Rethinking MY PKM: How I Organize Everything In Obsidian
- 📋 保持简单:每个组件都有明确单一的目的,避免混淆。
- 🚀 最小化摩擦:使用模板和数据视图等自动化工具来简化工作流程。
- 🏢 接受现实:对于已有的信息管理系统,如Evernote和Notion,进行归档处理,而不是重新创建。
- 📂 不移动文件:保持文件位置固定,避免链接断裂。
- 🔍 应用LATCH原则:使用位置、字母、时间、类别和层级来组织信息,提高检索效率。
- 🔗 始终链接:确保信息通过链接相互关联,减少孤立文件。
- 📂 文件夹层级:维持一个简洁的文件夹结构,使用命名空间来组织信息。
- 🏷️ 标签使用:每个页面使用一个标签,定义页面类型并影响在X-Brain中的显示。
- 🔗 链接和本体论:使用本体论来描述文件之间的关系,并通过数据视图字段在X-Brain中可视化。
- 📝 原子节点和转包含:使用原子节点和转包含来重用信息,避免重复绘制。
- 📌 一致的节选:在笔记中创建一致的节选,如摘要和引用,便于在其他笔记中嵌入和引用。
- 📂 文件命名规则:使用一致的文件命名规则,如以特定前缀开始,包含类型、关键词和来源,方便检索。
- 🛠️ 模板和自动化:使用模板来创建新页面和文件夹,自动化某些复杂活动,提高效率。
Q & A
-LATCH原则指的是通过位置(Location)、字母顺序(Alphabet)、时间(Time)、类别(Category)和层级(Hierarchy)这五种方式来组织信息,这一原则由TED演讲的创始人Richard Warman提出。
-视频作者在每个页面上只使用一个标签,以此来定义文档的类型。标签还用于在X-Brain中定义页面的外观和感觉,例如'map of content'标签的页面会有特定的颜色和图标。
📂 组织Obsidian中的一切
📁 文件夹层次结构和同步
🏷️ 标签的使用和配置
🔗 链接的使用和ontology
📝 笔记的创建和文件命名约定
🗺️ 利用地理标签和日常笔记
🛠️ 诊断和维护
💡文件夹结构(Folder Hierarchy)
💡原子节点(Atomic Nodes)
💡数据视图(Data View)
💡时间层次结构(Time Hierarchy)
💡动态列表(Dynamic Lists)
💡诊断和维护(Diagnostics and Maintenance)
解释了如何接受并处理现有的信息管理系统(Brownfield reality)
hey everyone in today's video I'm going
to share with you how I organize
everything in obsidian this is the end
of a long journey that started almost a
year ago when I first published
rethinking my PKM one and since then
I've been releasing various videos on
the topic and now I'm ready to share how
my entire system works so in today's
video we are going to look at the six
principles of my PCM and the 14
components of my system and for each of
them each of the components I'm going to
try to give you multiple examples from
My Vault
also the drawing that I'm going to use
in today's video I'm going to include a
link in the video description to this
excalator drawing so you can open this
and you will find lots of additional
links to various videos that I've shared
and links to blog posts and other
materials so you can really dive into
the topic that interests you the most
just a quick reminder the visual
thinking Workshop cohort for is starting
this Saturday if you're interested to
learn more about visual thinking if you
want to learn from me about organizing
your information and obsidian this is an
awesome opportunity to meet with me and
to work together I'd love you to join
cohort for
so now let's dive in and let's start
with the six principles
so my first principle is to keep it
each component each of the 14 components
has a clear purpose and a single purpose
and I try to keep these separate from
one another so I don't get confused
about it
second I'm keen on minimizing friction I
use two primary tools for this templater
and data view but of course there are
some other automations as well but
automation is an important part of my
I live in the Brownfield reality and I
bet most of you also this means that
I've had previous PKM systems where I
stored information I had my file system
so I've every time I upgrade my PC I
store the previous PCS content in a
folder called archive so this is archive
in an R Hive in an R Hive in an R Hive
going back to the 1990s so there's lots
of stuff
also I use multiple tools like the brain
Evernote ROM research Etc and I've
imported materials from there but this
means that overall my volt is a mess I
try to get on top of the categories or
tags or the folders but it is really
hard with this Brownfield reality and I
decided to accept reality for what it is
fourth I'm keen on avoiding moving files
around I make this point because Thiago
forte in building a second brain
proposes a workflow where you move files
into a folder for the project and when
the project completes move your files to
somewhere else
I don't like to move files around
because then links break even in
obsidian where you get some control
around it there are some issues with
moving files around so I place the file
somewhere and I stick to that location
even if it sometimes means that things
don't end up in their correct folders
fifth I apply latch latch stands for
location alphabet time category and
hierarchy and this was coined by Richard
Warman he is the founder of TED talks
and he said that everything in the world
can be organized by these five means and
by these five means only and the way I
apply latch or the reason I apply latch
is to maximize the vase how I can find
information so I can find information
based on my calendar I can find the
information based on the physical
location if it was force some reason
memorable I can find it based on
categories and with the other methods as
well using latch and applying latch to
each pieces of information in my world
helps me maximize findability and
finally I always link now this is
something that I've not been always
deliberate on I looked at how many
orphan files I have in my Vault and I
was surprised to see that it was in the
high hundreds meaning five six hundred
orphan files and this is because often
I'm using folders in a way that they
provide a structure and often I just
simply place a document with the topic
in that file but of course that reduces
findability so recently I've decided
that I'm only going to place files in my
vol if I'm able to link it to somewhere
to My Graph so these are my principles
and then let's dive into each of the
tools I'm going to start with folders
and first of all you can see my folder
hierarchy here
it is
a relatively lean folder hierarchy so
you can see I have these are my folders
there are some folders that I would love
to get rid of but because I don't want
to move files and because of the
Brownfield reality I cannot so archive
the brain is there it has lots and lots
of files where you can see there it has
4500 files and the Thousand subfolders
so that is a big mess but also Hobbies I
would love to move on their projects but
again lots of files here lots of folders
and I just decided to leave it there it
is by the way I think of folders not as
physical storage locations but as name
spaces so let me show you what I mean by
so when I create
a new link to a file that doesn't exist
in My Vault let's imagine I'm adding a
new book to My Vault and I want to add
the author I don't just write the name
of the author for example Dan Rome but I
create the author in the people author's
namespace which simply means that I type
in and here in search we can actually
take a look at this so I type in
a link that starts with people then
slash author and then slash I continue
with the name of the author so in this
case you can see I have a number of
ghost links so ghost link means that the
actual folder for the author has not
been created so you can see here Dan
Rome or Eliezer yutkovski you can see
here a couple of Hungarian poets as well
as some other authors
by doing this then I create the file or
when I create the link to the name of
the person I can
already give it a type I know it's an
author even without creating the file
and adding a tag author to me this is
second I like folders because they help
me manage what gets synchronized with
obsidian sync so here in obsidian sync
settings you can actually
specify exclude folders so here on my
Mac I have nothing all my videos are on
my desktop PC
there I have lots of folders that are in
the exclude because for example I
exclude all the folders with the video
files and voice files because they are
large and there's no point in
synchronizing them however I keep them
in obsidian but I can ring fence that
content and not move it around with
obsidian sync
and then
I try to name YouTube Project files and
other files as well or rather folders
with a year month date naming this is
something new that I've started so I
don't really have many examples of this
but here you will see that some of the
folders that are now created recently
followed this naming convention what
this helps me with is it gives me a
chronological order for my videos
because you can see I have whole bunch
of files here and sometimes it is a bit
of a difficult
thing to find the video however I do
remember the time when I created that
and then in obsidian you can set up the
attachments folder and also the new file
so here if I come to settings under
files and links there are these
additional settings that you can create
so first of all the default location for
new notes for me is the same folder as
the current file which means that if I'm
working on a topic and I just simply
write the name of a new file not using
the namespace then that file is going to
be created in the same folder if I want
to place it somewhere else then I follow
this namespace approach and I type out
the location of the file
and second I keep my attachments under
the subfolder of the topic for me
attachments and the
notes are very closely connected and
this is why for me this makes sense so
for example here if I come to input this
is where all my inputs are for example
articles and assessments and books and
conferences films if here's for example
my book notes on deep work and you can
see here that I have my attachments
folder which includes all of my
illustrations for deep work so that's
about folders now moving on to tags I
only use one tag per page there's one
exception to this which is more a
stylistic thing and I didn't even
include it here
but you will see it in the next step
when I talk about data View and how I'm
using search so
for now
the point is I
aim to give a single tag to each
document and that will give that
document a type so for example if we
open this page and I'm going to navigate
if I open this page you can see that
this is a map of content and you can see
I have my tag map of content here and
now if I open xcoli Brain for this page
then what you will see here is based on
the tag on the page I'm going to give
this file a different look and feel in X
call your brain so all my map of
contents are with this red color and
have this icon of a map there all my
people file so you can see couple of
people here Thiago Fort and Nick Milo
are they have this person at the
beginning all my books have this book
there then I have ex College Road
drawings have this painter's palette
Etc so I use the tag for the page to
also Define the look and feel of this
page in X color brain and just to show
you how I configure this in excalib
brain so here if I come to excalibrane
settings I can scroll down here here are
all the different tags listed that I'm
using in My Vault with a special purpose
and here if I choose one of the tags so
let's look at the Moc that we looked at
a second ago you can see that I have my
prefix which is this map emoji and then
I have the background color and the text
color specified and I can see that this
is how these are going to look and for
example if I look at a person then you
can see that this is how a person node
looks like in X color brain I need to
add these Stacks here and then they
appear here in the list and finally on
tags I have this article call and on the
link that I'm going to include in the
show notes that will take you to with this drawing there
you will find this link and you can
click on this so back in the time when I
was working in the brain I had this
color scheme of how I used the different
thought types and these are actually the
equivalents of tags or the way I use
them in obsidian and I had different
color ranges so read the range were all
the media that I consumed the yellow
range was for example all the people
friends family colleagues all these
purple items were companies or legal
Etc so each color had its own purpose
and then I looked at my graph then I was
able to understand it immediately or
understand it much better
so moving on talking about links so
we're going to look back to my PKM Moc
and you will see how I'm using links
here so or the ontology so the ontology
is defined here in the front by this
data view field with double columns
after it and then I have the link the
way this is going to appear on the graph
in X color brain is here if you take a
look you will see that these tags that
are here on the left hand side appear
here as related to examples
example examples Etc author you have the
different type of relationship so I use
ontology in My Vault
and I use it to describe the
relationship between this file and the
next file to me this helps to think
about why I have that link there it
what's the purpose of the link actually
coming up with the ontology is sometimes
a challenge in ex call it brain there's
a feature that I get prompted with these
ontologies so if I type triple double
colon then this list comes up and I can
just simply type and we'll get all the
different type of ontologies I have
defined and each of these has a
definition index color brain whether
they're a parent a child or a friend so
again here in ex call it brain you can
see that these are all the fields that
our parents or children and friends I
have some
excluded ontologies of HR there for some
other technical reasons and I have also
a couple of
unregistered ones that I either still
need to register to make it explicit in
X color brain or they're just there
because over time these were created
anyway so this trigger oh and let me
just show you this so you can see here
you have the ontology suggestor is
something you can turn on and then using
these features these hot combinations
the suggestor comes up so if I only want
to see friend relationships then these
are all the type of ontologies I can
apply here that will create a lateral
Link in escalate brain for me
so the lateral link just to show you
that as well they'll look like this so
everything here the central idea is the
document I have open and everything on
the left hand side are lateral links
these are parent
links and these are children nodes so
that's the logic and I use the ontology
to specify where each item gets on my
graph linking also
includes embedding items into the
excalator storyboard so again let me
just show you how this storyboard looks
like so the document we are looking at
right now so again I'm going to open
excalibrane and now in the center you
can see that this is the file we are
looking at so this is mypkm design text
links folder ontology Moc zettel custom
Etc and you can see that all of these
items that are embedded here are also
present here so for example here I have
this calendar icon that's embedded I'm
not going to navigate to this because
that will take us off on a tangent but
you can see already that this icon is
actually used in four other places so
it's used in five places so already with
this I'm making a connection to
somewhere else where I talk about time
and calendaring
Etc but so for me when I embed an object
into my X call it raw storyboard for a
topic then that already will create a
and on the ontology we already talked
about the ontology bit so we are going
to take this topic off as well the
ontology describes the relationship
between notes and I differentiate
between parent child and lateral
connections I implemented with data view
fields and I visualize it with
excalibraine here's a video where I talk
about this in more detail
then the next important element of my
organization system is I'm trying to
work with atomic nodes and use
transclusion so for example as just I
mentioned with the calendar item and
maybe we can
we can actually navigate to that
calendar to see where else we are using
the calendar so by reusing or maybe
here's the check mark and we're going to