Love Enlightenment
29 Feb 202404:15


TLDRThe video script addresses the contentious issue of globalist migration policies, highlighting the potential for division and conflict when cultural differences are not harmoniously integrated. It emphasizes that while natural migration can lead to cultural enrichment, the current imposed policies often result in insurmountable contradictions. The speaker calls for concerted efforts to reverse the negative impacts, urging leaders to enact laws requiring migrants to adapt to the host country's culture or face repatriation. The message concludes with a call to action for individuals to restore justice and purity in their societies, invoking a sense of personal responsibility and empowerment.


  • 🌐 The speaker argues that migration disorder is reversible but requires concerted efforts to reverse the process.
  • 🏠 Hospitality towards guests is welcomed as long as they conduct themselves honorably, but not when they displace the host.
  • 🤔 The goal of the deep state is questioned, suggesting that it aims to divide rather than unite people based on national, religious, and social lines.
  • 🌱 Historically, migration occurred naturally and led to enrichment among diverse cultures, but the current situation is seen as different.
  • 🚫 The current migration policy is criticized for creating insurmountable contradictions and divisions due to vast differences in religion, culture, and traditions.
  • 🏢 The formation of foreign enclaves within host countries is highlighted as a consequence of the imposed migration policy.
  • 🔄 The speaker emphasizes that the situation is reversible, but it necessitates laws to prevent those unwilling to adapt from remaining in the host country.
  • 📜 There is a call for leaders to enact laws that protect the host country's culture and social fabric from being overwhelmed by migrants.
  • 🤝 Respect for the host's property and traditions is appreciated, and the onus is on migrants to adapt to the host country's way of life.
  • 👥 The speaker suggests that the forces of light cannot continue to do the work for individuals, implying a need for personal action.
  • ❤️ The message concludes with a blessing and an expression of love, urging the audience to take action to restore justice and purity.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern expressed in the transcript regarding migration?

    -The main concern is that the current globalist migration policy creates insurmountable contradictions and divisions among people, leading to social and cultural conflicts.

  • Why does the speaker believe that the goal of the deep state is to divide people rather than unite them?

    -The speaker suggests that the deep state uses the tactic of 'divide and conquer' to create divisions based on national, religious, and social lines, which is not conducive to unity.

  • What is the speaker's view on the natural movement of people across the world?

    -The speaker views the natural movement of people, driven by individual initiative and a desire for personal growth, as beneficial and leading to reciprocal enrichment among diverse cultures.

  • How does the speaker describe the current migration policy imposed by the globalists?

    -The speaker describes the current migration policy as artificially imposed, leading to the creation of foreigner enclaves and displacement of residents from their homes, which is detrimental to social harmony.

  • What is the solution proposed by the speaker to reverse the negative effects of the current migration policy?

    -The solution proposed is for the leaders of countries to enact laws that require migrants to adapt to the host country's culture and traditions, and to send those who do not back to their home countries.

  • What is the role of the host country's culture and traditions in the adaptation process of migrants?

    -The host country's culture and traditions are crucial in the adaptation process as migrants are expected to respect and integrate into these aspects to maintain social harmony.

  • How does the speaker characterize the relationship between the guest (migrant) and the host (resident)?

    -The speaker characterizes the relationship as one of hospitality and respect, where the guest is welcome as long as they conduct themselves honorably and do not displace the host.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the concept of 'reversibility' in the context of migration disorder?

    -The speaker believes that migration disorder is reversible and requires concerted efforts and laws to restore balance and harmony between migrants and host countries.

  • What is the role of the individual in implementing the proposed solution to the migration issue?

    -The individual is encouraged to have a firm intention to restore justice and purity in their society and to be capable of implementing this intention through their actions.

  • What does the speaker mean by 'forces of light' and why can they not do the work for individuals?

    -The 'forces of light' is a metaphor for positive or guiding influences. The speaker implies that individuals must take personal responsibility and action, as these forces cannot solve the issues without individual participation.

  • What is the significance of the date mentioned at the end of the transcript?

    -The date, December 20th, 2023, signifies when the message was received by Marta, providing a timestamp for the context of the discussion.

  • How does the speaker address the audience in the transcript?

    -The speaker addresses the audience in a nurturing and affectionate manner, referring to them as 'my dear ones' and 'my dear beloved children,' indicating a close and caring relationship.



😔 The Reversible Nature of Migration Disorder and the Impact of Globalist Policies

The paragraph discusses the reversible nature of migration disorder, emphasizing that it requires concerted efforts to reverse the process. It highlights the importance of guests conducting themselves honorably in the host's home and how hospitality ceases when the guest starts displacing the host. The speaker criticizes the globalist migration policy for its unintended consequences, such as dividing people along national, religious, and social lines, which leads to suffering and disaster. The paragraph also contrasts this with natural migration driven by individuals seeking personal growth, which historically led to cultural enrichment. It concludes by stressing the need for laws that prevent those unwilling to adapt to the host country's culture from remaining and calls for individual action to restore justice and purity.



💡Migration Disorder

Migration Disorder refers to the challenges and disruptions that arise when people migrate to new areas, often leading to conflicts and difficulties in integration. In the video, it is discussed as a reversible situation that requires concerted efforts to address. It is central to the theme as it sets the stage for the discussion on the consequences of globalist migration policies.


Hospitality, in this context, is the act of welcoming and accommodating guests or migrants in a host country. The video emphasizes that hospitality is appreciated as long as the guest conducts themselves honorably and does not displace the host. It is related to the theme as it highlights the importance of mutual respect in the process of migration.

💡Globalist Migration Policy

Globalist Migration Policy is the approach of moving people from less prosperous to more prosperous countries, often driven by globalist ideologies. The video argues that this policy results in disaster and suffering due to the imposition of incompatible cultural and social differences. It is a key concept as it underpins the discussion on the negative outcomes of such policies.

💡Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer is a tactic mentioned in the video where the deep state aims to divide people based on national, religious, and social lines to maintain control. It is relevant to the video's theme as it explains the underlying motive behind certain migration policies, which is not to unite but to create division.

💡Cultural Integration

Cultural Integration refers to the process where individuals from different cultural backgrounds blend into the host country's society. The video contrasts the natural integration that occurs when migration is driven by individuals with the forced integration imposed by globalist policies, which often leads to conflicts. It is a core concept as it highlights the importance of harmonious assimilation.

💡Enclaves of Foreigners

Enclaves of Foreigners are areas predominantly inhabited by migrants who have not integrated into the host country's culture and society. The video describes how these enclaves can expand and displace native residents, leading to social tensions. It is a significant concept as it illustrates the negative spatial impact of poorly managed migration.


Adaptation, in the context of the video, is the ability of migrants to adjust to the culture, traditions, and social norms of the host country. It is emphasized that the process is reversible and requires effort, particularly the willingness of migrants to adapt. It is tied to the video's theme as it discusses the necessity for successful migration outcomes.

💡Deep State

Deep State refers to the influential individuals or groups operating behind the scenes in a country's government, often with hidden agendas. In the video, the deep state is accused of using migration as a tool to divide and conquer, which is crucial to understanding the speaker's perspective on the motivations behind globalist migration policies.


Reversibility in the video script implies that the negative effects of migration disorder can be undone. It suggests that with concerted efforts and the right policies, the current situation can be improved. This concept is integral to the video's narrative as it offers a solution-oriented approach to the discussed problems.

💡Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement is the process of enacting and implementing laws to maintain order and address societal issues. The video calls for leaders to create laws that prevent non-adapting migrants from remaining in the host country. It is a key concept as it proposes a legal framework as part of the solution to migration-related challenges.

💡Respect for Host's Property

Respect for Host's Property is the idea that guests, or migrants, should honor and respect the host country's property, culture, and way of life. The video uses this concept to argue against the displacement of original inhabitants by migrants. It is a central theme as it reflects the importance of mutual respect in the context of migration.

💡Restoring Justice and Purity

Restoring Justice and Purity is the video's call to action for individuals to take a stand against perceived injustices and work towards a more equitable and harmonious society. It is a motivational concept that ties into the video's theme by encouraging active participation in creating a better future through the implementation of just policies and social norms.


Migration disorder is reversible with concerted efforts.

Hospitality is welcomed as long as guests conduct themselves honorably.

The goal of deep state policies is to divide people, not unite them.

Artificially imposed policies often lead to tragedies and destruction.

Natural migration resulted in reciprocal enrichment among diverse cultures.

Current migration policies create insurmountable contradictions and divisions.

Migrants' religion, culture, and traditions are often vastly different from host countries.

Enclaves of foreigners are created, leading to displacement of residents.

Reversing migration disorder requires laws to prevent non-adapting individuals from remaining.

Guests should respect the host's property; hospitality is appreciated.

The current situation involves guests displacing the host from their rightful space.

Restoring justice and purity requires firm intention and capable hands to implement it.

The forces of light cannot do the work for individuals; it requires personal effort.

The message emphasizes the importance of individual action in reversing current trends.

The transcript is a call to action for leaders to enact laws that support cultural integration.

The message was received by Marta on December 20th, 2023.



but all of migration disorder is


reversible my dear ones it only requires


concerted efforts to reverse this


process any hospitality is welcome as


long as the guest conducts themselves


honorably in the host's


home however it ceases when the guest


starts evicting the owner from their own


home to establish order in the home


greetings my dear beloved


children to conclude our discussion on


the globalist migration policy I want to


focus on one more of its


peculiarities why does the seemingly


Noble goal of relocating unfortunate and


poverty-stricken people to prosperous


countries result in disaster and


suffering for the inhabitants of these


countries it's all for the same reason


the goal of the deep state is not to


unite people but to divide them based on


National religious and social


lines divide and conquer this favored


tactic of the globalists is consistently




worldwide everything that unfolds


naturally tends to be beneficial but


anything artificially imposed often


leads to tragedies and


Destruction for example not long ago the


movement of people of different


nationalities around the world occurred


pain LLY because the initiative came


from the people themselves who wanted to


broaden their Horizons in areas of


interest to


them the outcome was a reciprocal


enrichment among individuals from


diverse cultures and traditions


fostering an exchange of experiences and


knowledge a person could readily opt to


reside in another country if they felt a


spiritual affinity and were adept at


seamlessly integrating into its cultural


and social


fabric but what is happening now has


nothing to do with this


picture the migration policy imposed by


the globalists creates insurmountable


contradictions and inevitable divisions




people because the religion culture and


traditions of migrants entering


developed countries are vastly different


from those of the host countries making


them practically incompatible and unable


to adapt between host and


migrants enclaves of foreigners are


created everywhere as a result these


enclaves rapidly expand sometimes taking


over entire neighborhoods and cities


displacing residents from their


established homes but all of this is


reversible my dear ones it only requires


effort to reverse this


process and for this it is necessary to


urgently require the leaders of your


countries to enact laws that do not


allow people who do not wish to adapt to


the realities of the countries that have


sheltered them to remain there and to


send them back to where they will live


by their Traditions culture and


religion when the guest respects the


host's property hospitality is


appreciated but it ends when the guest


starts displacing the host from their




space and this is what is happening


everywhere now and here the forces of


light cannot do your work for you


anymore for this not only your firm


intention to restore Justice and Purity


in your is necessary but also your hands


capable of implementing this intention


and I bless you for


this Loving You immeasurably father


absolute spoke with you received by


Marta on December 20th 2023

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Etiquetas relacionadas
Migration PolicyCultural IntegrationGlobalismSocial HarmonyDiversity IssuesCultural ConflictHost-Guest DynamicsReversibilityPolicy CritiqueSocietal Impact
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