Evo Tesla can STOP Swarm
TLDRThe script is a lively commentary on the new 'Evolution Tesla' card in Clash Royale. It delves into the card's unique mechanics, area of effect, and potential synergies with specific decks like Expo. The commentators playfully analyze the card's performance against various archetypes, from Golem Beatdown to Graveyard. Their insights highlight the Evolution Tesla's strengths in defense, its ability to stun troops, and its niche viability with Expo decks. The script captures the excitement and strategic considerations surrounding this addition to the ever-evolving Clash Royale meta.
- 🎮 Evolution Tesla in the game has an area of effect that hits air units only upon activation.
- 🔋 When Evolution Tesla activates, it deals pulse damage, providing a significant bonus to those who already use Tesla in their decks.
- ♟️ A specific Tesla deck is recommended to maximize Evolution Tesla's potential, as opposed to versatile cards like Ice Spirit Evolution.
- 🛠️ Cycling the Tesla card is essential in decks featuring Evolution Tesla to effectively utilize its capabilities.
- 🤔 The player expresses uncertainty about the Tesla's effectiveness, finding it underwhelming despite its unique abilities.
- 🏰 The Evolution Tesla's ability to defend against various troop combinations, including Golem beatdowns, is tested and discussed.
- 💥 The radius and cycling speed of Evolution Tesla's effect are points of debate, with suggestions for improvements to increase its utility.
- 🎴 The interaction of Evolution Tesla with different cards and scenarios, like defending against graveyard and wall breakers, is explored.
- ⚡ The script highlights a shift in Clash Royale's gameplay dynamics due to the introduction of Evolution cards like Tesla.
- 🎉 Despite mixed feelings about the Evolution Tesla, its potential in specific decks and situations is acknowledged, though the player wishes for further balancing.
Q & A
What unique feature does the Evolution Tesla have when it pops up?
-The Evolution Tesla has an area of effect that also hits air units but only when it pops up.
Why does the speaker feel that you need to run a very specific Tesla deck for Evolution Tesla?
-The speaker believes that Evolution Tesla requires a specific deck because it can't be randomly added like the Ice Spirit Evolution; it has to be in a deck that already includes Tesla.
What does the speaker suggest could improve the Evolution Tesla's effectiveness?
-The speaker suggests that either making it one cycle or increasing the radius could improve the Evolution Tesla's effectiveness.
How does the speaker describe their experience with the Evolution Tesla against a Golem beatdown push?
-The speaker is curious to see how the Evolution Tesla performs against a Golem beatdown push, indicating uncertainty about its effectiveness in this scenario.
What is the speaker's stance on the balance of Evolutions in the game?
-The speaker implies that Evolutions are unbalanced, especially if not used with specific strategies like an Expo deck, suggesting that cycling Tesla might only make sense in that context.
What was the outcome when the Evolution Tesla was used against wall breakers?
-The Evolution Tesla successfully stopped the wall breakers completely, indicating its effectiveness in certain defensive scenarios.
How does the speaker feel about the current state of Clash Royale with the introduction of Evolutions?
-The speaker expresses dissatisfaction with the current state of Clash Royale, feeling that the game has become too focused on Evolutions.
What comparison does the speaker make to describe the Evolution Tesla's utility in specific scenarios?
-The speaker compares the Evolution Tesla to the Evo Ice Spirit, describing it as having a niche utility that isn't overwhelming but can be effective in certain scenarios.
How does the Evolution Tesla interact with air units like dragons?
-The Evolution Tesla can stun air units like dragons, enhancing its defensive capabilities against air attacks.
What does the speaker suggest about the Evolution Tesla's effectiveness against graveyard attacks?
-The speaker suggests that the Evolution Tesla is effective against graveyard attacks, as it can stop skeletons and contribute significantly to defense.
🎮 Introducing the Evolution Tesla in Clash Royale
The video discusses the new Evolution Tesla card in Clash Royale, which creates an area of effect damage when it pops up. The narrator explains how it works, its advantages, and how it interacts with other cards like Ice Spirit, Knight, and Wall Breakers. They also note that the Evolution Tesla seems best suited for decks that already include the regular Tesla card, particularly Expo decks. The narrator expresses mixed feelings about the card, finding it underwhelming in some situations but potentially useful in others.
🔥 Evaluating the Evolution Tesla's Performance
In this section, the narrator tests the Evolution Tesla against various decks, including a Golem Beatdown deck, a Log Bait deck, and a Wall Breakers deck. They observe how the card performs in different scenarios, such as defending against Goblin Barrels, Graveyard, Dragons, and Wall Breakers. The narrator notes that the Evolution Tesla can be effective in certain situations, particularly when used in combination with other cards or against specific pushes. However, they also highlight the need for adjustments like increasing the radius or allowing for more frequent pulses.
😬 Clash Royale's Evolution Conundrum
The narrator expresses concerns about the current state of Clash Royale, where Evolutions (special versions of cards) seem to dominate gameplay. They find the constant cycling of Evolution cards somewhat overwhelming and question the game's strategic depth. The Evolution Tesla's interaction with the X-Bow (Expo) deck is further explored, with the narrator noting that it can be effective against Royal Giants but also faces challenges. The video concludes with a chaotic clash between Evolution cards, leaving the narrator slightly puzzled by the game's direction.
💡Evolution Tesla
💡Expo deck
💡Beat down
💡Area of Effect
💡Wall Breakers
💡Goblin Barrel
💡Pulse Damage
Evolution Tesla has an area of effect that hits air units upon activation.
Evolution Tesla requires a specific deck strategy to be effective.
Ice Spirit Evolution is more versatile compared to Tesla Evolution.
Tesla's area of effect can be utilized strategically, but its radius might be too small.
Evolution Tesla's performance varies greatly depending on the deck it's used in.
The effectiveness of Evolution Tesla against wall breakers and bats.
Cycling to Evolution Tesla can be crucial in certain matchups.
Tesla Evolution might only fit well in decks that already use Tesla effectively.
Suggestions for improving Evolution Tesla include increasing its radius or making it cycle faster.
Evolution Tesla's unique behavior changes traditional Clash Royale strategies.
Evolution Tesla can significantly impact the game when paired with specific units like Expo.
The challenge of using Evolution Tesla in versatile strategies beyond specific decks.
Evolution Tesla's potential in defense against multiple unit types, including Golem beatdown pushes.
The role of Evolution Tesla in changing the dynamic of building cycle strategies.
The complexity and potential of Evolution Tesla in Clash Royale's evolving gameplay.
Evolution Tesla is in the game and when
it pops up it has a little area of
effect that also hits air but only when
it pops
up woo look at that it popped up the
second time too yeah what is all that
pulse damage six radius this is
basically a bonus if you already play
Tesla it's a big bonus I don't know what
I'm doing right now and I don't care I'm
just going to cycle to my Tesla I feel
like you need to run a very specific
Tesla deck if you're going to be doing
Evolution Tesla like you can't just slap
anything you can like with Ice Spirit
Evolution you can do whatever Knight is
versatile in everything Tesla has to be
a deck that already has Tesla in there
this is literally the only deck that I
have that compliments the
Tesla dude let's dis oh my goodness exp
going be so gross oh the bats with the
with the wait what happened to your
Evolution wall
breakers they got destroyed by your
I'm just going to keep cycling my my
Tesla now okay but watch this defense
here though cuz you're going to have a
knight coming in with the prince on the
left side if I drop a Tesla down like I
can't pre-plant it like you would
normally with a building goblins and I
got to use it to the left side to
utilize the shock wave but now I can't
defend the
railing the radius needs to be bigger I
I don't even want to put down my Expo
into an evil Tesla this is so
polarizing oh my okay that was not
bad oh and it just popped up again to
kill the bats so you don't want it to
pop down two cycle I think it's nice if
it you already play Expo as a main so it
either needs to go into an expo deck
okay call me crazy but they need to make
it one cycle or increase the radius like
that one time I attacked you and you can
only do it in one lane yeah that's weird
like like you normally plant your
buildings right in the middle but when
is there ever going to be like already
units in the middle but look at my
evolved Tesla just sitting on the ground
right now it's it's like okay you're
probably just going to cycle skeletons
to get to your next Evo I could just
wait here and wait for your EVO to die
and then not do anything come on Tesla
pop up once pop up once Tesla there we
go that's what I needed one pop up and
it didn't hit anything what the heck oh
dear oh
Dam oh wait bro I didn't even pop up the
second time I would only be happy if I
was an expo player I don't know how I
feel about Tesla dude I'm not saying
it's bad I'm just saying it's
come on go I actually you know what I
want to see how it does versus the beat
down P if you got a Golem coming down
with the night witch and a baby dragon
behind it if that was an evil Tesla I
think I would have defended that wait
did it stun your
piglets it does all right let's see how
this evolved Tesla does versus a Golem
beat down push that's what I want to
know can the Tesla actually defend well
enough to make it worthwhile well now
that I know you have a Golem deck I'm
going to cycle to my evil Tesla you're
going to go hog here right no no no how
dare you bomber Evolution one cycle with
the Tesla's
too right the radius needs to be bigger
this is really weird I I wouldn't
normally do a Tesla here cuz I know I
don't need to you're not oh okay never
mind well then I'm just going to cycle
back to my
pulse oh it stunned it though it sure
did ever so
that Tesla Evolution it stops you know
2% of that Golem you took a th000 damage
to your Tower from the baby dragon but
I'm going to cycle back to my Tesla at
this point cuz I don't want to deal with
your witch
Shenanigans Bo there we go and T here
this oh it kind of feels like the Evo
Ice Spirit where it's like a very Niche
like positive scenario it's not
overwhelming but it's not underwhelming
prediction I'm running hogy Q by the way
and you didn't okay I didn't use fine I
mean Tesla and hog that kind of doesn't
make sense either so fair
enough Tesla
yeah no oh love some Tower wait let's go
go did you just give me firecracker
value go go go no no no we're fine we're
fine fine and we one of these no I had
both queued up to go so even against
Golem Beatdown the Tesla is kind of like
me who runs Golem Beatdown in 2024 when
Clash ra designed this game to be double
Evolution cycle dude it's it's only good
with Expo it is literally only good with
Expo yeah or is it we have two more
decks to test out I I literally picked
five Decks that have Tesla in them which
would be hog Quake yeah uh log bait Expo
like a BRB and then I think I think I I
took a bomb Tower deck and I just put
Expo in there Tesla I don't know man
like you don't genuinely cycle buildings
for no reason so yeah it's weird I think
you shouldn't cycle Tesla and you just
if when it becomes Evo it's just an EVO
which goes to speak on how unbalanced
Evolutions are now unless you're using
Expo then like cycling Tesla actually
might that's the only time you want to
cycle Tesla that's the only time when I
played against you today that I felt
like okay I need to cycle Tesla so I can
get into my next cycle
of yeah
okay use your goblins here oh no oh wait
EV skeletons I used my Evo skeletons
those were skeletons oh my God yeah and
they were Evo too and your freaking
Tesla destroyed them all yes so like I
said earlier you can use it on offense
to like support your push that was
insane oh I mean I guess it was defense
against the EXP it's going to pop up
it's going to pop up yes yes yes so slow
oh it's stunned oh okay I think we're
fine though come on what do you got that
dude to get that rocket out of
here man my T is just you're doing
nothing now watch it this 2016 log bait
all over again against Expo like in an
emergency if I use an evil Tesla on
defense against like a graveyard or a
goblin Barrel is that worth against yeah
okay let's do that again let's test out
that interaction Tesla versus Goblin
Barrel let's go oh I should used it
earlier so if you do it a little bit
earlier I have a
H only one stab wow that's that's
actually not bad if let's say I like had
a knight down and you defended the
Knight with that you would fully defend
the goblin barrel and the knight in that
situation that would actually make sense
I feel like it still I feel like it
should pulse every like 5 Seconds
instead of only when it comes out of the
ground yeah oh I predict EV her cuz
let's go wait I think you're just
cycling your
Tesla that's just how Evolutions has
chain Clash Royale like you don't even
have to think about the the strategy
anymore you just put down Solutions if
it if it's in your starting hand where's
your wall breakers give me your next
wall breakers I'm I'm predicting it in
three two 1 I'm not playing wall
breakers this is Clash rail I was going
to put down wall breakers to be honest
oh but but then you started counting
down and I retracted it so hard we going
to go oh get the wall breakers out here
dude yes come on come on W don't do it
that's a big wall breaker too dude
that's so much damage I can go
I'm going to keep going I'm going to
keep going good we are definely that go
heed here and win absolutely not
absolutely not on Tower Dragon going in
with the archers and the graveyard the
Tesla goes in
Tesla yo it actually stopped the
graveyard oh wow and it stunned the
dragons it actually did let's do this
and oh my God through wall breakers it
stopped the wall breakers completely the
wall wall breaker didn't even touch
it a stun okay that's is
crazy come on come on come on come on
give me this give one oh that stupid
delivery dude I love the delivery now do
I play like a weenie and poison you out
no we rush with Evolution Tesla I can't
that oh dude that Tesla actually work in
defens that Tesla defended graveyard so
well okay so your dragons came in I took
out like six skeletons that was actually
crazy and then it St the dragons and
kill them faster as well it was actually
pretty pretty good value and then I send
in the wall breakers you got the Tesla
up stuns it and takes it out wow no I
guess in the center plant the wall
breakers would go towards it that's a
crazy interaction in that case the wall
it invalidates the wall breakers
completely and preserves the Tesla for
full health we didn't even see the the
stats it's got 200 more Health but it
deals the same damage okay so it's
slightly tanky on top of that so Hog's
not going to get through I mean wouldn't
get through with the pulse anyways but
still prediction evil
test what is that Tesla
doing yeah but you know you can't put
anything down right now right I can do
this see the thing is I was about to put
skeletons down to coun of your RG but
you just you dropped the Tesla a little
bit too early it was like a half second
later he would have got the skeletons
with it yeah but I have evil Tesla to
tank for my RG now yeah but I have this
and then I have ready for this ready and
boom wipes it all out let's
go you get another one what the heck
what is the state of clash RS is all
Evolutions now and what in the world is
this come on come on come on there's
much spam going on T to my screen I
don't I don't know what's going on
either I'm just I just God I really wish
I had
Evolution something right
now just an evil come on come on come on
come on yes it locko let's go baby oh
God we stun your fish boy I
genuinely don't like the state of clash
Ro right now we're going to see we stop
your RG oh oh you know what's cool too
if things lock onto the Expo when the
Tesla pops out the ground it resets it
and it retargets back to my KN yeah yeah
yep it did exactly that oh RG counters
Expo I I might have played poorly but
still the evolution Tesla on Expo is
really hard to counter wait didn't I
already bring rid oh no I'm throwing I
know you're going to play Tesla why did
I build another hog rider
deck oh the B connects let's go no and
the B connects again let's go again why
did I split why did I split wait wait
wait and we go boom
destroys oh it stuns it again wait what
it didn't get stun cuz it was in the air
it it kind of did get stunned but in the
air like half
stun Mar no value
oh did they spash that Tower right yeah
I did I should have put the Tesla higher
dumb I I can't get through with the
Tesla earthquake you need the earthquake
version yeah I do I basically played the
same hog deck but in the inferior
version knowing full well you had Tesla
I wasn't
thinking oh this was po value you got no
chance it's like a
hard oh I SN to early I goofed I done
goof yes no come on dude I'm soad yes
there's no way fine yes how did I
survive yes
yes how did the skeleton survive I hit
them all with the poison there's no way
woo I how did they survive my brain is
tingly from that interaction right now
I'm I'm ending the video
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