Melbourne’s Most NOTORIOUS Suburbs pt 1 Dandenong - Into The Hood
- 🚂 视频中提到了从墨尔本市中心乘坐火车到Dandenong,再转乘公交车去往目的地,展示了墨尔本的公共交通系统。
- 🏠 Dandenong和Doveton是墨尔本最臭名昭著的郊区,视频中讨论了这两个区域的犯罪率和社会问题。
- 📈 Dandenong的犯罪率高,视频中提到了高车辆盗窃、高暴力事件和高毒品使用率。
- 👮♂️ 视频提到了Dandenong火车站被认为是墨尔本最危险的火车站之一。
- 🏢 视频中提到了Dandenong的商店和建筑,暗示了该地区的经济状况和社会风貌。
- 🌐 视频提到了该地区的多元文化,包括印度、非洲和岛民社区,以及它们对当地社会的影响。
- 🏘️ 视频展示了Dandenong的住房情况,包括公共住房和私人住宅,以及它们之间的对比。
- 📉 视频中提到了涂鸦文化在墨尔本的衰退,以及它是如何从一种街头艺术转变为不太被看到的文化现象。
- 🎓 视频提到了Dandenong地区的教育情况,包括学校和学生群体的多样性。
- 🥊 视频还展示了当地的拳击馆,强调了体育活动在社区中的积极作用。
- 📍 视频最后提到了Dandenong和Doveton地区的夜生活和街头文化,以及它们在当地人生活中的地位。
Q & A
视频中提到了Dandenong的火车站、公交车站、以及一个名为Emma的人工作的Aboriginal Gathering Place。
视频中提到的“Little Chicago”是什么意思?
-“Little Chicago”是指Dandenong在60年代因为高犯罪率而得到的别称。
视频中提到的“Commission housing”是指什么?
-“Commission housing”是指由政府拥有和管理的公共住房,通常提供给低收入家庭。
视频中提到的“multicultural day”是指什么?
-“multicultural day”可能是指一个体现多元文化特色的社区活动或节日,但视频中没有提供具体细节。
-“CASY”可能是指与Aboriginal Gathering Place相关的一个组织或项目,但视频中没有提供更多信息。
-“Emma”是视频中提到的一个人物,她在Aboriginal Gathering Place工作,但视频未提供更多关于她的背景信息。
视频中提到的“Dandenong North”和“Doveton”是什么关系?
-视频中提到Dandenong North和Doveton是相邻的郊区,它们之间有着紧密的联系,居民彼此都很熟悉。
🚬 墨尔本的香烟与犯罪
🚉 墨尔本的交通与城市探索
🚴♂️ 丹顿的日常生活与挑战
🚓 犯罪与社区的复杂关系
🌐 社区变迁与文化冲突
🏡 住房问题与社区发展
🥊 社区活动与拳击健身
🏢 公共住房与社区安全
🍰 当地商业与社区生活
🥊 拳击训练与社区精神
💡Housing Commission
💡Youth Crime
💡Drug Use
💡Prison System
💡Aboriginal Australians
💡Community Centers
💡Boxing Gym
shooting up hey you
doing not having any cigarettes a susp
have a
cigarette hey where you
going hey how are you are you he all
from here yeah had the highest rate of
male impris in Victoria for a few years
in rad there specifically from here from
DFT local butcher chopped up it's my
sister 3175 M I'm ban I was raised in a
housing area as of Sydney City spent
most of my youth and adult life in
prison and after a total of 13 years I'm
free and I'm out and about flying around
susing out the hoods all over the world
O all everyone welcome to Melbourne
beautiful Melbourne it's the middle of
summer but it's pouring rain and it's
cold but anyway we're going into the
hood hey we're going to this place here
in Melbourne right talking to everyone
in Melbourne everyone's going to have
their opinion here and there but
consistently by far from everyone I've
asked it is Melbourne's most notorious
suburb it's a place called dandong and a
little suburb next to it dovon they go
hand inand these suburbs but it's
actually two suburbs next to each other
about an hour from here I'm walking down
to a station here of I think it's the
main station flinder Street Station in
Melbourne we're catching a train down to
dandong and then a bus and we're linking
up with one of the boys from there his
name's e he's not a rapper he's not this
he's not that he's not a social media
identity it's just one of the boys from
there that grew up there knows it inside
out Melbourne is full of hoods let's get
this straight I will end up doing five
episodes in Melbourne without a doubt
asking everyone though like I said where
should I start where should I start and
I've had people even from other hoods
people from fitro people from Frankston
which are places that I'll probably end
up going even them saying BR you should
probably go starting dandong so this is
where we're
going so apparently this place dandong
it has more people in the Victorian jail
system from dandong than any other
suburb in Melbourne that's a telling
fact in itself the southeast which is a
bad area in general some areas that are
a bit further out than doveton and stuff
like that dandong is like the meeting
point that a lot of Dramas happen a lot
of fights a lot of stuff like that which
actually has dandong train station
ranked as the most dangerous
station in all of the suburbs in
Melbourne so high crime rates uh High
car thefts High violence High drug use
but he's all expected that already he
melbour ain't no different from Sydney
man people everywhere what you doing lad
doing don't how are
you hey how are
you yo don't bro do how are
you I'm not exactly 100 oh this this
looks like Mega here look oh we at the
front of Industry station so this is
like iconic in
Melbourne we're going to board the PTV
Metro cran bur line towards cran bur
which departs in 10 minutes exit the
dong and then then from there it's a bus
to where we got to meet e oh I can see
there 7 7 121 cran bur I hope this is
like Sydney and you can just tap your
phone if I got to go to some machine and
buy us a card and specifically use the
card I'm disappointed Melbourne we'll
see now
N You full got to buy a card bro what is
1990s where do you buy tickets where do
you get tickets
from you can't use your own bank card
wow Melbourne you think you are a Mad
City he are behind so hard look I for
got to buy a ticket mate in Sydney you
just use your bank card bro anyway I'll
let is off he's better have good hoods
mate that's
yeah please thank you the 1060 for a
day oh so you have to buy a car you buy
the card first yeah CU it's not even
disposable you get for the next time you
come here we know you br you got to full
buy their card and then buy your fair I
need to go to dandong
return no wonder everyone lives in the
hood here it's so expensive like just
get red thank you thank you so much let
6 and s 6 and S all the time yeah M
you're going to be in
one so you got to full buy their card
and then buy your fairs on top of it so
if you theoretically want to go one one
stop they make you buy their car then
buy the onetop fair so they get you for
like but the C is like what 10 bucks and
then like six sorry but that's
embarrassing that's embarrassing
Melbourne any other train line in the
world including Sydney you either tap
your your bank card and you walk
straight through or you buy a disposable
piece of paper and you Chuck it in the
bin you get charged for the
paper how you doing L how are
you you is the famous enough of my
crying the famous uh Flyn the Street
oh my life has changed they cburn where
Flinders Richmond South 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 14 15 16 stops 16
stops that Train's going to Frankston
another place on the list of
hoods trains are pretty modern lad let's
H the metroad let's
all right we're getting closer now where
where the the next Stop's a stop called
westone so it's 1 2 3 4 5
6 six stops
out long out of the city now the city
City Vibe stopped about 15 minutes
ago and look just as I said it the
are noticeably poorer already
I swear that whole sub back there was
houso sand down or whatever it might not
have been they might have just been [ __ ]
houses now arriving at standing off
welcome all right here we are D on
station what is it smell what is it pet
air let's have a suu
straight away this suburb looks hammered
for the lack of a better word sorry if
you're from dandong but it looks [ __ ]
even the station all of it look at it
the shops right here the first shop Club
X like a I don't know that is Mega
bruffle or
something rubbish full poo stores poo
stores whatever they are like just
factories like right at the station you
know what I mean and we got off the main
side of the station you know usually get
off the main side of the station it's
all mad but look look at
this even the buildings back there look
Hamed in the90s us to be called SDK
hello a gang there used to be called SDK
do crew bro us to call them silly D but
yeah we grew up there did mad mad I'm
headed there
now jewelry away yeah yeah I will he
said put on my jewelry away
is this like a full Indian
suburb that was legit the most amount
look at them full going up there Indian
boutiques that was the most amount of
colorful Indian stores I've ever seen
together in
Australia by the way this isn't where
the hood is I just want to do a lap
around the station so before we go there
you get a Vibe of what their shops are
like you know what I mean what their CBD
like oh that's what that place was it's
a like a sex store what I say it was was
like a full what do I call it a super
broth it's
Wednesday 2:30
p.m. the middle of the day
Wednesday oh brother there's heaps of
buses here look how many buses here am
not going to know which one to catch
where to catch it from we'll have to go
walk through all of them I can't see any
that are 850 or 804
828 8448 978 811 812
901 oh look there's a there's a board
there either Bay
2 Bay 2 is the 850 Bay 8 is the 804 the
buses are weird bro it doesn't say the
number on the side on the back you got
to you got to have an incoming shot of
it to know what bus it is it's all good
all good
all right there's our bus 50 here we go
is it from there or is it from here it
is from this
one we're going up there mens Avenue
dandong North and dvon is there in
Dong's East so we're doing the North and
then the
all right I'm getting off of this next
stop man let's
go there's Lads in a park on a on a road
bike here
look hey what doing lad hey
doing car
yeah let's so is that where the lads
hang out this is so this is this is like
all they look like the susus lads I'll
show you all faces wrapped up all
youngers bro this is where I grew up is
it right my mom still lives here oh man
this is all Housing Commission here is
it yeah so like I'll show you the houses
these are all old people s but what show
show what the all the houses look the
same they this on different angles are
they yeah they all three bedroom
concrete no airon oh no way yeah yeah
and there's like this are little
crackers that do their own um like
Renovations and yeah yeah yeah what you
Lads n crising around through the
H say
hi yeah yeah mad we're flying around a
road bike through the through the park
lad how are how are you doing nice you
you too by this Lads everywhere here
yeah they always kick it on is it the
norm yeah it is all right sweet there's
so many Lads here 30 years like that the
corner no
way thank you there's a lot of Islanders
around here I've noticed Islanders in
yeah the Africans are starting coming
but main mainly
come this the crew from
here I'm good I'm
good what's your name SP
what's up what's going
3175 M
mad yeah got stabbed here you got
stabbed here yeah white but see these
they still got on these cameras here
brand new and they put the link straight
up to the police station what is this
this is a
hle out but like all the boys we used to
drink at the back and then like you know
one day me the and me and little p out
stab me oh no way yeah but a nor
up knife crime a
norm week I in high school no way three
a week yeah easily all the boys like
used to AR robberies and that with them
and just you know
the house I was telling about lad done
his own um renovation oh did he that's
how's in he made it like that made with
all the um got 10 high Bas penil that's
mad bro you work with what you got why
is there a Lamborghini down
here not the number anyway we're walking
through the house first thing I see is a
Lambo because this mine don't put it on
camera they all this started probably 35
years ago um
all those people at oh yeah yeah
um gu probably one of the first BL to
hang around here Y and um just just go
on from there oh that's
itad from in from here big Johnson he
killed he started the PS prisoners of
War they
thew yeah it's all like a in that and
then you got Robie Marshall one of the
boys he murdered someone in in down I'll
take you that today y and he he started
gfam which is more
Islanders my mom's join oh yeah see how
the houses they as we Mo up here this is
where they've been knocked down in the
new man's built yes so the lad from here
I started that crew yeah yeah so uh p p
before that was I think
chopper from Chopper and pentri really
in the 90s yeah and then started P
PWS then he got out how old was that
when he got 14 got out that's when he
they got down for a murder
and then he um end up he was locked up
with car end up knocking him so so and
he's from here yeah from here four
houses the street I lived on another
house live four houses from me oh dead
set my brother went to school with his
brother so safe to say he's like the
most notorious lad from AR
probably m d big JY
anyway where we going the second part
DFT he's also from there as well oh yeah
so D look exactly like all these the
commission yeah many many years ago duon
dong North never got along and then one
guy moved to duon from down North he was
a peacekeeper and then all of a sudden
py then all of a sudden um everyone
started getting along from D then you
know oh really too big the suburbs are
sort of join together now the he's used
to punch on in that yeah against each
other but yeah
few yeah they all they all like this are
this's one he just painted it up nice
you walk in that's a bedroom landro
they're all the same I could take you
from my mom and then there's two
bedrooms in a toilet and that's
it you got mold on your wall oh really
yeah as a kid us used to get like mold
growing on the walls little like in the
land for the air the government are
taking these back locking them down and
putting two two units oh are they on
yeah they put in um two instead of one
and then giveing two families obviously
somewhere to live you know yeah yeah
yeah that makes sense
doing what's your
name is this a drug area I want a drug
addicts come back yeah
yeah every morning
7:3 open
yeah what down waiting for the B to open
they nice so the hzo here they mixed in
well with private mix like is it like
two for one
I want have a sus of these house
that's the first time
I that was sick welcome to the hood
spinoffs yes
brother surely all the Ang guys are
going to start rocking up now all the
coppers slow they come slowly boys start
jumping on the
road back in the day used to get one cop
away Oh that's oh so this place isn't
flooded with
coppers got but not
here that's
animal yeah that's an animal
still smoking it's going to be suon nuts
episode suuts in
dandom oh they sold this one privately
yeah so the government selling them off
so what people done back in the days
only were 50 Grand my mom moved in paid
off on C link y yep yep yep so what
they'll do on that smart people like
European people that pay off on C link
now they were 600,000 wow yeah
yeah oh yeah
time I like how you said the the smart
Lads the European
Lads yeah what is going on there that's
that's a kindergarten yeah and he you
reckon he said you they shoot
up you said that don't
go hey the [ __ ] you
doing you doing man get out of there
[ __ ] keep the got it bro
he's going to get his head kick feel
ready all right let's go let's go I Reon
not having a cigarette it's a sus spot
to have a
cigarette down in the corner of the
fence yeah that's mad that people
actually there's some people actually
love them they turn them into something
I tried to R my mind so she just oh
yeah see those th those two people back
there yeah is that normal yeah that's
just standard stand so the the fact that
you just seen two people crouching
think and I can tell by the way he's
reacted that it's not except ha
it yeah yeah no that's good cuz there's
a lot of areas that people just don't
even notice it yeah as a kid right hero
I up there people are da in the shops in
there all the time just kick him kick
him in the head [ __ ] that like it's just
disgusting and then you see like I bring
my kids to my mom's I don't want to say
that [ __ ] yeah yeah of course drug
addicts around here AR like them what do
you think they're still using heroin is
that still a
thing those were heroin for sure heroin
for sure yeah because in most places
like I'm an I don't do that I don't KN
down in kindergarten yeah yeah yeah tra
toil you know yeah weather
on so look both of these houses both
government houses Polar Opposites
probably own but he would own that okay
he would own it yeah
on the yeah like 35 years ago just old
people and then um The Originals moved
in theoriginal and then um then the the
fs come after the Aboriginal Islanders Y
and then the Sudan come after the
Islanders and that's just lately the
sudanes and now it's pretty much back to
the old people and back to
the oh yeah so remember when is fresh
off the B fobs yeah
yeah that for
the Islanders around here specifically
orlander I'm Island I
know we always kick it AO oh yeah lot
lot of helicopters landed here once for
[ __ ] OH police helicopters what did
Caleb do that time the helicopter
come the cow jacking we tried to you and
him they couldn't drive manual to car
somebody from that car park to here well
that supposed to get B oh no way men oh
gotard yeah oh weapon stash there then I
put these cameras
up yeah then they took the railings off
on the roof over there did they like us
were going on the roof with 3 EGS oh
were you yeah oh so you can't climb up
now no we have all the ways to get up so
we can get up there over there over
there oh you still got to
cover yeah oh I just get a ladder
right there's like a little box you can
just climb up get on it and then get off
yeah yeah so that's what we do pretty
much oh that's mad and who do you egg
bses cars oh buses yeah just randoms
yeah let's
go oh he's getting chased lad one of the
lads come pass one too many times on the
bike Anie were
there it looks like they chased him for
two seconds and gave up but all right
let Blitz notice once you get out of the
street all these houses stop so this
street here on men Avenue it's the hot
spot of North
North back in the day I was like young
it was called Lind Z Lind like when I
got locked up from Dy wear D was so big
men oh men's [ __ ] you know got that
stigma y y
y the Hood's full L the Hood's full
people everywhere bro but surprising all
of that one One Cop Car showed up put on
a 3se second Chase and then just fought
now the lad just stashed the bike in the
in the house down there in the
bush so you're mate with the the boys HP
boys from Vick's from HP oh yeah y yep
he's the one that made all the songs
about oh yeah yeah so but um yeah I met
the boys through VI yeah yeah yeah hey
boys are rappers from Melbourne from
around here they leave Hampton parkon
Park next suburb next suburb yeah
yeah hey how are you do my husband's a
big fan yeah mad hey how are you
mik hey don't don't so yeah you know the
dove turn it's a higher concentration of
Housing and stuff only oh it's only
housing I said the only ones you see is
Lads that brought it and then renovated
yeah other than that it's just
gra was massive back in the day yeah bro
like even when I was 188 9 it was still
huge you know but coming up like 10 12
11 a lot of the big um the graphers you
know the train train yards here in Dandy
the jump defense paint panels in that
few the big graph CL like KSA FMC
they're all from Dandy yeah he had the
boys from Noble Park 3174 boys but now
he's the graph as well oh yeah cuz graph
in Melbourne in general is a big thing
yeah so the really some really big ones
from they all went into like f rappers
and stuff way but when I was going up I
should do the be and stuff like that
yeah but it's really di man you don't
really see it much unless you're like on
the freeway or something
yeah I say what the whole culture of
graphing has is like died out died out
Melbourne wide or just here Melbourne
wide oh Melbourne wide because it was
always known for that like it was even
from Sydney you know like all the
graphic is in Melbourne I like you know
that's where it originated this that
yeah yeah I was on the way from the
freeway on the way here you see the
freway that's about it yeah it's a high
school yeah one of the high school I
to oh yeah you went here yeah yeah table
tennis like a prison yard I didn't know
that was a school sport table tennis I
just remember them Junes were working up
they the shops before you know when we
there and they L it oh were they yeah I
just thinking
about oh we're just rolling the
cigarette biggest throw off a in the
park in the corner SED down squatted
down junky Precision no I'm just
smoking me and my dog having a
f he
his hey was saying before just when I
turn the camera off what you saying bro
like down here there could be heaps
africane people African Sudanese people
more get into daning on bro so they'll
be everywhere you know around the pubs
and [ __ ] like that massive groups of
them massive groups of 10 15 and they
always like always looking to punch on
in that always drinking
yeah this like like the big ass building
on the corner full of junkies oh really
yeah do they chase you sometimes
y money that's men where we just B
before this is all junky she always
chases me abuses me and stuff so I do it
back oh the same the same bloke no a
girl oh a girl yeah you probably threw
eggs at her that's why remember she
remembered we were the biggest children
Court in um Australia oh really like
five stories high Corrections is M
where's that in in town biggest
children's caught in Australia youth
crime was massive growing up man like
youth was that yeah um robberies and
stuff like that the boys broke out of um
the the juvie
here curly and that they broke out of um
they they snapped a CD and turned into a
shank and grabbed one of their guards
took his car and they robbed every Sero
from the CD all the way back to Dandy no
way yeah one of them went on the run for
3 days he got done at the train station
so full hostage escaped full hostage
escaped it's on the news and you can
look it up the boys are from Dandy
yeah what got you a
b hold hold the bottle from Sydney
you're from Sydney oh mad mad what's
this fijan drink fijan rum oh
beautiful nice nice oh good I'm sure
that that's probably going to go on the
commercial for that
brand very Multicultural day yeah very
multi you got Indians Africans uhu all
differental Africans yeah uh uh Dany
South all albanians is in the whole area
there's not one house there that I know
no way albanians yeah so my boy
that'sand my best brother he Al oh he
yeah so yeah there's heaps of these
types of this is all this area all
this story two
bedroom and then when I always used to
go out from his houses there used to be
all needles drugs did they yeah where
abouts at this place over here on the
corner when you keep going straight yeah
know like when you keep going all the
way straight on the
corner and once while I Wasing around
yeah and then this junky came out with
super engineer stabbed me he stabbed you
nearly oh I nearly stabbed you yeah yeah
yeah far out this Street's hammered
yeah this is like another B bad bad part
of D yeah yeah the whole stet he
the share accommodations over
there yeah so what is it like a Shar
like a sort of like a refuge thing no
it's like when you get out oh when you
get out yeah they put so it's like a
halfway house sort of thing and and they
have um like social workers and that in
there oh no no not like that not so
proper living yeah yeah gets checked up
on through sure's on the r this all
camera never ceras oh this is now they
see who comes you guys
yeah get in yeah yeah yeah well so a few
oh yeah says men only so men here yeah
so um so people were getting released
got nowhere to go they come here stuff
like that yeah that's all through you
yeah all it's full secured up it's like
whole corridors yeah plenty of bedrooms
they all share the same bathroom yeah oh
they all share the same
bathroom prison it's like a yeah like a
little minimum
security well and then to put all this
he a [ __ ] would have been going on
everyone would have been using
drugs here oh yeah get run through yeah
oh they start deing out run through stop
ping cameras up yeah
yeah I can tell we're a lot closer into
the town now right because all the all
the houses yeah what's that a
taro T yeah cuz all the house all the
houses are like heat more dense yeah
yeah like I said very Multicultural
brother you have every in high school
you had every different nationality
class yeah she that that's mad it starts
dramas too that multiculturalism too has
started some suburbs it does some
suburbs it doesn't what a few like this
race that like serbs in Albans don't get
along from d in dandy like they wouldn't
get along but if you someone else tried
to come along but everyone gets along
you know used to be yeah but there's a
few different nation that never got
yeah oh yeah got Sor nobody got
a it's made out a writing I wanted to
see the
smoke thick ass writing paper
like notebook paper yeah tea bags
inside how you doing your Nick Nick good
to meet
you hey are you
do there's hes of like up areas in mour
yeah like in the whole Melbourne cuz
even like deciding where to go there was
like a list of 10 places and they were
all as nearly as credible as each other
you know what I mean yeah 100% like you
asked someone and said no but you got to
go there or it's here it's there it's
there it's like how many places so you
got the next sub which is Noble Park
full of Sudan that's only sud then you
got Springville which is all just Asians
you know they're all as bad as each
other you know what I mean and then on
the other side you got
like West Sunshine's on the West Side
Sunshine's pretty
bad like fotay and South they got the um
Fitzroy the big buildings all in one
building oh yeah the Collingwood ones
and the rich all like
civilized yeah yeah even like this area
here but like if you go further out so
like HP and then you can do newer areas
a bit more CH KN with all all the
younger people moving out there from
here yeah but he's pretty bad yeah it's
a lot like I said 10 years ago but you
like I wouldn't I I couldn't say looking
through be right yeah I wouldn't trust
boys buto you know what I mean maybe
when I was 16 17 like I not even here I
would come through here I used to get
off the train station before really you
couldn't get off it Danny I'd give off
come here man give me your that's I was
a little
skinny that a lot of them got
deported a lot of them got deped yeah
yeah do more than a year they get deped
yeah yeah same story in
Sydney yeah the whole uh Christmas
good man oh my Miss from Al spr she
wants to ask when you're doing the Vlog
B I'm going soon bro when I get back
from oh nice yeah like four weeks oh
sweet at
in you smell Weir bad yeah yeah it
smells like yandi strong ass full
yandi do the locals spin out saying this
or is this
like a bit too much but if I was walking
through Sydney like this to be like what
the f going
on [ __ ] 80 deep back in the day don't
15 or yeah young Lads but bit old to be
walking this is where all the jum back
is it yeah what do you mean they stay
here like at the front of shops yeah oh
yeah do don't
lad is that 50 50 one of them is it one
of them then yeah they come out a bit
crossy out of nowhere hey what's this
man huh oh yeah yeah yeah where are you
that's gross this is the hood Bottle
Shop I Hadlock plastic to the top and
you get bar wire oh no way
yeah yeah H Hood Bottle
Shop this the children's c yeah that's
the children's been yeah it's massive
used to be across the road up top with
the did yeah I the up there from the
police station the holding sou oh it's
all here here and what's that over there
the church oh Church yeah yeah so that's
the cour and the
next around the corner RSL on the left
and across the road was like um houses
for return soldiers oh yeah yeah then it
eventually turned into um government
housing on the other side yeah on the
other side so and then it was had little
fences and thing but it's gotten that
bad but they've put big fence is is that
where that big wooden fence is there
yeah yeah goes around but we'll walk in
there so I started off as return
soldiers housing and then just got
switched to housing Swit to housing yeah
and this was the old main shopping
center or still Dong's main one this is
the main one oh this is the main one
yeah we're coming into into D
now we coming coming in there
now you notic a big change what's going
hereo got his
own right bro China
India there all shoes on fire on his
roof yeah he lights them on fire he
lights them on fire Chucks them up there
and like you said before from here on
it's nearly all D yeah so as soon as we
get past this bridge d uh Dustin
surrender Bridge it's can only from
freeway across the
creek I said there Lads
here IO Lads are waiting for us down
there yeah runs the boxing gym here in D
his whole lot oh yeah
yeah he just here when African boy
swim this is d d but that's the so this
the Border here from Dandy to
fishing that's
yeah oh this they're women that's three
women isn't it it
is welcome to
D he brother how are you welcome to
D it was good no
alcohol rain
to you you run the boxing gym the boxing
club up here oh yeah mad that was Danel
yeah it's mad haes of lads haes of lads
with us yeah yeah went to men yeah went
to men's yeah men like D yep D's
probably a little bit bigger Alo me is
like the small version up in the north
just it's just D oh that's that's just
Dan you know yeah yeah yeah D suburb
yeah but same
housing these two communities all know
each other know we got relatives in both
suburbs a bit of a connection mhm D's a
full commission tab yeah full commission
yeah it's about I think there about
10,000 people living here y you go joins
on here surrounded got this Creek and
then the freeway you see when we get up
here yeah he was saying before the boys
didn't get along back in the days yeah
the boys no one
no yeah
on there's a lot of gangs around here
back in the day yeah that's
around uh correction hours mhm through
there they do their hours there it's
always in the top three in statistics is
it for cl yeah wow had the highest rate
of male imprison in Victoria for a few
years in a row there specifically from
here from D wow it's always D ding on
You Frank and PS yeah Reservoir raw
yeah like that very similar yeah D and
Dan to be always in the top three yeah
it's not
we got a big Cy community in DUS always
have M there's a couple of Youth clubs
and stuff we probably walk past up here
yeah say a lot of C is many Islanders
and Africans like in dandong or H yeah
Africans in d y it's very mixed here
this was originally like in the ' 50s
when I built it uh Irish Scottish and
English immigrants yeah so we had a
workingclass suburb of
immigrants and then uh once the
factories all started closing then it
sort of started to turn into [ __ ] so the
factories were near here all holding all
the holding that was made just just next
to the gym oh Dead Set were they they
used to make the trucks uh Bak be ones
that was a big industry so everyone here
was employed had jobs there yeah they
call this place Little Chicago in the
60s Little Chicago of the crime rate
yeah no way quite
rough this is the better part of D yeah
but it's still all housing here right
yeah whole sub was % 100% wow I said a
lot of but then a lot of people early
days my grandparents rought their house
off the Commission in the 60s yeah
that's what he was saying you end up a
lot of people end up buying them yeah
yeah you pay them off he pay them off
but the government rates
takes does this place have a train
station or is it dandong Dand yeah it
used to have one jmh y like where the
factories were yep it's like a ghost
station JM H General Motors Holden CU
had a same station oh wow when did when
did they shut down the 60s you said hey
n h for maybe in the 80s 9s HS went
right up in hos teenager I think make
fake [ __ ] yeah
yeah this place is it's called
Aboriginal Gathering Place Aboriginal
Gathering Place youth it's a yeah they
do really good things there's a lot of
you know there 100 odd kids go to the
local school here people around the
students and couple of the teachers or
something oh yeah yeah is Right telling
about the Gathering Place Emma could
probably speak about it hey how are you
you're good Emma span nice to meet you
hey you too what do you do there uh so I
used to work there the people up there
actually work now Reginal Community
Center yeah yeah there's B Court there's
Community gardening oh that's that's
sick all that stuff yeah that's mine so
yeah it's pretty Co he's all hang there
yeah free feed free feeds oh yeah
M yeah hectic they're all from there
too oh they waiting for me
hey how you
nothing what's what's going on here why
so many people is this a spot eh do
shops Place L Lyon Lyon Place yeah man
let's go through here
there's thousands of people
here with all of us at the Gathering
Place yeah they' be
mad we're going to get a photo group
photo in front of the community
center so you know a bit about this
place this is called the um the casy
original Gathering Place so it's where a
lot of mob come down um safe space
programs yeah um yeah just Fades
absolutely 100% mad yeah
well the house is a hammmer here that's
the norm yeah they get worse as we go up
do they yeah yeah this is the nicer room
yeah how's it changed from you for you
bro like in the past 20 years for the
better it's just normal to us it's just
normal eh like it's getting older
obviously the houses are starting to
fall apart there's a lot of development
going on that a lot of the old families
have moved away but they still
congregate here we got a couple of a big
soccer club here mhm play in the state
League one oh really yeah so which is
big for the small town y you got two
footy clubs here which which are
quite big foot clubs yeah but danong has
the soccer team Dong's got a couple it's
got Dan on which is National Premier
League the Albanian team and they've got
Andy City just up the road is a catian
team which is in second yeah D's in the
one it's a tiny Club but the big footy
Club down the other end as
well like AFL 48
yeah goes right back through over there
yeah right
around this is just the Main Street
yeah so here in like Dustin and other
Commissioners they released pedophiles
and [ __ ] so one of the biggest ever
pedophiles in Victoria Mr Baldi he lived
on this road we here Mr Mr B used to
grab the kids and shave their heads and
leave him at the shops down here where
we were going and he lived on this road
Fair income this primary school here had
a priest that's mentioned in a movie
that was a pedophile in the '90s for
years yeah I heard I heard one of the
young Lads behind us saying like all the
pedophile priests were put here or
something put here they put here bro
they put him in poor area so if you win
better they don't get HT you know like
not we're not saying they're here now
he's saying this is historically back in
the9 I know back in 80s yeah yeah right
back from the 60s yeah so I knew some I
know couple of girls man they were
abused by a guy with they seeing that
grandmother around here I was very big
uh remember when I was a kid my dad
would say like if anyone talks you run
like any car you know just run that's
how bad it was around here and and and
even where I was before men's in like
really pedop yeah well and this so this
place here
specifically was this school here this
school this private school had a priest
that was here in the '90s
he's working here and got done and it
was yeah big big thing and it's
mentioned in a movie about uh priesthood
pedophiles Hollywood no way and so this
was people are shaving their head off
what's the prop B that's pretty much all
I heard houses are
they oh they bulldozed these old house
everything yeah everyone
know really so it was like back in the
days a full a full danger in these
danger at night time anyone stop
R and is it the same thing here like a
place where prisoners get released into
this community too prisoners single
mothers single mothers yeah
sing show you a brand
new oh it's Flash oh it's like a prison
yeah oh no way I thought you were going
to say it was really nice we We
R what it is I to tell
us oh Fair
income the local
doctor oh that's where that's where
that's where the the maggot
was and well while he was there did did
people know or is this the thing
everyone learned later later he got yeah
end went on for years for
years the
shops get him at the
no this is the m shops
cus circus called Autumn Place Autumn
Place about 3:00 do they
3:00 that's the best pie of join huh
this where you get your haircuts
eh he said he comes all the way here cuz
you do the best haircuts brother always
thank you by the way
good oh thank you so much we watch you
all the time thank
thanks that's an animal L SL here the
old oh are they
hey he's saying the the government they
put like what this they're saying their
housing yeah what type that what type
but he's saying like have a sus of them
and I'll spin you out bro they're
like it's like the back of um SE cells
when you're in jail it's like a Sero
unit and like that's the back like
that's your little yard but have a go
them the government
building look at the security on them
lad just got built that that was a block
of about 20 Bungalow yeah 20 Bungalows
smash them up they bu
see how like the ones where we started
yeah they're all the same sh yeah yeah
yeah so they're the rig Digi ones
right how long you been out now lad um
like 3 months 3 months yeah well I'm
staying in like Crisis accommodation at
the moment oh yeah yeah I was doing
really good before I went in and then
you know yeah I got to start again kind
of thing is a right yeah yeah yeah so
you on on you got it on parole got on B
I don't like taking any of that [ __ ] no
more but I've done that once or twice I
don't like taking the ccos or nothing
yeah yeah I'd rather do the time bro
without anything oh so you got out free
now yeah all right man well where did
they have you in prison is it close to
here I did medium security this time for
the first time um that Raven Hall what's
it called raven Hall Raven That's in
Raven Hall the subb yeah it was all
right it was good it was easy time
compared to Max like I always do you
know yeah I've done po flip everything y
y is B I don't know any Victorian prison
is that the most notorious one oh so
that's like your version of Goldin yeah
P Philip and then there's b p phip and
B B more gentleman gentleman jail got
smaller units and then you got the
supermax there they don't wear green
they wear like a pinky sh all right yeah
and it's just like they get 24hour
lockdown 1 hour yard time and they got
no Sal
like slot and like five six years
there that's where KY Williams got
knocked in there oh yeah in that yeah
soy drifting up
here bling M3 up there
drifting yo and what Paul Phillips the
other maxo yeah that's like where they
start and is the Reception Center Roman
Center Roman Center yeah and the map
like the Melbourne assist
that's where you start off you normally
map is the reception then you get cled
and you if you had map for long you Su
normally more thanw so they don't know
what so they they're deciding what to do
with you so something's R off yeah yeah
he di my M sister got murdered here oh
your M's sister got murdered
here chopped up yeah the butcher The
Shop the local local butcher chopped up
it's my sister I follow her
from he's in like a motel there you can
rent the room for like 45 minutes useful
one of those here I chased it down here
and then got it
here all right we're going down here um
this is where his his boxing gym is
where a few of the lads that were with
us this is where they train with him
hello yeah
that's a going
off what are you do boxing come on 40 oh
you do 40 yeah mad
this dud it's active this is they're all
competitive yeah yeah this is not a
fitness center this is proper boxing
yeah oh the yeah Manan Champion hey you
just won aali you just won Australian
title yeah I did good Stu thank you very
much mad mad how long you been boxing I
just started 2 years ago in two years
you've done that yeah wow right how long
you been box in here oh two years ago oh
so in 2 years you got him
in natural how old are you me I just
turned 18 He let's go bro what's your
name brother good St what's up Barber
Shop you got your own barers so where is
he brother they got their own barers
here so if you come here and do boxing
fre secret Barber store
coming up coming up for the secret
Barber store these are all getting
mad how you going hey doing bro how are
You videos yeah you the
bar hey how are
you he
yeah hey what's your name how are you
y for
it's he thank you thank
you thank you thank you thank you lad
lad and that's see right that's um
that's Dandy and
D see bras heapes of lads yeah bro the
streets were fo bro that's dong and dvon
lad Southeast Melbourne
let's Hood TOs and night into the hood
night L let H this how every into the
hood should
finish they just want him to R they
jumped out the
car they jumped out the car come up with
the cameras just say TN just play R just
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