The Match that got OLE the SACK…
TLDRمرحبًا جميعًا، أنا بن فوستر، الحارس المحترف للدراجات، ومرحبا بكم في مدونة اليوم، التي تتعلق بمباراة مانشستر يونايتد ضد فيكاردج رواد. في هذا الفيديو، سنتحدث عن التدريبات وتجربة اللعب مع مانشستر يونايتد، وذكر اللاعبين السابقين في النادي، وأيضاً اللاعبين الحاليين مثل كريستيانو رونالدو. سنناقش أيضًا التجربة الشخصية مع النادي، وكيف كانت التدريبات والمواقف الشخصية. وبالنهاية، سنحتفل بعد الفوز المدهش للفريق بـ 4-1 على مانشستر يونايتد، وسنطرح مكافأة عالمية تتضمن قميص الحارس المحترف ديفيد الهي وحذاء أ迪達س للزواحف.
- 😀 ت职权明 Ben Foster، الحارس النهائي للفريق المحترف للدراجات، يرحب بالجمهور في مدونة يوم المباراه الشخصية.
- 🏠 يذكر Foster أنه كان يلعب لصالح Manchester United في الماضي، لكنه لم يلعب دورًا كبير في الفريق.
- 👕 يظهر Foster مشاهدًا تظهره في مرحلة التدريبات في Man United، مما يشير إلى تجربته السابقة في النادي.
- 🛍️ يتحدث Foster عن شريك المحتوى Pouch، الذي يوفر خصومًا تلقائيًا لعمليات الشراء عبر الإنترنت.
- 🚴♂️ يظهر Foster مقر العمل لـ Cycling GK، يتضمن أجهزة الكمبيوتر والألعاب والملابس الرسمية.
- 👨👦 يناقش Foster مع زميله Josh King، الذي أيضًا كان يلعب لصالح Man United، حول تجاربهما في النادي.
- 🎥 يذكر Foster كيف كان Ollie (Ole Gunnar Solskjaer) مدربًا لهما في Man United وكيف كان يساعدهم.
- 🍽️ يظهر Foster وKing يتناولان العشاء قبل المباراة، ويناقشان أ美好ماتهم المتعلقة بـ Man United.
- 🎁 يذكر Foster أن King يلعب مع Norgay ويتابعون المباراة مع Erling Haaland، ويتحدث عن شخصيته والقدرات الرياضية.
- 📺 يذكر Foster أن他会在晚上观看《虎王》的新一季,显示了他的兴趣在足球之外。
- ⚽️ يتحدث Foster عن المباراة القادمة ضد Man United وكيف سيكون من الصعب، لكنه يشدد على المتعة واستمرار اللعب.
Q & A
ما هو الحدث الرياضي الرئيسي الذي يناقشه بن فوستر في الفيديو؟
-بن فوستر يناقش مباراة مانشستر يونايتد في ملعب فيكارج رود.
ما هو السبب الرئيسي لتعاون بن فوستر مع شركة Pouch؟
-بن فوستر يتعاون مع Pouch لأنها تساعده والمشاهدين في توفير المال من خلال العثور على أكواد الخصم تلقائيًا عند التسوق عبر الإنترنت.
ما هو النشاط الذي قام به بن فوستر بعد زيارته للمكتب؟
-بن فوستر ذهب إلى جلسة تدريبية بعد زيارته للمكتب.
من هم الأشخاص الذين قابلهم بن فوستر في مكتبه؟
-بن فوستر قابل جيمي وتوماسي في مكتبه.
ما هي المنتجات التي يعلن عنها بن فوستر عبر Pouch؟
-بن فوستر يعلن عن حذاء من موقع أديداس عبر Pouch.
ما هي الأجواء الجوية التي أشار إليها بن فوستر خلال جلسة التدريب؟
-بن فوستر أشار إلى أن الطقس كان غائمًا لكنه أمل أن يتحسن خلال جلسة التدريب.
من هو اللاعب الذي قابله بن فوستر وتحدث عن تجربتهما في مانشستر يونايتد؟
-بن فوستر قابل اللاعب النرويجي جوش وتحدثا عن تجربتهما في مانشستر يونايتد.
ما هي نصائح جوش بخصوص إيرلينغ هالاند؟
-جوش وصف إيرلينغ هالاند بأنه شخص رائع ومتواضع ويتوقع أن ينتقل إلى الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز.
ما هي انطباعات بن فوستر عن تدريبات أولي جونار سولشاير؟
-بن فوستر أشار إلى أن سولشاير كان يشارك في التدريبات ويظهر كيفية التنفيذ الصحيح، وكان دائمًا ما يسجل الأهداف بسهولة.
ما هي نتيجة المباراة بين واتفورد ومانشستر يونايتد التي ناقشها بن فوستر؟
-واتفورد فاز على مانشستر يونايتد بنتيجة 4-1.
⚽ Manchester United Matchday Vlog Introduction
Ben Foster welcomes viewers back to the matchday vlogs after the international break, expressing excitement for the Premier League match between Manchester United and Watford at Vicarage Road. He also thanks the video sponsor, Pouch, and mentions his training session planned for the afternoon.
🏢 Visit to the Cycling GK Office
Ben Foster takes viewers on a tour of the Cycling GK office, showcasing various items like computers, Bromptons, and match-worn shirts. He also briefly discusses his past with Manchester United and shows some old photos from his time there.
🛒 Saving Money with Pouch
Ben Foster explains how Pouch, a free desktop browser extension, helps save money by automatically finding and applying discount codes while shopping online. He demonstrates its use on the Adidas website, highlighting its ease of installation and compatibility with over 3000 UK websites.
🏋️♂️ Training and Pre-Match Preparations
Ben Foster shares his training routine, showing clips from the session and interactions with his teammates. He discusses the importance of staying on time and introduces a segment featuring a conversation with former Manchester United player Josh, reminiscing about their time at the club and discussing Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's impact.
🇳🇴 Erling Haaland and Norwegian Football
The discussion shifts to Norwegian football, where Josh talks about Erling Haaland's impressive abilities and his potential move to the Premier League. They also reflect on the challenges and lessons learned during their time at Manchester United, emphasizing the importance of hard work and professionalism.
🥇 Career Highlights and Personal Reflections
Josh answers a series of rapid-fire questions about his career, naming the best players he has played with and against, his favorite managers, and his career highlights. He shares personal anecdotes and reflections on the highs and lows of his football journey.
🥩 Matchday Preparations and Predictions
Ben Foster prepares for the upcoming match against Manchester United, sharing a meal with teammates and discussing their predictions for the game. They express confidence and excitement for the match, reminiscing about past encounters with Manchester United.
🚍 Arrival at the Stadium
The team arrives at Vicarage Road, and Ben Foster emphasizes the importance of a strong start and staying in the game. He highlights the team's strategy and mindset going into the match against a formidable opponent like Manchester United.
🏆 Post-Match Celebration and Giveaway
Following Watford's stunning 4-1 victory over Manchester United, Ben Foster celebrates the team's performance. He announces a giveaway of David de Gea's match-worn shirt and a pair of Adidas trainers, encouraging viewers to participate by commenting on the video. He concludes the vlog by thanking fans and hinting at a celebratory night ahead.
💡Manchester United
💡كريستيانو رونالدو
💡الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز
💡مكتب الجي كي سايكلنج
💡رعاية الفيديو
💡كود الخصم
💡فريق واتفورد
💡إرنغ هالاند
💡نادي مانشستر يونايتد السابق
Manchester United is playing against Watford at Vicarage Road.
Cristiano Ronaldo is welcomed back to the Premier League.
Ben Foster, the goalkeeper and vlogger, is excited about the match.
Pouch, a discount browser extension, is the video sponsor.
Ben Foster used to play for Manchester United.
A tour of the Cycling GK office is featured.
Match-worn shirts are shown in the office.
Pouch is described as a free browser extension that finds discount codes.
Ben Foster emphasizes the importance of being on time for training.
Ian Wright's presence and influence on the team is mentioned.
A conversation with Josh King about their time at Manchester United.
Discussion about Ole Gunnar Solskjær and his impact on the players.
Erling Haaland's eating habits and personality are discussed.
Quickfire questions with Josh King about his career.
Ben Foster's pre-match routine and breakfast.
The team's strategy discussed before the Manchester United match.
Watford's impressive 4-1 victory over Manchester United.
David de Gea's performance and the team's pressing strategy.
Giveaway of David de Gea's match-worn shirt and Adidas trainers.
manchester united at vicar ridge road
damn on the boy oh my gosh football is
hello everybody i'm ben foster the
cycling gk welcome back to the match day
vlogs the international break boom it is
gone thank god for that it is premier
league football now all the way through
till march till the next one and we've
got a big one tomorrow manchester united
at vicarage road welcoming back
cristiano ronaldo to the premier league
before we get into the vlog though just
want to say a big thank you to today's
video sponsor pouch we have worked with
pouch before they've sponsored another
one of our videos and i'm more than
happy to work with them again because
they are saving me and you guys money
it's as simple as that i'll talk about
pouch in a minute first though oh my god
look at that little beauty i've got
training this afternoon so i'm going to
pop out on earth for about 45 minutes or
so i'm going to head over to the office
see the boys i'll show you our cycling
gk office it's beautiful got some shirts
in there all that kind of stuff it's
very very cool first of all though
i can't wait for this beauty it's a
little bit cloudy i hope it clears up
this afternoon's training session
everywhere they don't
class okay man united at vicarage road i
know a lot of you will know this but i
actually used to play for my united i'm
sure there's a lot of people out there
who won't know that though it's okay i
don't blame you it's fine i didn't
exactly rip up any trees when i was out
but look at these pictures of me when i
was at man united uh
what was i thinking like
my chin is way too big to not have a
beard right come on we're at the office
let's go
right here we go cycling gk hq
all right the boys hello mate you're
right this is jamie how are you guys
tamasi yo you okay yeah all good working
hard again as usual
right have a look around the office it
is beautiful so we've got computers blah
blah blah we've got a couple bromptons
down there playstation in the corner
don't worry about the whiskey oh
look at all them shirts they're bad boys
they're all match worn shirts you know
they're lovely aren't they here we go a
little bit of cheetos some camera
equipment and this is basically what i
do when i come in the office
ah there you go beautiful nice honey
okay let me talk to you about pouch
pouch is a completely free desktop
browser extension that automatically
finds and applies the best discount
codes when you're shopping online okay
so i'm on the adidas website i found
these trainers for somebody for
christmas add them to my bag and go to
checkout and boom pouch pops up
automatically it's found me two codes
and you know what that's 27 pounds
saving 30
discount just like that why would you
not download pouch it's so easy pouch
works on over 3 000 uk websites
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money and with christmas and black
friday just around the corner do
yourself a favor download it now it is a
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by clicking the link at the top of this
video's description i need to get making
a move i do not want to be late for
training lads give me that give me that
come on the boys here we go
right here we go we're at the training
ground only just made it in time which
if i'd have been late honestly i'd have
been heartbroken i hate being late in
fact i'm always early like the earliest
for sure it's a massive rule that i live
by have a look what we got up to this
week it's been another busy week we had
the legend
ian wright no he didn't say that because
you never as a as a player
you're never going to say that to the
uncle ian wright on the first cast what
a guy it was about her honestly all
right we're going out for training have
a look beautiful
don't get any better sun's shining as
well might try and stick you in the goal
when we do a shooting session with the
lads in a minute as well goalkeeper
quiet training session nearly done lads
were on flames well done that's weather
where they go training finished it's
half past free it's already started to
get a little bit dark look
miserable we don't like this we want it
nice and bright time to go and get some
lunch come on
decent adventure look who's sitting
opposite me perfect
super moose ahsoka what a legend
right here we go obviously got
manchester united tomorrow so
two former manchester united players are
sitting here just having a nice little
conversation josh
we was at many nights together wasn't we
yeah he was
i was there for what five weeks
i think i was there for four or five
years you know we were actually in the
uh reserve squad together so when i got
bombed out the first tee
i went and joined you and who was
manager at the time
olly exactly so boom we're facing man
united obviously tomorrow olly gonna
solshar what are your memories of the
big man
no he's a his top man obviously i was
before mcguinness in the under 18
and then ollie took over i knew him
before the same agent
and obviously he's norwegian so
of course yeah i forget he's norwegian
obviously he's norwegian as well
in it yeah um and then
no he was just good with me obviously he
took me a bit under his wing because he
knew that i just moved over
and i obviously had
not that many friends yeah
and a striker as well yeah he was a
striker i remember his finishing
yeah he's very good did you ever did you
ever get to see ollie in um like a
shooting practice where he was actually
doing the shooting yeah he would always
join in no he would like
do the drill and say this is how you do
it put it top bin and then obviously you
have to follow after he was a joke
honestly right when we when when
obviously when i signed for man united
he was still playing he when we did a
shooting session or whatever it was six
aside whatever when he got the ball he
would just put it in the goal yeah
he might scuff it he might drag it he
would just find the corner it was a joke
exactly yeah never absolutely smashed it
or rushed or anything like that so
obviously man united
i'm the same as you it didn't really
work out for us at man united but what
are your lasting memories at man united
do you think it held you in good stead
going forward as a footballer oh yeah
100 obviously when when i moved over
from norway and and from united
it was just the
small things like i had to wear black
keep keep us grounded obviously when you
have your debut and you get like lots of
people following you here and there on
twitter or whatever and you can you can
fly but with surroundings ferguson was
impossible yeah
kept you grounded and
especially i also remember the hard work
especially in training sessions which i
still do today so like we had warren
joys and poor mechanism they always
their mentality was always if you work
talent comes off like yeah hard work i
think one thing i always just remember
as well when because you play for a team
like me now when you then go out on loan
to another team because did you have
many loans when you was a man everything
is smaller yeah for sure everything's
more it's like it's not a thing for you
but then you carry yourself differently
because you're there and but you know
man united are watching in the
background as well so you have to keep
being that level professional person and
it carries on for the rest of your
career doesn't it yeah it does obviously
manchester united is one of the biggest
problem in the world probably when we
were probably was the biggest yeah for
sure yeah for sure anyway you're gonna
bag against them tomorrow mate anyway
okay yeah i'm saying it now right i'm
saying it now anyway okay so obviously
you're norwegian you get to go away with
norway and see the big man erling harlan
up close and personal tell me about this
he's just a freak
so you heard it here first guy he's a
freak i've never ever seen anyone eat as
much as him seriously
what just like every nail just sitting
down chowing down
he's shredded as well though yeah he's
shredded but i don't know he's just
he's not
such a nice guy obviously some
interviews he came across life but
he's one of the nicest guys down to
earth just a kid enjoy what do you think
um what do you think he's going to go on
and do for the rest of his career do you
reckon he's going to get a move to the
i do know he loves leads
he loves leeds yeah well i don't i don't
know if that will happen but um
we'll see i would love to see him in the
pram i said that last time i seen him
yeah for sure i think if he um if he
gets a move to the prem i guarantee you
everybody is going to be dying to get
his shirt though i'm pretty sure the
norway connection is going to get it for
him right mate before we go i've got
some questions for you okay
these are quick questions okay
um best player you've ever played with
morrison or pogba oh
decent ravel morrison and paul pogba i
like it the biggest talent yeah
i like it okay best player you ever
played against
dyke yeah yeah
best manager you played under
i really enjoy running area at the
moment yeah but yeah i can't put one i
have to say eddie howe at the time and
then ranieri now i'm and i'm enjoying it
but it's still early okay nice and nice
highlight of the career
lowest moment of your career
last season
actually no like the lowest moment of my
career was when
we just said
oh no
yeah that's not nice i moved back to man
united and they don't materialize oh
that's painful right we're nearly there
mate last question
the best striker in world football right
lewandowski you heard it here first he's
going to bag against manchester united
tomorrow josh can give me that what's a
guy what a player
i'll see you all at the team hotel later
on tonight lay down here we go at the
hotel it's dindin's time let's see what
we've got
philip state's got my name all over
come on guys
we got the phillips steak we got the
broccoli a bit of chicken and veg vinnie
what are you saying
it's terrible hey it's terrible so it is
hey we go back in the bedroom i'm gonna
get my chill on quickly show you my
pudding as usual we've got a beetroot
brownie apple crumble raspberries
strawberries bitter custard underneath
and on the laptop tonight on netflix
tiger king the new series of tiger king
is on boom cannot wait have a look at
this baby i'll see you all in the
morning man united 3 p.m kick off biker
bridge road let's go
the next morning good morning everybody
it's 8 15 a.m match day manchester
united cannot wait it doesn't get much
better than i had a banging night's
sleep gonna go get myself some breakfast
in the morning just wanted to talk about
man united quickly okay obviously i used
to play for matt united but the only
players there now from when i was uh
what 10 11 years ago cristiano ronaldo
and tom heaton how mad is that massive
massive turnaround in playing staff
there's still
quite a few of the coaches and physios
and mercedes all that kind of stuff so
that's always nice when you go to a club
that you used to play for always love
bumping into those old faces because you
do actually spend a lot of time with the
physios and masseurs and all that kind
of stuff so it'd be nice to see all them
kind of guys either way though going to
be a tough one as always as i always say
it's going to be a tough one don't
matter though just got to enjoy it just
got to keep going enjoy it right let's
go get some brecco i am
starvinious this is lovely in it
for breakfast again we had them last
week we're going to do it again this
week for a good game just sat here
having breakfast with the boys say hello
lads come on the boy big will truth to
kong has just been bragging about how
good his finishing was in the last video
with toby jizzle chris md oh yeah you've
seen that make sure you check that out
if you haven't seen that yet they've all
seen it it banged he bought his a game
didn't he right come on go back to the
room we've got meat in and then we are
off ski to the stadium let's go
oh let's get another coach hello
all right coming in 20 minutes away
let's go to the boys come on big brother
give me that 20 minutes 20 minutes guys
this is the person told me i wasn't
interested in doing media 18 knots ago
trying to get his beard look at his
naughty little look at that
you're looking for your 50th clean treat
if you walk for career today
go a long way to securing a big trick
wouldn't it
oh heck yes i did not know that either
that's another step well done jeff
you've done your research haven't you
made um we need to i think what's
important for us is to stay in the game
you know so so many times lately we've
considered conceding an early goal and
it just it's such a bad start you know
you plan all week to to sort of stick to
a game plan and then a goal goes in and
it all work just goes out the window so
stay in the game as long as we can today
quality players like man united i think
you're never far away from it sort of
just clicking and ticking and and then
they're firing again so you know for me
there's probably a couple teams in this
league that you would genuinely worry
about but the other sort of 17 18 i
honestly think we can get points from
and that includes my united today
thanks for your time good luck cheers
thank you
she's bad
well done beautiful smashing jeff see
you guys see you lads well done
okay right now legs time here we've got
a couple of match day predictions we've
got mr foster jr and mr ochoa jr boyce
and jamie matchday predictions what are
we saying george three two three two
yeah anymore for any more
i don't know why okay
jay what are you saying one nil one near
is the ronaldo effect
okay we've got more fan cam we've got
logan and tennyson so that's what is the
score going to be today
three one united you can't say that
you get chucked out sitting in the
watford end
two one united who's gonna score the
we like it
oh my gosh football is absolutely
bonkers we have just beaten manchester
united 4-1 here at vicarage road the
lads were on fire from the very first
minute pressing like you wouldn't
believe david the haye is only going to
save two ismail assad penalties first
one was disallowed retook it saved it
again what a goalie he was on fire today
we've won 4-1 and honestly i am not
exaggerating when i say it could have
been about seven the lads were on fire
pressing pressing pressing didn't give
them a second rest the only goal they
scored cristiano ronaldo peeling off at
the back post putting a header back for
donny van der beek who put it away but
the lads fully fully deserved it 4-1
it's not very often you get to say that
against man united now to finish the
video i have got a world-class giveaway
for you first of all the adidas trainers
from the pouch video earlier on
somebody's going to be winning them and
i have got david de hayes match worn
shirt from today's game modeled by elise
whose shirt is it
david de hey so this is elise she is
like my little niece she's an absolute
darling it is her 10th birthday today
make sure you wish her happy birthday in
the comments down below and to win that
shirt and the adidas trainers just get
down in the comments below tell us what
you thought of our performance today
don't forget to hit that subscribe
button we are nearly at 1 million
subscribers what a day what a win the
boys were on fire i'm gonna have a few
beers see you all soon
4.8 / 5 (45 votes)