The Adventures of Paddington Bear - The Loch Ness Monster | Classic Cartoons for Kids HD
TLDRالنص يحكي بإيقاع ممتع عن حيات بيرنadroading في إنجلترا بعد مغادرته من بيرو. يلتقي بعائلة براون وتبدأ حياة جديدة معهم في ويندسور. يظهر النص كيف يتعامل البيرون مع المشاكل بذكاء وروحية مبتكرة، وكيف ينمو في المجتمع بطريقة تبعث على الإعجاب. يتضمن النص العديد من الأحداث الترفيهية مثل حفل ميلاد لشخص يدعى كوري، ومحاولة تصوير مخلوط لخائن لوك نيس، وأحداث مشوقة في المكتب. ي訴ر النص بطريقة ممتعة قصة البيرون وكيف يؤثر على حياة الأشخاص حوله بإيجابية، مما يجعل الأحداث أكثر جاذبية ومثيرة للاهتمام.
- 🎉 **Paddington小熊独自离开秘鲁,来到英格兰,开始了新生活。**
- 🏡 **他遇到了Brown一家,他们接纳了他,现在他在温莎花园32号安家。**
- 🤔 **Paddington面对问题时从不放弃,总能找到解决办法。**
- 👀 **他对一切充满好奇,看待事物总是像看全新的一样。**
- 🙏 **他友好且有礼貌,总是尽力做正确的事情。**
- 😅 **尽管如此,他还是会陷入困境,麻烦似乎总是紧随其后。**
- 🎂 **Mr. Curry从未有过一个像样的生日派对,直到Paddington和Brown一家为他举办了一个。**
- 🎉 **Mr. Curry的生日派对意外地让他变得快乐,甚至他的母亲也出席了。**
- 📸 **在寻找尼斯湖水怪的冒险中,Paddington意外地成为了焦点,尽管最后发现只是一个假的怪物。**
- 📚 **Henry Brown因为工作繁忙而疲惫不堪,Paddington帮助他准备上班。**
- 💼 **Mr. Brown忘记了重要的收购投标文件,Paddington作为“可靠”的快递员去送文件。**
- 🤗 **Paddington在办公室的一系列误会和混乱中,无意中帮助了Mr. Brown完成了工作。**
Q & A
كيف تغيرت حياة بيديننغتون بعد السفر إلى إنجلترا؟
-حياة بيديننغتون تغيرت بعد السفر إلى إنجلترا بشكل كبير، حيث قابل布朗 عائلة وأخذوه إلى منزلهم، وبدأ حياة جديدة في ويندسور.
ماذا تعني العبارة 'عندما يظهر مشكلة، فإنه لا يفوتها، و 항상 يجد طريقة للوصول إلى قدميه؟'
-هذا يعني أنه يتعامل بذكاء وشجاعة مع المواقف الصعبة ويجد دائمًا حلًا لتجاوزها.
لماذا لم يكن لمر كوري حفل ميلاد قبل؟
-لم يكن لمر كوري حفل ميلاد قبل لأنه كان يشعر أنه كان سيء الخلق، ولم يكن أحد يهتم بتنظيم حفل ميلاد له.
ما هي الفكرة الرئيسية وراء تنظيم حفل ميلاد لمر كوري؟
-الفكرة الرئيسية هي تغيير نظرة الناس عما كوري ومحاولة إحداث تغيير في شخصيته من خلال تعزيز الروح الneighborly والودية.
ماذا حدث في الحدث الذي يحاول فيه مكسويد أن يحصل على صورة لوحش لوك نيس؟
-تم خداعه مكسويد بصورة كاذبة من وحش لوك نيس، ولم يتمكن من الحصول على صورة حقيقية للوحش.
ما هي الوظيفة التي يحاول أن يقوم بها هنري براون؟
-هنري براون يحاول إعداد وتقديم عرض حول مقترح ال兼併 (الاستحواذ) لشركة لصالح شركته.
ماذا فعل بيديننغتون لمساعدة هنري براون في الصباح؟
-بيديننغتون ساعد هنري براون في التحضير للعمل، وحاول أن يساعده في الوصول إلى مكان العمل في الوقت المحدد.
لماذا كانت الرسالة الإلكترونية لـ مير براون مهمة؟
-الرسالة الإلكترونية كانت مهمة لأنها تحتوي على مقترح ال兼併، الذي كان ينتظره المدير والعملاء لبدء المفاوضات.
كيف تعامل الشخصيات في النص مع الأخطاء والمشاكل؟
-الشخصيات في النص تتعامل مع الأخطاء والمشاكل بروح التسامح والمساعدة، وهم يحاولون دائمًا إيجاد حلول و不应该放弃.
ما هي الرسالة الأساسية في النص؟
-الرسالة الأساسية هي قيمة الود والتعاون واحترام الآخرين، وأن الأخطاء يمكن التغلب عليها بالعمل الجماعي والإيجابية.
كيف يظهر النص أهمية الصبر والاستمرار في محاولة النجاح؟
-النص يظهر أهمية الصبر والاستمرار من خلال محاولات مكسويد في الحصول على صورة لوحش لوك نيس، ومحاولات هنري براون في النجاح في العمل.
ما هي الأحداث الرئيسية التي حدثت في النص؟
-الأحداث الرئيسية هي السفر لبيديننغتون إلى إنجلترا، تبنيه البراونز، تنظيم حفل ميلاد لمر كوري، محاولة مكسويد في التقاط صورة وحش لوك نيس، ومحاولة هنري براون في إعداد عرض استحواذ.
🎉 Paddington Organizes a Surprise Birthday Party 🎉
The first paragraph introduces Paddington, a bear from Peru who has moved to England and is living with the Browns. He is depicted as a friendly and curious character who often finds himself in unusual situations. The main event of this paragraph is Paddington's decision to organize a surprise birthday party for Mr. Curry, a neighbor who has never had a birthday party before. Paddington's kind gesture is a testament to his character, and it sets the stage for a heartwarming celebration.
🎈 The Unexpected Guest and the Catch Nessie Contest 🎈
In the second paragraph, the narrative shifts to a birthday party that Paddington did not expect to attend, as well as a humorous anecdote about Mr. Curry's past. The story then transitions to an event called the 'third annual Catch Nessie contest,' where participants aim to capture a photograph of the Loch Ness Monster. The paragraph is filled with whimsical elements, including a discussion about the existence of the monster and the various antics of the characters as they attempt to win the contest.
🐉 The Loch Ness Monster Antics and a Fake Encounter 🐉
The third paragraph continues the adventure surrounding the Loch Ness Monster. It details the characters' ongoing efforts to capture a genuine photograph of the creature, amidst a series of comical mishaps and false sightings. The narrative highlights the determination and inventiveness of the characters, especially when dealing with the challenges and obstacles they encounter in their quest for the elusive Nessie.
🏢 Paddington's Misadventure as a Courier 🏢
In the fourth paragraph, Paddington, in his attempt to help Mr. Brown, ends up in a series of mix-ups at an office building. Mr. Brown, who is preoccupied with a takeover bid for his corporation, forgets an important document at home. Paddington, mistaken for a courier, is tasked with delivering the document to Mr. Brown's office. The paragraph is filled with humor as Paddington's good intentions lead to unexpected office chaos.
🖨️ Paddington's Office Escapades and the Resolution 🖨️
The final paragraph sees Paddington enjoying his time in the office, where he inadvertently creates more confusion but ultimately helps Mr. Brown with the takeover bid. The narrative concludes with Paddington being recognized for his reliability and the humorous suggestion that his image on the proposal will convey seriousness to the clients. The paragraph ends on a light-hearted note, showcasing Paddington's positive impact despite the chaos he inadvertently causes.
💡Birthday Party
💡Sticky Messes
💡Marmalade Sandwich
💡Loch Ness Monster
💡Takeover Bid
Paddington, a bear from Peru, sails to England alone and is taken in by the Browns, starting a new life in Windsor.
Paddington's unique perspective allows him to view everything as if it's brand new, despite getting into sticky situations.
Mr. Curry, initially portrayed as mean, is shown to have a softer side when the Browns and Paddington plan a surprise birthday party for him.
Paddington's kindness is evident when he helps Mr. Curry with leaves and goes shopping for Mrs. Bird.
A humorous moment occurs when Paddington and the Browns consider not having candles on Mr. Curry's cake to avoid setting the house on fire.
The community comes together to celebrate Mr. Curry's birthday, showcasing the theme of neighborliness.
Paddington's innocence is shown when he believes everyone Mr. Curry has ever known should be invited to the party.
Mr. Curry's past is hinted at, mentioning a job offer to join a circus, adding depth to his character.
The Browns and Paddington engage in a light-hearted attempt to capture the Loch Ness Monster, adding an adventurous element to the story.
Paddington's optimism and resilience are highlighted when he encourages Mr. Brown to try again after a failed attempt to photograph the Loch Ness Monster.
A creative contest to photograph the Loch Ness Monster brings out the competitive spirit in the characters, with humorous results.
Paddington accidentally becomes part of a fake Loch Ness Monster prank, showcasing his unintentional knack for chaos.
Mr. Brown's work stress is alleviated by Paddington's innocent interference, providing a moment of comic relief.
Paddington's good intentions lead to a chaotic office scene, highlighting the contrast between his world and the corporate environment.
The importance of reliability is emphasized when Paddington is entrusted with delivering Mr. Brown's important takeover bid.
Paddington's misunderstanding of the office environment leads to a series of comedic events, showcasing his adaptability and good nature.
The story concludes with Paddington's actions resulting in a positive outcome, reinforcing the theme of kindness and community.
left peru and sailed to england alone
there he met the browns and they took
him home
now a new life has begun his windsor
when a problem appears he never misses a
and always finds a way to land on his
has his very own unique point of view
looks at everything as if it's brand new
he is friendly and polite and he tries
to do things right
but he gets in sticky messes just the
he's curious and speaks his mind but
trouble's never far behind
blasted leaves
good afternoon mr curry and where have
you been there
i've been helping mr gruber with a
birthday party he gave for one of his
oldest neighbors mrs pommel birthday
lot of nonsense oh no mr curry we played
games and there was a big cake with over
60 candles and lots of sandwiches but no
marmalade ones i'm afraid in case mrs
pummel got sticky
nobody ever gave me a birthday party but
i think i know how to get one
let me give you a hand pardon mr curry
what did you say
that's what being neighborly is all
about besides i finished doing mine
yesterday this is very nice of you mr
you're finished already paddington mr
curry help me mrs bird
we'll do the shopping mrs b you go and
have a nice cup of tea and put your feet
up mrs b
well i never
i could carry some of those mr k if you
don't mind bear
i'm not as young as i used to be
in fact
my birthday is coming up in two days is
it really mr curry yes
i expect you'll be having a party then
no bear
i've never had a proper birthday party
never in your whole life
a party for mr curry i've heard
everything now he's never had one
because he's so mean
he helped me rake the leaves today i
went shopping for mrs bird that he did
really perhaps he's reformed leave it to
me everyone bears are good at arranging
i wonder how old mr curry is
perhaps we better not have any candles
in case we set fire to the house
who's bothering me at this hour i'll
give them a piece of my mind
hello paddington
come in
let me get you a marmalade sandwich
thank you mr curry
here you are paddington
oh dear i nearly dropped this photograph
of you mr curry that's not me that's my
mother you have a mother
of course i've got a mother everyone has
a mother mrs bird always says you can't
have had one
mr curry i have a nice surprise for you
the browns and i are going to give you a
birthday party
now there's a coincidence it just so
happens i keep a little list of things
games food decorations
just in case
anyone who's ever kind enough to take
pity on me
it seems a very long list mr curry
especially for someone who's never ever
had a party
yes the party's the day after tomorrow
at number 32 windsor gardens
thank you goodbye
well i've invited everyone now even mrs
curry's coming what a nice surprise
it'll be for mr curry his mother at his
birthday party i didn't even know curry
had a mother
what took you so long bear we've got to
get a move on birthday party shopping to
if you ask me it's a good job mr curry
is the bear we'd have two birthdays a
i've never met this mr curry i had there
would be cake
when paddington said he'd invited
everyone i didn't think he meant
he's coming quiet everyone
oh thank you you're all too kind too
kind maybe you were right paddington
maybe this party will make a new
and better man of mr curry
they wanted me to join a circus when i
was a lad
to pick up after the elephants
1965 or was it 1966 no i think it was 65
the year of the big snowstorm snow up to
your armpits snow snow what a storm snow
i never
and i've never had a single dance lesson
at least mr curry's having a good time
no one told me this was your birthday
party which is hardly surprising because
it's not your birthday
you've been up to your old tricks again
fooling all these nice people i'm
ashamed of you reginald but come along
i can explain
what do you want bear is your mother
come down
i brought these for you but it's not my
perhaps you could be like me and this
could be your second birthday what a
good idea and thank you very much it was
a lovely party yes it was
i'd like to welcome you all to the third
annual catch nessie contest
thank goodness we got here in time mr
gruber our past uh exploits have not
exactly been successful
i hope this year one of you will receive
the prize for the winning photograph
good luck to all
a photograph of the loch ness monster
would make a wonderful addition to your
book the world and its wonders
perhaps we could train it to look at the
camera and say geez i wouldn't hold out
too much hope mr brown i like many other
people do not believe that nessie even
exists so
an unbeliever in our midst well i'll
bring you proof mcswiddle's the name and
i'll get you a clear shot of that
it's time you got busy mr brown good
and good luck to you too mr max swiddle
i'll have luck all right
you have to make your own luck in this
the loch ness monster
oh it's perfect
that bear got my picture
he'll win the contest for sure
it seems as though we may have a winner
that photograph is a thing
and i have proof
i found this tucked away behind some
oh dear
that's not our monster
do you mean i was tricked i wonder which
one of us pulls such an underhanded
i declared this entry null and void
let the contest continue perhaps you
will have better luck tomorrow mr brown
so don't be disheartened i'm not mr
gruber aunt lucy taught me that if at
first you don't succeed try try again
i'm sure the loch ness monster won't be
able to resist some extra chunky
can't see i've ever seen a better
looking monster
hey stop come here stop
the fish like it so it's only a matter
of time for word to get round vanessa to
come looking for some
oh look
not so fast there nessie
i've got a bite
oh no
i've caught the loch ness monster
oh no
i've deflated missy it's another fake
i should have used this from the start
nothing can ruin my plans this day
thank you for joining me mr gruber you
keep your eyes open for nessie mr brown
and i'll watch for the person
responsible for all these fakes mr
grouper look over there it's going very
fast hold on mr brown don't lose her
i saw it it went over there
much swell
you are a genius
this way
it's changing course mr gruber
my remote control is ruined
and i didn't even have a chance to get a
i mean
oh uh how did this get here
night's coming straight at us i've got
you this time
mr brown oh no
i'll never get a picture of you if you
don't slow down
i thought sea serpents lived under water
who would have thought
i hope i got a good picture
mr mcswiddle i have to say that i am
extremely disappointed everybody wait i
think we may have won the prize mr
gruber mr brown thank goodness you're
all right i'm afraid i have some bad
news for you you see
your nessie was another fake
i was riding a fake sea monster yes
those pictures are clearly of the fake
this one isn't
that's not my monster i can assure you
and it seems to have a strange lump on
its back
that's not a lump it's one of my jars
do you think it really is the loch ness
monster mr brown i'm not sure mr gruber
but whatever it is it suddenly took a
fancy to my marmalade
this is brown this is bird come quickly
i think we've had burglars
i'm afraid it's henry the poor dear he
had to stay up all night working on some
important papers therefore a takeover
bid his corporation is trying to buy
another large company
well he's not going to be doing much
taking over of anything if he doesn't
hurry up and get to work paddington go
and see what's keeping him he'll be late
mr brown mrs brown asked me to see
what's keeping you
mr brown
are you in there
you're getting your pajamas all wet
oh good i can tell mrs brown you're
awake now
thank you for helping henry get ready
for work paddington
he's a little out of sorts today
that's one way of putting it
i'm not sure i understand what a
takeover bid is mr brown but i hope you
have a good one
i shall be glad when it's over
paddington my boss has been driving me
crazy for weeks now
it's all in here and today's the day
ah that must be the taxi
i'll get you an umbrella
goodbye mr brown have a nice day
mr brown's forgotten his envelope
well i'll just telephone his office to
tell him i'm bringing it it shouldn't be
too difficult
this isn't happening to me
i can't believe i left it at home
mr brown you have a message and the
chair no time for that now stephanie i
forgot to bring in the takeover bid the
chairman is in your office
brown what's all this about you leaving
the takeover bid at home this is a
growth potential day brown this deal
will net 70 the first quarter with
sub-linear forecasts for the next half
no sir humphrey i mean yes sir humphrey
i mean our clients will be coming in at
11 o'clock so i expect the presentation
on my desk by a quarter two at the
latest don't worry to humphrey
you see it's being delivered here by my
personal courier i have this courier is
who's very reliable it'll be safe in his
i mean
i've got some important papers for mr
brown third floor suite 319 mailroom
it's very busy here at the moment please
send someone down to help with the mail
that was fast i have to give this to mr
brown deliver it to him personally mate
along with all the other male alright
and hurry back after you're done i'll
find something else for you to do
mr brown must be very important to get
everyone's mail
well this place isn't very busy not
can i help you mr brown i'm waiting for
a courier
well he's not really a courier he's
actually a bear and he went up to the
mail room about 10 minutes ago
here's the morning mail and mr brown's
takeover bid
oh you must be the reliable courier mr
brown was talking about
i don't think mr brown's ever called me
that before i shall have to thank him
mr brown yes i sent him up to the mail
how was i to know that bear's not an
it's for you
you've got it she's got it
and then
mr brown's office
yes sir humphrey you'll be able to find
mr brown in the mail room
hello i'm back
these machines look interesting i wonder
what they do
i wonder if it does faces too
i can make some for the browns and on
hello service
i need ten collated copies of this and
i'll get onto it right away
who would have thought working in an
office could be so much fun
why isn't anyone ever where they are
supposed to be
a job well done if you ask me there you
there you are there you are where's my
takeover bid where's my takeover bid
what take over bid this takeover bid
i've just finished making the copies
and who are you i'm paddington brown
and thank you for saying i'm reliable mr
well i
can't disagree with that
when our client sees this young bear's
face on our proposal he'll know we mean
business after all they do make toys and
teddy bears but tell me how ever did you
get the idea well you see sir humphrey
it's well it's um
it's a long story
curious and speaks is
4.8 / 5 (30 votes)

A Visit To The Hospital/Paddington Takes To The Road/The Last Dance

The Adventures of Paddington Bear (1999 UK VHS)

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