The Adventures of Paddington Bear - The Great Escape | Classic Cartoons for Kids HD
TLDRالنص يحكي قصة مثيرة حول حيوان小熊 Paddington小熊، الذي يبدأ حياة جديدة بعد مغادرته من بيرو وسافرها إلى إنجلترا وحده.小熊小熊 يلتقي布朗一家人 ويُعدهم بمنزلهم، ويبدأ في تعاملاتهم الحياتية الجديدة.小熊小熊 يُعد دائمًا لديه نظرة فريدة من نوعها على الأمور، ويبدو أنه ينظر إلى كل شيء كأنها جديدة.小熊小熊 يحاول أن يكون دائمًا لطيفًا ورفيقًا ولكنه يقع في مشاكل عالقة بنفس الطريقة.小熊小熊 يواجه العديد من المواقف المثيرة خلال الأحداث، بما في ذلك مواجهة مشاكل الجوار مع الشخص الغير م太好 Mr. Curry، ومحاولة小熊小熊 التعامل معها بطريقة عقلانية.小熊小熊 يظهر أنه يمكن أن يؤثر بسلاسة على الأحداث ويُعد بمثابة مثال لروح الamicability والأخوية في المجتمع.
- 🌍 **Paddington小熊离开秘鲁,独自前往英格兰,开始了新生活。
- 🏠 **他遇到了Brown一家,他们带他回家,成为了他的新家人。
- 🔍 **Paddington具有独特的视角,对一切事物都充满好奇,看待事物如同全新的一样。
- 🤝 **他友好且有礼貌,总是尽力做正确的事情,但也会陷入困境。
- 🚪 **Mr. Curry是一位挑战者,他试图逃避支付修理窗户的费用,但最终被揭露。
- 🐻 **Paddington无意中卷入了Mr. Curry的困境,但最终帮助解决了问题。
- 🎭 **两个逃犯试图冒充Mr. Curry的远亲,但最终被识破并逮捕。
- 📜 **一张旧地图引发了关于边界的争议,但最终揭示了Mr. Curry祖父的贪婪。
- 🔧 **Paddington采取行动,决定自己移动围栏,以停止争端。
- 👮♂️ **Mr. Jones作为律师介入,帮助解决围栏争议。
- 🍰 **最终,Brown一家和Mr. Curry决定放下争议,和睦相处,强调邻里和谐的重要性。
Q & A
كيف تغير حياة بيندينغ بعد مغادرته البيرو وسافره إلى إنجلترا وحده؟
-بعد مغادرة البيرو وسافرها إلى إنجلترا وحده، تغيرت حياة بيندينغ بشكل كبير. تعرفت على عائلة براون وأخذواarlom إلى المنزلهم، مما أدى إلى بدء حياة جديدة له في ويندسور.
ماذا حدث عندما حاول الشخص الناجم من السجن الفرار من الشرطة؟
-عندما حاول الشخص الناجم من السجن الفرار من الشرطة، تمكن بيندينغ من المساعدة في القبض عليهم واستعادة الأشياء الملؤمة. وحصل على المكافأة من قبل الشرطة.
لماذا تعتقد الشخص الناجم من السجن أن بيندينغ هو السبب في مواجهةهم؟
-الشخص الناجم يعتقد أن بيندينغ هو السبب في مواجهةهم لأنهم يعتقدون أنه هو من سمح لهم بالدخول إلى البيت وتسبب في الفوضى.
ماذا تحاول مريم كوري من بيندينغ عندما يحاول ال隠蔽؟
-تحاول مريم كوري من بيندينغ ال隠蔽 عندما يحاول تلقي الбил. وتشير إلى أنه يحاول ال隠蔽 لأنه يتجنب الbil.
لماذا يعتقد مريم كوري أن الجدار بين حظائرهما في الحديقة يقع في المكان الخطأ؟
-يعتقد مريم كوري أن الجدار بين حظائرهما يقع في المكان الخطأ لأن الخريطة التي وجدتها تشير إلى أن الجدار يقع أربعة أقدام داخل حظيرة他家, وهو يريد الأخذ بالأجر على هذا المساحة.
ماذا تحاول مريم كوري من القيام به في حديقة البراون؟
-تحاول مريم كوري السيطرة على المساحة الأربعة أقدام من حديقة البراون التي تعتقد أنها تقع ضمن حظيرةها، وتحاول قطاع زهور الورد المحبوبة وأخذ الأثاث الخارجي من الحديقة.
ماذا تحاول مريم كوري من القيام به إذا لم ي同意 البراون على دفع الأجر؟
-إذا لم ي同意 البراون على دفع الأجر، تحاول مريم كوري السيطرة على المساحة الأربعة أقدام من الحديقة واستخدامها.
ماذا تحاول مريم كوري من القيام به بعد أن تغير الحدود الفعلية للحديقة؟
-بعد تغير الحدود الفعلية للحديقة، تحاول مريم كوري السيطرة على المساحة الأربعة أقدام الجديدة واستخدامها، وتريد أن تحصل على مفاتيح سيارة البراون.
لماذا يحاول البراون التحدث إلى مريم كوري حول الحدود الفعلية للحديقة؟
-يحاول البراون التحدث إلى مريم كوري حول الحدود الفعلية للحديقة لأنه يريد التوصل إلى حل سلمي للمشكلة، بغض النظر عن الخريطة الغير صحيحة.
ماذا تحاول مريم كوري من القيام به بعد أن تغير الحدود الفعلية للحديقة؟
-بعد تغير الحدود الفعلية للحديقة، تحاول مريم كوري السيطرة على المساحة الجديدة واستخدامها، وتريد السيطرة على مفاتيح سيارة البراون.
ماذا تحاول مريم كوري من القيام به بعد أن تغير البراون الحدود الفعلية للحديقة؟
-بعد أن تغير البراون الحدود الفعلية للحديقة، تحاول مريم كوري السيطرة على المساحة الجديدة واستخدامها، وتريد السيطرة على مفاتيح سيارة البراون.
😀 新生活的开始
😄 逃避追捕的逃犯
😲 外星人的误会
😠 邻里纠纷
😌 和解与庆祝
💡العدالة الاجتماعية
A character named Paddington sails to England alone and begins a new life with the Browns.
Paddington's unique point of view and his approach to life as if everything is brand new.
Paddington's polite and friendly nature, despite getting into sticky situations.
Mr. Curry, a character who is confronted by the builder for a broken window.
The humorous situation where Mr. Curry hides from the builder's bill and involves others.
Paddington's attempt to help, which inadvertently leads to a series of comedic events.
The introduction of two escaped prisoners who are mistaken for Mr. Curry's distant cousins.
Paddington's clever intervention that leads to the capture of the escaped prisoners.
The recovery of stolen goods and the reward given to Paddington by Mr. Brown.
Mr. Curry's realization that Paddington has been beneficial, despite his initial hostility.
Mr. Gruber's fascination with the possibility of aliens and his book 'The World and Its Wonders'.
A humorous misunderstanding involving a science fiction convention mistaken for an alien encounter.
Paddington's attempt to resolve the boundary dispute between Mr. Brown and Mr. Curry.
The discovery that Mr. Curry's grandfather had encroached on the Brown's property.
Mr. Curry's unexpected change of heart and decision to be good neighbors rather than fight over the property.
The resolution of the conflict and the celebration that follows, emphasizing the importance of neighborly relations.
left peru and sailed to england alone
there he met the browns and they took
him home
now a new life has begun his windsor
and always finds a way to land on his
has his very own unique point of view
looks at everything as if it's brand new
he is friendly and polite and he tries
to do things right
but he gets in sticky messes just the
he's curious and speaks his mind but
trouble's never far behind
mr curry it's challenge the builder
abroad the bill
i know you're in there mr cooley i can
hear you shuffling about
excuse me
do you have mr curry's home i brought
the bill for mending his broken window
then i expect mr curry's hiding he does
that when he hears the word bill well
we'll see about that i'll have some
friends pay him a call they'll soon
winkle him out
he's gone
very lucky won't be back
he said he was sending some friends over
to winkle you out mr curry
wrinkle me out
look here there i need help
stay here and if anyone strange calls
say i'm away
but i can't do that oh yes you can after
all who broke the window in the first
place you did mr curry when you slammed
the front door the other day
and why did i slam the door
because you got marmalade on my knocker
so make sure you don't let anyone in
while i'm gone
let's pull in there and hide
that must be the builder's friends
it works we're diving the sled but
they'll be looking for us now
hello um i'm paddington mr curry's
neighbor um he's not here right now and
uh the house is empty boyfriend
it's perfect
perfectly bad luck you mean
we're mr
curry's distant cousins
how nice do come in
this is the sitting room
you sit down and make yourselves
comfortable i'll go make some tea
do you say comfortable mustn't look a
gift horse in the mouth
oh i'm sorry here let me help you
i've never seen such jump if you
remember mr curry keeps all his best
furniture locked away in the cellar
along with his valuables
of course yeah we've forgotten i'll go
make the tea now
if we could get rid of that bear
we could clean out this house in a jiffy
excuse me
we were wondering if you'd run down to
the shops for us but we'd go ourselves
but we don't want to miss cousin murray
murray don't you mean curry
oh of course
silly me
if you'll take this i'll find some paper
and make a list
oh that's hot
here let me help you
then perhaps i'll go down to the shops
now what did you want
barnes it is
these two men escaped from jail just a
few hours ago
the commissioners offering a big reward
for their arrest
call us if you see them someone's been
having a bad day haven't they
after we sell all this stuff
we should have enough cash to retire
just as long as we put enough miles
between us and that bear
oh no they must have got tired of
hold up i forgot to close the back doors
it's all right
i'll do it
we thought we might take a little trip
around london while we wait
i love drips what a good thing i got
back in time
what a coincidence mr curry has a
candlestick just like this
oh dear
i think i'm in trouble again
we want to go back to jail
it's those escaped prisoners hurry
arrest us we won't try to escape
just get us away from that bear
i'm willing to bet the bear got rid of
that builder and his friends
what's happened to my chair
that bear must have let them in
they've destroyed the place
my valuables
i've been wrinkled they've taken
wait till i get my hands on that bear
there you are
i've been robbed of all my valuables
and it's all your fault here wait a
minute sir if it wasn't for this young
bear we wouldn't have nabbed to escape
prisoners and recovered your stolen
indeed you should be thanking him i have
no hesitation in handing over the reward
to you mr paddington brown
we did it bear
we caught those criminals but mr curry a
brilliant idea well seeing you are both
responsible for the capture we'll give
you half each
thank you very much ah mr jones just the
man i was looking for
yeah this should cover the repair bill
everything's settled not quite mr curry
you still have to take your valuables
how am i going to do that maybe mr
jones's friends can help you
fine but this is all your fault bear and
i won't forget it
one of the best things about traveling
with mr gruber collecting stories for
his book the world and its wonders is
staying in hotels
and one of the best things about hotels
is being able to watch television in bed
this pod
i've never seen anything like it before
out of this world
that's because it was left by the
mothership of an alien race from alpha
it was horrible horrible it is
alien flying sources they're coming
together to take us away in their palms
and then the aliens carried the poor
people away in a space pod it's no
wonder you had nightmares mr brown but
don't forget it was only a movie don't
you believe in aliens mr gruber it would
make a very good chapter for your book
if we saw a real one many people claim
to have experienced close encounters
with aliens
but such stories are usually more fancy
than fact what
mr grouper over there a flying saucer
over there
oh it's gone
it must have dematerialized like they
did in the movie perhaps you shouldn't
watch any more late night movies until
we reach our next destination mr brown
if there's one flying saucer about there
are probably others bigger ones full of
i was right after all i must tell mr
mr gruber mr gruber mr brown what is it
you look like you've seen a ghost not a
ghost mr gruber something even worse
real aliens
have you been watching television again
i saw them with my own eyes come on we
must be on the lookout for more
i think the receptionist is getting
curious mr brown how long do you plan to
wait here as long as it takes mr gruber
i brought extra film and we should be
careful to stay out of sight
oh yeah
you can't deny what you see with your
own eyes i'm afraid i can't see anything
without my glasses mr brown
where are they
they're gone
come on mr brown
i'm sure there's a rational explanation
for what you think you saw
but i think you should understand once
and for all that there is no such thing
as aliens
scientific data repudiates any evidence
of extraterrestrial life
how do you do
they've abducted mr gruber
can i help you sir
i want to report an alien abduction
buried troll sir would there be anything
else anything else i should have thought
being abducted by aliens was quite
mrs byrd is right if you want something
done do it yourself hold on mr gruber
wherever you are astounding mr brown was
seeing aliens
what floor
you don't sound like aliens
we're not we're here for the science
fiction convention at the conference
center it's so far out that you fell for
our costumes long life and prosperity
it's no wonder mr brown is confused i
think i'd better find him before he
jumps to any more wrong conclusions
we gotta refill this space pod with
three giveaways and get it back to the
convention as fast as possible
the aliens must be planning to transport
mr gruber back to alpha centauri in that
space pod
i don't have much
time room service
we didn't know how to room service
don't worry mr gruber i'll soon have you
out of there
it's all right mr gruber i won't let the
aliens scramble your brains
mr brown hold on
hang on mr gruber we're under alien
aliens everywhere
you ain't beg that space pod
i'm not letting you take mr gruber
set phasers on stun
no power
and these aliens want to rule the
they're getting ready to leave
but i'll save you mr gruber
great costume man what an awesome start
to the science fiction convention
there you are mr brown
now do you understand
contact has been established with the
alien forces mr gruber wish mrs bird
long life and prosperity and tell her
not to wait up i'll be back home as soon
as they let me down
now that's 51 52 53 feet 54 55 56
62 63 60
what are you up to there
i was just doing some measuring mr curry
i found this in a corner of the attic
it's a map of the browns and your garden
a survey map eh yes i measured the
browns garden at 64 feet across but the
map says it should only be 60 feet
i see
i knew it i knew it
oh hello mr curry this survey map
confirms my long-held suspicion that the
dividing fence is in the wrong place
it's been put four feet inside my
property for which i shall now be
charging 200 pounds a month rent but
hold on
it's always been like that ever since
your grandfather built it ah yes grandpa
curry a kind of a more generous man you
couldn't hope to meet 200 pounds a month
for a bit of old garden ah there's this
tool a pro-rated compound interest bill
over the years of unlawful appropriation
of property totaling 92 465 pounds and
12 pence i could only have the 12 pence
mr brown mr curry why don't you go home
that's your attitude is it
well we'll see about that
right that's four feet since mr brown
won't pay me rent i shall be occupying
my rightful territory
um mr brown mr curry's doing something
in your garden
he's playing a silly little game
paddington just ignore him i'll try but
he's rather hard to ignore
especially when he's about to cut down
your prized rose bushes
private property you can't cut my roses
and why not they're on my side
those are my garden chairs where did you
get them from the two shed of course
which is also on my side
oh and i got the lawn furniture from the
now since only half of it is on my
property i'll allow you to park the car
here but i'll need a set of keys that
does it curry i'm getting my solicitor
by all means waste your money on
thanks to that bear i've got all the
proof i need
i wish i'd never found that map help me
out i think it's time i saw mr gruber he
might know what to do
i don't understand
why would mr curry's grandfather build
the fence four feet onto his own
property mr curry did say his
grandfather was a generous man
excuse me
i couldn't help overhearing but i
delivered milk to windsor gardens when i
was a lad
you clumsy boy look you've made a
terrible mess you either clean this up
or i'll expect free milk and cream for a
oh my old man curry was neither kind nor
generous and if he had anything to do
with building a fence i suggest you go
to the town hall and look at the
official survey
ah windsor gardens i used to play there
when i was a girl a lovely street except
there was one house with a most
disagreeable man
a mr curry i believe
some things never change
ah that's it may i have a copy of this
please why of course dear
he's gone too far this time
barbed wire cutting my roses stealing my
tools he even wants my car keys
oh i'm sorry mr brown mr curry i'm mr
jones mr brown solicitor i'll have to
ask you to suspend work no no he's not
mr curry he's paddington and he's
what are you doing well i decided the
only way to stop all the fighting was
for me to move the fence once and for
excellent survey mr
paddington oh thank you that's exactly
where the fence should be but that's on
mr carrie's side yes i thought that odd
too but i triple checked all my
measurements and where did this map come
from i got it from the town hall you
all these years mr curry has actually
had four feet of our garden
his grandfather must have changed the
map you found in the attic to take some
of our land
this calls for a little celebration
stop that incessant racket i can't hear
myself think mr curry you're just in
time for cake
what's going on you've moved my barbed
wire just what are you up to get off my
property shoe shoe
your property
i'm afraid that according to the
official survey map this is our property
well what about this map yes what about
this map it doesn't seem to match the
official town map perhaps your
grandfather made some modifications
impossible a kinder mod oh generous man
yes yes especially to
himself look mr curry
why don't we just leave the fence where
it is and forget this matt nonsense ever
happened you mean though this is your
property you won't be charging me rent
it's more important to be good neighbors
than it is to fight
curious and speaks his mind
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