


elusive but all hope isn't lost my


breakthrough moment was when I paused


and took a step back instead of hunting


for quick fixes I focused on


understanding the very essence of


digital marketing it made me realize


that beneath the Glamorous surface of


quick profits many are just scraping by


Far From Success that they portray maybe


you have been there too burned out


feeling lost amidst the endless noise


but I promise you there is a way out I


found my direction when I stopped


chasing every new method and started


focusing on building genuine value it's


not just about a method or a service


it's about understanding the bigger


picture if you are feeling stuck


remember this there is always an


alternative for me it was seeking


genuine guidance focusing on creating


real content that helps others and


understanding the importance of trust in


this vast digital realm it's a journey


guys not a race so take your time find


your path and always prioritize genuine


value over quick fixes stay true to you


your journey and remember while the


digital world is vast and challenging


with the right guidance and a genuine


approach you can navigate even the


spamist Waters of affiliate marketing


until next time stay curious and keep


learning and if you ever felt lost know


that there's a community here including


me ready to guide and support you so if


you really want to know what happened in


2019 when I dug myself out of this hole


that I talked about and that I was


really stuck in then know that there are


people out on YouTube that are really


genuine that really want to help you to


find your success find your direction so


I found this woman who were coaching


people on YouTube and she helped me out


she really connected with me so I


decided to join the same platform that


she was using that she recommended


making that decision was really really


hard because I was kind of indoctrinated


by blackhe Hat World to be very


skeptical about everything to not trust


anyone but when I was stuck in that hole


I realized the only option I had was to


H have a little bit of faith in someone


and then I also felt this connection


with this woman so I knew that I could


always talk with her if I had any


problem that she was genuine on black


hat world can you really say that you


know anyone that are


genuine so this is why I realized that


if you want to make money then you have


to be genuine you have to be transparent


with what you do so making money online


and building success is not really a


trick it is not really a technical


method it is just building content and


building no like and Trust I mean it's


so simple but anyway I have a link in


the description if you want to check out


the system that I use so this system is


a training portal but also a low ticket


to high ticket affiliate product and the


high ticket products are really the key


to make a sustainable income instead of


me talking about how that works so do


click the link in the description and


then you can check out the system if you


click the red button on my landing page


there Dave sharp will take over and talk


about that and how it really works but


if you feel a little bit hesitant to


join this system right now then you can


go back to my landing page and sign up


to receive my free digital marketing


video training and I have put a lot of


value in that training I have added many


of the best bits from from this system


in this training so you can get kind of


a taste the things that you will learn


if you join so that is what I want to


talk about and if you learn something of


value from this video then why not click


the like button if you want to receive


more videos from me then click subscribe


and hit the Bell notification so you get


notified when I upload a new video Stay


awesome take care and I will see you in


my next video bye-bye

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Etiquetas relacionadas
Affiliate MarketingOG AdsCPA GridSpammy OffersReputation ManagementDigital MarketingQuick FixesGenuine ValueTrust BuildingOnline SuccessYouTube CoachingSustainable IncomeDigital GuidanceMarketing StrategiesContent CreationOnline ReputationInternet MarketingAffiliate TipsMarketing NuancesSuccess StoriesDigital LandscapeLearning JourneyCommunity Support
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